How to check whether system has some header file using bazel build? - bazel

What I want to find is the existence of some platform specific header file.
For example, in source code there will be some #ifdef section like this.
#ifdef HAVE_XXX_H
// something
// other thing
In Autoconf or Cmake, there exists dedicated macro or command for detecting platform specific header file or definition. So, I can easily set 'HAVE_XXX_H' as 1 or 0 according to the result of that macro.
Using bazel, how can I achieve this kind of thing?

If you are sure that the header is always present on a particular platform, use select() as elaborated by László.
If you actually need to detect the header at the build time, you will have to implement a custom repository_rule that will query the system and will generate a workspace with a header defining the macro.

You can use select().
Example: select() in cc_library.srcs. You can do the same in cc_library.hdrs.


How to use --save_temps in Bazel rule instead of command line?

Is there a way to control the Bazel build to generate wanted temp files for a list of source files instead of just using the command line option "--save_temps"?
One way is using a cc_binary, and add "-E" option in the "copts", but the obj file name will always have a ".o". This kind of ".o" files will be overwriten by the other build targets. I don't know how to control the compiler output file name in Bazel.
Any better ideas?
cc_library has an output group with the static library, which you can then extract. Something like this:
name = "extract_archive",
srcs = [":some_cc_library"],
output_group = "archive",
Many tools will accept the static archive instead of an object file. If the tool you're using does, then that's easy. If not, things get a bit more complicated.
Extracting the object file from the static archive is a bit trickier. You could use a genrule with the $(AR) Make variable, but that won't work with some C++ toolchains that require additional flags to configure architectures etc.
The better (but more complicated) answer is to follow the guidance in integrating with C++ rules. You can get the ar from the toolchain and the flags to use it in a custom rule, and then create an action to extract it. You could also access the OutputGroupInfo from the cc_library in the rule directly instead of using filegroup if you've already got a custom rule.
Thanks all for your suggestions.
Now I think I can solve this problem in two steps(Seems Bazel does not allow to combine two rules into one):
Step1, add a -E option like a normal cc_libary, we can call it a pp_library. It is easy.
Step2, in a new rules, its input is the target of pp_library, then in this rule find out the obj files(can be found via : action.outputs.to_list()) and copy them to the a new place via ctx.actions.run_shell() run_shell.
I take Bazel: copy multiple files to binary directory as a reference.

clang-format header include guard

I'd like for the clang-format to check that each of my headers have the proper include guard.
For example, for the file dopelib/dopestuff/whatitisyo.h, I'd like the code to be formatted like this:
/** Code here. **/
Can clnag-format check this structure and make sure that the include guard is there and that it is named appropriately with the file name in the #ifndef (sort of what cpplint does)?
As far as I know, clang-format doesn't currently support this.
However, you can do exactly this with clang-tidy (documented here). Invoke it like this:
clang-tidy -checks='-*,llvm-header-guard' -fix-errors myIncludeFile.h
The -* tells clang-tidy to disable all checks
The llvm-header-guard tells clang-tidy to enable the check which deals with include guards (documented here)
The -fix-errors tells clang-tidy to fix any resulting issues, even if it runs into other errors parsing the file
The llvm-header-guard expected format of the include-guards is exactly what you requested above; for example the file mydir/myfile.h would use MYDIR_MYFILE_H. I don't see any documentation which actually specifies that this is the format it uses, but I've verified at least version 6.0.0 does use that format.
Also see: clang include fixer, which does something similar.
The accepted solution may not work if
The project has a different file structure
Uses some extensions that clang does not understand
I have a script here:

Where can I see the actual values of BasedOnStyle?

Where can I see the actual key-value pairs set in Google style? I can't find the definition in the clang repository.
They can be found in the Format.cpp file of the clang lib.
This is the start of the LLVM style, then the following functions after it hold the other pre-defined configuration settings. If you are looking at a different version of the code base, look for the function 'getPredefinedStyle' to find the sub-calls that are used based on the style chosen.

Does the preprocessor pass environment variables?

Does the preprocessor have a mechanism to access environment variables directly as defines, without the need to define them on the command line?
For instance,
SOME_VAR=foo gcc code.c
#if ENV_SOME_VAR == "foo"
No, the standard C preprocessor has no such mechanism, and I'm not aware of any compiler extensions that provide such a feature either.
However, you can do this using a build system, such as Cmake or GNU Autoconf, the latter being a part of the GNU Autotools build system. A simple shell script would do this as well, though all of these options mean you'd need to test the environment variable to determine whether to define ENV_SOME_VAR, in which case, you might just define it using something like the following:
That would define ENV_SOME_VAR in your C file as the value of $SOME_VAR if it's set or to the string "unfoo" if $SOME_VAR is empty (null) or unset.

How can I check for a specified header file in Waf?

I'm using waf to build a C program. I'd like to check for the existence of a particular header file during the configuration phase. Is there a way to do that?
Ah, a bit of googling found the answer to my question: You can use the check method on Configuration objects, like so:
def configure(conf):
