Test a controller with distinct body and querystring params - ruby-on-rails

I'd like to test with RSpec a controller receiving this kind of request:
curl -X POST \
--data "{\"same_key\": \"value_in_body\"}" \
--header "same_key: value_in_header" \
same_key in the body
same_key in the header
same_key in the querystring
and where:
request.request_parameters["same_key"]: "value_in_body"
request.headers["same_key"]: "value_in_header"
request.query_parameters["same_key"]: "value_in_querystring"
I wrote this test:
RSpec.describe ArticlesController, type: :controller do
describe '#create' do
it 'creates an article' do
post :post,
as: :json,
params: { same_key: 'value_in_body' },
headers: { same_key: 'value_in_header' }
expect(response).to have_http_status(:created)
So far, it would be good for the body param and the header param.
But how should we do to also send the querystring param?

If you really need this kind of scenario, you have to use the Rails URI pattern instead of only specifying action name in the post statement,
post '/documents/create_new_doc', params: {same_key: 'value_in_body'}
Note: Get the exact URI pattern from rake routes

You actually can't have both request.query_parameters and request.request_parameters at the same time from either post or get functions in RSpec Controller tests or Request tests. This other Stack Overflow answer explains that RSpec only ever sets one or the other: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36715875/2479282
The solution (posed by that other answer) is to use IntegrationTests instead, a'la:
class CollectionsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
test 'foo' do
post collections_path, { collection: { name: 'New Collection' } },
{ "QUERY_STRING" => "api_key=my_api_key" }
# this proves that the parameters are recognized separately in the controller
# (you can test this in you controller as well as here in the test):
puts request.POST.inspect
# => {"collection"=>{"name"=>"New Collection"}}
puts request.GET.inspect
# => {"api_key"=>"my_api_key"}


Is it safe to modify classes for example using "class_eval" (Ruby) in the tests suite?

In other words: It there a chance for a class modification (on tests) to affect production code?
(This code example is using Rspec for testing in a Rails app)
My controller example
In this controller ExternalModel is created. Then it's "inscription" method is called and the results are assigned to a variable. It uses the result for other actions on the controller method.
class ExampleController < ApplicationController
def callback_page
external_model = ExternalModel.new(argument)
result = external_model.inscription
render_error_json && return unless result['error_desc'].eql? 'OK'
TransactionModel.create(token: result['token'])
My Spec example
In the spec I modify ExternalModel so it returns what I want when calling the .inscription method:
ExternalModel.class_eval {
def inscription(_fake_arguments)
'error_desc' => 'OK',
'token' => '1234'
This is the entire spec:
RSpec.describe 'Example management', type: :request do
context 'callback_page' do
it 'creates a transaction' do
ExternalModel.class_eval {
def inscription(_fake_arguments)
'error_desc' => 'OK',
'token' => '1234'
expect {
}.to change(TransactionModel.all, :count).by(1)
expect(response).to render_template(:callback_page)
What you're trying to achieve here is exactly what stubs are for: They're effectively a way to fake behavior within the scope of a single example that then automatically resets to its original behavior after the example has run.
In your example, this would look roughly like this:
to receive(:inscription).
and_return({ 'error_desc' => 'OK', 'token' => '1234' })
More details can be found in the docs for the rspec-mocks gem: https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/v/3-9/docs.

rails request spec PUT method with json doesn't go through

In one of my tests I have to verify that a certain offer returns 404 response if the available limit (10 seats for example with that offer) are all sold, or it has expired which ever comes first.
I just cannot get the PUT request to work in Request Spec, here's my code
RSpec.describe "Offers", type: :request do
describe "gives not found response" do
it "when available limit exhausts before date till available" do
offer = Offer.new
Timecop.freeze(Date.today - 12.days) do
offer = FactoryGirl.create(:offer)
payload = FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:offer, :available_limit => 0, :discount_id => offer.discount.id, :coupon_id => offer.coupon.id)
put '/offers/'<<offer.id, params: { id: offer.id, offer: payload }, as: :json
get "/vouchers/"<<offer.coupon.voucher_code
expect(response.status).to eq 404
needles to say that I have tried many hacks including
put '/offers/'<<offer.id.to_s<<".json", params: { offer: payload }
or even
put '/offers/'<<offer.id.to_s<<".json", payload
What I also noticed was that in one of the combinations the request did go through but it responds with both HTML and JSON format which lead to error in the spec as I am not running them under capybara (and I do not want to either)
Don't use << to build those paths. Using << with an id will insert a character code equivalent to the integer value of the id, e.g.
'XYZ' << 123 << 'ABC'
=> "XYZ{ABC"
Just use normal string interpolation, e.g.
put "/offers/#{offer.id}", params: { id: offer.id, offer: payload }, format: :json
get "/vouchers/#{offer.coupon.voucher_code}"
Credit to #house9 for noticing the format: :json part as well.
I think you want to use format: :json not as: :json
params = { id: offer.id, offer: payload }
put :offers, params: params, format: :json

I want to write rspec test using factory girl for a particular usecase

My usecase is to build a http request with content type as json. for example i hit an endpoint with post call with basic authentication(authentication is Basic Auth could be like id: bla , key: blabla) and the body is for example:
and have to check response code and response message.
Sometimes i dont want to include age(mandatory field internally) to see if the proper status code is returned.
I want to write my tests in such a way that it should look like:
it 'some test' do
response = create(:event)
expect(response.code).to eq(200)
the above test should make an http call and return response to assert.
I am totally confused how to create a factory for the above scenario. I am an amateur with Rspec .
You need to pass parameters to perform POST action, based on response status code you can assert whether api call is success or not?
You cannot use factorygirl here.
for example:
require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe "Widget management", :type => :request do
it "creates a Widget" do
headers = {
"ACCEPT" => "application/json", # This is what Rails 4 accepts
"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" # This is what Rails 3 accepts
post "/widgets", { :widget => {:name => "My Widget"} }, headers
expect(response.content_type).to eq("application/json")
expect(response).to have_http_status(:created)
refer: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/
for rspec

How to check for a JSON response using RSpec?

I have the following code in my controller:
format.json { render :json => {
:flashcard => #flashcard,
:lesson => #lesson,
:success => true
In my RSpec controller test I want to verify that a certain scenario does receive a success json response so I had the following line:
controller.should_receive(:render).with(hash_including(:success => true))
Although when I run my tests I get the following error:
Failure/Error: controller.should_receive(:render).with(hash_including(:success => false))
expected: 1 time
received: 0 times
Am I checking the response incorrectly?
You could parse the response body like this:
parsed_body = JSON.parse(response.body)
Then you can make your assertions against that parsed content.
parsed_body["foo"].should == "bar"
You can examine the response object and verify that it contains the expected value:
#expected = {
:flashcard => #flashcard,
:lesson => #lesson,
:success => true
get :action # replace with action name / params as necessary
response.body.should == #expected
Changing this to a post makes it a bit trickier. Here's a way to handle it:
it "responds with JSON" do
my_model = stub_model(MyModel,:save=>true)
MyModel.stub(:new).with({'these' => 'params'}) { my_model }
post :create, :my_model => {'these' => 'params'}, :format => :json
response.body.should == my_model.to_json
Note that mock_model will not respond to to_json, so either stub_model or a real model instance is needed.
Building off of Kevin Trowbridge's answer
response.header['Content-Type'].should include 'application/json'
There's also the json_spec gem, which is worth a look
Simple and easy to way to do this.
# set some variable on success like :success => true in your controller
render :json => {:success => true, :data => data} # on success
parse_json = JSON(response.body)
parse_json["success"].should == true
You can also define a helper function inside spec/support/
module ApiHelpers
def json_body
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include ApiHelpers, type: :request
and use json_body whenever you need to access the JSON response.
For example, inside your request spec you can use it directly
context 'when the request contains an authentication header' do
it 'should return the user info' do
user = create(:user)
get URL, headers: authenticated_header(user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/vnd.api+json')
expect(json_body["data"]["attributes"]["email"]).to eq(user.email)
expect(json_body["data"]["attributes"]["name"]).to eq(user.name)
Another approach to test just for a JSON response (not that the content within contains an expected value), is to parse the response using ActiveSupport:
ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body).should_not be_nil
If the response is not parsable JSON an exception will be thrown and the test will fail.
You could look into the 'Content-Type' header to see that it is correct?
response.header['Content-Type'].should include 'text/javascript'
When using Rails 5 (currently still in beta), there's a new method, parsed_body on the test response, which will return the response parsed as what the last request was encoded at.
The commit on GitHub: https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/eee3534b
A lot of the above answers are a bit out of date, so this is a quick summary for a more recent version of RSpec (3.8+). This solution raises no warnings from rubocop-rspec and is inline with rspec best practices:
A successful JSON response is identified by two things:
The content type of the response is application/json
The body of the response can be parsed without errors
Assuming that the response object is the anonymous subject of the test, both of the above conditions can be validate using Rspec's built in matchers:
context 'when response is received' do
subject { response }
# check for a successful JSON response
it { is_expected.to have_attributes(content_type: include('application/json')) }
it { is_expected.to have_attributes(body: satisfy { |v| JSON.parse(v) }) }
# validates OP's condition
it { is_expected.to satisfy { |v| JSON.parse(v.body).key?('success') }
it { is_expected.to satisfy { |v| JSON.parse(v.body)['success'] == true }
If you're prepared to name your subject then the above tests can be simplified further:
context 'when response is received' do
subject(:response) { response }
it 'responds with a valid content type' do
expect(response.content_type).to include('application/json')
it 'responds with a valid json object' do
expect { JSON.parse(response.body) }.not_to raise_error
it 'validates OPs condition' do
expect(JSON.parse(response.body, symoblize_names: true))
.to include(success: true)
JSON comparison solution
Yields a clean but potentially large Diff:
actual = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)
expected = { foo: "bar" }
expect(actual).to eq expected
Example of console output from real data:
expected: {:story=>{:id=>1, :name=>"The Shire"}}
got: {:story=>{:id=>1, :name=>"The Shire", :description=>nil, :body=>nil, :number=>1}}
(compared using ==)
## -1,2 +1,2 ##
-:story => {:id=>1, :name=>"The Shire"},
+:story => {:id=>1, :name=>"The Shire", :description=>nil, ...}
(Thanks to comment by #floatingrock)
String comparison solution
If you want an iron-clad solution, you should avoid using parsers which could introduce false positive equality; compare the response body against a string. e.g:
actual = response.body
expected = ({ foo: "bar" }).to_json
expect(actual).to eq expected
But this second solution is less visually friendly as it uses serialized JSON which would include lots of escaped quotation marks.
Custom matcher solution
I tend to write myself a custom matcher that does a much better job of pinpointing at exactly which recursive slot the JSON paths differ. Add the following to your rspec macros:
def expect_response(actual, expected_status, expected_body = nil)
expect(response).to have_http_status(expected_status)
if expected_body
body = JSON.parse(actual.body, symbolize_names: true)
expect_json_eq(body, expected_body)
def expect_json_eq(actual, expected, path = "")
expect(actual.class).to eq(expected.class), "Type mismatch at path: #{path}"
if expected.class == Hash
expect(actual.keys).to match_array(expected.keys), "Keys mismatch at path: #{path}"
expected.keys.each do |key|
expect_json_eq(actual[key], expected[key], "#{path}/:#{key}")
elsif expected.class == Array
expected.each_with_index do |e, index|
expect_json_eq(actual[index], expected[index], "#{path}[#{index}]")
expect(actual).to eq(expected), "Type #{expected.class} expected #{expected.inspect} but got #{actual.inspect} at path: #{path}"
Example of usage 1:
expect_response(response, :no_content)
Example of usage 2:
expect_response(response, :ok, {
story: {
id: 1,
name: "Shire Burning",
revisions: [ ... ],
Example output:
Type String expected "Shire Burning" but got "Shire Burnin" at path: /:story/:name
Another example output to demonstrate a mismatch deep in a nested array:
Type Integer expected 2 but got 1 at path: /:story/:revisions[0]/:version
As you can see, the output tells you EXACTLY where to fix your expected JSON.
If you want to take advantage of the hash diff Rspec provides, it is better to parse the body and compare against a hash. Simplest way I've found:
it 'asserts json body' do
expected_body = {
my: 'json',
hash: 'ok'
expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eql(expected_body)
I found a customer matcher here: https://raw.github.com/gist/917903/92d7101f643e07896659f84609c117c4c279dfad/have_content_type.rb
Put it in spec/support/matchers/have_content_type.rb and make sure to load stuff from support with something like this in you spec/spec_helper.rb
Dir[Rails.root.join('spec/support/**/*.rb')].each {|f| require f}
Here is the code itself, just in case it disappeared from the given link.
RSpec::Matchers.define :have_content_type do |content_type|
CONTENT_HEADER_MATCHER = /^(.*?)(?:; charset=(.*))?$/
chain :with_charset do |charset|
#charset = charset
match do |response|
_, content, charset = *content_type_header.match(CONTENT_HEADER_MATCHER).to_a
if #charset
#charset == charset && content == content_type
content == content_type
failure_message_for_should do |response|
if #charset
"Content type #{content_type_header.inspect} should match #{content_type.inspect} with charset #{#charset}"
"Content type #{content_type_header.inspect} should match #{content_type.inspect}"
failure_message_for_should_not do |model|
if #charset
"Content type #{content_type_header.inspect} should not match #{content_type.inspect} with charset #{#charset}"
"Content type #{content_type_header.inspect} should not match #{content_type.inspect}"
def content_type_header
For Your JSON response you should parse that response for expected results
For Instance: parsed_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
You can check other variables which is included in response like
expect(parsed_response["success"]).to eq(true)
expect(parsed_response["flashcard"]).to eq("flashcard expected value")
expect(parsed_response["lesson"]).to eq("lesson expected value")
expect(subject["status_code"]).to eq(201)
I prefer also check keys of JSON response, For Example:
expect(body_as_json.keys).to match_array(["success", "lesson","status_code", "flashcard"])
Here, We can use should matchers For expected results in Rspec

How to send raw post data in a Rails functional test?

I'm looking to send raw post data (e.g. unparamaterized JSON) to one of my controllers for testing:
class LegacyOrderUpdateControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
test "sending json" do
post :index, '{"foo":"bar", "bool":true}'
but this gives me a NoMethodError: undefined method `symbolize_keys' for #<String:0x00000102cb6080> error.
What is the correct way to send raw post data in ActionController::TestCase?
Here is some controller code:
def index
post_data = request.body.read
req = JSON.parse(post_data)
I ran across the same issue today and found a solution.
In your test_helper.rb define the following method inside of ActiveSupport::TestCase:
def raw_post(action, params, body)
#request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] = body
response = post(action, params)
In your functional test, use it just like the post method but pass the raw post body as the third argument.
class LegacyOrderUpdateControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
test "sending json" do
raw_post :index, {}, {:foo => "bar", :bool => true}.to_json
I tested this on Rails 2.3.4 when reading the raw post body using
instead of
If you look at the source code you'll see that raw_post just wraps request.body.read with a check for this RAW_POST_DATA in the request env hash.
Version for Rails 5:
post :create, body: '{"foo": "bar", "bool": true}'
See here - body string parameter is treated as raw request body.
I actually solved the same issues just adding one line
before simulating the rspec post request. What you do
is to populate the "RAW_POST_DATA". I tried to remove
the attributes var on the post :create, but if I do so,
it do not find the action.
Here my solution.
def do_create(attributes)
request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] = attributes.to_json
post :create, attributes
In the controller the code you need to read the JSON is
something similar to this
#property = Property.new(JSON.parse(request.body.read))
Looking at stack trace running a test you can acquire more control on request preparation:
ActionDispatch::Integration::RequestHelpers.post => ActionDispatch::Integration::Session.process =>
You can pass json string as :params AND specify a content type "application/json". In other case content type will be set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and your json will be parsed properly.
So all you need is to specify "CONTENT_TYPE":
post :index, '{"foo":"bar", "bool":true}', "CONTENT_TYPE" => 'application/json'
For those using Rails5+ integration tests, the (undocumented) way to do this is to pass a string in the params argument, so:
post '/path', params: raw_body, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }
I was searching very long for how to post raw JSON content in a integration test (Rails 5.1). I guess my solution could also help in this case.
I looked up the documentation and source code for the post method: https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.1/classes/ActionDispatch/Integration/RequestHelpers.html#method-i-post
This directed me to the process method for more details: https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.1/classes/ActionDispatch/Integration/Session.html#method-i-process
Thanks to this, I finally found out what parameters are accepted by the process and thus post method.
Here's what my final solution looked like:
post my_url, params: nil, headers: nil, env: {'RAW_POST_DATA' => my_body_content}, as: :json
If you are using RSpec (>= 2.12.0) and writing Request specs, the module that is included is ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner. If you take a look at the source code you can notice that the post method calls process which accepts a rack_env parameter.
All this means that you can simply do the following in your spec:
post '/articles', {}, {'RAW_POST_DATA' => 'something'}
And in the controller:
def create
puts request.body.read
Using Rails 4, I was looking to do this to test the processing of raw xml that was being posted to the controller. I was able to do it by just providing the string to the post:
raw_xml = File.read("my_raw.xml")
post :message, raw_xml, format: :xml
I believe if the parameter provided is a string, it just gets passed along to the controller as the body.
In rails, 5.1 the following work for me when doing a delete request that needed data in the body:
delete your_app_url, as: :json, env: {
"RAW_POST_DATA" => {"a_key" => "a_value"}.to_json
NOTE: This only works when doing an Integration test.
The post method expects a hash of name-value pairs, so you'll need to do something like this:
post :index, :data => '{"foo":"bar", "bool":true}'
Then, in your controller, get the data to be parsed like this:
post_data = params[:data]
As of Rails 4.1.5, this was the only thing that worked for me:
class LegacyOrderUpdateControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def setup
#request.headers["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'
test "sending json" do
post :index, '{"foo":"bar", "bool":true}'.to_json, { account_id: 5, order_id: 10 }
for a url at /accounts/5/orders/10/items. This gets the url params conveyed as well as the JSON body. Of course, if orders is not embedded then you can leave off the params hash.
class LegacyOrderUpdateControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def setup
#request.headers["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'
test "sending json" do
post :index, '{"foo":"bar", "bool":true}'.to_json
In Rails 4 (at least in there's no easy way to test your controllers that consume json (functional tests). For parsing json in a running server the ActionDispatch::ParamsParser middleware is responsible. Controller tests though rely on Rack, which can't parse json to this day (not that it should).
You can do:
post :create, body_params.to_json
post :update, body_parmas.to_json, url_params
But body_params won't be accessible in the controller via params. You've got to do JSON.parse(request.body.read). So the only thing that comes to mind is:
post :update, url_params.merge(body_params)
That is, in tests pass everything via parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded). In production the body will be parsed by ActionDispatch::ParamsParser to the same effect. Except that your numbers become strings (and possibly more):
# test/controllers/post_controller_test.rb
post :update, {id: 1, n: 2}
# app/controller/posts_controller.rb
def update
p params # tests:
# {"id"=>"1", "n" => "2", "controller"=>"posts", "action"=>"update"}
# production
# {"id"=>"1", "n" => 2, "controller"=>"posts", "action"=>"update"}
If you're willing to parse json in controllers yourself though you can do:
# test/controllers/post_controller_test.rb
post_json :update, {n: 2}.to_json, {id: 1}
# app/controller/posts_controller.rb
def update
p JSON.parse(request.body.read) # {"id"=>"1", "n" => 2, "controller"=>"posts", "action"=>"update"}
post :index, {:foo=> 'bar', :bool => 'true'}
