Feign Oauth how to manually set the bearer token value? - oauth

I'm developping a Rest API, MyApi.
In there, I'm using Feign (and swagger codegen) to generate a client for another API, let's call it Ext-API.
The user will have called Ext-API previously and among other things will have retrieved a JWT Token.
He'll then call my API using Basic Auth and in the body it'll give me the JWT token.
I'm to use this JWT token as auth header to connect to Ext-API from my API and do some more stuff on behalf of the user.
However all example of Oauth & Feign example rely on the Oauth also being used to connect to the API using the generated client.
I can't find how I could, on every request, update the Oauth Token.
There are nothing exposed by feign to do this.
Atm I'm using regular Rest template.

You can used #RequestHeader in feign Client, see below
#FeignClient(name = "<name>", configuration = <configclass>)
public interface Client {
public final String AUTH_TOKEN = "Authorization";
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "users", produces = "application/json")
public HttpEntity<List<User>> getUsers(#RequestHeader(AUTH_TOKEN) String oruToken,
#RequestParam("<param>") Integer value);
and from you program you can pass token to feign client


Pass Along Authorization Header in OpenAPI Generator-generated Java WebClient Code

I have a Java/Spring-based microservices architecture with two services:
A - has a public-facing endpoint which does some stuff and then calls the below endpoint on B. This endpoint requires an Authorization header (OAuth2) to identify the user.
B - has an endpoint that also requires an Authorization header (OAuth2) so that it can determine which user made the call.
I have specified B's endpoint using OpenAPI. I'm using OpenAPI Generator to generate both the client in A (Spring WebClient), and the server in B (Spring Boot).
My question is this: what do I need to do to pass the Authorization header along from A to B? I see how to set a static header, but I don't know how to pass the header based on what's received by A.
Similar to this question, but for WebClient: OpenAPI client generator Java - header per call
As your A service is a resource-server and you want to issue request to service B on behalf of the user who initiated the request to A, just set a Bearer Authorization header on WebClient with the original access-token string retrieved from current security context (use SecurityContextHolder static accessor or have AbstractOAuth2TokenAuthenticationToken<?> auth auto-magically injected by Spring as #Controller method parameter).
If your A service was a client, you could do as I did in the UiController of this tutorial.
Turns out my problem was how I specified the endpoint security in my OpenAPI specification.
I added:
type: oauth2
authorizationUrl: https://example.com/oauth/authorize
tokenUrl: https://example.com/oauth/token
read: Read scope
And made a reference to that security schema on my endpoint:
- s2s:
- read
Now, when I run openapi-generate on this schema and generate it to either Spring Boot (server) or Java WebClient (client), the generated endpoint signature looks like:
method = RequestMethod.GET,
value = "/foo",
produces = { "application/json" }
Mono<ResponseEntity<MyResponse>> foo(
#Parameter(name = "Authorization", description = "", required = true) #RequestHeader(value = "Authorization", required = true) String authorization,
#Parameter(hidden = true) final ServerWebExchange exchange
The String authorization argument to the method was not previously being generated and it's what I needed here. It allows me to pass A's header along to the call to B.
Props to #Ch4mp for helping out here.

What type of authorization does UiPath Cloud use?

I am recently working with Uipath Orchestrator API and I see that they use Bearer token to authenticate. But I am confused and I do not know if this way of authentication is oAuth or it can just be called Bearer Authentication.
So for API authentication, it depends on what orchestrator you are using.
If you are using an on-premise installation of Orchestrator you would send the following JSON body to your Yourorchestrator.com/api/Account/Authenticate
"usernameOrEmailAddress":"your username",
"password":"your password"
you will get a JSON string returned and you want to extract the value for key result this is your authentication token.
Now that you are authenticated you can send your requests with the following header
Name - Authorization
Value - Bearer + your token from above
This is your authentication done.
If you are using UiPath cloud instance of orchestrator you will need to send the following JSON body
"grant_type" : "refresh_token"
"client_id" : "ClientId"
"refresh_token" : "UserKey"
ClientId and UserKey are generated through the cloud instance of Orchestrator
You must also send the following header along with the JSON Body
Name - X-UIPATH-TenantName
Value - Your tenant logical name from orchestrator
Similar to the on-site orchestrator, this will return an authentication token, however, you will need to extract the value for key access_token.
To use this, you send the request with the following 2 headers
Name - Authorization
Value - Bearer + your token from above
Name - X-UIPATH-TenantName
Value - Your tenant logical name from orchestrator
There are some quite useful examples at https://postman.uipath.rocks/?version=latest
It can be quite fiddly to start with, and on-prem Orchestrator is definitely easier to connect with than Cloud orchestrator. I would definitely recommend using Postman to build your API calls

Getting Bearer token in OAuth2.0 using Rest Assured

For my API testing, I have been getting the Authentication Token with the help of Postman. API uses OAuth2.0 for authentication.
While using Postman, I am entering the details like Token Name, Grant Type, Access Token Url, Client ID, Client Secret, Scope, Client Authentication. Once clicked on the Request Token, Bearer token is received and is updated in the Header of the request. Please refer the image attached.Getting OAuth2.0 bearer token with Postman
But now, I want to do it with Rest Assured using Java. Hence I want to know the code how do I get the Bearer token by using Rest Assured?
Assuming you are sending the client id secret and other details in the Query Parameters, for the GET and your response header access_token has the value you are looking.
public class Sample {
String oauth_token ;
public void sampletest() {
oauth_token = RestAssured.given().auth().basic("username", "password").
.queryParams("client_id", "client_id_value")
.queryParams("client_secret", "client_secret_value")
.queryParams("grant_type", "authorization_code")
.queryParams("redirect_uri", "https://someuritoredirect")
.queryParams("otherparams", "sampleparam")

Auth0 JWT Access Tokens

I am having difficulty getting Auth0 to return access tokens in JWT format. I need them in JWT format in order that I can verify them using a Java JWT library.
I am using Auth0 lock to login, and use /oauth/token to get the access token - I have tried setting the audience to our API identifier (in multiple places including the lock auth params, and the /oauth/token payload), without success - the access token is returned however not a JWT.
Alternatively, is there a Java library for validating "native" Auth0 access tokens?
var options = {
auth: {
redirectUrl: '<redirect_link>',
responseType: 'code',
params: {
audience: '<API_identifier>',
scope: 'openid offline_access'
allowedConnections: ['Username-Password-Authentication']
var lock = new Auth0Lock('<clientId>', '<auth0_Host>', options);
The returned code is used to POST to https://<host>/oauth/token with data:
Which is successful but the access token is not JWT, for example: "access_token":"sG99DAJI789SYgTj"
Using the scope openid returns an id_token in JWT format, but from reading the documentation this token should not be used for API authorisation.
It seems Auth0 is using OpenID connect, that is an extension of OAuth2. After a successful end-user authentication, the server returns an ID Token in JWT format and an access token
ID Token
The ID Token is a security token that contains Claims about the Authentication of an End-User by an Authorization Server when using a Client, and potentially other requested Claims. The ID Token is represented as a JSON Web Token (JWT) [JWT].
You can validate the ID Token at client side using any JWT library, but the validation rules for access tokens are different Access Token Validation
To validate an Access Token issued from the Authorization Endpoint with an ID Token, the Client SHOULD do the following:
Hash the octets of the ASCII representation of the access_token with the hash algorithm specified in JWA for the alg Header Parameter of the ID Token's JOSE Header. For instance, if the alg is RS256, the hash algorithm used is SHA-256.
Take the left-most half of the hash and base64url encode it.
The value of at_hash in the ID Token MUST match the value produced in the previous step.
So, basically to validate it you need to compute the digest of the access_token using the hash algorithm of ID token, and check that it matches with the at_hash claim of ID Token

How to call JHipster (Spring) OAuth2 Rest server using Postman Authentication helpers

Postman has Authentication helpers to help with authenticated calls and I'm trying to use the OAuth 2.0 helper to call a REST server created by JHipster using Spring (Security, Social, etc).
I've tried a lot of configurations, this is the screen (client ID and Secret were masked):
For the Authorization URL I've tried: (the app's login route)
The closer I get from receiving a token back to Postman is:
I don't know why it's erring like this. Maybe I'm setting the Callback URL incorrectly? Do I need to do this in the server or in the client (AngularJS)?
Does anyone have any idea of what's wrong? I appreciate your help.
JHipster is currently setup to use the "password" oauth2 grant type. The helper oauth2 helper only seems to work with "authorization code" and "client credentials" grant types.
What you'll want to do is first call your app's token endpoint directly as the angular app does in
POST http://localhost:8080/oauth/token?username=MY_USERNAME&password=MY_PASSWORD&grant_type=password&scope=read%20write
where your username and password can be "user" and "user" respectively, for example and with one header set:
Authorization: Basic AAAAAA
where AAAAAA is your (clientId + ":" + clientSecret)--all base64-encoded. You can use https://www.base64encode.org/. For example if your clientId is "jhipsterapp" and your clientSecret is "mySecretOAuthSecret", replace AAAAAA with "amhpcHN0ZXJhcHA6bXlTZWNyZXRPQXV0aFNlY3JldA==" since that is "jhipsterapp:mySecretOAuthSecret" base64-encoded.
That should return you an access_token. Now hit your API endpoints by calling them with the access_token from your password request in your header like this.
Authorization: Bearer access_token_from_earlier_token_request
Update: if you're using microservices and UAA, then see Niel's answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/45549789/1098564
To build on #sdoxsee's answer:
Currently (August 2017) JHipster generates a class called UaaConfiguration with the configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer) method setting up the client ID, client secret, scope and grant type. Refer to these settings (including the referenced JHipster properties in the application*.yml) to populate the Postman authentication helper, using /oauth/token as both Auth URL and Access Token URL.
public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
For a better client design, this should be done by a ClientDetailsService (similar to UserDetailsService).
.authorizedGrantTypes("implicit", "refresh_token", "password", "authorization_code")
client-id: internal
client-secret: internal
Means your authentication helper should be populated as follows:
