SSL/TLS certificates on the MQTT broker and Client should be same? - mqtt

I am trying to setup a Mosca server with SSL/TLS encryption.
Looking at the Mosca wiki at the page suggests that we will require a private key and a certificate for the broker.
While that page is silent about the the configuration on the client side for the mqtt over SSL/TLS, I found an article by Mattino Collina himself on SSL/TLS configuration on the client side. Here
This article states that for mqtts we need to provide a key and a certificate on the client side too. Should they be the same key and certificate that we provided while setting up the broker or different for every client that we connect to the broker?
Are these keys and certificates a way of authenticating the client for the broker?

How many certificates and keys depends on exactly what you are trying to achieve.
If you just need a secure connection then you only need a certificate and private key on the broker. (you may need to supply the CA certificate to the client depending on if you sign your own certificates or if you use certificates signed by recognised public CA).
If you want to uniquely identify the client via SSL then the client will also require it's own unique certificate and matching private key. These will be different from the brokers certificate/key pair, but probably signed by the same CA.


Client to Client communication using X509

I'm creating a coap server with DTLS as security layer that will use digital certificates, x509.
The Coap Server is a data bridge to a cloud server (CA) that uses x509 as authentication.
I also have a device that directly connects to the Cloud server using the same authentication method.
A couple of functions of the device, also needs to communicate with Coap server.
Thus the cloud server is the CA for issuing digital certificates both the device and the Coap data bridge.
I wanted to reuse the certificates (used to communicate to the Cloud Server) in device for connecting to the Coap server. Since the the device is a constraint thing, having multiple certificates are not advisable. Is this possible?
Yes, but there are some pitfalls:
RFC7252 - DTLS - x509
Implementations in Certificate Mode MUST support the mandatory-to-
implement cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 as specified
in [RFC7251], [RFC5246], and [RFC4492]. Namely, the certificate
includes a SubjectPublicKeyInfo that indicates an algorithm of
id-ecPublicKey with namedCurves secp256r1 [RFC5480]; the public key
format is uncompressed [RFC5480]; the hash algorithm is SHA-256; if
included, the key usage extension indicates digitalSignature.
Certificates MUST be signed with ECDSA using secp256r1, and the
signature MUST use SHA-256.
So, you either use ECDSA (ECC certificates, not RSA), or you need to check, if your server is able to handle it. For Eclipse/Californium the node's certificate must be ECDSA, the other certificates in the path may use other algorithms, if they are supported on your platform.
By the way, I'm not sure, if you really benefit from x509, but that depends on the platform your using on your devices.
X509 certificate and key could be used for several purposes. Examples include,
digital signature
key enciphering purposes
data enciphering purposes
key agreement
so on and so forth
More details could be found here
Now, as per to the description of your problem, you are inquiring whether to use the same certificate/key pairs for both to
Authenticate against the cloud server
Use it for communication ( Encipher/Decipher) purposes with the COAP server
Ofcourse you can use it as long as the (KeyUsage) extension specifies the intended use of the certificate. Refer link above for KeyUsage extensions in X509 certificates

With iOS push certificates, why does having an SSL certificate allow Apple to know that its your server they're connecting with?

I'm reading this article on iOS push certificates, and I'm confused about this paragraph:
Your backend sends notifications through Apple's servers to your application. To ensure that unwanted parties are not sending notifications to your application, Apple needs to know that only your servers can connect with theirs. Apple therefore requires you to create an SSL certificate to be able to send push notifications.
My understanding of SSL certificates is that if a server has one, that server is able to encrypt data that it sends to a device. But it says here Apple needs to know that only your servers can connect with theirs. I don't understand how having an SSL certificate ensures that. Does anyone have any insight?
The article shouldn't have used the term SSL Certificate. SSL is the Secure Sockets Layer (which was superseded by TLS many years ago). SSL and TLS define the handshake that is used to negotiate encryption on a connection.
Enabling SSL on a web server required you to have a certificate to verify your server's identity and so this became known colloquially as an "SSL certificate".
While it isn't often used on the web, in SSL/TLS both parties can present a certificate so that there is mutual authentication.
What you typically have is actually an x.509 certificate. This is the case with the push notification service.
An x.509 certificate contains some information including the identity of the certificate holder, their private key and a signature from a trusted party that can be used to verify the information.
For push notifications, the developer generates a certificate request and submits this to Apple who sign it with their private key. Apple is the trusted party in this case.
When this certificate is subsequently presented to Apple's server they can verify that signature using their public key to confirm the identity of the connecting party.
You have has encrypted the message with their private key (Apple can decrypt it with the public key included in the certificate).
What this means is, that as long as the developer has kept their private key secure (which is why you wouldn't connect directly to the push service from your app, for example) then Apple can be sure of the identity of the server making the connection.
If someone was trying to impersonate your server then, as long as you have kept your private key secure, they can't encrypt the data properly. If they use a forged certificate that uses a public/private key pair known to them then the signature on the certificate won't be valid and Apple will reject it.

Self signed certificate in production environment for internal HTTPS calls?

I have generated a self signed certificate .This self signed certificate is stored in server and accepts request only from clients which is having this self signed certificate is this acceptable. since this HTTPS endpoint is supposed to be used only from our custom HTTPS client I strongly feel that CA signing is not required .
But my colleagues are warning that Self signed certificate should not be used in production environment no matter what .what should I do ??
There is a whole infrastructure in place to manage the life-cycle of the certificates, it is called PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). The CA's are part of it, and help you manage the certificate issuance and revocation.
It is not advised to use self-signed certificates in production environment, because you loose the life-cycle management of the certificate. Lets say if the client is compromised, any one in possession of that self-signed certificate can talk to the server. There is no way you can manage to revoke that certificate or maintain the CRL.
The ideal solution/implementation in your case, will actually be issuing the clients their own PKCS12 from the CA as well, which means they will have their own private key (this might get expensive, if you have many clients). But this is most secure way of doing it. If you know a client is compromised, you can revoke that client's certificate from the CA, and if the client does certificate validation (ideally should), it should no longer be able to communicate with the server. You can simply decommission that client.
Just an idea
But if you are looking for cost effective way (since you mentioned internal calls), you could have your server issue P12's to the clients, and your server maintaining a record of which client has what certificate. This gives you little control of managing the clients. You could enable certificate based authentication on the server side for those services (the server will receive the subjectDN of the client), and by referring to the stored record, you can identify which client is trying to communicate. And if you want to disable that client from being served by the server, simple update the record.
But to answer your concern, it is not ideal to use self-signed certificate because, in real world, you should be able to manage the certificates in real time or near to real time, which will not be possible if you use self-signed certificates.

Cryptographic Keys exchange between client and server

I have seen many examples on verifying client or server certificates using Security framework APIs but this will solve only problem of Identification of security features but what about Confidentiality of data? How do I exchange private and public keys between client and server? What about Interception, Modifications, or Fabrication attacks? What if someone pretending and sending correct certificate as expected by client?
Identification is provided by verifying the cert as you note. Confidentiality is provided via encryption. Authentication is provided by signing the data. Together they are often implemented via TLS over a network connection.
In short, if you properly implement and deploy HTTPS, and validate your certificates, then you will get all of the things you're describing. NSURLConnection will do almost all of this for you by default if you just use an "https" URL.
If you deploy a certificate on the server and protect its private key, then it is not feasible for an attacker to pretend to have that certificate. Only the server has the server's private key (it is up to you to protect the private key from copying or theft).
A typical approach is to use a commercial certificate, in which a certificate authority (CA) like Verisign attests that the private key was issued to the owner of a given host (known as the CN or common name). This is a simple-to-use approach and generally cost effective. Go to one of the well-known CAs and buy a cert.
However, you can also create your own public/private server keypair, protect the private key, and distribute the public key in your client. You can then configure your client to only accept that one certificate and no others. This is actually more secure than the commercial certificate. For an example of this, see SelfCert. This is from my CocoaConf-RTP-2012 talk. I'll be giving a similar talk at CocoaConf-DC-2013. It is also discussed at length in chapter 15 of iOS:PTL.
Client certificates are less common. They are used to authenticate the client, not the server. For a client certificate to work correctly, each client must have its own certificate. You can't ship a private key as part of your bundle. If you do, anyone can use that private key to impersonate a client. (Conversely, it is completely fine to put the server's public key in the bundle. It's public; you don't care who sees it.)
With CFNetwork, after connecting, you would need to use CFReadStreamCopyProperty to fetch the kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerTrust. You could then evaluate the returned SecTrust object. That said, I recommend the NSURLConnection code if you can use it. If you need lower-level access, you could still use NSStream. Jeff Lamarche discusses this in NSStream: TCP and SSL. But I'd recommend a tool like AFNetworking or CocoaAsyncSocket instead if you need lower-level control over TCP+SSL.

If a server has a trusted certificate, What steps are needed to hit that link on IOS using NSURLConnection?

The Application i am working on needs to connect to a webservice over https, The certificate is trusted and valid.
I have used NSURLConnection is previous projects to use soap over http
Can anybody please point the difference between the two above mentioned scenarios,
I also need to understand what exactly happens when connecting over https, is the certificate stored automatically on the device, how does ssl handshake happen.
Any Pointers in this direction will be really helpful.
I need some clarification. Is the certificate signed by Apple for use with notifications or is it signed by an SSL root certificate authority (like VeriSign)?
Apple signed certificates are only to be used with WebServer to Apple Server communications like the Apple Push Notification Service. They are not intended for iOS device to WebServer.
A SSL certificate signed by a SSL root certificate authority should just work.
I think you are looking for an HTTP over SSL/TLS primer. So, here it goes.
HTTP is an unencrypted channel. The request and response are in a plain text data stream. HTTPS is an encrypted channel. The request and response are in a data stream encrypted using a shared master key. The magic of SSL/TLS is how this encrypted channel is created.
First, the client and server say hello to each other (in a clear channel).
Next, the client downloads the server's public certificate (in a clear channel).
At this point, the client has some work to do. It needs to verify the certificate. It needs to know that it understands the certificate, that the date range is valid, that the certificate is signed by a trusted certificate authority, and that the certificate has not been revoked.
Now, the client knows that it can trust the server.
Next, It sends a few short messages encrypted with the public key of the server (which is in the server's public certificate). These messages can only be decrypted by the server's private key (which only the server knows about). These messages allow the client and the server to negotiate a master key.
Finally, the client and the server begin the normal HTTP request and response using the newly created encrypted channel.
I hope this is what you are looking for. For a more detailed description see:
If the certificate was issued by a chain of certificate authorities whose root is trusted by Apple, then there is nothing to do. The iOS device will accept the certificate, as long as it is otherwise valid (ie not expired, not revoked, etc).
If the CA chain's root is not trusted by Apple, you will need to download the root's certificate to the phone. This can be done (I think) via the iPhone Configuration Utility. Enterprise provisioning scenarios undoubtedly support this also.
