VSTS to TFS on-premises datas migration - tfs

I would like to migrate all possible datas from my VSTS Project to an on-premises TFS server 2015.
I dont know wich data can or cananot be migrated, the most important for me is the history of versions and the source control code.
I'we watched the internet about it but found only tutos from 2014...
I'm aware of tools like OpsHub but i want a free solution if it's possible.
If someone can help, it will be appreciated :D
Thanks all (and forgive my bad english, not my native language).

The only option is via third-party tools. There is no capability to migrate from VSTS to on-prem TFS.
For version control migration, it's fairly easy to migrate TFVC repos via git-tfs -- you have the TFVC repo converted into a Git repo, then convert the Git repo back into a TFVC repo in the target system.
If you're already using Git, it's as simple as adding a new remote to your repo and pushing it.


How to migrate a TFVC project from TFS to AZDO?

How to migrate a TFVC project from TFS to AZDO ?
Is to migrate host projects on (TFS 2017) using TFVC, to switch them to Azure DevOps Service (AZDO) using TFVC there too.
My context:
TFS 2017 server version 2 hosting current source projects.
AZDO 2019 service wanting to host projects targeted on TFS.
Context wish:
Keep the history of source projects (TFS) on AZDO services.
I Just want to migrated the projects (TFS) in TFVC to (AZDO) in TFVC, without doing any TFVC -> GIT conversion.
I would like to avoid updating the TFS 2017 server for 2018 then to
the AZDO server to switch to AZDO services afterwards.
You understand
that is a lot of step to just want to switch a project in TFVC on
TFS2017 to a TFVC on AZDO
The easiest way to migrate is to upgrade your TFS2017 server to Azure Devops Server 2019 and then using the full fidelity import feature to upload your whole database backup to Azure Devops Service.
At the moment migration tools support TFS2018u3 as well as Azure Devops Server 2019 and 2019u1 as well as 2020 can be imported into the service. We do these kinds of imports regularly and it's a very straightforward process to restore your TFS server backup to a temporary SQL server, install the correct version of TFS/Ads and have it perform the upgrade in-place during the installation. Then use the migration tools to import the collection into Azure Devops Server. Depending on the size of your collection this may take between a couple of minutes to a couple of hours. I've done the upgrade on my laptop on certain occasions as well, installing Azure Devops Server and SQL Server Developer edition directly on Windows 10. Even a trial versions will do.
For all the details on the. Import process, see:
If you want to import your tfvc project from one TFS servers to another TFS server/Azure Devops Server, you can detach the project collection on you current TFS server and bacmup/restore the database on another server. It will automatically be upgraded
If your project collection has multiple projects, you can delete the projects you don't need after attaching and upgrading your collection.
There are a few tools to perform a history replay from one server to another, those tools can't import everything, your changes id's will change and you'll lose the exact date a commit was made (and possibly the user who made the commit if that account no longer exists). Tools like:
Depending on how old and how big your collection is, it may take many hours to migrate the data. If data has previously been deleted/destroyed or branched across projects or edited during branch operations, then the replay may fail or may be forced to perform alternative actions, some of these operations are no longer supported. I've used opshub on a couple of projects and some it completely failed to migrate, others migrated with incomplete or incorrect data. This was 4 years ago, maybe these were bugs and they were fixed, but since the import tools have been released we've used those almost exclusively.
PS: using tfs-git to convert (part of) your TFVC repo to git would be an alternative which I'd recommend you look into further. TFVC has been declared feature complete and has received very little love in the past few years. It's not supported by the new Multi-stage YAML pipelines, the integration for VS Code has been deprecated, the cross platform commandline tool for tfvc has been deprecated and therefore support for eclipse and rider and intellij as well. Team Explorer in VS 2019 is now pushed to the background with the release of the new git features which have escaped the Team Explorer window. It's clear that TFVC is fighting for a lost cause and that Git is winning, you'll need to switch over at some point.

How to perform code migration from TFS 2018 to Azure DevOps?

We are trying to migrate code from TFS2018 to Azure DevOps. I am new to code migration from TFS to VSTS. I would like to know is there any tool for code migration?
I saw TFS-GIT utility. I am really not sure how much efficient this tool.
GIT-TFS list remote repostiory
You may do it through OpsHub tool: OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility
My recommendation would be to either upgrade your on-premise server to Azure DevOps Server 2019 or the latest Team Foundation Server 2018 update pack that's supported by the migration tool.
You can perform this upgrade on a clone instance of your existing server, so it won't break or change your existing machine or database in case anything goes wrong.
We regularly perform these types of migrations and we generally use a temporary Azure Virtual Machine. We install SQL Server on it, we restore the backup of the on-premise server, we install the desired TFS application tier version on it. If the Azure machine is joined to your domain, then that's all you need to start the import into Azure DevOps. If the machine isn't domain joined, be sure to turn off the AD Sync job as part of the migration. My colleague Jasper has a couple of scripts to fix that for you.
Alternate options. In my opinion there aren't any. At least not good ones. There is a whole set of tools that an migrate parts of TFS to Azure DevOps, tools like OpsHub, git-tfs, git-tf, Migration Tools for Azure DevOps. None offer a complete migration, some do work items, some sources, some builds, but none of these offer a complete migration.
All of these also have the issue that they reset metadata such as Commit/Approval dates, work item IDs. Which will impact retention jobs, history and other things you may care about.

Is it possible to migrate code from Bitbucket to TFS 2018.3 (On premise) with history?

We are trying to migrate the code from BitBucket to TFS (on-premise) 2018.3 and we are looking for a possible way to migrate the code with history.
We searched a lot and haven't found a way or tool for this process.
Are there any tools which help to create bidirectional sync between TFS and BitBucket?
According to your description, seems you want to migrate code with git version control in bitbucket to TFVC version control.
In this case, we recommend you to try external tools like Git-TFS for importing.
git-tfs is a two-way bridge between TFS (Team Foundation Server) and git, similar to git-svn. It fetches TFS commits into a git repository, and lets you push your updates back to TFS.
Other things about the migration, you could take a look at our suggestions here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/learn/git/migrate-from-tfvc-to-git#advanced-migrations

How to clone a VSTS project/workspace locally?

We have a project/workspace setup in Visual Studio Team Services online. I would like to get a local backup of the workspace and project with all of its artifacts (attachments, Wiki notes and attachments, etc.).
Would a local version of TFS pointed to VSTS online clone the epics, features and stories locally? This is what I really need.
What is the process to accomplish this?
You can not clone the whole contents of a team project, but clone the source code from version control system (Git or TFVC) is possible.
If you are using Git as VCS, you can use below command to clone the VSTS git repo:
git clone <repo URL>
And you can also refer the document to clone a VSTS git repo via VS.
If you are using TFVC as VCS, you can map TFVC repo locally in VS. Detail steps you can refer Develop and share your code in TFVC using Visual Studio.
Seems you also want to migrate WIT from TFS to VSTS. You can refer these related posts: Migrate Workitems from local TFS into VSTS and Migrating Work Items from TFS 2017 to VSTS.
Besides, you can also refer the document Migrate data from TFS to VSTS.

Using Xcode with TFS 2015 on-premises

Is there any way to check in code from Xcode to TFS 2015 on-premises installation? Even if TFS is just acting as a go between for Xcode and Git? The main thing we'd like to be able to do is for iOS code to be checked in to TFS with changesets recorded, and work items/bugs available.
Any suggestions? We are not looking to move to VS Team Services / VS Online.
you have 2 options.
The best option is to create a new TFS Team Project with Git for source control. Or you can add a Git repo so an existing Team Project. This is a standard Git repo, but hosted in TFS. It works just like any other hosted Git repo. Clone the repo and off you go.
If you cannot use Git inside TFS and you must use TFVC then you can use git-tf. This is effectively a bridge between a local git repo and a centralized TFS TFVC repo. This article should get you started
Both VSTS and TFS 2015 include full support for Git-based source control projects. You can follow MSDN article Share your code in Git using Xcode to push your project to TFS.
After pushing your project to TFS, you'll have full history and work item available:
