Description matching in record linkage using Machine learning Approach - machine-learning

We are working on record linkage project.
In simple terms, we are searching product in database just by looking at the similarity of description. It is a very interesting problem to solve, but currently the machine learning approach, what we have adopted is resulting in very low accuracy. If you can suggest something very lateral approach it will help our project a lot.
Input description
| ID | description |
| 1 |delta t17267-ss ara 17 series shower trim ss |
| 2 |delta t14438 chrome lahara tub shower trim on |
| 3 |delta t14459 trinsic tub/shower trim |
| 4 |delta t17497 cp cassidy tub/shower trim only |
| 5 |delta t14497-rblhp cassidy tub & shower trim |
| 6 |delta t17497-ss cassidy 17 series tub/shower |
Description in Database
|ID | description |
| 1 | delta monitor17 ara® shower trim 2 gpm 1 lever handle stainless commercial |
| 2 | delta monitor 14 lahara® tub and shower trim 2 gpm 1 handle chrome plated residential |
| 3 | delta monitor 14 trinsic® tub and shower trim 2 gpm 1 handle chrome plated residential |
| 4 | delta monitor17 addison™ tub and shower trim 2 gpm 1 handle chrome plated domestic residential|
| 5 | delta monitor 14 cassidy™ tub and shower trim 2 gpm venetian bronze |
| 6 | delta monitor 17 addison™ tub and shower trim 2 gpm 1 handle stainless domestic residential |
Background information
1.The records in database are fundamentally very near because of which it causing huge issue.
2.There are around 2 million records in database, but search space gets reduced when we search for specific manufacturer the search space gets reduced to few hundreds.
3.The records in “Input description” with records ID 1 is same as the record in “Description in Database” with record ID 1( That we know using manual approach.)
4.we are used random forest train to predict.
Current approach
We are tokenized the description
Remove stopwords
Added abbreviation information
For each record pair we calculate scores from different string metric like jacard, sorendice, cosine, average of all this scores are calculated.
Then we calculate the score for manufacturer Id using jaro winker metric method.
So if there are 5 records of a manufacturer in “input description” and 10 records for a manufacturer in “database” the total combination is 50 records pairs that is 10 pairs per record, which results in scores which are very near. We have considered top 4 record pair from each set of 10 pairs. In the case for a record pair, where there is similar score for more than one record pair, we have considered all of them.
7.We arrive at the following learning data set format.
|----------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------- +--------------+-----------+
|ISMatch | Descrption average score |manufacturer ID score| jacard score of description | sorensenDice | cosine(3) |
|1 | 1:0.19 | 2:0.88 |3:0.12 | 4:0.21 | 5:0.23 |
|0 | 1:0.14 |2:0.66 |3:0.08 | 4:0.16 | 5:0.17 |
|0 | 1:0.14 |2:0.68 |3:0.08 |4:0.15 | 5:0.19 |
|0 | 1:0.14 |2:0.58 |3:0.08 |4:0.16 | 5:0.16 |
|0 | 1:0.12 |2:0.55 |3:0.08 |4:0.14 | 5:0.14 |
We train the above dataset. When predict it in real time using the same approach the accuracy is very low.
Please suggest any other alternative approach,
we planned to use TF-IDF but initial investigation reveals it also may not improve the accuracy by huge terms.


How to forecast (or any other function) in Google Sheets with only one cell of data?

My sheet:
| product | value 1 | value 2 | value 3 | value 4 |
| name 1 | 700,000 | 500 | 10,000 | 2,000,000 |
| name 2 | 200,000 | 800 | 20,000 | ? |
| name 3 | 100,000 | 150 | 6,000 | ? |
| name 4 | 1,000,000 | 1,000 | 25,000 | ? |
| name 5 | 2,000,000 | 1,500 | 30,000 | ? |
| name 6 | 2,500,000 | 3,000 | 65,000 | ? |
| name 7 | 300,000 | 300 | 12,000 | ? |
| name 8 | 350,000 | 200 | 9,000 | ? |
| name 9 | 900,000 | 1,200 | 28,000 | ? |
| name 10 | 150,000 | 100 | 5,000 | ? |
What I am attempting is to predict the empty columns based on the data that I do have. Maybe just one of the columns that contain data in every row or maybe I should be only focusing on one column that contains data in every row?
I have used FORECAST previously but had more data in the column that I was predicting values for which the lack of data I think is my root problem(?). Not sure if FORECAST is best for this so any recommendations for other functions are most welcome.
The last thing I can add though is that the known value in column E (value 4) is a confident number and ideally it's used in any formula that I end up with (although I am open to any other recommendations).
The formula I was using:
I don't think this is possible without more information. If you think about it, Value 4 can be a constant (always 2,000,000), be dependent on only one other value (say 200 times value 3), or be a complex formula (say add values 1, 2, and 3 with a constant). Each of these 3 models agree with the values for name 1, however they generate vastly different value 4 predictions.
In the case of name 2, the models would output the following for value 4:
Constant: 2,000,000
Value 3: 8,000,000
Sum: 2,489,700
Each of those values could be valid without providing further constraints (either through data points or specifying the kind of model, but probably both).

In data warehouse, can fact table contain two same records?

If a user ordered same product with two different order_id;
The orders are created within a same date-hour granularity, for example
order#1 2019-05-05 17:23:21
order#2 2019-05-05 17:33:21
In the data warehouse, should we put them into two rows like this (Option 1):
| id | user_key | product_key | date_key | time_key | price | quantity |
| 001 | 1111 | 22 | 123 | 456 | 10 | 1 |
| 002 | 1111 | 22 | 123 | 456 | 10 | 2 |
Or just put them in one row with the aggregated quantity (Option 2):
| id | user_key | product_key | date_key | time_key | price | quantity |
| 001 | 1111 | 22 | 123 | 456 | 10 | 3 |
I know if I put the order_id as a degenerate dimension in the fact table, it should be Option 1. But in our case, we don't really want to keep the order_id.
Also I once read an article that says that when all dimensions are filtered out, there should be only one row of data in the fact table. If this statement is correct, the Option 2 will be the choice.
Is there a principle where I can refer ?
Conceptually, fact tables in a data warehouse should be designed at the most detailed grain available. You can always aggregate data from the lower granularity to the higher one, while the opposite is not true - if you combine the records, some information is lost permanently. If you ever need it later (even though you might not see it now), you'll regret the decision.
I would recommend the following approach: in a data warehouse, keep order number as degenerate dimension. Then, when you publish a star schema, you might build a pre-aggregated version of the table (skip order number, group identical records by date/hour). This way, you can have smaller/cleaner fact table in your dimensional model, and yet preserve more detailed data in the DW.

COUNTIFS with OR but no SUM

I'm trying to count the number of items that fit at least one criteria. But my actual formula count 2 instead of 1 when an item fits 2 criteria at the same time.
Considering the following example :
Article | Rate 1 | Rate 2 | Rate 3 | Language
1 | 12% | 54% | 6% | English
2 | 65% | 55% | 34% | English
3 | 59% | 12% | 78% | French
4 | 78% | 8% | 47% | English
5 | 12% | 11% | 35% | English
How do you count the number of article in English with at least one success rate over 50%.
Right now my formula counts 4 instead of 3, because the article 2 counts for 2. (I'm on google sheets)
Thank you for your help.
Assuming that data is in columns A:E, you could use:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(E2:E6="english"), SIGN((B2:B6>0.5)+(C2:C6>0.5)+(D2:D6>0.5)))

prepare clickstream for k-means clustering

i'm new to machine learning algorithms and i'm trying to do a user segmentation based on the users clickstreams of a news website. i have prepared the clickstreams so that i know which user id read which news-category and how many times.
so my table looks something like this:
| UserID | Category 1 | Category 2 | ... | Category 20
| 123 | 4 | 0 | ... | 2
| 124 | 0 | 10 | ... | 12
i'm wondering if the k-means works well for so many categories? would it be better to use percentages instead of whole numbers for the read articles?
so e.g. user123 read 6 articles overall - 4 of 6 were category 1 so its 66,6% interest in category 1.
another idea would be to pick the 3 most-read categories of each user and transform the table to something like this whereby Interest 1 : 12 means that the user is most interested in Category 12
| UserID | Interest 1 | Interest 2 | Interest 3
| 123 | 1 | 12 | 7
| 124 | 12 | 13 | 20
K-means will not work well for two main reasons:
It is for continuous, dense data. Your data is discrete.
It is not robust to outliers, you probably have a lot of noisy data
well, the number of users is not defined because it's a theoretical approach, but because it's a news website let's assume there are millions of users...
would there be another, better algorithm for clustering user groups based on their category interests? and when i prepare the data of the first table so that i have the interest of one user for each category in percentage - the data would be continuous and not discrete - or am i wrong?

Measuring periodicity strength of a specific time on the time series data

I try to measure periodicity strength of a specific time on the time series data when a period (e.g., 1day, 7day) is given.
For example,
| AM 10:00 | 10:30 | 11:00 |
DAY 1 | A | A | B |
DAY 2 | A | B | B |
DAY 3 | A | B | B |
DAY 4 | A | A | B |
DAY 5 | A | A | B |
If a period is 1 day, AM 10:00 and 11:00 is the highest strength of periodicity in this data because there are consistent value in both times.
Are there any popular method or research to do this?
There are many existed research for finding periodic pattern in the time series, but I can't find research measuring periodicity strength of a specific time when a period is given.
Please sharing your knowledge. Thanks.
What you are looking for is something called cyclic association rules. I've linked to the paper that was originally written by researches at Bell Labs.
