How to authenticate the user from the email? - ruby-on-rails

I have a rails application which uses devise for authentication. when the application sends any notification to the user, then in order to see the notification or messages i provide a link to my rails application which redirects to a login page.
how can i avoid this login process, means i don't want the user to be asked to login by entering email and password, instead whenever the user clicks on that link, then the user should automatically login.

Devise provides sign_in controller helper which allows you to pass authentication programmatically.


How can I make the user login only by clicking the confirmation link inside their mail?

I integrated the devise "confirmation" module in my rails app. And I want a user to only login after clicking in the confirmation link provided in their email. But, a user is being redirected directly to the intended page right after sign up(without login).

Rails: Auto-login already signed up user (Facebook/linkedin omniauth)

I am using Omniauth and Devise to implement social login (Linkedin and Facebook) on a Rails4 website.
I want to be able to auto-login to user who has already logged in before on the browser (Same as facebook does:
I understand that this could be done by placing a cookie on the user with their user id and then use that on landing page to login the user.
However I feel this is such a common use case that Devise or some other Gem might already exist that does it cleanly ?
Devise has a module Rememberable, which allows you to remember a logged in user.
Just add :rememberable to the devise method in your User model.

intercepting Omniauth callback with javascript in Rails

I am trying to implement Omniauth and Devise with multiple providers in Rails 3.2 app.
One tricky scenario is: user signs in via LinkedIn for the first time. Since linkedin does not provide user email, I won't know which account I should link this linkedin credentials to. So I want to intercept the callback to prompt a popup window that allows user to enter his email or username, before passing the credentials together with email to controller.
How should I go about this?

Devise: Authentication after Registration without Confirmable

Use case: User fills out a form to add a product and register at once. When the user has submitted the combined form, the app authenticates the user and is logged in (assume validations passed) without the need to confirm or login.
I've removed the confirmable feature out, but when the user fill out the form, it succeeds, but the user doesn't get logged in unless they go to a login form. This isn't such a great experience, so is there a way to Register a user and immediately log them in?
What I actually wanted was sign_in(#user) from my controller
If you want to login without confirmation then Remove :confirmable option from devise options in User model.

In a rail application i want to authorize admin to create a new record in particular module.not any user

I have a deal module in my rail application. when the user click on create new deal link it will check chat whether the user is admin or not.if the user is admin i want to allow
it to create a new deal otherwise it will display a flash message that you are not allowed and redirect the user to signin page to login as admin.if the user sign in as admin i want to redirect it to a page from where it previously comes.
Devise and cancan should help
