"No repositories available" in Visual Studio 2017 when connecting to TFS - tfs

When I try to connect to TFS 2015 from within Visual Studio 2017, I get the message "No repositories available". The tfs server is listed, but I cannot connect.
No problems in Visual Studio 2015.
Do you have an idea, what I could do?
Thank you

This is a new UI design changed by Visual Studio 2017.
In Visual Studio 2017, we changed the behavior of the Connect page. We
now populate the Connect Page list with only the items you’ve
If you select a project and click "Connect", you will see only the project node in the Connect page. To get your repositories to appear
on the Connect page you need to select the repository node in the
Connect dialog and hit Connect.
This change was made in response to feedback from folks who had large
numbers of repositories in their team projects and wanted to not have
them all added whenever they connected to anything in said project.
More details please refer the visual studio team's comment in this similar question: Team Explorer does not show the repositories within a multi repository project

I had similar issue ,for me TFS is using Kerberos authentication. I changed the authentication to NTLM by running command from Developer tools under TFS server.
TFSConfig Authentication [/provider:NTLM|Negotiate] [/viewAll] [/siteType:ApplicationTier|Proxy]
Reference - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/server/command-line/tfsconfig-cmd?view=azure-devops#authentication
We also did IISRESET after this.
After this i am able to view the Repos under visual studio.


After update to Visual Studio 2019 on Mac, integration with Azure DevOps TFS server broken

After my recent upgrade to Visual Studio 2019 (?) on Mac, I am unable to connect to my TFS server using the TFS Source Control extension.
My current setup:
Visual Studio for Mac, version
Source Control Extension:
Team Foundation Version Control for TFS and Azure DevOps Version
Steps: In Team Explorer, now I see two options:
1) Add Account
2) Add Server
When I try Add Account, a dialog pops up asking for my MS credentials - I enter them as usual, and then nothing further happens, no feedback whatsoever. Is this because it thinks this account is already "added"?
When I try Add Server, I enter my azure dev ops server name, then for user name/password I enter my MS account email and password. I leave domain empty. I get a message:
"Server already exists."
Here is what I expect to see (screenshot from VS 2017 on Windows):
Instead, nothing gets populated the way it normally does in Team Explorer: Pending changes, work items, settings - the entire panel is empty:
I do switch between Windows and Mac a lot, but if I remember correctly, everything worked fine from both workspaces before, so it probably happened when I upgraded to Visual Studio on my Mac. Any ideas on how to fix this?
I wondered the same thing but without the update process in my back pocket... meaning I haven't written any C# in a while but I'm coming back to it. I set up a project with TFS in Azure Dev Ops on my pc, then went to check it out on my Mac and couldn't find any reference anywhere to TFS. Subversion and Git are in there, but no TFS. It took a little while to find it, but here's what I found. The short answer is they want you to use Git, not TFS as TFS is not supported in VS 2019 for Mac. The article does list work-arounds.

How to use different accounts to connect to TFS in VS 2015 and VS 2017?

I have connected to TFS in VS 2015 with a credential say 'username2015' and it works fine. Now when I configure the same TFS in VS 2017, it uses the existing credential 'username2015'. But my problem is I want to use a different credential say 'username2017' when connecting to TFS in VS 2017.
In other words, I am looking for a way to use different accounts to connect to TFS in VS 2015 and VS 2017.
If you Shift + right click on Visual Studio exe it gives option to "Run As Different User". Once you select it then you can give credentials of other user which you want to use. See screenshot below.
I've already used a TFS username "username2015" when connecting to my
client's TFS in Team -> Manage Connections in VS 2015. Now in VS 2017,
I want to use another username 'username2017' to connect to same TFS.
Firstly make sure the username2017 is added in TFS, see Quickstart: Add users to a team project or specific team
If it's the FIRST TIME connecting to same TFS with VS 2017 under current windows user account, then you can use username2017 directly in VS 2017 (Team Explorer -> Manage Connections), it will popup the login dialog box for you to sign-in, nothing different with VS 2015.
But if you have ever connected to the TFS with other tfs accounts in VS 2017, then it will automatically use your previous logged-on tfs user account from Windows Sign-on services and check if you are able to login to selected TFS Server. That means it will automatically connect to TFS with the pervious tfs account if the account is still available. If the password changed, then it will popup the dialog to let you enter the new password to sing-in again.
So, in your scenario if you have ever connected to the TFS with VS2017 under current user account (windows account to run VS ), then you can try to below ways to run VS2017 as another user:
Run as different user as Pankaj mentioned above.
Command to run Visual Studio as another user:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE
runas /netonly /user:<account> devenv.exe
Enter the user password, then Team Explorer > Manage Connections
Logoff windows user, then logon with another windows user, open VS ->
Connect to TFS with another tfs user.
If you insist on using different tfs accounts to connect the same TFS server in VS under the same windows account, then you can try to remove the tfs related credentials from Credential Manager, clean VS and TFS caches etc... But based on my test, it's difficult to take effect.
You can reference my answers in other threads:
Clear stored TFS credentials in Visual Studio 2017
Signing out from TFS and sign in with new credentials

How to Setup TFS(Team Foundation Server) and Visual Studio 2017

Firstly,I was used TFS(Team Foundation Server) and Visual Studio 2015 in my previous project.In this project,My leader setup the TFS and I just used it and it is very nice to use.
Now i am developing new project with Visual Studio 2017 and I want to use TFS.I was googled but not clear for me.So Please Let me known,where can i see clear step by step setup guide of TFS with Visual Studio 2017.
Visual Studio includes all the client pieces for TFS in the default install.
So all you need to do is go to the Team menu to connect to the TFS server. The URL will depend on the configuration of the server: get this from the Admin. (For VSTS it will be your-account.visualstudio.com.)
There is a new user's guide which should help with the details.
So you want to add the new solution which is created in VS 2017 into TFS. Please follow the steps below:
Connect to your team project in VS 2017.
Add your solution to source control. Refer to Add a existing app.
Check your new project into TFS.
Hi you just go to the team Explorer and using the admin rights link add the TFS that u want to use.
And from source control you can get the files of the project.
Hope this will work #Jze

Unable to see documents in Team Explorer 2013 after upgrade

We have upgraded TFS2008 to 2013 on a new server and source control/workitem tracking is okay - we can use all that from within VS2013 Pro.
We have also upgraded Sharepoint (containing all the project documentation) to a new database server and using the TFS 2013 Adminisration Console we can see the Team Projects listed there.
However although from the VS2013 Team Exlorer we can add the team projects and open the 'web portal' for each team project, we cannot see any of the documents nor can we (seemingly) view in a browser the portal that in VS2008 shows the document libraries.
Are we missing something in the unfamiliar interface, or can anyone advise what the cause might be and how to fix it?
You need to "wire up" the Team Projects to the Sharepoint sites. It sounds like they have been detached through the order of the upgrade.
Sharepoint needs to be upgraded and available during the upgrade process or this happens
You can however easily wire them back up. In the Team Project in Visual Studio go to the Team Explorer and do "Settings|Portal".
You should have a dialog for wiring up The existing Sharepoint to the Team Project.
If you don't you may have Tbeen disconnected at the collection level. In which case you can open the TFS Administration Console and follow: http://nakedalm.com/integrate-sharepoint-2013-with-team-foundation-server-2013/

TF30172: You don't have permission

I have a tfs server installed, and it allow me to connect, but when try to create a team project, it shows this message.
TF30172: You do not have permission to create a new team project.
All my permission are currently set, or at at least I think so.
What else can I check?
This is a know issue with Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2012.
From Buck Hodges' blog:
You must use the Visual Studio Team Explorer 2012 (included in all Visual Studio editions or may be separately downloaded) to create a team project on a TFS 2012 server. If you use VS 2010, you will get an error about not having permission. The error message is very misleading, because it’s not a problem with your permissions.
You should to install this hotfix to resolve this issue.
You Should have the right in Team Project Collection administrator . you have to add yourself in this group.
and after that may be it is also required to add yourself in Contributor group.
kindly check that you have give the rights in Team Project Collection Setting .
not in Team Project Setting.
Having tried a plethora of solutions including many reinstalls, service pack reapplication, hotfixes and the two answers provided by Mak and DaveShaw.
The workaround I used was to create the new team project using Visual Studio 2013. Once I did that I was able to add my solutions to source control. I guess VS 2012 could be used too.
