Best way to implement "custom" currency in rails? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to add a feature in my Rails web-app called "tokens".
It would be a currency of sort which would be exchanged between users for some services.
ex: "Let me stay one night at your place and I'll give you one "token" "
Is there any good rails gem to help me with this? To be precise this "token" system would be completely separated from any real-world currency, you wouldn't be able to buy it, you'd get some of it when you register or invite new users.

The closest I could recommend is merit, look at the points option. It works similar to coins.
current_user.add_points(10, category: 'One night stay')


Integrating Instagram API With Rails [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm very new to rails and have very little experience with programming in general. I was given the project of creating a simple rails app that is able to check a users Instagram when given their User ID and Password. My question in general is how do I approach this? Where do I start and essentially how do I do this?
Well, you should never ask for the user's password for an external service (no sane user will give it to you). Instead use omniauth (omniauth-instagram, specifically) to get an access_token and then simply use the Instagram ruby gem ( to get their timeline.

How to send an E-mail over an iOS app using Swift? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to allow users to send me emails directly through my app, and am wondering if this is possible to do?
Your best and most simple way is to bring up the send email view (or even mailto:) with your app specific email to receive comments and requests on.
Another option is to design a web page that has a couple of fields for information and then hooking it up with PHP.
Just about anything works, it all depends on how you balance user experience and easy of implementation.

How can you automatically translate a page on load? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Google Translate. Bing Translate. You can add a widget. You can select "Spanish" and the page will translate to Spanish.
I do not want to user to have to select "Spanish". I want the page to load in Spanish automatically. Never mind why I want these things. They are necessary parameters.
You could start by looking at navigator.UserLanguage in javascript. It's not entirely foolproof, but it's a good starting point, and provided the users aren't messing with what the navigator object actually pulls (fairly easy to fake) it should give you a reasonably good don't really have what language(s) you're using on your page tagged, so it's sorta hard to provide specific help.
Reading the documentation might help

Implementing Price Tiers [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am curious if there are any common patterns for partitioning a web application by features? An example would be to sell at multiple price tiers.
What I am asking is there a common development pattern to partition features within an application
There isn't a pattern that I know of. One way of implementing what you want would be to give users roles dependant upon what price tier they have chosen and to then have role checking on specific features/views. Almost like a form of access control list, which is controlled by their purchased package.

Best strategy to implement stackoverflow style badges system in mvc [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I was wondering what would be the best strategy to implement a badges system using mvc. The one that stackoverflow has is pretty interesting. What do you suggest?
I guess I need to clarify the question a bit. The problem would be the different criteria for earning every badges. How do make that logic extensible?
I'd do it purely in T-SQL, and set up a SQL job that runs periodically (Jeff did it using C#, and has a goofy system where it runs the process based on a page request).
Basicly, in your SQL Job, scan your member tables and calculate if anyone is qualified for a badge, if so, update the badge table(s).
Then in the front end, do a query to retrieve new badges for a member on each request.
