Jenkins: find build number for git commit - jenkins

Each commit to my git repo triggers a build of my Jenkins pipeline.
I want to retrieve the buildNumber of an old build by commit hash. How can I do that?
I know this information exists because I can find it in the UI.
Some background as to why I want this:
When someone tags a commit I want to create a release (by tagging a docker image). Each build will push an image containing the build number. So I want to find out which build number corresponds to that commit so that I can find the image that I want to release.

Install Lucene plugin
and you will be able to search by commit hash just via default Jenkins search bar! (but read plugin docs, for old builds to be searchable you need to rebuild database)
If you want to do it programatically you can use jenkins api, for example
Just modify function in example not to get latest successful build, but to get all builds and get their git hashes then filter this set.

Based on #akostadinov bit I poked around and found build number and other goodies but not GIT_COMMIT.
Maybe this would be useful to someone else so thought I would share what I found.
Open your admin script console with http://yourjenkins:8080/script and check it out for yourself.
def job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem("Foo Project")
def builds = job.getBuilds()
def thisBuild = builds[0]
def fourBuildsAgo = builds[4]
println('env' + builds[0].getEnvironment().keySet() )
println('each job has previous job e.g "' + thisBuild.getPreviousBuild() + '"')
fourBuildsAgo.getChangeSets().each {
println('Num of commits in this build ' + (it.getLogs()).size() )
it.getLogs().each {
println('commit data : ' + it.getRevision() + ' ' + it.getAuthor() + ' ' + it.getMsg())
I used this GitChangeSet API to poke around at the methods in groovy.
This code will fetch and display the commit hashes of each commit 4 builds ago. you can format your currentBuild.description with this text if you want and it will show on your status page.
This resulted in output ( real commit details hidden )
each job has previous job e.g "Foo Project #191"
Num of commits in this build 8
commit data : 288f0e7d3664045bcd0618aacf32841416519d92 user1 fixing the build
commit data : b752ee12b3d804f9a674314bef4de5942d9e02f5 user2 Fix handling to the library foo
commit data : 9067fd040199abe32d75467734a7a4d0d9b6e8b2 user2 Implemented Foo Class

If you want to get commit IDs for builds you can use groovy script like:
def job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem("My Job Name")
def builds = job.getBuilds()
Then for each git repo you are cloning, you can get revision by
println('last build ' + builds[0].getEnvironment()["GIT_COMMIT"])
println('2st last build ' + builds[1].getEnvironment()["GIT_COMMIT_4"])
For declarative pipelines see

If I understand your question correctly, then you will first need to create a git hook to trigger a new build. This part is covered in the answer How do I react to new tags in git hooks?', though if you are using something like GitHub, BitBucket or Gitlab, then there may be other ways of going about it.
Then when the build is initiated, then there is build number which is provided as the variable 'BUILD_NUMBER' ,in Jenkins. If you want to include the git tag name, so you can use it in a script, then there seems to be a fews ways:
Git Parameter Plugin
Git Tag Message Plugin
Typically these plugins will create an environment variable that can be consumed by your scripts. I am not providing more concrete examples, since I am not aware of your exact tooling.

build.actions.find { action -> action instanceof jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevisionAction }?.revision?.hash;
ref & credits:


Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkins with SVN

I have SVN as my SCM. The SVN Root URL structure is as follows.
Under this, I have a folder called "test". Then I have tags, branches and trunk. For example,
Under trunk and branches, I have various modules. One module is Platform which is the core module. The URL structure for my project under Platform is as follows.
Not sure if the above structure is correct or not. But this is how it is structured in my organization and it can't be changed. Now, I have the following questions.
At what level should I maintain the Jenkinsfile?
How should I pass the branch name (including trunk) to this file?
It will be great if someone can provide some details (if possible step by step) on how to use Multibranch pipeline with SVN. Unfortunately, I could not find any tutorial or examples to achieve this.
I figured this out on my own. Here are the details, in case, someone needs help.
For Trunk, add the Jenkinsfile inside trunk/Platform (in my case) and for Branches, add Jenkinsfile inside branches/Platform/ folder. For branches, it is better to keep the Jenkinsfile inside each version folder since it has some benefits. This approach will create a Jenkins job for each version.
In the Jenkins job (for multibranch pipeline), add the base url for Project Repository Base. In my case, it is In Include branches field, add trunk/Platform, branches/Platform/* in my case. In Jenkinsfile, to get branch name, use the built in variable $BRANCH_NAME. This gives trunk/Platform for trunk and branches/Platform/ (for example) for branches.
Only challenge is that job names are created like Trunk/Platform, Branches/Platform/ So the workspace gets created like Trunk%2FPlatform, Branches%2FPlatform%2F1.0.0.0 since "/" gets encoded with %2F. While using in jobs, make sure the job name is appropriately modified using the below code.
def cws = "${WORKSPACE_DIR}\\" + "${JOB_NAME}".replace("%2F","_").replace("/","\\")
echo "\u2600 workspace=${cws}"
def isTrunk = "${JOB_NAME}".toLowerCase().contains("trunk")
def version = ""
def verWithBldNum = ""
echo "\u2600 isTrunk=${isTrunk}"
version = "${JOB_NAME}".substring("${JOB_NAME}".lastIndexOf("%2F") + 3, "${JOB_NAME}".length())
echo "\u2600 version=${version}"
verWithBldNum = "${version}".substring(0, "${version}".lastIndexOf('.') + 1) + "${BUILD_NUMBER}"
echo "\u2600 verWithBldNum=${verWithBldNum}"
echo "\u2600 Branch is Trunk"

PullRequest Build Validation with Jenkins and OnPrem Az-Devops

First off the setup in question:
A Jenkins Instance with several build nodes and on prem Azure-Devops server containing the Git Repositories.
The Repo in question is too large to always build on push for all branches and all devs, so a small workaround was done:
The production branches have a polling enabled twice a day (because of testing duration which is handled downstream more builds would not help with quality)
All other branches have their automated building suppressed. They still can start it manually for Builds/Deployments/Unittests if they so choose.
The jenkinsfile has parameterization for which platforms to build, on prod* all the platforms are true, on all other branches false.
This helps because else the initial build of a feature branch would always build/deploy locally all platforms which would take too much of a load on the server infrastructure.
I added a service endpoint for Jenkins in the Azure Devops, added a Buildvalidation .yml - this basically works because when I call the sourcebranch of the pull request with the merge commitID i added a parameter
isPullRequestBuild which contains the ID of the PR.
snippet of the yml:
- task: JenkinsQueueJob#2
serverEndpoint: 'MyServerEndpoint'
jobName: 'MyJob'
isMultibranchJob: true
captureConsole: true
capturePipeline: true
isParameterizedJob: true
multibranchPipelineBranch: $(System.PullRequest.SourceBranch)
jobParameters: |
Snippet of the Jenkinsfile:
def isPullRequest = false
if ( params.pullRequestID?.trim() )
isPullRequest = true
//do stuff to change how the pipeline should react.
In the jenkinsfile I look whether the parameter is not empty and reset the platforms to build to basically all and to run the unittests.
The problem is: if the branch has never run, Jenkins does not already know the parameter in the first run, so it is ignored, building nothing, and returning with 0 because "nothing had to be done".
Is there any way to only run the jenkins build if it hasnt run already?
Or is it possible to get information from the remote call if this was the build with ID 1?
The only other thing would be to Call the Jenkins via web api and check for the last successful build, but in that case I would have have the token somewhere stored in source control.
Am I missing something obvious here? I dont want to trigger the feature branch builds to do nothing more than once, because Devs could lose useful information about their started builds/deployments.
Any ideas appreciated
To whom it may concern with similar problems:
In the end I used the following workaround:
The Jenkins Endpoint is called via a user that only is used for automated builds. So, in case that this user triggered the build, I set everything to run a Pull Request Validation, even if it is the first build. Along the lines of
def causes = currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause')
if (causes != null)
def buildCauses= readJSON text: currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause').toString()
buildCause ->
if (buildCause['userId'] == "theNameOfMyBuildUser")
triggeredByAzureDevops = true
getBuildcauses must be allowed to run by a Jenkins Admin for that to work.

Scripting within Jenkins job

Main problem:
In the Jenkins build, I have a variable GIT_BRANCH of this content: origin/feature/JIRA1-add-component-A.
From it I would like to obtain another variable with the value: %3Aorigin%2Ffeature%2FJIRA1-add-component-A
For this, I need scripting. How can I do scripting in the job definition?
Context & further explanation:
From Jenkins, for every pull request that my project has, I am creating an instance of a project in SonarQube.
For example, if I have a pull request from branch origin/feature/JIRA1-add-component-A, I am creating a project with the following URL:
I am using the Quality Gates plugin to fail the build in case the code's quality(as seen by SonarQube)is not good.
The problem is that Quality Gates needs my SonarQube project name, so in this case
However, I can only specify it like this:${GIT_BRANCH}
Which translates into this:
Something like this? Apologize if not, but dead tired lol.
def GIT_BRANCH = "origin/feature/JIRA1-add-component-A"
def BRANCH = "%A3" + "${GIT_BRANCH}".replace("/", "%2F")
println "${BRANCH}"
I'm sure it can be done easier BUT:
Pre: origin/feature/JIRA1-add-component-A
Post: %A3origin%2Ffeature%2FJIRA1-add-component-A

Notify about / check for SCM poll failure in Jenkins

I would like to check for or get notifications about SCM poll failures in Jenkins (for example, when the repository URL had changed, or branch got deleted). I thought about these:
a) A Jenkins console script, which would list such faulty jobs
b) Configuring/installing plugin for Jenkins to notify me somehow about that fact (e-mail, anything)
c) External script/executable (bash, python, ...), which would list builds which failed in last X hours due to SCM poll failure
As you mentioned in your question, one way to tackle this problem is by using a script. For example, Groovy Postbuild.
Since Groovy Postbuild scripts run on the master, you can access each job's scm-polling.log found on the file system using standard IO functions.
For example, assuming a Windows master, here is some (untested) pseudocode to give you some ideas:
def error = false;
def jobsDirectory = new File("C:\\Jenkins\\jobs");
jobsDirectory.eachFile {
def pollingLog = new File(it.path + "\\scm-polling.log");
if(pollingLog.text =~ "ERROR")
manager.listener.logger.println(it.path + " has polling errors.");
error = true;
if(error) {;
Once you have marked the build as failure, you can use the standard email functionality of Jenkins to send an email or format it to look nice using the Email-ext plugin.

Jenkins, how to check regressions against another job

When you set up a Jenkins job various test result plugins will show regressions if the latest build is worse than the previous one.
We have many jobs for many projects on our Jenkins and we wanted to avoid having a 'job per branch' set up. So currently we are using a parameterized build to build eg different development branches using a single job.
But that means when I build a new branch any regressions are measured against the previous build, which may be for a different branch. What I really want is to measure regressions in a feature branch against the latest build of the master branch.
I thought we should probably set up a separate 'master' build alongside the parameterized 'branches' build. But I still can't see how I would compare results between jobs. Is there any plugin that can help?
I have started experimenting in the Script Console to see if I could write a post-build script... I have managed to get the latest build of master branch in my parameterized job... I can't work out how to get to the test results from the build object though.
The data I need is available in JSON at
http://<jenkins server>/job/<job name>/<build number>/testReport/api/json?pretty=true
...if I could just get at this data structure it would be great!
I tried using JsonSlurper to load the json via HTTP but I get 403, I guess because my script has no auth session.
I guess I could load the xml test results from disk and parse them in my script, it just seems a bit stupid when Jenkins has already done this.
I eventually managed to achieve everything I wanted, using a Groovy script in the Groovy Postbuild Plugin
I did a lot of exploring using the script console http://<jenkins>/script and also the Jenkins API class docs are handy.
Everyone's use is going to be a bit different as you have to dig down into the build plugins to get the info you need, but here's some bits of my code which may help.
First get the build you want:
def getProject(projectName) {
// in a postbuild action use `manager.hudson`
// in the script web console use `Jenkins.instance`
def project = manager.hudson.getItemByFullName(projectName)
if (!project) {
throw new RuntimeException("Project not found: $projectName")
// CloudBees folder plugin is supported, you can use natural paths:
project = getProject('MyFolder/TestJob')
build = project.getLastCompletedBuild()
The main test results (jUnit etc) seem to be available directly on the build as:
result = build.getTestResultAction()
// eg
failedTestNames = result.getFailedTests().collect{ test ->
To get the more specialised results from eg Violations plugin or Cobertura code coverage you have to look for a specific build action.
// have a look what's available:
You'll see a list of stuff like:
These are instances, the part in front of the # sign is the class name so I used that to make this method for getting a specific action:
def final VIOLATIONS_ACTION = hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsBuildAction
def final COVERAGE_ACTION = hudson.plugins.cobertura.CoberturaBuildAction
def getAction(build, actionCls) {
def action = build.getActions().findResult { act ->
actionCls.isInstance(act) ? act : null
if (!action) {
throw new RuntimeException("Action not found in ${build.getFullDisplayName()}: ${actionCls.getSimpleName()}")
violations = getAction(build, VIOLATIONS_ACTION)
// you have to explore a bit more to find what you're interested in:
pylint_count = violations?.getReport()?.getViolations()?."pylint"
coverage = getAction(build, COVERAGE_ACTION)?.getResults()
// if you println it looks like a map but it's really an Enum of Ratio objects
// convert to something nicer to work with:
coverage_map = coverage.collectEntries { key, val -> [, val.getPercentageFloat()] }
With these building blocks I was able to put together a post-build script which compared the results for two 'unrelated' build jobs, then using the Groovy Postbuild plugin's helper methods to set the build status.
Hope this helps someone else.
