UICollectionView like iOS 11 App Store / Apple Music - ios

I really like how the new AppStore look on iOS 11 and I love how you can see if there is another item in the collectionView even if it can't fit on the view. Let me explain it better by posting two pictures:
As you can see you can always see the other item even if is out of the self.view.
How could I reproduce this with a UICollectionView on Swift 3?


How to add a contacts app like modal view (iOS)?

I'm looking for a tutorial (video or written) explaining how to create the iOS contacts app and especially the "add" modal view.
So far I made my way through to believe that the iOS contacts app would be made using static table view cells but I'm not sure if that's a) right and b) still state of the art as almost all Youtube tutorials regarding static table view cells are more than 2 or 3 years old. Is there anything I'm missing?
Disclaimer: I'm learning to code using Xcode and Swift for a few months now, having taken 3 online courses but all sample apps are rather basic apps without much design and functionality or not in that way that I'd need them for my app idea (add and edit via modal view). Please bear with me as I think as a newbie I just don't know the right search expression to find these on say Youtube.
Thanks alot!
Welcome to Stackoverflow.
So far I made my way through to believe that the iOS contacts app
would be made using static table view cells but I'm not sure if that's
a) right
Static tableView is literally for static data. I checked the add modal screen of iOS contacts app, and the data there are very dynamic. So you won't be able to use static tableView for that.
So proceed with the dynamic tableView. However it would definitely require quite a lot of work if you would jump into that quite advanced UX. Another approach for adding a data, in an easier way, is to push a new screen for adding new contact, and then pop it when done. If you really want the iOS contacts app's UX, you may search on tableView begin/end updates.
and b) still state of the art as almost all Youtube tutorials
regarding static table view cells are more than 2 or 3 years old. Is
there anything I'm missing?
Someitmes there's no problem with old tutorials. They can still help. But be aware of deprecated stuff they are trying to teach.
If you are new in swift and xcode, so i recommend to learn swift5 and SwiftUI.
we are using storyBoards but in SwiftUI every things had change.
It is new and it will grow so fast.
this is not about contact app, but you can use this toturial for your goal

Instantiate to a specific position in Swift xCode

I'm looking for some help.
I'm doing a homework for school on xCode and I have an issue.
I'm trying to ma multiple magazine cover that the user can scroll through them. I created a UIScrollview that I instantiate each .xib files (Magazine covers) in it but they stack on top of each other.
What I am actually trying to do is to instantiate the covers side by side (so the user can swipe through them like snapchat's filter). Is there a way to set a certain position?!?
-I'm on the latest xCode beta.
-The target is an iPad Pro on iOS 10.3
I believe UICollectionView is what you're looking for.
Try with this tutorial. It doesn't show exactly what you need but once you see how collection views work you'll realize how to implement your task (or come again for more questions :))

Swift: implementing a new item dialogue like 'add alarm' in clock app

I want to implement an add new item dialogue in my app similar to add alarm dialogue in the clock app (screenshot). Prior to this moment I always used the same storyboard scene design for iphone and ipad with autolayout to make it look good on both devices. But I'm wondering how can I implement a view similar to Add Alarm dialogue - it looks very compact on both iphone and ipad especially because on ipad it's a separate small view that is not stretched across the screen. Can somebody please point me how to implement it? I don't really need the code, just some directions that can help me.
Found it in the apple documentation:

iOS 9 Swift 2: horizontally scrollable views? Facebook's "suggested friends/groups"

I am writing an iOS app in Swift 2 using Xcode 7.
I want to display a set of a user's trophies. For this, I am imagining a horizontally scrollable display as each trophy image is small, but users can have more trophies that fit across a screen.
You can see a Sketch example here: i.stack.imgur.com/VtpEc.png
I first thought that I could use a UIScrollableView, but I don't think this will work because user's are NOT supposed to be able to zoom into these trophies. BUT, if UIScrollView is the way to go, then how do I go about implementing it horizontally and without zoom? The most similar feature in an app that I have found is in Facebook's iOS app. Facebook uses these "horizontally scrollable views" for suggested friends/groups.
You can see what I am talking about in this screenshots: Facebook Horizontal Scroll
This feature also seems to be built in to Apple's iOS. When choosing which action to perform, users are presented with a "horizontally scrollable list" of apps to choose from.
See what I'm talking about here: built in iOS horizontal scroll
I would appreciate any help that anyone can offer! Thank you!
They're using a UICollectionView with an horizontal flow layout.
This more detailed answer might help you to figure out how to implement it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19435898/5741377

Scroll UITableViewCell background like Spotify/Weather app

If you take a look at the iOS 7 Weather app on iPhone you will see that as you scroll, the background of the UITableViewCells scroll too(each independently of the rest). Recently, Spotify issued an iPad update that added the same feature(search for an artist on iPad, then look at their albums). I'm trying to figure out how it's done. I'm thinking it might tie in to how parallax is treated in iOS 7(motionEffects) but I'm at a loss. Any ideas?
I'm trying find same feature, and i create same question with your description of trouble and i find solution, see my question - myQuestion
