API POST with array using HTTP gem (or RestClient) - ruby-on-rails

I'm having trouble with this api and can't seem to get over the hump. Using the HTTP gem (though I'm flexible and can use RestClient if that gets me an answer quicker!). Anyway, I'm having trouble posting an array. everything else is good, I just can't figure out this "itemsarray" in the printaura api found here in the addorder method: PrintAura API
I'm running this:
def self.submitorder
req = HTTP.post("https://api.printaura.com/api.php", :json => {
:key => APIKEY,
:hash => APIHASH,
:method => "addorder",
:businessname => "this is a secret too",
:businesscontact => "thats a secret",
:email => "my#email.com",
:your_order_id => "1",
:returnlabel => "FakeAddress",
:clientname => "ShippingName",
:address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1",
:address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2",
:city => "ShippingCity",
:state => "ShippingState",
:zip => "ShippingZip",
:country => "US",
:customerphone => "dontcallme",
:shipping_id => "1",
:itemsarray => {:item => [
:product_id => 423,
:brand_id => 33,
:color_id => 498,
:size_id => 4,
:front_print => 1389517,
:front_mockup => 1390615,
:quantity => 1
puts JSON.parse(req)
And my output is this:
{"status"=>false, "error_code"=>19, "result"=>19, "message"=>"You cannot place an order without items, Please fill the items array with all the required information. Full API documentation can be found at https:/www.printaura.com/api/"}
Gosh, if someone could look at that and help me out I would forever appreciate it.

def self.submitorder
itemsarray = { :items => [ { :product_id => 423, :brand_id => 33, :color_id => 498, :size_id => 4, :quantity => 1, :front_print => 1389517,
:front_mockup => 1390617 } ] }
req = HTTP.post("https://api.printaura.com/api.php", :json => {
:key => APIKEY,
:hash => APIHASH,
:method => "addorder",
:businessname => "this is a secret too",
:businesscontact => "thats a secret",
:email => "my#email.com",
:your_order_id => "1",
:returnlabel => "FakeAddress",
:clientname => "ShippingName",
:address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1",
:address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2",
:city => "ShippingCity",
:state => "ShippingState",
:zip => "ShippingZip",
:country => "US",
:customerphone => "dontcallme",
:shipping_id => "1",
:items => Base64.encode64(itemsarray.to_json)}
puts JSON.parse(req)
I really hopes this helps somebody some years from now haha

To create a array in JSON you use an array in Ruby. Its that easy.
require 'json'
def self.submitorder
req = HTTP.post("https://api.printaura.com/api.php", :json => {
:key => APIKEY,
:hash => APIHASH,
:method => "addorder",
:businessname => "this is a secret too",
:businesscontact => "thats a secret",
:email => "my#email.com",
:your_order_id => "1",
:returnlabel => "FakeAddress",
:clientname => "ShippingName",
:address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1",
:address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2",
:city => "ShippingCity",
:state => "ShippingState",
:zip => "ShippingZip",
:country => "US",
:customerphone => "dontcallme",
:shipping_id => "1",
:items => [
:product_id => 423,
:brand_id => 33,
:color_id => 498,
:size_id => 4,
:front_print => 1389517,
:front_mockup => 1390615,
:quantity => 1
puts JSON.parse(req)
The API lists a items parameter which should contain an array of objects. It says nothing about itemsarray.


Ruby - Stripe: Missing required param: type

I am trying to add a bank account using Ruby stripe API. but it gives the stripe error "Missing required param: type".
I am using following ruby code:
account = Stripe::Account.create({
:country => 'US',
:managed => true,
:transfer_schedule => {
:interval => 'weekly',
:weekly_anchor => 'friday'
:legal_entity => {
:dob => {
:day => birthday.day,
:month => birthday.month,
:year => birthday.year
:first_name => first_name,
:last_name => last_name,
:type => 'individual'
:tos_acceptance => {
:date => Time.now.to_i,
:ip => request.remote_ip
You are not passing the proper parameters to the API.
Please check this document for the proper request and response returned by Stripe.
require "stripe"
Stripe.api_key = "sk_test_bcd1234"
:type => 'standard',
:country => 'US',
:email => 'bob#example.com'
To point out you are not passing :type param in the outer hash. You need to move it to the first level.
account = Stripe::Account.create(
:country => 'US',
:managed => true,
:type => 'individual', # Move this from nested to first level
:transfer_schedule => {
:interval => 'weekly',
:weekly_anchor => 'friday'
:legal_entity => {
:dob => {
:day => birthday.day,
:month => birthday.month,
:year => birthday.year
:first_name => first_name,
:last_name => last_name
:tos_acceptance => {
:date => Time.now.to_i,
:ip => request.remote_ip

Ruby on Rails How to build a Payment model to deal with Paypal REST SDK

I'd like to create a Payment model along the official Paypal Example on Github.
But I'm stuck in the creating of the model with the desired fields.
:intent => "sale",
:payer => {
:payment_method => "paypal" },
:redirect_urls => {
:return_url => "http://localhost:3000/payment/execute",
:cancel_url => "http://localhost:3000/" },
:transactions => [{
:item_list => {
:items => [{
:name => "item",
:sku => "item",
:price => "5",
:currency => "USD",
:quantity => 1 }]},
:amount => {
:total => "5",
:currency => "USD" },
:description => "This is the payment transaction description." }]})
Starting with rails g model Payment intent:string ... I don't know how to create the nested fields like
:redirect_urls => {
:return_url => "http://localhost:3000/payment/execute",
:cancel_url => "http://localhost:3000/" }
and more deeper
:transactions => [{
:item_list => {
:items => [{
:name => "item",
:sku => "item",
:price => "5",
:currency => "USD",
:quantity => 1 }]},
Thanks for any help!
You can use OpenStruct to do this for you. It will be something like this :
paypal_hash = {
:intent => "sale",
:payer => {
:payment_method => "paypal" },
:redirect_urls => {
:return_url => "http://localhost:3000/payment/execute",
:cancel_url => "http://localhost:3000/" },
:transactions => [{
:item_list => {
:items => [{
:name => "item",
:sku => "item",
:price => "5",
:currency => "USD",
:quantity => 1 }]},
:amount => {
:total => "5",
:currency => "USD" },
:description => "This is the payment transaction description." }]}
paypal_obj = OpenStruct.new(paypal_hash)
# => "sales"

Load a hash on grouped_collection_select rails form

currently, I have a hash like this:
#lg = {
"Latin East Group" => [
{:id => 2, :name => "HONGKONG"},
{:id => 3, :name => "NINGBO, ZHEJIANG"},
{:id => 4, :name => "SINGAPORE"},
{:id => 5, :name => "LARCHMONT, NY"},
{:id => 6, :name => "CHICAGO, IL"},
{:id => 7, :name => "HAIPHONG"},
{:id => 8, :name => "DANANG"},
{:id => 9, :name => "HANOI"},
{:id => 10, :name => "MARSEILLE"},
{:id => 11, :name => "LONDON"},
{:id => 12, :name => "EDINBURGH"},
{:id => 13, :name => "AMSTERDAM"},
{:id => 14, :name => "HOCHIMINH"},
{:id => 15, :name => "SHANGHAI"}
"Latin West Group" => [],
"Others" => [
{:id => 16, :name => "Brazil" },
{:id => 17, :name => "Mexico" },
{:id => 18, :name => "Columbia"}
Now, I am using select2 with my form, and I wanna create a dropdown menu from that hash instance variable. I want the keys of the hash will be the optgroups, and the option values are gonna be the name sin the hash like Singapore, Brazil... Therefore, I am wondering what is the correct syntax for it. Currently, this is my code:
= f.grouped_collection_select :origin_locations, #lg, #lg.keys, #lg.values, {:selected => f.options[:origin_locations]}, {class: 'form-control select2-multiple origin_locations', :multiple => true}
def load_location_groups
#lg = {}
location_groups = LocationGroup.all.includes(:locations).each { |group|
#lg[group.name]= group.locations.map{|l| {id: l.id,name: l.name}}
# location_groups.each_with_index do |location_group, index|
arr = Location.where("id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(location_id) FROM location_group_assignments)").pluck(:id,:name)
#location_groups = {}
#lg["Others"] = arr.map{ |e| {id: e.first, name: e.last}}
I will get the error:
ActionView::Template::Error (["Latin East Group", "Latin West Group",
"Others"] is not a symbol nor a string)
So, I am wondering what I am doing wrong here. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks and have a nice day.

Why am I getting singleton cant be dumped err?

When I try to add a variable value into session, I am getting singleton cant be dumped err.
Here is the value in the varibale
[0] {
:id => "574ecb43a7a5bb44c000443b",
:_id => "574ecb43a7a5bb44c000443b",
:active => true,
:capabilities => {
:network_connections => [
[0] {
:type => "ethernet-wan",
:name => "wan"
[1] {
:type => "ethernet-lan",
:name => "lan"
[2] {
:type => "wifi",
:name => "wlan"
[3] {
:type => "cellular",
:name => "wwan"
:commander_ids => [],
:created_at => "2016-05-11T15:46:12+00:00",
:deleted_at => nil,
:firmware_upgradable => true,
:ingestor_ids => [],
:last_known_translator_port => nil,
:long_description => "this is a liong desc",
:manufacturer => "test_sushant",
:model => "sushant_test",
:name => "zxc",
:parent_gateway_data_source_type_id => nil,
:rule_ids => [],
:software => "qwe",
:translator => "edge",
:type => "asd",
:updated_at => "2016-05-11T15:46:12+00:00",
:user_id => "572adee5a7a5bb320b000852"
The variable is an array of objects. I do not know why this is causing an err.

How to get the country and state from a paypal transaction?

I would like to know how to obtain the country and state, from the billing address, in a paypal transaction.
So far I can get a transaction object via the code below:
# ...
def self.paypal_transaction_details(txn_id)
#api = PayPal::SDK::Merchant.new
get_transaction_details = #api.build_get_transaction_details({:TransactionID => txn_id })
response = #api.get_transaction_details(get_transaction_details)
Is it possible to get the location info? Or should I use geocoder to get the country and state from the ip address?
Reference: https://github.com/paypal/merchant-sdk-ruby
=> #<PayPal::SDK::Merchant::DataTypes::AddressType:0x007fd58f604660 #AddressOwner="PayPal", #AddressStatus="None">
Thanks in advance
I am not sure if you are using this gem 'paypal-sdk-rest'
but if you are, when you Create Payment
you can do
require 'paypal-sdk-rest'
include PayPal::SDK::REST
:mode => "sandbox", # "sandbox" or "live"
:client_id => "EBWKjlELKMYqRNQ6sYvFo64FtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM",
:client_secret => "EO422dn3gQLgDbuwqTjzrFgFtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM")
# Build Payment object
#payment = Payment.new({
:intent => "sale",
:payer => {
:payment_method => "credit_card",
:funding_instruments => [{
:credit_card => {
:type => "visa",
:number => "4567516310777851",
:expire_month => "11",
:expire_year => "2018",
:cvv2 => "874",
:first_name => "Joe",
:last_name => "Shopper",
:billing_address => {
:line1 => "52 N Main ST",
:city => "Johnstown",
:state => "OH",
:postal_code => "43210",
:country_code => "US" }}}]},
:transactions => [{
:item_list => {
:items => [{
:name => "item",
:sku => "item",
:price => "1",
:currency => "USD",
:quantity => 1 }]},
:amount => {
:total => "1.00",
:currency => "USD" },
:description => "This is the payment transaction description." }]})
# Create Payment and return the status(true or false)
if #payment.create
#payment.id # Payment Id
#payment.error # Error Hash
I hope that this helps.
you have to request the info first, if not there would be nil or '' when you want to get them back
