App Inventor Fusion Table Column calling - google-fusion-tables

I developed an app based on App Inventor and Fusion Tables. When I want to update total money by adding some money to already existing money it is giving some error.
When I use SELECT command to get information from fusion table it is taking then number with column Name. When i am trying to add both of them it is giving following error.
Error message

The result from a fusiontable includes always the header row...
from your example SELECT statement the result is
Obviously to add any value to that result will result in an error, because you only can add numeric values...
You first have to extract the value (in your example 5000) from the result. Convert the result into a list using the split block, just split at \n (new value) to get a list, then select the 2nd item using the select list item block.
Note: to be able to update something in a table, you need the ROWID, see also the SQL Reference Documentation of the Fusion Tables API.
For UPDATE statements the first step to be done is to get the ROWID of the row to be updated with a SELECT statement. The second step is to do the UPDATE.


How to copy data from Netezza DEFINITION_SCHEMA [ignoring the bytea error]

I am trying to analyse the code used in the stored procs on our Netezza server.
First step is to get the definitions/code contained in the stored procs - this can easily be done by either of the following:
Using the system views
from _v_procedure
Or using the base table [view points to this table]
Now, once I run some analysis on the PROCEDURESOURCE column and try to write this information out to a table, I always get the following error:
ERROR: Type 'bytea' not supported by IBM Netezza SQL
Easy way to replicate this error is simply doing the following
create table MY_SCHEMA.TEST_TMP as
with rs as
select * from rs
I have determined that there is a column in DEFINITION_SCHEMA."_T_PROC" of type bytea (column name = PROBIN)
I am however not selecting this column, so I am not sure why I am getting this error
Can anyone help with a workaround on how to copy the PROCEDURESOURCE into a new table and bypass the 'bytea' error
3 suggestions:
1) Sometimes the ‘limit all’ trick helps: What are the benefits of using LIMIT ALL in a subquery?
2) Alternatively, do a ‘create external table’ and put your data into a file, then another statement to read it back from the file
3) last guess is that you may be able to explicitly cast the column to a more benign data type (Varchar() or similar)

XPath queries to scrape data

I'm using Copy XPath from Chrome to create my queries. It works very well but not for this question.
Here is the site I scrape data from.
One query that works (number next to "Senaste NAV-kurs" in table 1)
=IMPORTXML(""&1085603;"//*[#id='fund-summary-wrap']/div[1]/dl[2]/dd/text()" )
But when I copy XPath from table with title "AVKASTNING" i'm getting no data, pls help
=IMPORTXML(""&1085603;"//*[#id='ctl00_FourColumnWidthContent_ThreeColumnsContent_MainAndSecondColumnContent_fundInfo_fundPerformance_tableFund']/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]/span" )
If you are willing to try it another way, the following will get the "AVKASTNING" table.
If you want a specific value from the table use index. The following example gets the second row second column value:

Mapping Values in Qlikview

In Qlikview, I have an excel sheet that I use to map USERNAME to a TEAM value. But everytime I refresh the dashboard, new USERNAME values come up and since they are not in the excel sheet, these USERNAME values show up as their own value in the TEAM column. How would I make it so that any USERNAME that is not in the excel sheet shows up as 'Unidentified' or another value under the TEAM column instead of showing up as their own separate value?
First of all when posting question here if possible always include the source code so everybody will have more clear picture about your problem. Just saying.
On the topic ...
Use the mapping load in this case with supplying the third parameter. For example:
[User_to_Team_Mapping.xlsx] (ooxml, embedded labels, table is [Sheet1])
ApplyMap( 'TeamMapping', User, 'Unidentified') as Team
Transactions.qvd (qvd)
The third parameter in ApplyMap is the default string value when mapping value was not found in the mapping table (TeamMapping)

Fusion tables query does not fetch some

I'm having an issue on this table: 1g_ydg74ooUSBzNfQBHOIdgrOKhxZD_92In8xTDg
I'm trying to fetch some results by CODE_DEPT. I used the filter
CODE_DEPT IN ('001', '002', '003', '02A', '02B')
and only the 3 first are fetched.
Any idea what's going on ?
Looks like CODE_DEPT is identified as a numeric column. The last two codes are not numeric and so would not match anything. If you change the column to type Text and you should be OK.

Customizing jQuery UI Autcomplete

I want to make a few customizations to jQuery UI Autcomplete:
1) If there are no results found it should output "no results found" in the list.
2) Is it possible to highlight/bold the letters in the results as they are being typed? For example if I type "ball" and I have "football" in my results it needs to output as foot ball
3) Is it possible for the results that appear at the top to match the beginning of the string. For example suppose I have 3 entries in my database:
Space Station
I start typing "st" - this will bring up those 3 entries in that order. But I want "Star" to be the first result.
The MySQL query being used at the moment to generate the results is:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM customer WHERE name LIKE '%".$_GET['term']."%' ORDER BY name");
You can simply echo 'No results found' inside the script that returns the list if num rows from your mysql_query is 0.
This was possible in the original Autocomplete plugin but I can't see it anywhere in the JQuery UI documentation.
You may have to run two separate mysql queries - the first one looking for LIKE '".$_GET['term']."%' and the second one as you have it, but excluding the results you've already got from the first query.
