Generating errors in FParsec's OperatorPrecedenceParser - parsing

I have the need to generate errors while parsing operators using FParsec's OperatorPrecedenceParsers, specifically during the mapping phase. Suppose I have the following code:
let pOperatorExpr : ExpressionParser =
let opp = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<MyType, unit, unit>()
let arithmeticOperator a b ->
if someOperation a b then
// Fatal error! Abort!
else foobar a b
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("+", spaces, 1, Associativity.Left, arithmeticOperator)
What should I do to generate an error in that particular position?

There is no direct support for triggering an error in the mapping function of the operator.
In the "More uses of the after‐string‐parser" section of the OPP reference you can find an example for how to get hold of the precise text location of the binary operator. You could also have your term parser include the text position in its result value. Once you have the locations, you could construct an "error node" in your AST and then manually generate an error later.


args[] in Main for F#

Here is some code In F# that I tried following the book Programming F# byChris Smith:
Mega Hello World:
Take two command line parameters and then print
them along with the current time to the console.
open System
let main (args : string[]) =
if args.Length <> 2 then
failwith "Error: Expected arguments <greeting> and <thing>"
let greeting, thing = args.[0], args.[1]
let timeOfDay = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm tt")
printfn "%s, %s at %s" greeting thing timeOfDay
// Program exit code
main(["asd","fgf"]) |> ignore
There is an error in main that says: This expression was expected to have type 'String[]' but here ahs type "a list'. But string[] is an array of string. SO I don't understand my error.
string[] is indeed an array of strings, but ["asd", "fgf"] is not - it's a list, which is why you get that error.
To create an array instead, use [|"asd"; "fgf"|] (note that, both in lists and arrays, ; is used as a separator - , creates tuples).
In addition, you can't have code after a function marked as EntryPoint. And even if you could, calling that function makes no sense as it will already be called automatically with the command line arguments - that's the point of the EntryPoint attribute.

Pattern matching on provided types

Firstly, obtain a schema and parse:
type desc = JsonProvider< """[{"name": "", "age": 1}]""", InferTypesFromValues=true >
let json = """[{"name": "Kitten", "age": 322}]"""
let typedJson = desc.Parse(json)
Now we can access typedJson.[0] .Age and .Name properties, however, I'd like to pattern match on them at compile-time to get an error if the schema is changed.
Since those properties are erased and we cannot obtain them at run-time:
let ``returns false``() =
.FindMembers(MemberTypes.All, BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance,
MemberFilter(fun _ _ -> true), null)
|> Array.exists (fun m -> m.ToString().Contains("Age"))
...I've made a runtime-check version using active patterns:
let (|Name|Age|) k =
let toID = NameUtils.uniqueGenerator NameUtils.nicePascalName
let idk = toID k
match idk with
| _ when idk.Equals("Age") -> Age
| _ when idk.Equals("Name") -> Name
| ex_val -> failwith (sprintf "\"%s\" shouldn't even compile!" ex_val)
|> (fun (k, v) ->
match k with
| Age -> v.AsInteger().ToString() // ...
| Name -> v.AsString()) // ...
|> Array.iter (printfn "%A")
In theory, if FSharp.Data wasn't OS I wouldn't be able to implement toID. Generally, the whole approach seems wrong and redoing the work.
I know that discriminated unions can't be generated using type providers, but maybe there's a better way to do all this checking at compile-time?
As far as I know it cannot be possible to find out if "Json schema has changed" at compile-time using the given TP.
That's why:
JsonProvider<sample> is exactly what kicks in at compile-time providing a type for manipulating Json contents at run-time. This provided erased type has couple of run-time static methods common for any sample and type Root
extending IJsonDocument with few instance properties including ones based on compile-time provided sample (in your case - properties Name and Age).There is exactly one very relaxed implicit
Json "schema" behind JsonProvider-provided type, no another such entity to compare with for change at compile-time;
at run-time only provided type desc with its static methods and its Root type with correspondent instance methods
are at your service for manipulating arbitrary Json contents. All this jazz is pretty much agnostic with regard to
"Json schema", in your given case as long as run-time Json contents represent an array its elements may be pretty much any.
For example,
type desc = JsonProvider<"""[{"name": "", "age": 1}]"""> // # compile-time
let ``kinda "typed" json`` = desc.Parse("""[]""") // # run-time
let ``another kinda "typed" json`` =
desc.Parse("""[{"contents":"whatever", "text":"blah-blah-blah"},[{"extra":42}]]""")
both will be happily parsed at run-time as "typed Json" conforming to "schema" derived by TP from the given sample, although apparently Name and Age are missing and exceptions will be raised if accessed.
It is doable building another Json TP that relies upon a formal Json schema.
It may consume reference to the given schema from a schema repository upon type creation and allow manipulating elements
of the parsed Json payload only via provided accessors derived from the schema at compile-time.
In this case change of the
referred schema may break compilation if provided accessors being used in the code are incompatible with the change.
Such arrangement accompanied by run-time Json payload validator or validating parser may provide reliable enterprise-quality
Json schema change management.
JsonProvider TP from Fsharp.Data lacks such Json schema handling abilities, so payload validations are to be done in run-time only.
Quoting your comments which explain a little better what you are trying to achieve:
Thank you! But what I'm trying to achieve is to get a compiler error
if I add a new field e.g. Color to the json schema and then ignore it
while later processing. In case of unions it would be instant FS0025.
yes, I must process all fields, so I can't rely on _. I want it so
when the schema changes, my F# program won't compile without adding
necessary handling functionality(and not just ignoring new field or
crashing at runtime).
The simplest solution for your purpose is to construct a "test" object.
The provided type comes with two constructors: one takes a JSonValue and parses it - effectively the same as JsonValue.Parse - while the other requires every field to be filled in.
That's the one that interests us.
We're also going to invoke it using named parameters, so that we'll be safe not only if fields are added or removed, but also if they are renamed or changed.
type desc = JsonProvider< """[{"name": "SomeName", "age": 1}]""", InferTypesFromValues=true >
let TestObjectPleaseIgnore = new desc.Root (name = "Kitten", age = 322)
// compiles
(Note that I changed the value of name in the sample to "SomeName", because "" was being inferred as a generic JsonValue.)
Now if more fields suddenly appear in the sample used by the type provider, the constructor will become incomplete and fail to compile.
type desc = JsonProvider< """[{"name": "SomeName", "age": 1, "color" : "Red"}]""", InferTypesFromValues=true >
let TestObjectPleaseIgnore = new desc.Root (name = "Kitten", age = 322)
// compilation error: The member or object constructor 'Root' taking 1 arguments are not accessible from this code location. All accessible versions of method 'Root' take 1 arguments.
Obviously, the error refers to the 1-argument constructor because that's the one it tried to fit, but you'll see that now the provided type has a 3-parameter constructor replacing the 2-parameter one.
If you use InferTypesFromValues=false, you get a strong type back:
type desc = JsonProvider< """[{"name": "", "age": 1}]""", InferTypesFromValues=false >
You can use the desc type to define active patterns over the properties you care about:
let (|Name|_|) target (candidate : desc.Root) =
if candidate.Name = target then Some target else None
let (|Age|_|) target (candidate : desc.Root) =
if candidate.Age = target then Some target else None
These active patterns can be used like this:
let json = """[{"name": "Kitten", "age": 322}]"""
let typedJson = desc.Parse(json)
match typedJson.[0] with
| Name "Kitten" n -> printfn "Name is %s" n
| Age 322m a -> printfn "Age is %M" a
| _ -> printfn "Nothing matched"
Given the typedJson value here, that match is going to print out "Name is Kitten".
Build some parser to handle your issues.
You want something that can read something and do something with it. Without knowing apriori what any of those somethings is.
Good luck with that one.
You do not want type provider to do this for you. Type providers are made with the full purpose of being "at compile time this is what I saw, and thats what I will use".
With that said:
You want some other type of parser, where you are able to check the "schema" (some definition of what you know is going to come or you saw last time vs. what actually came). In effect some dynamic parser getting the data to some dynamic structure, with dynamic types.
And mind you, dynamic is not static. F# has static types and a lot is based on that. And type providers more so. Fighting that will make your head ache. It is of course possible, and it might even be possible by fighting the type providers to actually work with such an approach, but then again its not really a type provider nor its purpose.

F# odd pattern matching issues

While writing some code yesterday, I ran into two odd problems, which neither me nor my functional programming oriented friend could figure out. We have looked at it for quite some time, and researched it on the net, but we were not able to find any answers anywhere, so here goes:
The issue is that in this code:
First weird problem:
let outer1 (bs : byte array) =
let rec inner (bs : byte array) (bacc : byte array) (i : int) =
match i with
| bs.Length -> bacc // <--- Error: bs is not recognized. Why?
| _ -> bacc.[i] <- bs.[i]
inner bs bacc (i + 1)
inner bs (Array.zeroCreate bs.Length) 0
The problem here is: FS0039: The namespace or module 'bs' is not defined.
How can this be? bs is in the function signature after all. Moreover, defining a new value with let bsLength = bs.Length works right before the match. But by doing so I see a new oddity:
let outer2 (bs : byte array) =
let rec inner (bs : byte array) (bacc : byte array) (i : int) =
let bsLength = bs.Length
match i with
| bsLength -> bacc
| _ -> bacc.[i] <- bs.[i] // <--- Warning: Rule never matched. Why?
inner bs bacc (i + 1)
inner bs (Array.zeroCreate bs.Length) 0
Here the problem is a warning that says: warning FS0026: This rule will never be matched.
I don't get that at all. i and the length of the array has no relation to each other. If I write an integer (for instance 10) instead of bsLength, the warning disappears.
Both your problems stem from the expectation that pattern matching allows using values and literals interchangeably. No, it does not. Pattern Matching (F#) topic on MSDN gives a good overview of supported pattern types and precedence rules of their application. The major principle simplifying a lengthy description there is: you cannot match a value unless this value is a literal, or identifier (a case value of a discriminated union, an exception label, or an active pattern case).
In your first problem point compiler treats bs.Length not as a property Length of array bs as you expect, but as a literal or identifier Length from non-existing module or namespace bs; as John Palmer pointed in his answer you may achieve the expected behavior by using variable pattern with a guard statement. A sample of legitimate use of the pattern matching expression resembling yours would be:
module bs =
let Length = 100
let v = 100;
let s = match v with
| bs.Length -> "matched"
| _ -> "not matched";;
val s : string = "matched"
The second problem point is treated by compiler as variable pattern, and bsLength is assigned a value of i instead of values being compared, as you expected; second matching rule does not have chances to kick in.
The match statement doesn't work like you think it does - the correct syntax is
match i with
| t when t = bs.Length
In the second case, you actually create a new variable called bsLength which hides the definition of the earlier bsLength and matches all integers, so you get the rule never matched warning.

How to extract data from F# list

Following up my previous question, I'm slowly getting the hang of FParsec (though I do find it particularly hard to grok).
My next newbie F# question is, how do I extract data from the list the parser creates?
For example, I loaded the sample code from the previous question into a module called Parser.fs, and added a very simple unit test in a separate module (with the appropriate references). I'm using XUnit:
open Xunit
let Parse_1_ShouldReturnListContaining1 () =
let interim = Parser.parse("1")
let head = interim.Head // I realise that I have only one item in the list this time
Assert.Equal("1", ???)
Interactively, when I execute parse "1" the response is:
val it : Element list = [Number "1"]
and by tweaking the list of valid operators, I can run parse "1+1" to get:
val it : Element list = [Number "1"; Operator "+"; Number "1"]
What do I need to put in place of my ??? in the snippet above? And how do I check that it is a Number, rather than an Operator, etc.?
F# types (including lists) implement structural equality. This means that if you compare two lists that contain some F# types using =, it will return true when the types have the same length and contain elements with the same properties.
Assuming that the Element type is a discriminated union defined in F# (and is not an object type), you should be able to write just:
Assert.Equal(interim, [Number "1"; Operator "+"; Number "1"])
If you wanted to implement the equality yourself, then you could use pattern matching;
let expected = [Number "1"]
match interim, expected with
| Number a, Number b when a = b -> true
| _ -> false

#indent "off" in F#

I just started learning F#, and tried a code from the wiki:
I prefer tabs to spaces, so I change the code a bit into this:
#indent "off"
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
let form = new Form(Visible=true, TopMost=true, Text="Welcome to F#")
let label =
let temp = new Label()
let x = 3 + (4 * 5)
temp.Text <- sprintf "x = %d" x
The output is:
Microsoft (R) F# 2.0 Compiler build
4.0.30319.1 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
fstest2.fs(1,1): warning FS0062: This
construct is for ML compatibility.
Conside r using a file with extension
'.ml' or '.mli' instead. You can
disable this warn ing by using
'--mlcompatibility' or '--nowarn:62'.
fstest2.fs(9,2): error FS0010:
Unexpected keyword 'let' or 'use' in
expression. Expected 'in' or other
fstest2.fs(13,1): error FS0597:
Successive arguments should be
separated by spac es or tupled, and
arguments involving function or method
applications should be parenthesized
fstest2.fs(9,14): error FS0374:
Invalid expression on left of
fstest2.fs(16,1): error FS0010:
Unexpected identifier in definition
Guess the error is somewhere in the let label block, but couldn't figure it out.
If you use "#indent off", then you lose all the simpler whitespace-aware syntax, and have to go back to using e.g.
#indent "off"
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
let label =
let temp = new Label() in
let x = 3 + (4 * 5) in
temp.Text <- sprintf "x = %d" x;
let form =
let f = new Form() in
do Application.Run(form)
with semicolons and ins and all other kinds of syntactic noise everywhere. You'll probably be happier just having your editor convert tabs to spaces (and having a smart editor that can treat spaces as though they are tabs, e.g. so that backspace can back up one tab-stop).
This topic was already discussed in this StackOverflow question. As Brian explains, turning off the "lightweight" syntax means that you'll have to write in the OCaml-compatible syntax.
I believe that in most of the cases, the syntax based on indentation is more readable (and so it is worth switching from tabs to spaces). However, the syntax with additional noise (such as in and ;;) reveals more about the structure of the language, so it may be useful to play with it briefly while learning F#.
The following example shows all the additional things that you need to write:
let add a b c =
let ab = a + b in // 'in' keyword specifies where binding (value 'ab') is valid
printfn "%d" ab; // ';' is operator for sequencing expressions
c - ab;; // ';;' is end of a function declaration
For more discussions, see also this post.
