How to trace basic LUA errors? - lua

I'm a beginner at LUA so I'm having some trouble with it. I'm using the code for a Minecraft mod called Computercraft, but to me it's a great introduction to programming.
I've been searching the web to find out why my code of not even 26 lines is failing, but I couldn't find it sadly.
Here's the code:
monitor = peripheral.wrap("right")
monitor.print("Current mode:")
monitor.print("Dust gaat naar furnace")
print("Dust gaat automatisch naar de furnace toe")
print("Wil je dat de dust naar de chest gaat in plaats van de furnace?")
while input == ja
print("Oke :)")
monitor.print("Current mode:")
monitor.print("Dust gaat naar chest")
print("Okeuu dan niet jongee")
I know that I have used 'end' 2 times. This is because I get an error when I remove one.
The error I get when I run the program is:
bios:14: [string ".temp"]:22: '<eof>' expected.
The error I get when I remove the first 'end'.
The error I get when I remove the second 'end'.
Okay well after some advice i managed to get rid of the error.
Thanks to all the people that responded! c:
Now i got an other error though lol.
As suggested i made a new post about it: Basic LUA problems

The :22: is telling you that the error has occurred around line 22 of the script, which is the else. If you have a look at the Lua reference guide you will see that else belongs with an if statement, not a while statement.
Your code should probably be as follows, as a while doesn't make sense here
if input == ja
... code ...
... other code ...


lua lfs on flashair w04 seems not to work

Hi for the last week i have been trying to get my Flashair to upload its files over ftp.
I can make a ftp connection without any problems, but when i try to iterate over the files in its folder its gives me a error on the lua lfs, the only thing its returning is nil.
its goes about this code sample:
for file in lfs.dir(localDir) do
attr = lfs.attributes(localDir .. file)
print( "Found "..attr.mode..": " .. file )
if attr.mode == "file" then
response = fa.ftp("put", ftpString..file, localDir .. file)
if response ~= nil then
the error i get is:
lua: ftp.lua:17: attempt to index a nil value (global 'lfs')
stack traceback:
ftp.lua:17: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
where line 17 is the first line in the provided code sample.
Am I missing something, seems that i cannot find a lot information about this problem in combination with the Flashair.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am new to Lua so don't flame me if my response is not beneficial to you. I have been developing an app for W-03 and when testing the Lua app on my MACBOOK linux virtual env I was seeing the same error, and discovered I had to use require "lfs" statement in my test code. require "lfs" is not necessary when running on the actual W-03 though.

ROBLOX Lua Error in script: '=' expected near '<eof>'

Hello I am writing a scipt on ROBLOX and I have encountered a problem.
function showVictoryMessage(playerName)
local message ="Message")
message.Text = playerName .." has won!"
message.Parent = game.Workspace
wait (2)
Upon running this function, or more specifically the "message.Destroy" command, I get the error: Error in script: '=' expected near '< eof >'
I have never seen this error before, and the ROBLOX wiki page on Lua errors doesn't mention it.
I would very much appreciate help in this, because I don't personally know anyone who has coded in Lua.
Looks like a syntax error. message.Destroy() should be message:Destroy() according to this Roblox wiki page
Also see the section Explosions, Messages, and More at URL which provides similar syntax using the colon (:) operator.
See also Difference between . and : in Lua and explanation of "possible side-effects of calculations/access are calculated only once" with colon notation.
Instead of message.Destroy() it should be message:Destroy()
Remember that '.' are used directory-wise and ":' are used for inbuilt functions.
WOOOOOOOO! It was a syntax error. The correct command is message:Destroy. Cause why would object.Destroy work and message.Destroy not?

Why does Corona give an error loading code that loads fine with lua?

I'm having problems with a specific line of code - building.transmitter:[operation](player, unpack({...})) that causes an error in Corona, yet this loads fine when it's run in Lua separately. I suspect it has something to do with the : being placed before the [operation] variable but I'm clueless why.
Specifically the module is written as,
local activate = {}
local function activate.transmitter(player, operation, ...)
building = player:getTile()
building.transmitter:[operation](player, unpack({...}))
return activate
The runtime errror that is appearing gives me
"error loading module from file, '<name>' expected near '['"
Edit - WOW! I didn't notice that when troubleshooting this in Corona I changed some of the lines of code to identify the problem. I then mistakenly tested the edited code in Lua and it ran fine. I didn't realize the code wasn't the original until siffiejoe pointed out the interpreter getting an error as well. Sorry for the mistake.
maybe Corona uses older version of Lua which does not support this syntax. You can try workaround instead of
building.transmitter:[operation](player, unpack({...}));
you can call
building.transmitter[operation](building.transmitter, player, unpack({...}));

catch global appcrash on delphi program at leaving

My delphi program sometimes crashes when closing.
(he's designed to close itself with an instruction)
My goal is simply to bypass that Crash error (so the program closes itself WITHOUT displaying the nasty error message box that prevents the application to close).
I guess I need a global exception handler for that.
I know I should track the bug that raises that error, but I need to make something quick&dirty so just preventing that error message box is a valid solution for now.
Any clue is welcome.
Nom d’événement de problème: APPCRASH
Nom de l’application: AutomateBuilder.exe
Version de l’application:
Horodatage de l’application: 2a425e19
Nom du module par défaut: KERNELBASE.dll
Version du module par défaut: 6.1.7601.17965
Horodateur du module par défaut: 506dbe50
Code de l’exception: 0eedfade
Décalage de l’exception: 0000c41f
Version du système: 6.1.7601.
Identificateur de paramètres régionaux: 1036
Information supplémentaire n° 1: c360
Information supplémentaire n° 2: c3603bb720f34381cd4463c13e515373
Information supplémentaire n° 3: 04ba
Information supplémentaire n° 4: 04ba20d4fba8ec9ad3a49cccf38783e
see SetErrorMode
Controls whether the system will handle the specified types of serious
errors or whether the process will handle them.

Reconcile Error: Has anyone had problems with truncated error messages?

I'm here again to ask for a help to you. This time I believe that few will respond given the great particularity of the problem which I will relate. I'm starting in the world of DataSnap, and still have things I do not understand how this error I will relate.
My Delphi is XE (version 1, Update1). I am using Postgres which generates error messages in Portuguese (Portuguese Brazil) and for this reason the error messages have accents. The connection components are ZeosLib package.
I am using a dialog box "reconcile error" to display errors arising from the application of updates and to test, I tried to insert a record that already existed, thus violating a unique key and thus displaying the reconcile error dialog.
In the memo of the dialog, the message that appears is truncated, ie cut. Check it out:
ERRO: duplicar valor da chave viola a restrição de unicidade "uc_usu_va_login"
DETAIL: Chave (va_login)=(admin) já existe.
But actually what should be returned is this:
ERRO: duplicar valor da chave viola a restrição de unicidade "uc_usu_va_login"
DETAIL: Chave (va_login)=(admin) já existe.
PL/pgSQL function "idu_usuarios" line 7 at comando SQL
I have done a debug on the server to see if the problem is ZeosLib, but I found that the error message generated on the server is complete, proving that ZeosLib does not truncate the message. Everything is unicode. All strings are WideString (the default) on both my program and in ZeosLib.
As you know, to be thrown on the server, the exception is forwarded to the client, roughly speaking, by DataSnap, and on the client, the Reconcile method of TClientDataSet verify if there were problems and then throw the famous exception EReconcileError that can be handled in the OnReconcileError event of TClientDataSet, therefore I believe that the message is being truncated by DataSnap.
On the client I debug the Reconcile method (DBClient.pas) and immediately before the exception is thrown the flow enters a function within a cpp source code that I think part of the library midas.dll, MidasLib.obj more specifically, since I am using this strategy, not to have to distribute the DLL with my application.
Check(FDSBase.Reconcile_MD(FReconcileDataSet.FDSBase, FDeltaPacket, VarToDataPacket(Results), Integer(Self), RCB));
This call is done at line 1952 of the unit DBClient.pas on Delphi XE Update1. Pressing F7, the debugger enters a source C++ (cpp), so I believe it is within the midaslib.obj. How I do not understand C++ well, I press Shift-F8 to exit the current method and return the next instruction, that is already inside the event OnReconcileError!! Therefore, the truncation must be done within the function I mentioned, within a cpp source, within midaslib.
My intention is to make the Reconcile Error dialog a tool not only for the final user but to support personals, providing separately information of Error, Details and Context. This helps a lot to discover a problem.
The problem now is to make the message appear in full. Has anyone had this kind of problem with messages being truncated by midas?
Also another point DSClient.pas I could extract the error message as it is passed to the exception:
'Erro SQL: ERRO: duplicar valor da chave viola a restrição de unicidade "uc_usu_va_login"'#$A'DETAIL: Chave (va_login)=(admin) já existe.'#$A'CONTEXT: comando SQL "INSERT INTO USUARIOS (VA_NOME'#$A' ,VA_LOGIN'#$A' ,CH'
If you remove the quotes and replace #$A (1 character) by a white space (one character), you will see that the string has exactly 255 characters!!
I also discovered that the "GetErrorString" in dspickle.cpp uses the constant DBIMAXMSGLEN which is defined in bdetypes.h as 127 (half of 255). As we are in the world of Unicode, it would not be a question of increasing this value to 255 in order to have two bytes per character? This is only a guess...
I leave the question in the air because I lack the knowledge to understand C++ :) Who can help, just look at the function implementation "GetErrorString" in dspickle.cpp. There is this:
LoadString((HINSTANCE)hDll, iErrCode, pString, DBIMAXMSGLEN)
pString is the error message and DBIMAXMSGLEN = 127.
Contradicting the opinion of others I decided to tweak further and finally figured out how to increase the number of characters in the "Reconcile" error message. As I thought the problem was in midas.dll, or more specifically the sources that make up the midas dll because the same set of sources can create MidasLib, which does not require a midas dll. To resolve I had to install the Delphi C++ personality to compile the midas.
After finding the line of the error, I discovered that there is even a request for repairs to the QC ( which seems to have been ignored by the staff of Embarcadero, as that the "Resolution" as is "Deferred to Next Rel" (Deferred to Next Release) but the request is from 2010 and I'm using Delphi XE which in my opinion should have the solution but here I am correcting by myself ;)
The problem is inside the method "Clone" of the "DSBASE" class, inside source "ds.cpp" at line 2133 (Delphi XE, Update1). Below is the code block. The red line is the problematic line:
// Set the third field for the error string.
LdStrCpy((pCHAR)pFldDes->szName, szdsERRMESSAGE);
pFldDes->iFldType = fldZSTRING;
pFldDes->iUnits1 = 255; // Increased on request.. DBIMAXMSGLEN;
Note that it is very interesting the problem line. It has a constant value of 255, which limits the size of the error messages and a comment "Increased on request". Also note that next to the comment, there is a constant DBIMAXMSGLEN, which I had found and already suspected as being responsible for the problem, but as it was not being used I changed the value of DBIMAXMSGLEN but the error message always came without changes. It is worth mentioning that there is a semicolon (;) after DBIMAXMSGLEN which leads me to think that before (I do not know when) this line was one that was just after my fix:
pFldDes->iUnits1 = DBIMAXMSGLEN;
It's as if someone had deliberately set the field value to 255, removing the previous implementation that was really dynamic and seemingly more correct. After performing the replacement of the line I increased the value of DBIMAXMSGLEN to 1024. DBIMAXMSGLEN is declared "bdetypes.h" as a define. After correcting the line went like this:
#define DBIMAXMSGLEN 1024 // Max message len
After these two changes in "ds.cpp" and "bdetypes.h" I build, test, and the result was as expected: the error message was presented in full in the Reconcile dialog.
To the brave who want to try if they have seen this problem, you need the sources of MIDAS, which comes with Delphi from 2010 if I remember correctly. Good luck to all.
