Vaadin 7.4.9 error - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/HSSFWorkbook - vaadin

I need your help. I want append the external poi library from but I get the error. What is bad. Thank for your help!

For apache poi you need to include the correct jar files, depending which document formats you wish to work with.
Here you see the list of required modules/jars.
For HSSF you will also need the poi-ooxml.jar and poi-ooxml-schemas.jar


Where should the erlang_ls.config go

I want to use coc.nvim and elrang_ls in vim8.2. There are some problems. It report missing an erlang_ls.config when I open a erlang file. But i have erlang_ls.config in project root.
the result of CocCommand workspace.showOutput show it read config from unexpected place
Where is correct position for erlang_ls.config?
Sorry for my poor English. Thanks.
It is possible to customize the behaviour of the erlang_ls server via
a configuration file, named erlang_ls.config. The erlang_ls.config
file should be placed in the root directory of a given project to
store the configuration for that project.
According to the picture, the clue has already been given to you. In the els_config.erl file consult_config function, line 126. error type = 2.
I think the information is enough, you can find source code file and read it and find why?
It is need create erlang_ls.config in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\erlang_ls and erlang_ls.config erlang_ls.yaml in the project root path. But I don't know why.

Invalid symbol: "default"

My Android project in Xamarin keeps failing to build due to below error
invalid symbol :"default" default.png res/drawable/default.png
not sure what is causing this to happen.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
default is c# keyword, you need rename your picture's name.
As mentioned before default is the keywords and that why it's failing . I wanted to share the lists so you may save your time by not using other keyword . We have quite a large number of keywords in c#:
Please find the few list mentioned in link below:
So if u use any of the reserved names u may come across this kind of error.

Simple example in Extjs6.5 Fiddle not working

I'm trying to generate a basic project with a store "Pathstore" and data "data.json" in my Extjs6.5 Fiddle but it goes not well.I'm not sure what paths I need to specify in my application to load.How can I do for this?
Thanks in advance, Ben
Here's the the fiddle:
I add console.log in my store and I get nothing.
So a few things:
You don't need to use requires here
Your PathStore has a lot of unneeded configs in the proxy config (see fiddle below)
You didn't have a data model specified.
There were some errors in your JSON config.
the folder is store.PathStore.js so it was not required to use
I organized your fiddle a little bit better and made it working. Here is a working version of you fiddle:

How can find what is included in the #containment annotation?

How can find what is included in the #containment annotation? I can not find that in the documentation online, that refers only to grammar-spec and nothing more? I'm talking about trying to obtain information/facts from the M3 model..
As an example:
scheme=="java+variable" or some other condition is used in a comprehesion to filter, how do you know what can be used to find certain thing??
The documentation is not complete, but these pages are relevant:
I would also have a look at the code in these files:
They can be found in the rascal navigator view in Eclipse as well. In particular the core file contains all to know about the relations and locations in the java m3 model.

Attributes from MvxBindingAttributes are not added with MvvmCross

I have the MvxBindingAttributes.xml in my UI.Droid/Resources/Values but everytime I try to use the bindings in my layouts I get
Warning attribute is not declared.
No resource identifier found for attribute 'MvxBind' in package
so for some reason it cannot find those attributes. I have tried to close/reopen/clean/rebuild with no luck, tried removing the layouts and then building (Hoping it would add them at build) and then try to add them again, but nothing seems to work
Have you checked that the MvxBindingAttributes.xml file is marked in properties as an AndroidResource?
VisualStudio likes marking the xml files as content or none instead - especially if you've added the MvxBindingAttributes.xml file as a link.
As an update to this, you can also now use a special 'auto' xml scheme:
In the project properties, add a Android Manifest file and add a package name that contains at least two periods, for example:
In the axml file, type the package name instead of the namespace:
Fixed it for me.
First, thanks for the answer. I had the same problem.
But in my case, attempting to use the suggestions above failed. or at least that is what i thought.
When i used local:MvxItemTemplate=#layout/My_Manifest while i had the My_Manifest.axml file correctly placed in Layout folder, and correct xml schemas, it still had problems.
But, when i changed My_Manifest to my_manifest while leaving the actual file name as My_Manifest.axml, everything was working.
just wanted to share
In my case for some reason the MvxBindingAttributes.xml file existed, but hadn't been included in the project. Right-clicking on MvxBindingAttributes.xml and choosing "Include in Project" sorted the problem for me.
Just in case: You might also have rubbish (in my case, it were dots) in some of your XML. But the error pointed "Maybe there's something wrong with the auto-generated XML lol" so it took me half an hour to notice it... Sigh!
