Storing data that's related to a user but that's it - neo4j

In our graph database, I'm looking to store misc data that a user does but isn't really related to anything such as changing a password or updating a username. (there are about 20 other use cases that we have)
I attached two possibilities below but I don't know which one is better if I'm looking to eventually do queries such as how many peopled the password yesterday or who changed the password yesterday.

There are several more options and as always it depends. What are your queries and what is your most likely entrypoint into the graph ? For example :
Those are just three possibilities and the model really depends on how you want to query your data. What else could I have done ?
I could have done away with the Event nodes all together and put the properties on a relationship between User and EventType. Hard to use that relationship as an entry point into the graph though.
I could have added a Date node which could be an entry point into the graph (or maybe an index on eventDate is sufficient).
I could have ...
There is no single right (or wrong) answer. The better choice is often the one that reflects your reality/business the best.
Hope this helps.


Question regarding role-playing dimension

I hope you can be helpful in answering one question in regards to role-playing dimensions.
When using views for a role playing dimension, Does it then matter which view is referred to later in the analysis. Especially, when sorting on the role playing dimension, can this be done no matter which view is used?
Hope the question is clear enough. If not, let me know and I will elaborate.
Thanks in advance.
Do you mean you have created a view similar to "SELECT * FROM DIM" for each role the Dim plays? If that's all you've done then you could use any of these views in a subsequent SQL statement that joins the DIM to a FACT table - but obviously if you use the "wrong" view it's going to be very confusing for anyone trying to read your SQL (or you trying to understand what've you've written in 3 months time!)
For example, if you have a fact table with keys OrderDate and ShipDate that both reference your DateDim then you could create vwOrderDate and vwShipDate. You could then join FACT.OrderDate to vwShipDate and FACT.ShipDate to vwOrderDate and it will make no difference to the actual resultset your query produces (apart from, possibly, column names).
However, unless the applicable attributes are very different for different roles, I really wouldn't bother creating views for role-playing Dims as it's an unnecessary overhead and just going to cause confusion to anyone you've given access to at this level of the DB (who presumably have pretty strong SQL skills to be given this level of access?).
If you are trying to make life easier for end-users then either create these types of "views" in the models of the BI tool(s) they are using - and not directly in the DB - or, if they are being given access to the DB, then create View(s) across the Fact(s) and all their joined Dimensions

When should inferred relationships and nodes be used over explicit ones?

I was looking up how to utilise temporary relationships in Neo4j when I came across this question: Cypher temp relationship
and the comment underneath it made me wonder when they should be used and since no one argued against him, I thought I would bring it up here.
I come from a mainly SQL background and my main reason for using virtual relationships was to eliminate duplicated data and do traversals to get properties of something instead.
For a more specific example, let's say we have a robust cake recipe, which has sugar as an ingredient. The sugar is what makes the cake sweet.
Now imagine a use case where I don't like sweet cakes so I want to get all the ingredients of the recipe that make the cake sweet and possibly remove them or find alternatives.
Then there's another use case where I just want foods that are sweet. I could work backwards from the sweet ingredients to get to the food or just store that a cake is sweet in general, which saves time from traversal and makes a query easier. However, as I mentioned before, this duplicates known data that can be inferred.
Sorry if the example is too strange, I suck at making them. I hope the main question comes across, though.
My feeling is that the only valid scenario for creating redundant "shortcut" relationships is this:
Your use case has a stringent time constraint (e.g., average query time must be less than 200ms), but your neo4j query -- despite optimization -- exceeds that constraint, and you have verified that adding "shortcut" relationships will indeed make the response time acceptable.
You should be aware that adding redundant "shortcut" relationships comes with its own costs:
Queries that modify the DB would need to be more complex (to modify the redundant relationships) and also slower.
You'd always have to add the redundant relationships -- even if actually you never need some (most?) of them.
If you want to make concurrent updates to the DB, the chances that you may lose some updates and introduce inconsistencies into the DB would increase -- meaning that you'd have to work even harder to avoid inconsistencies.
NOTE: For visualization purposes, you can use virtual nodes and relationships, which are temporary and not actually stored in the DB.

How can I one-hot encode the data which has multiple same values for different properties?

I have data containing candidates who look for a job. The original data I got was a complete mess but I managed to enhance it. Now, I am facing an issue which I am not able to resolve.
One candidate record looks like
Since ML algorithms cannot work with categorical data, I want to encode this. My goal is to have a candidate record looking like this:
What I need to change is to add a new column for each possible value that exists in Knowledge1, Knowledge2, Knowledge3, Knowledge4, Tag1, and Tag2 of original data, but without repetition. I managed to encode it to get way more attributes than I need, which results in an inaccurate model. The way I tried gives me newly created attributes Jscript_Knowledge1, Jscript_Knowledge2, Jscript_Knowledge3 and so on, for each possible option.
If the explanation is not clear enough please let me know so that I could explain it further.
Thanks and any help is highly appreciated.
I have some understanding of your problem based on your explanation. I will try and elaborate how I would approach this problem. If that is not solving your problem, I may need more explanation to understand your problem. Lets get started.
For all the candidate data that you would have, collect a master
skill/knowledge list
This list becomes your columns
For each candidate, if he has this skill, the column becomes 1 for his record else it stays 0
This is the essence of one hot encoding, however, since same skill is scattered across multiple columns you are struggling with autoencoding it.
An alternative approach could be:
For each candidate collect all the knowledge skills as list and assign it into 1 column for knowledge and tags as another list and assign it to another column instead of current 4(Knowledge) + 2 (tags).
Sort the knowledge(and tag) list alphabetically within this column.
Auto One hot encoding after this may yield smaller columns than earlier
Hope this helps!

Neo4J - Which is better to store element as a property of user or as a node & relationship?

I got a problem when designing a graph model with million users. I need to store information that user is registered or non-register.
As I see we have 2 options:
Store a property "register = true/false" in each user node. So with 1 million user, we have 1 million properties "register".
Store a Registered node then make relationship just for registered user to this node. So we have number of relationship equal exactly with the registered user.
Which option is better in performance searching also about minimum storage?
Thanks in advance,
Modeling your data as a graph is a difficult thing to pin down exactly. Typically, when it comes to NoSQL databases, the most important thing to consider is how you will be using your data, and to model it based on that.
Using the external node might run into performance problems, as Neo4J typically starts to run into issues during traversing as it approaches around 10,000 relationships in a single node. You will be well above that limit with an external "Registered" node; on the other hand as long as you are not anchoring your search to that node, it should be okay.
No matter which route you go, the query you described in the comments will likely anchor on (start with) the user, then traverse to who their friends are, and then for each friend, it will check whether it
A. has the "registered" property set to 'true'
B. has a relationship to the "Registered" node.
Each of these methods appears to have a similar execution time, and indexing on the "registered" property will have negligible impact because it is not being used as an anchor (presumably; you would have to PROFILE your query with both methods to find out for sure). So, like you mentioned, one might consider the space restraints.
Besides that, there is not much difference from a performance analysis perspective between the two methods that I can see.
A third option, mentioned by #InverseFalcon, is to use an additional label, ':Registered' on those nodes that are registered. This might well result in a faster comparison time than keeping it in a property, as labels will be inlined in the node store and can be checked there, whereas properties might have an additional level of indirection to the property store.

Node vs Relationship

So I've just worked through the tutorial and I'm unclear about a few things. The main one, however, is how do you decide when something is a relationship and when it should be a Node?
For example, in the Movies Database,there is a relationship showing who acted in which film. A property of that relationship is the Role. BUT, what if it's a series of films? The role may well be constant between films (say, Jack Ryan in The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games etc.)
We may also want to have some kind of Character bio, which would obviously remain constant between movies. Worse, the actor may change from one movie to another (Alec Baldwin then Harrison Ford.) There are many others like this (James Bond, for example).
Even if the actor doesn't change (Main roles in Harry Potter) the character is constant. So, at what point would the Role become a node in its own right? When it does, can I have a 3-way relationship (Actor-Role-Movie)? Say I start of with it being a relationship and then, down the line, decide it should've been a node, is there a simple way to go through the database and convert it?
No there is no way to convert your datamodel. When you start your own Database first take time to find a fitting schema. There is no ideal way to create a schema and also there are many different models fitting to the same situation without being totally wrong.
My strategy is to put less information to the relationship itself. I only add properties that directly concern the relationship and store all the other data in the nodes. Also think of properties you could use for traversing the graph. For example you might need some flags or even different labels for relationships even they more or less are the same. The apoc.algo.aStar is only including relationshiptypes you want (you could exclude certain nodes by giving them a special relationshiptype). So keep that in mind that you take a look at procedures that you might use later.
Try to create the schema as simple as possible and find a way to stay consistent in terms of what things are nodes and what deserves a relationship. Dont mix it up.
Choose a design that makes sense for you! (device 1)-[cable]-(device 2) vs (device 1)-[has cable]-(cable)-[has cable]-(device 2) in this case I'd prefer the first because [has cable] wouldn't bring anymore information. Irrespective to what I wrote above I would have a lot of information in this [cable] relationship but it totally makes sense for me because I wouldnt want to search in a device node for cable information.
For your example giving the role a own node is also valid way. For example if you want to espacially query which actors had the same role in common I'll totally go for giving the role a extra node.
Think of what you want to do with the data and choose the easiest model.
