Delphi. Clone an object [duplicate] - delphi

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How to copy the properties of one class instance to another instance of the same class?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is it possible to clone an object with another reference?
Here is an example what i'm trying to do: I have a TLabel named Label1. Now I want to create a Label2, equals Label1, able to be changed without reflect each other.
Ps: I'm using TLabel as an example, I want to copy any object in another instance.
In the code below, I've tried changing the name, but the reference still the same, when a change one of them the other changes too.
cloneOfLabel1: TLabel;
Label1.Caption := 'label 1';
cloneOfLabel1 := Label1;
cloneOfLabel1.Name := 'label2';
cloneOfLabel1.Caption := 'label 2';
cloneOfLabel1.Left := 0;
cloneOfLabel1.Top := Label1.Top+100;

That's possible to write Clone function for TComponent descendants:
function CloneComponent(aSource: TComponent): TComponent;
var mem: TMemoryStream;
mem := TMemoryStream.Create;
Result := mem.ReadComponent(nil);
Note that only published properties gets copied that way and also some data which component saves through DefineProperties. Integers, floats, strings, enumerations and sets are cloned fine, but there could be problems with references: streaming system is designed for saving to file and reading from there, so no memory adresses get transfered, instead rather complicated actions are made to convert them into string paths including component owner and names. Usually you need to stream all the structure and only then some inner relationships would be saved.
If you are designer of classes which should be cloned, then overriding Assign method seems like more robust solution.
Good thing of this TComponent streaming solution is: you're able to clone some arbitrary component without knowing ahead, what class it is. For example, make a list of various components or some more complex structure and then get the full copy of each of them.

In your code, you are doing this:
cloneOfLabel1 := Label1;
However, this is merely acquiring a copy of its pointer, so it will still reference the original. It will not make a copy.
The closest you can get stems from TPersistent.Assign(), which needs to be implemented to actually copy the properties over. TLabel does not implement Assign, and so you cannot use it to create a clone either.
The answer is that you cannot arbitrarily clone objects, unless it inherits from TPersistent and implements Assign. And even then, you are at the mercy of the Assign procedure, so it will only copy those properties it was designed to copy. Name is certainly not one of those, especially since it's impossible to have two components with the same name. In fact, even if you do set a unique name to a cloned copy of a component, you cannot reference it by that, because it was created in run-time. Only design-time components can be referenced directly by their name.
On a side note, records can (by nature) be copied by using a simple :=, because records are value types instead of classes. However, I'm sure based on your example, that records are out of the question.


how to use a private datamodule vs the global instance

I have a datamodule for my frame, which uses a global instance.(dmData)
The data components are linked to the datasources on the dmData instance
now I want to use a datamodule instance that is private to a frame, because I want to have multiple instances of the form which contains the frame showing at the same time.
I can't figure out how to make that happen, either in code or in designing.
in the frame, I am creating the datamodule as dmLocalData := tdmData.Create(self), but in design I don't have the option to link dmLocalData, only the option to link to dmData(so all my data controls are blank (except for that ONE that has a local datasource that gets set in code)
I mean, in code, I could manually go through each component one by one and change the datasource, but thinking there really has to be a better way, the maintenance on that would be pretty much horrendous.
Any ideas about a better way?
Actually there is a way to avoid hand-wiring the controls for a dynamically created datamodule. In short - override the datamodules CreateNew constructor like this:
constructor TMainDM.CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; Dummy: Integer);
Dummy := -1;
This avoids that multiple instances of the datamodule get different names and thus the references are resolved as expected. As the datamodules are private to the frame anyway, there is no need for them to have globally unique names.
A much longer and more detailed explanation can be found in these two articles, which use a quite similar task as an example:
Tweaking DFM Loading (update)
Tweaking DFM Loading

Creating and destroying objects in Delphi

I am new to Delphi and am trying to better understand object creation / freeing as I am used to the luxury of .NET's GC. I have two questions specifically:
Let's assume I am setting a TDataSource as below. In .NET I wouldn't explicitly destroy the object as I am with adoQuery.Free. But I am assuming that with Delphi I need to free these objects. However, by destroying the adoQuery I am also setting the dataset to null. In this way adoQuery is meant to be a locally scoped variable to the function only with the datsource being retuned from the function. Therefore, how can I best handle this?
dataSrc := TDataSource.Create(nil);
dataSrc.DataSet := adoQuery;
dataSrc.Enabled := true;
{ adoQuery.Free; }
cnt := DataSrc.DataSet.RecordCount;
I've been reading several suggestions when returning a variable from a function that the best thing to do is create the variable within the caller and pass it to the subroutine. Therefore, the signature to a function would look like:
AdoConnectionManager.GetResult(query : String; dataSrc: TDataSource) : TDataSource;
Result := dataSrc;
This is unattractive to me. I'd prefer to have a new variable created within the subroutine and then returned back to the caller. However, this is something again I never really had to worry about with .NET GC and here I have to explicitly destroy the variable, right?
You've asked two questions. One concerns these database classes, and I'm going to ignore that question since I don't know anything about those classes. Instead I will answer the other questions. Do note that this sort of answer is why the site policy is for questions to be asked one at a time.
Regarding a function that returns a new object, that is certainly viable. However, it is sometimes more flexible to let the caller supply the object. That allows them to re-use instance, or supply objects that are derived from a base class. A classic example would be a function that populated a TStrings instance.
In this scenario you'd probably use a procedure rather than a function. It might look like this:
procedure PopulateList(List: TMyList);
If you want to have a function that returns a newly minted instance that would be done like so:
function CreateAndPopulateList: TMyList;
Result := TMyList.Create;
// code to populate Result goes here, and may raise exceptions
Result.Free; // in case of exceptions, we must destroy the instance to avoid leaks
Note the naming. I use create to imply to the caller that a new instance is created. The calling code would look like this:
List := CreateAndPopulateList;
// do stuff with list
And this pattern is the standard object creation pattern. So you use CreateAndPopulateList just as you could a constructor.
It should also be mentioned here, that Delphi also provides Reference-Counting (but different to .NET).
The very short explanation to Reference-Counting in Delphi:
In difference to other Languagues, Reference-Counting in Delphi is only available by using Interfaces. Further, there is no Garbage-Collector: a reference-counted Object gets instantly destroyed when its Referencecount reaches 0.
So as an Delphi Developer, there are the following "global" Rules for destroying Instances:
- you do destroy an Object manually, whenever it's declared as a ClassType (e.g. var m: TMyClass)
- you never destroy an Object manually, whenever it's declared as a InterfaceType (e.g. var m: IMyClass)
With Delphi when you create an object, you should decide how it would be freed. There are several ways:
You can free it manually
It can be freed together with it's owner
It can be freed as a part of TObjectList or similar container
It can be freed because it's interfaced and reference counter for it became zero
And so on...
About first question: you should understand that with Delphi object variable is a pointer to object. When leaving function, you can lost locally scoped (pointer) variable, but you don't harm object itself. For example, you can do something like this:
function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
var Query: TADOQuery;
Result := TDataSource.Create(nil);
Query := TADOQuery.Create(Result);
Query.SQL.Text := ' ... ';
Result.DataSet := Query;
It'll give you datasource you want with background query. When you free this datasource, query also would be freed.
About second question: intrafunction creation of return object is a normal practise, part of good design. Yes, you should decide who will free this object and how. You can use many strategies, there are no silver bullet here. Just for example, you can decide to add parameter 'datasource's owner' to function above and controls it's lifetime this way.

Dynamic objects in delphi [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know dynamic objects are objects created during run time. I have to make use of dynamic objects for a project, but not quite sure what to do. I'm not too sure what dynamic objects actually are except for the definition and for example once a button is clicked a panel is created, but this isn't exactly what is wanted from me. It is supposed to be more complex and meaningful.
What are other examples of dynamic objects and when or why would you use it?
Any instance of a class created at runtime in your code, and freed when you no longer need them. This happens all the time for classes that aren't visual components and can't just be dropped on a form.
Basic examples are things like TStringList for working with strings or text files, TStream descendants like TFileStream or TResourceStream, threads using TThread, generic lists such as TList<T>, and many other classes.
For instance, to work with a text file, an example of a dynamically created TStringList could be as follows:
SL: TStringList;
SL := TStringList.Create;
SL[0] := 'I changed this line.';
This sounds like a class project, and you don't seem to understand some of the terminology involved.
Just to generalize on this a little bit, in Delphi, instances of ANY class you define need to be created dynamically. This contrasts with records, which can be declared statically as variables as well as allocated dynamically.
In both cases (classes and records), when you create an instance dynamically, the memory for them is allocated from the heap, rather than the stack (where local vars are created). But the syntax is different in each case.
In Delphi, this contrasts sharply with C++, because C++ classes are basically structs (like Delphi records) with some embellishments, meaning that you can declare instances of classes in C++ as member variables where their memory is allocated on the stack in the same way you can declare instances of structs, as well as records in Pascal.
But this doesn't work in Delphi, even though the syntax looks the same. That's because in Delphi, the variables referring to classes are really pointers, like in C++, but they're automatically dereferenced, so they look syntactically as if they're just instances rather than a pointer-to-an-instance.
In Delphi, if you're working with a class, you MUST create it dynamically (by calling TMyObj.Create(...)). Thus, every class has a constructor associated with it; if you don't define one, the default TObject.Create constructor is called. (This is again different than in C++ where a default constructor will be created for you by the compiler for any class that needs one and it's not defined.)
I'll repeat this again so you're clear about it. Anything defined like THIS in Delphi:
Twhatever = class
is equivalent to this:
Twhatever = class( TObject )
and absolutely MUST be created dynamically in your code like this:
xyz : Twhatever; // xyz is really a pointer here! It's NOT an "instance"
xyz := Twhatever.Create(); // you need to create an instance using the Create() method
// do some stuff
You cannot NOT use xyz without first creating an instance of it via it's .Create method.

How can i work RegisterClass() to units

Base from the anwser How to eliminate variables... i get and accepted it works great when i have all this components and make the actions like a from the main form...
But i use to make the actions from units... so
When i click a button i great a procedure DoMaths(Sender: TObject);
procedure Tform1.DoMaths(Sender: TObject);
if TButton1(Sender).hint := 'Make the standard Package' then
the do_Maths_standard_package is in unit ComplexMaths.
is the procedure do_Maths_standard_package form unit ComplexMaths it calls some components form Form1... like Form1.label1 etc...
So when i call the RegisterClass(TLabel) and erase the Tlabel from the type it gives an error that it cant find the Label1...
Please can someone help me so not to do the hole program from the start...
Thank you..
You might be able to reference your components like this:
TLabel(Form1.FindComponent('Label1')).Caption := '...';
TCheckBox(Form1.FindComponent('CheckBox12')).Checked := False;
But it's really a pain...
I think you have two options.
1) you can assign each component a unique numeric ID.
And save it into .Tag property.
Just like u use to generate and bind IDs in .HelpContext properties.
Then to get the control by number you would enumerate Form.Controls and get the one with proper Tag value.
The problem would be to have two separate ID lists, in PAS files and DFM files, in sync. Mistyping would be hard to notice. Especially since you have no constants in DFM but only "magic numbers".
2) Set .Name property and use iMan Biglari's recipe - FindComponent by name.
The question is if you can have .Name but not variable. Since no one answers - just try and see.
To my experience - with Delphi 5, hopefully D7 is mostly the same - you can just delete the variable.
If you made wrong declaration of variable, then Delphi editor would notice and ask to correct it.
If you have variable without DFM object, Delphi would notice it and ask to remove it.
But if there is DFM object without corresponding variable, then Delphi editor is oblivious. Maybe it thinks that the object is inherited or whatever.
But if you did not declare it at all it does not mind.
However, since you deleted Names, it looks like it is not possible to you for some reason.
In both cases you would have to cache value if some procedure makes a lot of accesses to some control. And maybe even across the procedures. In effect yu would manually restore those variables at least for most used controls.

Why is using procedures to create objects preferred over functions?

This is similar to this question. I asked "Why?" to the most popular response but I don't know that anyone would ever look at it again. At least not in any timely manner.
Anyway, my question is about best practices for delegating responsibility for creation of objects to functions or procedures, without causing memory leaks. It seems that this:
procedure FillObject(MyObject: TMyObject; SomeParam: Integer);
//Database operations to fill object
procedure CallUsingProcedure();
MyObject: TMyObject;
MyObject = TMyObject.Create();
FillObject(MyObject, 1);
//use object
is preferred over this:
function CreateMyObject(DBID: Integer): TMyObject;
Result := TMyObject.Create();
//Database operations to fill object
except on E: Exception do
procedure CallUsingFunction();
MyObject: TMyObject;
MyObject = CreateMyObject(1);
//use object
I'm relatively new to Delphi, having previously worked most with Java and PHP, as well as C++, though to a lesser extent. Intuitively, I lean toward the function method because:
It encapsulates the object creation code in the function, rather than create the object separately whenever I want to use the procedure.
I dislike methods that alter their parameters. It's often left undocumented and can make tracing bugs more difficult.
Vague, but admittedly it just "smells" bad to me.
I'm not saying I'm right. I just want to understand why the community chooses this method and if there is good reason for me to change.
References to #E-Rock in comments are to me(Eric G). I changed my display name.
One problem is what Ken White wrote: you hand the user of the function an object he or she must free.
Another advantage of procedures is that you can pass several objects of a hierarchy, while a function that creates such an object always generates the same. E.g.
procedure PopulateStrings(Strings: TStrings);
To that procedure, you can pass any kind of TStrings, be it the Lines of a TMemo, the Items of a TListBox or TComboBox or a simple standalone TStringList. If you have a function:
function CreateStrings: TStrings;
You always get the same kind of object back (which object exactly is not known, as TStrings is abstract, so you probably get a TStringList), and must Assign() the contents to the TStrings you want to modify. The procedure is to be preferred, IMO.
Additionally, if you are the author of the function, you can't control whether the object you create is freed, or when. If you write a procedure, that problem is taken off your hands, since the user provides the object, and its lifetime is none of your concern. And you don't have to know the exact type of the object, it must just be of the class or a descendant of the parameter. IOW, it is also much better for the author of the function.
It is IMO seldom a good idea to return an object from a function, for all the reasons given. A procedure that only modifies the object has no dependency on the object and creates no dependency for the user.
FWIW, Another problem is if you do that from a DLL. The object returned uses the memory manager of the DLL, and also the VMT to which it points is in the DLL. That means that code that uses as or is in the user code does not work properly (since is and as use the VMT pointer to check for class identity). If the user must pass an object of his, to a procedure, that problem does not arise.
As others commented, passing an object to a DLL is not a good idea either. Non-virtual functions will call the functions inside the DLL and use its memory manager, which can cause troubles too. And is and as will not work properly inside the DLL either. So simply don't pass objects into or out of a DLL. That goes with the maxime that DLLs should only use POD type parameters (or compound types -- arrays, records -- that only contain POD types) or COM interfaces. The COM interfaces should also only use the same kind of parameters.
Creating the object instance and passing it into another procedure makes it clear which code is responsible for freeing the instance.
In the first case (using a procedure to fill it):
MyObj := TMyObject.Create;
// Do whatever with MyObj
This is clear that this block of code is responsible for freeing MyObj when it's finished being used.
MyObj := CreateMyObject(DBID);
What code is supposed to free it? When can you safely free it? Who is responsible for exception handling? How do you know (as a user of someone else's code)?
As a general rule, you should create, use, and free object instances where they're needed. This makes your code easier to maintain, and definitely makes it easier for someone who comes along later and has to try and figure it out. :)
I use a combination of both idioms. Pass the object as an optional parameter and if not passed, create the object. And in either case return the object as the function result.
This technique has (1) the flexibility of the creation of the object inside of the called function, and (2) the caller control of the caller passing the object as a parameter. Control in two meanings: control in the real type of the object being used, and control about the moment when to free the object.
This simple piece of code exemplifies this idiom.
function MakeList(aList:TStrings = nil):TStrings;
var s:TStrings;
if s=nil then
And here are three different ways to use it
simplest usage, for quick and dirty code
var sl1,sl2,sl3:TStrings;
when programmer wants to make more explicit ownership and/or use a custom type
when the object is previously created
