jQuery UI Autocomplete perform search on button click issues - jquery-ui

I have a working UI Auto complete with jQuery. I wanted to change the way it worked. Instead of a new browser tab opening with the user selects a value from the list I wanted the user to first pick a value then click a search button to trigger the event.
It works but if you perform a search and then a second search it will trigger the previous URL and new URL at the same time. Also if you perform a search then click the search button without typing anything into the search input it triggers the previous search. Weird right? I'll add my code but I think a codepen example will help clarify what I mean.
The other issue I was having is I am trying to set up a custom alert if the value typed is not in the array but I get the invalid error message no matter what I type. I added that as well in the code. It is one of the if statements.
var mySource = [
value: "Google",
url: "http://www.google.com"
value: "Yahoo",
url: "https://www.yahoo.com"
value: "Hotmail",
url: "https://hotmail.com"
value: "Reddit",
url: "https://www.reddit.com"
//Logic for ui-autocomplete
$(document).ready(function() {
minLength: 2,
source: function(req, resp) {
var q = req.term;
var myResponse = [];
$.each(mySource, function(key, item) {
if (item.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(q) === 0) {
if (item.value.toUpperCase().indexOf(q) === 0) {
//Add if statement here to determine if what the user inputs is in the
// array
//and if not in the array give an error to #textAlert.
if (item.value.indexOf(q) != myResponse) {
$('#alertText').text("Invalid Search");
} else {
return false;
select: function(event, ui) {
$('#appSearchBtn').one("click", function() {
return false;
//Input and ui text clears when clicked into
$(document).ready(function() {
var input = document.querySelector('#appsearch');
var ui = document.querySelector(".ui-helper-hidden-accessible");
input.onclick = function() {
input.value = '';
ui.textContent = '';
<p id="alertText"></p>
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" id="appsearch" class="form-control autocomplete" placeholder="Application Search" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="btn btn-primary inputBtn" id="appSearchBtn" type="button">Search</button>
Here is a Code pen https://codepen.io/FrontN_Dev/pen/MEmMRz so you can see how it works. I also added how it should work and what the bugs are.
9/29/17 #0732
I resolved the issue with the event firing the same URL over and over but I still need help with the custom invalid search message that appears for every search even if the value is in the array.


Jquery UI drag and drop - dragged item dissapears when dropped only on mobile

I am trying to get drag and drop working properly and on desktop of laptop pc it is fine. However, on a mobile device, when I drag and drop, when dropped, the dragged item dissapears underneath (i think) everything else and I really am unable to work out why.
I have uploaded a page showing the problem to http://mailandthings.co.uk/dam1/
I have tried setting the zindex in the draggable code and that makes no difference
var $dragContainer = $("div.drag-container");
var $dragItem = $("div.drag-item");
cursor: "move",
snap: "div.drag-container",
snapMode: "inner",
snapTolerance: 10,
helper: "clone",
handle: "i",
zIndex: 10000
drop: function (event, ui) {
var $elem = $(event.toElement);
var obj = {
posX: event.pageX - $dragContainer.offset().left - event.offsetX,
posY: event.pageY - $dragContainer.offset().top - event.offsetY,
data: $elem.data(),
html: $elem.html()
function addElement(obj) {
var $child = $("<div>");
$child.html("<i>" + obj.html + "</i>").addClass("drop-item drop-item-mobile");
$child.attr("data-type", obj.data.type);
top: obj.posY,
left: obj.posX
If it using jQuery UI Touch Punch 0.2.3
Does anyone have any ideas?
There was sort of a logistical issue that I found. Based on your code, I could identify the following state / logic:
User drags an item (A, B, C) to the car image to indicate a Dent, Scratch, or Heavy Damage
The Drop Point indicates where the Type of damage is located
When the dragged item is dropped, a new object should be created that indicates the Type and stores the location on the car map
This new object replaces the dragged item and is appended to the container
To expand on this, you have the following code that is the dragged element, for example:
<div class="drag-item ui-draggable" style="">
<i data-type="A" class="ui-draggable-handle">A</i>Dent
This is important when creating the new object. In your current code, you're requesting data from an object that does not have any data attributes, $elem.data(). Remember that this is the <div> that contains the <i> that has the attribute. So data is null or undefined. You will want to capture the data from the child element: $elem.find("i").data().
Also, since you append all the HTML to your new object, you make a double wrapped element. $child will look like:
<div class="drop-item drop-item-mobile">
<div class="drag-item ui-draggable" style="">
<i data-type="A" class="ui-draggable-handle">A</i>Dent
I do not think this was your intention. I suspect your intention was to create:
<div class="drop-item drop-item-mobile">
Here is an example of all this: https://jsfiddle.net/Twisty/g6ojp4ro/40/
$(function() {
var theForm = document.forms.form1;
if (!theForm) {
theForm = document.form1;
function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) {
theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget;
theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument;
var masterPos = [];
var $dragContainer = $("div.drag-container");
var $dragItem = $("div.drag-item");
cursor: "move",
snap: "div.drag-container",
snapMode: "inner",
snapTolerance: 10,
helper: "clone",
handle: "i",
zIndex: 10000
drop: function(event, ui) {
var $elem = ui.helper;
var type = ui.helper.find("i").data("type");
var $child = $("<div>", {
class: "drop-item drop-item-mobile"
}).data("type", type);
of: event
var obj = {
posX: $child.offset().top,
posY: $child.offset().left,
data: $child.data(),
html: $child.prop("outerHTML")
// Save button click
$('#form1').submit(function(e) { //$("#btnsave").click(function () {
if (masterPos.length == 0) {
$("#spninfo").html("No position data was entered");
$("#dvinfo").fadeTo(5000, 500).slideUp(500, function() {});
} else {
url: '/handlers/savepositions.ashx',
type: 'POST',
data: new FormData(this),
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function(data) {
$("#spninfo").html("Position data has been saved");
$("#dvinfo").fadeTo(5000, 500).slideUp(500, function() {});
Tested with Mobile client at: https://jsfiddle.net/Twisty/g6ojp4ro/40/show/ and is working as expected.
Hope that helps.

How to put kendo validator message span element underneath the input being validated?

I'm trying to figure this out for a while.
All the examples I saw, use the html with input and span elements manually inserted
I have the following code that generate form and its datepicker elements dynamically:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Reload", "FileDate", FormMethod.Post, new { returnUrl = this.Request.RawUrl, id = "DateForm", onsubmit = "return ValidateDate();" } ))
.Value(Session["FileDate"] == null ? DateTime.Now : Convert.ToDateTime(Session["FileDate"].ToString()))
.Events(e => e
#Html.Hidden("returnUrl", this.Request.RawUrl)
function datepicker_change() {
When form is generated, I have the following code on the page:
This is a validation:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#Date").attr('required', 'required');
$("#Date").attr('data-WrongFormat-msg', 'Date Format is Wrong');
var validator = $("#container").kendoValidator({
rules: {
WrongFormat: function (input) {
if (input.is("[data-role=datepicker]")) {
var dateBox = input.data("kendoDatePicker");
return input.data("kendoDatePicker").value();
} else {
return true;
function ValidateDate()
var validator = $("#container").data("kendoValidator");
if (validator.validate()) {
return true;
return false;
When I provide the incorrect input or no input at all, I get the correct message in the span. However, this span section modifies the layout of the page:
How can I fix that, so my error span is placed underneath my form, the way it is shown in some examples like here: http://dojo.telerik.com/ikUfu:
I have the exact same issue. The problems seems to be that the validation message span element is in the wrong place for DatePickers. It is inside this element:
but, in all other widgets, it's inside the spam element one level higher:
So, it seems this is a bug in Telerik at the moment. It works for other widgets, but not for DatePicker. I'll see and find if this bug is already reported, and if not, report it. If you desperately need it fixed asap, I assume you could try some jquery magic to move the span element.
I've faced it too. Is there any proper solution for this issue?
My workaround in a nutshell:
Delete all possible old error messages
Move the new one into the proper HTML container
<div id="div_id">
<input id="input_id" type="text">
var validatable = $("[id='input_id'").kendoValidator({
rules: {
minimumLengthRule: function (input) {
var trimmedInputValue = $.trim(input.val());
return trimmedInputValue.length > 0 ;
messages: {
minimumLengthRule: "The input length is too short."
validatable.bind("validateInput", function (e) {
$("#div_id > span").not(':first').remove(); // 1.
if (!e.valid) {
$("[id='input_id_validationMessage'").appendTo('#div_id'); // 2.

MVC5 Partial View Example

I am seeking to create a reusable "employee lookup" control.
Note:I am assuming that a partial view is the best way to go.
I want multiple buttons on the page
Each button will call a PartialView and each button will have a specific textbox
Each partial will contain multiple Results (items)
On clicking one of the results I want to populate the button's textbox, that made the call, with the result
How am i able to do this, since the page will have multiple buttons and textboxes?
This control needs to be able to be called by multiple buttons
So, those buttons call an action which will render the partial which has those results?
I'm seeing multiple ways to do this. The easiest way is:
<button id="btn1" class="btns" data-target="txt1" type="button">A</button>
<button id="btn2" class="btns" data-target="txt2" type="button">B</button>
<input type="text" id="txt1" />
<input type="text" id="txt2" />
<div id="render">
var ajaxActive = false;
$(function() {
$(".btns").on('click', function () { // Bind the onclick of the button, so any button with this class may call the following function
var _button = $(this);
function getItems(_button) {
var bind = function (_button, results) {
$("#render").append(results); // Append the partialview to the current view's div
$("#render .itemResult").on('click', function () { // Bind the onclick of the result
var resultValue = $(this).text(); // Or any other value that come from the result
var targetId = "#" + _button.data('target'); // Id of the input (Target) which comes from the clicked button
$(targetId).val(resultValue); // Change the input target value with the result one
if (ajaxActive) {
$.get('/Controller/Action') // Get the partialview
.done(function (results) {
bind(_button, results);
else {
var results = simulateCall(); // Get the results
bind(_button, results);
function simulateCall() { // Simulate a call to the server
return "<div class='items'> <div class='itemResult'>ABC</div> <div class='itemResult'>DEF</div> </div>";
PS: Here is a working demo
Keep in mind that i placed some sort of "call" to simulate it going to the database

Rails / Trix Editor save changes via AJAX to server

I am using the very simple to implement Trix Editor provided from Basecamp in an "Edit View".
How would one save automatically changes, without having the user to interact through the update button?
I am thinking about something like this:
window.setInterval(function() {
localStorage["editorState"] = JSON.stringify(element.editor)
}, 5000);
What I actually want to do:
post a ajax "post" request to the rails server. something like:
$('trix-editor').on('blur', function() {
var sendname = $('#note_name').val();
var sendlink = $('#linkinput').val();
var sendnote = $('input[name="note[note]"]').val();
type: "POST",
url: "/notes",
data: { note: { name: sendname, link: sendlink, note: sendnote } },
success: function(data) {
return false;
error: function(data) {
return false;
(There is as well the problem with authentification and devise. Only if you are loged in you should be able to send an ajax post request ..??)
Even better would be to save changes only when the user changes some data, and then wait 5s and then push the updated data via json to the server. I have no clue how to do that...
PS: would have loved to tag this question with a "trix-editor" tag, sorry have not enought rep for doing so...
If you are using plain JavaScript, use a hidden input field:
<input type="hidden" id="noticeEditorContent"/>
<trix-editor input="noticeEditorContent" id="x" style="min-height: 200px;"></trix-editor>
Now you have access to the element with the ID x.
Which means, with getElementById, you can do something like that:
var richTex = document.getElementById("x");
With this variable, you can either set an interval as you already explained, or you are using jQuery to do the job:
$('#x').on('input', function() {
localStorage["editorState"] = JSON.stringify($('#x').val());
Just a suggestion. You can write this code a bit nicer and cleaner.
Now it depends. Is setting an interval every 5 seconds better or writing every change to the LocalStorage?
Save the input when the user deselects the field:
$('#x').on('blur', function() {
localStorage["editorState"] = JSON.stringify($('#x').val());
Update: Here is a working JSFiddle.
so I came up with this code which saves via ajax on 'trix-blur' (which fires when the user disselects the trix-editor). There is only the question left if this code is secure enought with devise, or if now anyone can send data to be saved?!?
I have the authentification in the notes controller like that:
before_action :authenticate_user!
and here is the javascript part (with a custom messages functionality):
$('trix-editor').on('trix-blur', function() {
var sendname = $('#note_name').val();
var sendlink = $('#linkinput').val();
var sendnote = $('input[name="note[note]"]').val();
var sendid = $('#note_id').val();
type: "PUT",
url: "/notes/" + sendid,
dataType: "json",
data: { note: { name: sendname, link: sendlink, note: sendnote }, id: sendid, commit: "Update Note" },
success: function(data) {
addMessage('auto saved ...', 'msg-success');
return false;
error: function(data) {
return false;
var addMessage = function(msg, msgclass) {
$('#notifications').append('<div id="msg" class="msg '+msgclass+'">'+msg+'</div>');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
var displayMessage = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
var hideMessage = function() {
setTimeout( function() {
}, 300);
var deleteMessage = function() {
if ($('#notificatosn').find('#msg') > 1) {
Per the Trix project page the trix-editor emits different events on specific conditions.
The trix-change event is what you need; it fires whenever the editor’s contents has changed.
So, the first line of your JavaScript code could be
$('trix-editor').on('trix-change', function() {
/* Here will be your code to save the editor's contents. */

Kendo Date Picker failing in MS Edge Browser

I have created this partial view as a pop-up to enable the user to edit the date and save. Kendo date picker fails on Edge browser. All the date fields turn blank when opened in this particular browser(when date picker already has a date assigned to it).Works fine in all the other browsers like Chrome, Mozilla and IE. Kendo UI version is v2013.3.1119.
Can you please suggest any fix?
<script type="text/javascript">
// This method opens the popup window.
function EditMiscDates() {
width: "1100px",
title: "Milestone Dates",
actions: ["Close"],
draggable: false,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
activate: function () {
// set focus to the first control
// Center the window and open it
function OnMiscDatesSuccess(data) {
//console.log('OnMiscDatesSuccess called.');
// If the service returned with an error message, show the message to the user
if (!data.IsValid) {
console.log("Error (" + data.Messages + ")");
// Allow the user to retry
EnableMiscDatesClose(true); // let them close the window
$("#error-text-misc-dates").html("An error occurred: " + data.Messages);
// The method successfully executed so we can close the popup window and reload the main page.
// Redirect back to the Index page to reload the data
window.location = '#Url.Action("Index", "Dca", new { id = Model.OrderId })';
// This method allows us to enable or disable the close button on the main window
function EnableMiscDatesClose(enable) {
$('#edit-dca-misc-dates-div').parent().find(".k-window-action").css("visibility", (enable ? "" : "hidden"));
// Handle the user clicking the cancel button
function CloseMiscDatesPopup() {
$("#error-text-misc-dates").hide(); // Hide error message (if exists)
function GetMiscDatesJson() {
// Note: Something prepends "step_" to the front of every id (with the odd exception of the Kendo controls). So I have to
// manually make the ajax call to submit the form (or it can't match the field names with the model parameters)
var orderId = $("#step_mcd-order-id").val();
var mcdCodeCheckScheduled = $("#mcd-code-check-scheduled").data("kendoDatePicker").value();
mcdCodeCheckScheduled = kendo.toString(mcdCodeCheckScheduled, "MM/dd/yyyy");
var o = {
OrderId: orderId,
CodeCheckScheduled: mcdCodeCheckScheduled
return o;
// This method validates the data entered by the user.
// If it is invalid, it shows a detailed error message; otherwise it submits the form via ajax
function ValidateAndSubmitMiscDates() {
var d = GetMiscDatesJson();
var s = JSON.stringify(d);
// Submit the form via ajax
type: 'POST',
url: '#Url.Action("SaveConversionMiscDates", "Dca")',
dataType: 'json',
data: s,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function (data) {
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
EnableMiscDatesClose(true); // let them close the window
$("#error-text-misc-dates").html("An error occurred: " + error);
<div id='edit-dca-misc-dates-div' style='display:none'>
<div class="k-block k-error-colored" id="error-text-misc-dates" style="display: none"></div>
<div class="mcd-label">Scheduled</div>
<div style="padding-top:6px;text-align:right">
<button class="k-button" onclick="ValidateAndSubmitMiscDates()">Save</button>
Fixed in the latest build: 2015.2.902.545
