Formal Concept Analysis data-sets - machine-learning

I am currently completing a postgrad degree in Information Systems Management and have been given a thesis topic that relates to Formal Concept Analysis.
The objective is compare open-source software that is able to read data and represent this in a lattice diagram (an example application is that of Concept Explorer). Additionally, the performance of these tools need to be compared with one another, with varying data-set sizes etc.
The main problem I'm experiencing is finding data sets that are compliant with these tools that are big enough to test the limits of each application, as well as figuring out how to accurately measure things such as CPU time taken to draw the lattice diagram and other similar measures. Data for formal contexts generally follow a binary relationship, such as a cross table that shows how attributes and objects can be related.
As such, my question is where would I find such data and how would I be able to manipulate that data to be usable with software like Concept Explorer.
P.S. I am new here, so not sure if this is posted in the right place!


TML(Tractable Markov Logic) is a wonderful model! Why I haven't seen it being used for a wide of application scenarios of artificial intelligence?

I have been reading papers about the Markov model, suddenly a great extension like TML(Tractable Markov Logic) coming out.
It is a subset of Markov logic, and uses probabilistic class and part hierarchies to control complexity.
This model has both complex logical structure and uncertainty.
It can represent objects, classes, and relations between objects, subject to certain restrictions which ensure that inference in any model built in TML can be queried efficiently.
I am just wondering why such a good idea not widely spreading around the area of application scenarios like activity analysis?
More info
My understanding is that TML is polynomial in the size of the model, but the size of the model needs to be compiled to a given problem and may become exponentially large. So, at the end, it's still not really tractable.
However, it may be advantageous to use it in the case that the compiled form will be used multiple times, because then the compilation is done only once for multiple queries. Also, once you obtain the compiled form, you know what to expect in terms of run-time.
However, I think the main reason you don't see TML being used more broadly is that it is just an academic idea. There is no robust, general-purpose system based on it. If you try to work on a real problem with it, you will probably find out that it lacks certain practical features. For example, there is no way to represent a normal distribution with it, and lots of problems involve normal distributions. In such cases, one may still use the ideas behind the TML paper but would have to create their own implementation that includes further features needed for the problem at hand. This is a general problem that applies to lots and lots of academic ideas. Only a few become really useful and the basis of practical systems. Most of them exert influence at the level of ideas only.

Ordering movie tickets with ChatBot

My question is related to the project I've just started working on, and it's a ChatBot.
The bot I want to build has a pretty simple task. It has to automatize the process of purchasing movie tickets. This is pretty close domain and the bot has all the required access to the cinema database. Of course it is okay for the bot to answer like “I don’t know” if user message is not related to the process of ordering movie tickets.
I already created a simple demo just to show it to a few people and see if they are interested in such a product. The demo uses simple DFA approach and some easy text matching with stemming. I hacked it in a day and it turned out that users were impressed that they are able to successfully order tickets they want. (The demo uses a connection to the cinema database to provide users all needed information to order tickets they desire).
My current goal is to create the next version, a more advanced one, especially in terms of Natural Language Understanding. For example, the demo version asks users to provide only one information in a single message, and doesn’t recognize if they provided more relevant information (movie title and time for example). I read that an useful technique here is called "Frame and slot semantics", and it seems to be promising, but I haven’t found any details about how to use this approach.
Moreover, I don’t know which approach is the best for improving Natural Language Understanding. For the most part, I consider:
Using “standard” NLP techniques in order to understand user messages better. For example, synonym databases, spelling correction, part of speech tags, train some statistical based classifiers to capture similarities and other relations between words (or between the whole sentences if it’s possible?) etc.
Use AIML to model the conversation flow. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to use AIML in such a closed domain. I’ve never used it, so that’s the reason I’m asking.
Use a more “modern” approach and use neural networks to train a classifier for user messages classification. It might, however, require a lot of labeled data
Any other method I don’t know about?
Which approach is the most suitable for my goal?
Do you know where I can find more resources about how does “Frame and slot semantics” work in details? I'm referring to this PDF from Stanford when talking about frame and slot approach.
The question is pretty broad, but here are some thoughts and practical advice, based on experience with NLP and text-based machine learning in similar problem domains.
I'm assuming that although this is a "more advanced" version of your chatbot, the scope of work which can feasibly go into it is quite limited. In my opinion this is a very important factor as different methods widely differ in the amount and type of manual effort needed to make them work, and state-of-the-art techniques might be largely out of reach here.
Generally the two main approaches to consider would be rule-based and statistical. The first is traditionally more focused around pattern matching, and in the setting you describe (limited effort can be invested), would involve manually dealing with rules and/or patterns. An example for this approach would be using a closed- (but large) set of templates to match against user input (e.g. using regular expressions). This approach often has a "glass ceiling" in terms of performance, but can lead to pretty good results relatively quickly.
The statistical approach is more about giving some ML algorithm a bunch of data and letting it extract regularities from it, focusing the manual effort in collecting and labeling a good training set. In my opinion, in order to get "good enough" results the amount of data you'll need might be prohibitively large, unless you can come up with a way to easily collect large amounts of at least partially labeled data.
Practically I would suggest considering a hybrid approach here. Use some ML-based statistical general tools to extract information from user input, then apply manually built rules/ templates. For instance, you could use Google's Parsey McParseface to do syntactic parsing, then apply some rule engine on the results, e.g. match the verb against a list of possible actions like "buy", use the extracted grammatical relationships to find candidates for movie names, etc. This should get you to pretty good results quickly, as the strength of the syntactic parser would allow "understanding" even elaborate and potentially confusing sentences.
I would also suggest postponing some of the elements you think about doing, like spell-correction, and even stemming and synonyms DB - since the problem is relatively closed, you'll probably have better ROI from investing in a rule/template-framework and manual rule creation. This advice also applies to explicit modeling of conversation flow.

Machine Learning & Big Data [closed]

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In the beginning, I would like to describe my current position and the goal that I would like to achieve.
I am a researcher dealing with machine learning. So far have gone through several theoretical courses covering machine learning algorithms and social network analysis and therefore have gained some theoretical concepts useful for implementing machine learning algorithms and feed in the real data.
On simple examples, the algorithms work well and the running time is acceptable whereas the big data represent a problem if trying to run algorithms on my PC. Regarding the software I have enough experience to implement whatever algorithm from articles or design my own using whatever language or IDE (so far have used Matlab, Java with Eclipse, .NET...) but so far haven't got much experience with setting-up infrastructure. I have started to learn about Hadoop, NoSQL databases, etc, but I am not sure what strategy would be the best taking into consideration the learning time constraints.
The final goal is to be able to set-up a working platform for analyzing big data with focusing on implementing my own machine learning algorithms and put all together into production, ready for solving useful question by processing big data.
As the main focus is on implementing machine learning algorithms I would like to ask whether there is any existing running platform, offering enough CPU resources to feed in large data, upload own algorithms and simply process the data without thinking about distributed processing.
Nevertheless, such a platform exists or not, I would like to gain a picture big enough to be able to work in a team that could put into production the whole system tailored upon the specific customer demands. For example, a retailer would like to analyze daily purchases so all the daily records have to be uploaded to some infrastructure, capable enough to process the data by using custom machine learning algorithms.
To put all the above into simple question: How to design a custom data mining solution for real-life problems with main focus on machine learning algorithms and put it into production, if possible, by using the existing infrastructure and if not, design distributed system (by using Hadoop or whatever framework).
I would be very thankful for any advice or suggestions about books or other helpful resources.
First of all, your question needs to define more clearly what you intend by Big Data.
Indeed, Big Data is a buzzword that may refer to various size of problems. I tend to define Big Data as the category of problems where the Data size or the Computation time is big enough for "the hardware abstractions to become broken", which means that a single commodity machine cannot perform the computations without intensive care of computations and memory.
The scale threshold beyond which data become Big Data is therefore unclear and is sensitive to your implementation. Is your algorithm bounded by Hard-Drive bandwidth ? Does it have to feet into memory ? Did you try to avoid unnecessary quadratic costs ? Did you make any effort to improve cache efficiency, etc.
From several years of experience in running medium large-scale machine learning challenge (on up to 250 hundreds commodity machine), I strongly believe that many problems that seem to require distributed infrastructure can actually be run on a single commodity machine if the problem is expressed correctly. For example, you are mentioning large scale data for retailers. I have been working on this exact subject for several years, and I often managed to make all the computations run on a single machine, provided a bit of optimisation. My company has been working on simple custom data format that allows one year of all the data from a very large retailer to be stored within 50GB, which means a single commodity hard-drive could hold 20 years of history. You can have a look for example at :
From my experience, it is worth spending time in trying to optimize algorithm and memory so that you could avoid to resort to distributed architecture. Indeed, distributed architectures come with a triple cost. First of all, the strong knowledge requirements. Secondly, it comes with a large complexity overhead in the code. Finally, distributed architectures come with a significant latency overhead (with the exception of local multi-threaded distribution).
From a practitioner point of view, being able to perform a given data mining or machine learning algorithm in 30 seconds is one the key factor to efficiency. I have noticed than when some computations, whether sequential or distributed, take 10 minutes, my focus and efficiency tend to drop quickly as it becomes much more complicated to iterate quickly and quickly test new ideas. The latency overhead introduced by many of the distributed frameworks is such that you will inevitably be in this low-efficiency scenario.
If the scale of the problem is such that even with strong effort you cannot perform it on a single machine, then I strongly suggest to resort to on-shelf distributed frameworks instead of building your own. One of the most well known framework is the MapReduce abstraction, available through Apache Hadoop. Hadoop can be run on 10 thousands nodes cluster, probably much more than you will ever need. If you do not own the hardware, you can "rent" the use of a Hadoop cluster, for example through Amazon MapReduce.
Unfortunately, the MapReduce abstraction is not suited to all Machine Learning computations.
As far as Machine Learning is concerned, MapReduce is a rigid framework and numerous cases have proved to be difficult or inefficient to adapt to this framework:
– The MapReduce framework is in itself related to functional programming. The
Map procedure is applied to each data chunk independently. Therefore, the
MapReduce framework is not suited to algorithms where the application of the
Map procedure to some data chunks need the results of the same procedure to
other data chunks as a prerequisite. In other words, the MapReduce framework
is not suited when the computations between the different pieces of data are
not independent and impose a specific chronology.
– MapReduce is designed to provide a single execution of the map and of the
reduce steps and does not directly provide iterative calls. It is therefore not
directly suited for the numerous machine-learning problems implying iterative
processing (Expectation-Maximisation (EM), Belief Propagation, etc.). The
implementation of these algorithms in a MapReduce framework means the
user has to engineer a solution that organizes results retrieval and scheduling
of the multiple iterations so that each map iteration is launched after the reduce
phase of the previous iteration is completed and so each map iteration is fed
with results provided by the reduce phase of the previous iteration.
– Most MapReduce implementations have been designed to address production needs and
robustness. As a result, the primary concern of the framework is to handle
hardware failures and to guarantee the computation results. The MapReduce efficiency
is therefore partly lowered by these reliability constraints. For example, the
serialization on hard-disks of computation results turns out to be rather costly
in some cases.
– MapReduce is not suited to asynchronous algorithms.
The questioning of the MapReduce framework has led to richer distributed frameworks where more control and freedom are left to the framework user, at the price of more complexity for this user. Among these frameworks, GraphLab and Dryad (both based on Direct Acyclic Graphs of computations) are well-known.
As a consequence, there is no "One size fits all" framework, such as there is no "One size fits all" data storage solution.
To start with Hadoop, you can have a look at the book Hadoop: The Definitive Guide by Tom White
If you are interested in how large-scale frameworks fit into Machine Learning requirements, you may be interested by the second chapter (in English) of my PhD, available here:
If you provide more insight about the specific challenge you want to deal with (type of algorithm, size of the data, time and money constraints, etc.), we probably could provide you a more specific answer.
edit : another reference that could prove to be of interest : Scaling-up Machine Learning
I had to implement a couple of Data Mining algorithms to work with BigData too, and I ended up using Hadoop.
I don't know if you are familiar to Mahout (, which already has several algorithms ready to use with Hadoop.
Nevertheless, if you want to implement your own Algorithm, you can still adapt it to Hadoop's MapReduce paradigm and get good results. This is an excellent book on how to adapt Artificial Intelligence algorithms to MapReduce:
Mining of Massive Datasets -
This seems to be an old question. However given your usecase, the main frameworks focusing on Machine Learning in Big Data domain are Mahout, Spark (MLlib), H2O etc. However to run Machine Learning algorithms on Big Data you have to convert them to parallel programs based on Map Reduce paradigm. This is a nice article giving a brief introduction to major (not all) big Data frameworks:
I hope this will help.

Machine learning/information retrieval project

I’m reading towards M.Sc. in Computer Science and just completed first year of the source. (This is a two year course). Soon I have to submit a proposal for the M.Sc. Project. I have selected following topic.
“Suitability of machine learning for document ranking in information retrieval system”. Researchers have been using various machine learning algorithms for ranking documents. So as the first phase of the project I will be doing a complete literature survey and finding out advantages/disadvantages of current approaches. In the second phase of the project I will be proposing a new (modified) algorithm in order to overcome the limitations of current approaches.
Actually my question is whether this type of project is suitable as a M.Sc. project? Moreover if somebody has some interesting idea in information retrieval filed, is it possible to share those ideas with me.
Ranking is always the hardest part of any of Information Retrieval systems. I think it is a very good topic but you have to take care to -- as soon as possible -- to define a scope of the work. Probably you will not be able to develop a new IR engine but rather build a prototype based on, e.g., apache lucene.
Currently there is a lot of dataset including stackoverflow data dump, which provide you all information you need to define a rich feature vector (number of points, time, you can mine topics of previous question etc., popularity of a tag) for you machine learning ranking algorithm. In this part of the work you could, e.g., classify types of features (e.g., user specific, semantic feature - software name in the title) and perform series of experiments to learn which features are most important and which are not for a given dataset.
The second direction of such a project can be how to perform learning efficiently. The reason behind is the quantity of data within web or community forums and changes in the forum (this would be important if you take a community specific features), e.g., changes in technologies, new software release, etc.
There are many other topics related to search and machine learning. The best idea is to search on for the recent survey papers on ranking, machine learning, and search to learn what is the state-of-the-art. The very next step would be to talk with your MSc supervisor.
Good luck!
Everything you said is good and should be done, but you forgot the most important part:
Prove that your algorithm is better and/or faster than other algorithms, with good experiments and maybe some statistics (p-value, confidence interval).
If you do that and convince people that your algorithm is useful you surely will not fail :)

Information retrieval (IR) vs data mining vs Machine Learning (ML)

People often throw around the terms IR, ML, and data mining, but I have noticed a lot of overlap between them.
From people with experience in these fields, what exactly draws the line between these?
This is just the view of one person (formally trained in ML); others might see things quite differently.
Machine Learning is probably the most homogeneous of these three terms, and the most consistently applied--it's limited to the pattern-extraction (or pattern-matching) algorithms themselves.
Of the terms you mentioned, "Machine Learning" is the one most used by Academic Departments to describe their Curricula, their academic departments, and their research programs, as well as the term most used in academic journals and conferences proceedings. ML is clearly the least context-dependent of the terms you mentioned.
Information Retrieval and Data Mining are much closer to describing complete commercial processes--i.e., from user query to retrieval/delivery of relevant results. ML algorithms might be somewhere in that process flow, and in the more sophisticated applications, often are, but that's not a formal requirement. In addition, the term Data Mining seems usually to refer to application of some process flow on big data (i.e, > 2BG) and therefore usually includes a distributed processing (map-reduce) component near the front of that workflow.
So Information Retrieval (IR) and Data Mining (DM) are related to Machine Learning (ML) in an Infrastructure-Algorithm kind of way. In other words, Machine Learning is one source of tools used to solve problems in Information Retrieval. But it's only one source of tools. But IR doesn't depend on ML--for instance, a particular IR project might be storage and rapid retrieval of the fully-indexed data responsive to a user's search query IR, the crux of which is optimizing performance of the data flow, i.e., the round-trip from query to delivering the search results to the user. Prediction or pattern matching might not be useful here. Likewise, a DM project might use an ML algorithm for the predictive engine, yet a DM project is more likely to also be concerned with the entire processing flow--for instance, parallel computation techniques for efficient input of an enormous data volume (TB perhaps) which delivers a proto-result to a processing engine for computation of descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, distribution, etc. on the variables (columns).
Lastly consider the Netflix Prize. This competition was directed solely to Machine Learning--the focus was on the prediction algorithm, as evidenced by the fact that there was a single success criterion: accuracy of the predictions returned by the algorithm. Imagine if the 'Netflix Prize' were rebranded as a Data Mining competition. The success criteria would almost certainly be expanded to more accurately access the algorithm's performance in the actual commercial setting--so for instance overall execution speed (how quickly are the recommendations delivered to the user) would probably be considered along with accuracy.
The terms "Information Retrieval" and "Data Mining" are now in mainstream use, though for a while I only saw these terms in my job description or in vendor literature (usually next to the word "solution.") At my employer, we recently hired a "Data Mining" analyst. I don't know what he does exactly, but he wears a tie to work every day.
I'd try to draw the line as follows:
Information retrieval is about finding something that already is part of your data, as fast as possible.
Machine learning are techniques to generalize existing knowledge to new data, as accurate as possible.
Data mining is primarly about discovering something hidden in your data, that you did not know before, as "new" as possible.
They intersect and often use techniques of one another. DM and IR both use index structures to accelerate processes. DM uses a lot of ML techniques, for example a pattern in the data set that is useful for generalization might be a new knowledge.
They are often hard to separate. Do yourself a favor and don't just go for the buzzwords. In my opinion the best way of distinguishing them is by their intention, as given above: find data, generalize to new data, find new properties of existing data.
You can also add pattern recognition and (computational?) statistics as another couple of areas that overlap with the three you mentioned.
I'd say there is no well-defined line between them. What separates them is their history and their emphases. Statistics emphasizes mathematical rigor, data mining emphasizes scaling to large datasets, ML is somewhere in between.
Data mining is about discovering hidden patterns or unknown knowledge, which can be used
for decision making by people.
Machine learning is about learning a model to classify new objects.
