iOS : adding zposition and button action doesn't work anymore - ios

Hi I have implement a walkthroughs in beginning of my app and a button in last walkthroughs view for going to another view controller but I didn't see the button so I searched and add this statement
self.mybutton.layer.zposition = 1
so finally after this code I see my button but the action for my doesn't work anymore ??
thanks for any help

Move your button to on top of all other views in story board and then check
UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!.bringSubview(toFront: yourBtn)

Use bringSubviewToFront instead of zposition
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.mybutton];


How can I bring a view in front of another view, in Swift?

Below are how my views are organized in IB, top->bottom when the app is started.
The user can do something to make "Category Table View Header" temporarily expand over "Name View" - however once doing so, the .TouchDown action assigned to "Category Table View Header" no longer works wherever it overlaps with "Name View" (i.e., the user can tap the header anywhere it doesn't overlap with name view and it still works).
I know that may be confusing, so I drew out some boxes. On the left is the original, right is after user action - problem is on the right the action on the red box only works if the user taps the bottom half, not the top half.
My guess is its because the header is lower in the view hierarchy than the name view, but it would be hard for me to change that without messing around with a bunch of constraints.
I also tried setting nameView.hidden = true, but that doesn't work.
If you want to bring a subview to the front, you can use:
self.view.bringSubview(toFront: yourView)
Send view to back:-
self.view.sendSubview(toBack: yourView)
parentView.insertSubview(yourView, belowSubview: requiredViewOnStack)
parentView.insertSubview(yourView, aboveSubview: requiredViewOnStack)
Swift 5.1+
UIKit draws views back to front, which means that views higher up the stack are drawn on top of those lower down. If you want to bring a subview to the front, there's a method just for you: bringSubviewToFront(). Here's an example:
This method can also be used to bring any subview to the front, even if you're not sure where it is:
In Swift 5
To bring a subview to front
To send a subview to back
You can take a control over the order of subviews using methods: bringSubviewToFront and sendSubviewToBack from the superview.
You can access all the subviews contained by superview using self.view.subview array.
The method has been updated since swift 3
What has worked for me and hopefully for you is using :
YourView.bringSubview(toFront: yourelementA)
YourView.bringSubview(toFront: yourelementB)
Alternatively you could use the following to send the object that is in the front:
YourView.sendSubview(toBack: yourelementC)
I hope this helps
Swift 5.4
views in UIKit are drawn from the back towards the front (like adding icing onto a cake). This means that the new views will be placed on top/over the previously placed views. (e.g. Icing is the new view and the base of the cake being the old view.
You can use the following to manipulate the views Z-position using,
bringSubViewToFront did not work in my case, Take a look
As I wanted this notification count comes before image, bringSubViewToFront did not work, So I just drag this label below to stack view of my imgae and bottom label, it worked for me.
I hope this will work for all

IOS: How to send an Image View back and front

In my storyboard I have a view on which I have an ImageView and a Button. The ImageView is currently covering my button and I would like to put the button over the ImageView. I found similar topics which were solved by going to "Editor" -> "Arrange" -> "Send to Front", however that was done for UIViews and this option is passive for ImageView and Buttons.
So how can I send my ImageView to background? Is the best solution for this to add an additional view only for the Button and then bring it to front?
You can rearrange your views on storyboard:
First view in order will be hidden by next view.
Maybe this options will be also useful for your running application:
myImageView.layer.zPosition = -5;
myImageView.layer.zPosition = 5;
Like in HTML/CSS.
The solution was to move the view components up and down in the "Document Outline" section.
Alternatively, you could've solved the problem using the bringSubviewToFront function:
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.yourButtonControl];

UIButton style gone after segue

I'm trying to fix a problem that does not make any sense to me.
I'm applying a style to 3 of my buttons. When I click another one, there is a segue. When I dismiss the viewController, the style is not applied to my 3 previous buttons..until I click again ! I thought it was my configuration with line code that was wrong so I've deleted every customizations.
I directly configure buttons from the interface builder.
Here it my segue code even if I think it's not useful.
- (IBAction)addContact:(id)sender {
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"FriendsToAddFriends" sender:sender];
I've added some picture to show my problem :
The strangest part is when I'm back to the first page, when I click without release my click, the style comes back. It's the same for the whole 3 buttons.
I don't have any other idea to fix it. Does someone have ?
Thank you a lot in advance !
Problem solved with this code :
for (UIButton* button in buttons) {
[button.titleLabel setTextAlignment:NSTextAlignmentNatural];
I applied it on each following methods :
I still don't know why this alignment change when the view will disappear.
It seems working for now.
I hope it will help someone else.

Bring UIButton to front layer

I know there is a way of bringing a subview to the front of the hierarchy. However is there a way of bringing a button that i have placed on a story and calling a function that will make that button the top layer so its not hidden by any other elements that are added that aren't in the story board.
I am late for this question, but not too late to answer it by Swift 3
Swift 3
view.bringSubview(toFront: theButton)
A UIButton is a UIView, so you can call -bringSubviewToFront: on your button instance.
uiview's are displayed in the order they are stacked. One can change this to say were to insert the new uiview, which in your case is a uibutton.
One way of doing that is by creating a IBOUtlet of the uibutton and adding that button instance as a subview/newview above an existing uiview.
[self.view insertSubview:<new Uiview> aboveSubview:<existing uiview>];
Also if you are not able to figure out the order of the uiview , then you can check that in xcode
When running the project in debug mode under debug window there is a button(highlighted in below image) Debug View Hierarchy, you need to click that. (highlighted in below image)
After that you will able to see all the views rendering on the screen at current instance, using this feature you will be able to understand were is your new uiview in the uiview stack order(shown below).
The following works great if the view you are working with is being hidden views that are in the same view.
Swift 5
In my case I had to insert my view behind some buttons. By insert it at the zero position it was placed behind the buttons.
self.view.insertSubview(self.mapView!, at: 0)
i have the same problem with you and a friend of mine helped me
i can bring my button to another subview using this function on your view controller where you declare your button.
override func viewDidLoad() {

Adding a custom UIButton and action to a view in window app delegate (ios)

I am working on a tab bar application which needs a global title bar with a setttings button attached. I have achieved adding an imageview to the main window, then a label, another image, and finally a button. However, I cannot get this button to fire an action. it is set up like this:
[settingsButton addTarget:self action:#selector(settings) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchupInside];
Then the action defined like:
NSLog(#"please do something");
However nothing happens, the image doesn't even change like it is being pressed. Can i not define buttons in the app delegate this way? is it because the target is not something that is control based? i tried different targets but i must not fully understand what setting a target is. thanks for any help.
P.S.- i tried setting up the method like so as well:
-(void) settings:(id)sender{
and calling it by replacing the action with #selector(settings:) to no avail. Thank you.
I solved it. I forgot I changed the view behind the button to a UIImageView. I can't believe I didn't think of this before since this same issue cost me 2 hours the other day. When you have an imageView always remember to set this flag if you want stuff on it:
(someImageView).userInteractionEnabled = YES;
Hopefully I save someone an hour or two of needless headaches.
P.S. Thanks for the speedy comment !
