Latency and Initiation interval in HLS - xilinx

I have a design in SDAccel that shows the latency as 33000 cycles and initiation interval of 8. What does this mean?
Does it mean that the output is ready after 33000 cycles? I checked the actual time it took to output (profile summary report) and it shows 319 ms.
(clock is 5ns)

Latency of 33000 cycles and initiation interval of 8 cycles indicate that you have an application with lot of pipeline stages.
Yes, your output will be ready after 33000 cycles. But you can give a new input after 8 clock cycles.


How much computing time does the kernel need

I wrote a program for a LED display. The program allows to set the refresh rate via webconfiguration. To meet the refresh rate I measure the processing time of a loop. At the end I calculate the delay and wait until the next loop.
e.g. Refresh Rate 5 Hz -> 200 milli seconds for one loop. 50 milli seconds computing time results in 150 milli seconds delay.
The ratio of process time (50 milli seconds) to total time (200 milli seconds) indicates the processor load of my program. But to find the optimal setting, I need the actual total processor load. And not only that of my program. But since I don't know the real processor load of the delay() (in which WIFI etc. is done), I don't really know the processor load. In other words, I don't know how much time the system spends doing system tasks in the delay(150).
Is there a way to find out how much of a delay is actually used for system tasks before the processor truly waits?
In other words, I'm looking for a way to get the kernel time within a certain time frame.
Cheers Gabriel

How to write bosun alerts which handle low traffic volumes

If you are writing a bosun alert which is based of a percentage error rate for requests handled by your system, how do you write it in such a way that it handles periods of low traffic.
For example:
If I have an alert which looks back over the last 5 minutes and works out the error rate for requests
$errorRate = $numberErr/$numberReq and then triggers an alarm if the errorRate exceeds a predefined threshold crit = $errorRate > 0.05 this can work quite well so long as every 5 minute period had a sufficiently large number of requests ($numberReq).
If the number of requests in a 5 minute period was 10,000 then 501 errors would be required to trigger an alarm. However if the number of requests in a 5 minute period was 100 then only 5 errors would be required to trigger an alarm.
How can I write an alert which handles periods where the number of requests are so low that a small number of errors will equate to a large error rate. I had considered a sliding window of time, rather than a fixed 5 minute period, where the window would increase in size until the number of requests was high enough to give some confidence in the alarm. e.g. increase the time period until the number of requests is 10,000.
I can't find a way to achieve this in bosun, and I don't want to commit to a larger period of time for my alerts because the traffic rate varies so much. A longer period during peak traffic could result in an actual error causing a much larger impact.
I generally pair any percentage and/or historical based alerts with a static threshold.
For example: crit = numberErr > 100 && $errorRate > 0.05. That way the percent part doesn't matter unless the number of errors have also crossed some threshold because the entire statement won't be true.

Calclulate Power consumption when CPU don't change to LPM Mode in Contiki

I need to calculate power consumption of CPU. According to this formula.
Power(mW) = cpu * 1.8 / time.
Where time is the sum of cpu + lpm.
I need to measure at the start of certain process and at the end, however the time passed it is to short, and cpu don't change to lpm mode as seen in the next values taken with powertrace_print().
all_cpu all_lpm all_transmit all_listen
116443 1514881 148 1531616
17268 1514881 148 1532440
Calculating power consumption of cpu I got 1.8 mW (which is exactly the value of current draw of CPU in active mode).
My question is, how calculate power consumption in this case?
If MCU does not go into a LPM, then it spends all the time in active mode, so the result of 1.8 mW you get looks correct.
Perhaps you want to ask something different? If you want to measure the time required to execute a specific block of code, you can add RTIMER_NOW() calls at the start and end of the block.
The time resolution of RTIMER_NOW may be too coarse for short-time operations. You can use a higher frequency timer for that, depending on your platform, e.g. read the TBR register for timing if you're compiling for a msp430 based sensor node.

NUnit maximum timeout value

I have some tests that are very slow and I want to set as timeout 15 minutes.
As test purpose I have this example:
[Test, Timeout(900000)]
public void Test1()
The test after some time stops without errors.
What's the correct way to do it?
As you know, both Thread.Sleep and NUnit's TimeoutAttribute take time in milliseconds. Specifying times that are 1 millisecond off from each other isn't enough to guarantee a timeout due to thread scheduling and general timer accuracy. See this answer for a little more discussion about the accuracy of Thread.Sleep, and by extension NUnit's timeout thread's accuracy.
Try specifying a larger difference between the two numbers and I suspect you'll see it behaves as you'd expect. For instance, sleep for 900100 milliseconds and leave the timeout value as is. With a timeout of 15 minutes, you won't notice an extra tenth of a second waiting for it to timeout.

How to make a thread sleep/block for nanoseconds

How can I block a thread for nanoseconds or microseconds? The Sleep() function is not possible because it accepts miliseconds which is obviously not what I need.
Use the TStopWatch class, and write a while loop that spins until the desired number of ticks (100 nanosecond intervals) has elapsed.
property ElapsedTicks : Int64 read GetElapsedTicks;
This will not relinquish control to other threads; it will simply wait in the current thread for the desired period of time. There will be some degree of error; the amount of error will depend on how long it takes Delphi to execute each loop.
Further Reading
How to Accurately Measure Elapsed Time Using High-Resolution Performance Counter
Windows does not support nano sleep. The thread scheduling used by Windows is much coarser than that. The Windows thread quantum is orders of magnitude longer than a nano-second.
