How to measure distance between two coordinates with less calc possible? - delphi

I'm trying to make measures using the less CPU possible, so I'm using a constant multiplicator to get to a value in meters like this:
lat1,long1 = Coordinate 1
lat2,long2 = Coordinate 2
DistV := abs(lat1-lat2); // Get a positive vertical value
DistH := abs(lon1-long2); // Get a positive horizontal value
DistGPS := sqrt(sqr(DistV) + sqr(DistH)); // Get a diagonal value
DistMeters := DistGPS*(111120*0.946); // 111120*0.946 = Constant multiplicator to meters
However, the values calculated are going to be added to the previous measures, making it necessary to be accurate. Does anyone know a better way for doing it?

To measure a distance more accurately, you can use Haversine formula, as written in comments. Here you can see formula and JavaScript implementation:
var R = 6371e3; // metres
var φ1 = lat1.toRadians();
var φ2 = lat2.toRadians();
var Δφ = (lat2-lat1).toRadians();
var Δλ = (lon2-lon1).toRadians();
var a = Math.sin(Δφ/2) * Math.sin(Δφ/2) +
Math.cos(φ1) * Math.cos(φ2) *
Math.sin(Δλ/2) * Math.sin(Δλ/2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
var d = R * c;
If you think that rough approximation is quite good for you purposes, you can make it more precise accounting for distance contraction along meridian (instead of common constant for both coordinates):
DistV := abs(lat1-lat2); // Get a positive vertical value
DistH := abs(lon1-long2); // Get a positive horizontal value
DistH := DistH * Cos((lat1+lat2) / 2); // Use average latitude
DistGPS := sqrt(sqr(DistV) + sqr(DistH)); // Get a diagonal value
DistMeters := DistGPS*111120; //to meters


Polar coordinate point generation function upper bound is not 2Pi for theta?

So I wrote the following function to take a frame, and polar coordinate function and to graph it out by generating the cartesian coordinates within that frame. Here's the code.
func cartesianCoordsForPolarFunc(frame: CGRect, thetaCoefficient:Double, cosScalar:Double, iPrecision:Double, largestScalar:Double) -> Array<CGPoint> {
// Frame: The frame in which to fit this curve.
// thetaCoefficient: The number to scale theta by in the cos.
// cosScalar: The number to multiply the cos by.
// largestScalar: Largest cosScalar used in this frame so that scaling is relative.
// iPrecision: The step for continuity. 0 < iPrecision <= 2.pi. Defaults to 0.1
// Clean inputs
var precision:Double = 0.1 // Default precision
if iPrecision != 0 {// Can't be 0.
precision = iPrecision
// This is ther polar function
// var theta: Double = 0 // 0 <= theta <= 2pi
// let r = cosScalar * cos(thetaCoefficient * theta)
var points:Array<CGPoint> = [] // We store the points here
for theta in stride(from: 0, to: Double.pi * 2 , by: precision) { //TODO: Try to recreate continuity. WHY IS IT NOT 2PI
let x = cosScalar * cos(thetaCoefficient * theta) * cos(theta) // Convert to cartesian
let y = cosScalar * cos(thetaCoefficient * theta) * sin(theta) // Convert to cartesian
// newvalue = (max'-min')/(max-min)*(value-max)+max'
let scaled_x = (Double(frame.width) - 0)/(largestScalar*2)*(x-largestScalar)+Double(frame.width) // Scale to the frame
let scaled_y = (Double(frame.height) - 0)/(largestScalar*2)*(y-largestScalar)+Double(frame.height) // Scale to the frame
points.append(CGPoint(x: scaled_x, y:scaled_y)) // Add the result
print("Done points")
return points
The polar function I'm passing is r = 100*cos(9/4*theta) which looks like this.
I'm wondering why my function returns the following when theta goes from 0 to 2. (Please note I'm in this image I'm drawing different sizes flowers hence the repetition of the pattern)
As you can see it's wrong. Weird thing is that when theta goes from 0 to 2Pi*100 (Also works for other random values such as 2Pi*4, 2Pi*20 but not 2Pi*2 or 2Pi*10)it works and I get this.
Why is this? Is the domain not 0 to 2Pi? I noticed that when going to 2Pi*100 it redraws some petals so there is a limit, but what is it?
PS: Precision here is 0.01 (enough to act like it's continuous). In my images I'm drawing the function in different sizes and overlapping (last image has 2 inner flowers).
No, the domain is not going to be 2π. Set up your code to draw slowly, taking 2 seconds for each 2π, and watch. It makes a whole series of full circles, and each time the local maxima and minima land at different points. That's what your petals are. It looks like your formula repeats after 8π.
It looks like the period is the denominator of the theta coefficient * 2π. Your theta coefficient is 9/4, the denominator is 4, so the coefficient is 4*2π, or 8π.
(That is based on playing in Wolfram Alpha and observing the results. I may be wrong.)

standard deviation of a UIImage/CGImage

I need to calculate the standard deviation on an image I have inside a UIImage object.
I know already how to access all pixels of an image, one at a time, so somehow I can do it.
I'm wondering if there is somewhere in the framework a function to perform this in a better and more efficient way... I can't find it so maybe it doensn't exist.
Do anyone know how to do this?
To further expand on my comment above. I would definitely look into using the Accelerate framework, especially depending on the size of your image. If you image is a few hundred pixels by a few hundred. You will have a ton of data to process and Accelerate along with vDSP will make all of that math a lot faster since it processes everything on the GPU. I will look into this a little more, and possibly put some code in a few minutes.
I will post some code to do standard deviation in a single dimension using vDSP, but this could definitely be extended to 2-D
float *imageR = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,...]; // vector of values
int numValues = 100; // number of values in imageR
float mean = 0; // place holder for mean
vDSP_meanv(imageR,1,&mean,numValues); // find the mean of the vector
mean = -1*mean // Invert mean so when we add it is actually subtraction
float *subMeanVec = (float*)calloc(numValues,sizeof(float)); // placeholder vector
vDSP_vsadd(imageR,1,&mean,subMeanVec,1,numValues) // subtract mean from vector
free(imageR); // free memory
float *squared = (float*)calloc(numValues,sizeof(float)); // placeholder for squared vector
vDSP_vsq(subMeanVec,1,squared,1,numValues); // Square vector element by element
free(subMeanVec); // free some memory
float sum = 0; // place holder for sum
vDSP_sve(squared,1,&sum,numValues); sum entire vector
free(squared); // free squared vector
float stdDev = sqrt(sum/numValues); // calculated std deviation
Please explain your query so that can come up with specific reply.
If I am getting you right then you want to calculate standard deviation of RGB of pixel or HSV of color, you can frame your own method of standard deviation for circular quantities in case of HSV and RGB.
We can do this by wrapping the values.
For example: Average of [358, 2] degrees is (358+2)/2=180 degrees.
But this is not correct because its average or mean should be 0 degrees.
So we wrap 358 into -2.
Now the answer is 0.
So you have to apply wrapping and then you can calculate standard deviation from above link.
Convert RGB to HSV
// r,g,b values are from 0 to 1 // h = [0,360], s = [0,1], v = [0,1]
// if s == 0, then h = -1 (undefined)
void RGBtoHSV( float r, float g, float b, float *h, float *s, float *v )
float min, max, delta;
min = MIN( r, MIN(g, b ));
max = MAX( r, MAX(g, b ));
*v = max;
delta = max - min;
if( max != 0 )
*s = delta / max;
else {
// r = g = b = 0
*s = 0;
*h = -1;
if( r == max )
*h = ( g - b ) / delta;
else if( g == max )
*h *= 60;
if( *h < 0 )
*h += 360;
and then calculate standard deviation for hue value by this:
double calcStddev(ArrayList<Double> angles){
double sin = 0;
double cos = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < angles.size(); i++){
sin += Math.sin(angles.get(i) * (Math.PI/180.0));
cos += Math.cos(angles.get(i) * (Math.PI/180.0));
sin /= angles.size();
cos /= angles.size();
double stddev = Math.sqrt(-Math.log(sin*sin+cos*cos));
return stddev;

Get a fraction from its decimal number

I am developing a program that solves a system of equations. When it gives me the results, it is like: "x1= 1,36842". I'd like to get the fraction of that "1,36842", so I wrote this code.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var numero,s:string;
a:=StrToFloat(Edit1.Text); //get the value of a
IntPart := Trunc(a); // here I get the numerator and the denominator
FracPart := a-Trunc(a);
for i:= 1 to (length(Edit2.Text)-2) do
end; //in this loop it creates a string that has many 0 as the length of the denominator
while y <> 0 do
R:= x mod y;
mcd:=x; //at the end of this loop I have the greatest common divisor
nume:= StrToInt(Edit3.Text) div mcd;
denomin:= StrToInt(numero) div mcd;
Memo1.Lines.Add('fraction: '+IntToStr(nume)+'/'+IntToStr(denomin));
It doesn't work correctly because the fraction that it gives to me is wrong. Could anyone help me please?
Your code cannot work because you are using binary floating point. And binary floating point types cannot represent the decimal numbers that you are trying to represent. Representable binary floating point numbers are of the form s2e where s is the significand and e is the exponent. So, for example, you cannot represent 0.1 as a binary floating point value.
The most obvious solution is to perform the calculation using integer arithmetic. Don't call StrToFloat at all. Don't touch floating point arithmetic. Parse the input string yourself. Locate the decimal point. Use the number of digits that follow to work out the decimal scale. Strip off any leading or trailing zeros. And do the rest using integer arithmetic.
As an example, suppose the input is '2.79'. Convert that, by processing the text, into numerator and denominator variables
Numerator := 279;
Denominator := 100;
Obviously you'd have to code string parsing routines rather than use integer literals, but that is routine.
Finally, complete the problem by finding the gcd of these two integers.
The bottom line is that to represent and operate on decimal data you need a decimal algorithm. And that excludes binary floating point.
I recommend defining a function GreaterCommonDivisor function first (wiki reference)
This is going to be Java/C like code since I'm not familiar with Delphi
float x = inputnum // where inputnum is a float
// eg. x = 123.56
Then, multiplying
int n = 1;
while(decimalpart != 0){// or cast int and check if equal-> (int)x == x
x = x * 10;
decimalpart = x % 1;
// or a function getting the decimal part if the cast does work
n *= 10;
// running eg. x = 123.56 now x = 12356
// n = 100
Then you should have (float)x/n == inputnum at this point eg. (12356/100 == 123.56)
This mean you have a fraction that may not be simpified at this point. All you do now is implement and use the GCD function
int gcd = GreaterCommonDivisor(x, n);
// GreaterCommonDivisor(12356, 100) returns 4
// therefore for correct implementation gcd = 4
x /= gcd; // 12356 / 4 = 3089
n /= gcd; // 100 / 4 = 25
This should be quick and simple to implement, but:
Major Pitfalls:
Float must be terminating. For example expected value for 0.333333333333333333 won't be rounded to 1/3
Float * n <= max_int_value, otherwise there will be a overflow, there are work around this, but there may be another solutions more fitting to these larger numbers
Continued fractions can be used to find good rational approximations to real numbers. Here's an implementation in JavaScript, I'm sure it's trivial to port to Delphi:
function float2rat(x) {
var tolerance = 1.0E-6;
var h1=1; var h2=0;
var k1=0; var k2=1;
var b = x;
do {
var a = Math.floor(b);
var aux = h1; h1 = a*h1+h2; h2 = aux;
aux = k1; k1 = a*k1+k2; k2 = aux;
b = 1/(b-a);
} while (Math.abs(x-h1/k1) > x*tolerance);
return h1+"/"+k1;
For example, 1.36842 is converted into 26/19.
You can find a live demo and more information about this algorithm on my blog.
I tried 1/2 and the result was a "division by zero" error;
I correct the loop adding:
if b - a = 0 then BREAK;
To avoid
b:= 1 / (b - a);

Calculating Bearing from UTM (Latitude, Longitude)

I want to calculate the relative bearing between two geo-coordinate points. I've gone ahead and converted the coordinates to UTM, but need assistance on figuring out the actual bearing. I'm aware that UTM is only good enough for same-zone calculations, which is fine as the computation will be done across very small distances.
Say point1 is my location 44.4N,-97.7W
and point2 is the location I'd like to get the relative bearing to: 44.4N, -103.3W
Since point 2 is directly to the left of point 1, I'd interpret that as 270 degrees (North being 0 or 360 degrees).
I found this formula: arctan((y1-y2)/(x1-x2))
but it's result don't make sense to me when I plot the points and measure the angles.
FYI- For now, I'm using SQL Server 2008 Spatial Data Types, Spatial Functions, and some T-SQL function I found on the web.
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.GeographyBearing (
#Point1 geography,
#Point2 geography )
DECLARE #Bearing DECIMAL(18,15)
DECLARE #dLon FLOAT = RADIANS(#Point2.Long - #Point1.Long)
IF (#Point1.STEquals(#Point2) = 1)
SET #Bearing = NULL
SET #Bearing = ATN2(
(COS(#Lat1)*SIN(#Lat2)) - (SIN(#Lat1)*COS(#Lat2)*COS(#dLon))
SET #Bearing = (DEGREES(#Bearing) + 360) % 360
RETURN ISNULL(#Bearing,0);
DECLARE #Vienna geography = geography::Point(16.37, 48.21, 4326)
DECLARE #Moscow geography = geography::Point(37.60, 55.75, 4326)
SELECT dbo.GeographyBearing(#Vienna,#Moscow)
Please find here my answer related to an open source coordinates converter. It might be helpfull for you given your need.
My answer in Javascript
//stop location - the radii end point
var x1 = 44.9631;
var y1 = -93.2492;
//bus location from the southeast - the circle center
var x2 = 44.95517;
var y2 = -93.2427;
var radians = getAtan2((y1 - y2), (x1 - x2));
function getAtan2(y, x) {
return Math.atan2(y, x);
var newdeg = radians * (180 / Math.PI);
var coordNames = ["N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW", "N"];
var directionid = Math.round(newdeg / 45);
if (directionid < 0) {
directionid = directionid + 8
$("#dir").append("The vehicle is moving " + coordNames[directionid]);

How do I calculate the Azimuth (angle to north) between two WGS84 coordinates

I have got two WGS84 coordinates, latitude and longitude in degrees. These points are rather close together, e.g. only one metre apart.
Is there an easy way to calculate the azimuth of the line between these points, that is, the angle to north?
The naive approach would be to assume a Cartesian coordinate system (because these points are so close together) and just use
sin(a) = abs(L2-L1) / sqrt(sqr(L2-L1) + sqr(B2-B1))
a = azimuth
L1, L2 = longitude
B1, B2 = latitude
The error will be larger as the coordinates move away from the equator because there the distance between two longitudinal degrees becomes increasingly smaller than the one between two latitudinal degrees (which remains constant).
I found some quite complex formulas which I don't really want to implement because they seem to be overkill for points that are that close together and I don't need very high precision (two decimals are enough, one is probably fine either since there are other factors that reduce precision anyway, like the one the GPS returns).
Maybe I could just determine an approximate longitudinal correction factor depending on latitude and use somthing like this:
sin(a) = abs(L2*f-L1*f) / sqrt(sqr(L2*f-L1*f) + sqr(B2-B1))
where f is the correction factor
Any hints?
(I don't want to use any libraries for this, especially not ones that require runtime licenses. Any MPLed Delphi Source would be great.)
The formulas that you refer to in the text are to calculate the great circle distance between 2 points. Here's how I calculate the angle between points:
uses Math, ...;
function getAngleBetweenPoints(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:double):double;
dx := X2 - X1;
dy := Y2 - Y1;
if (dx > 0) then result := (Pi*0.5) - ArcTan(dy/dx) else
if (dx < 0) then result := (Pi*1.5) - ArcTan(dy/dx) else
if (dy > 0) then result := 0 else
if (dy < 0) then result := Pi else
result := cNO_ANGLE; // the 2 points are equal
result := RadToDeg(result);
Remember to handle the situation where 2 points are equal (check if the result equals cNO_ANGLE, or modify the function to throw an exception);
This function assumes that you're on a flat surface. With the small distances that you've mentioned this is all fine, but if you're going to be calculating the heading between cities all over the world you might want to look into something that takes the shape of the earth in count;
It's best to provide this function with coordinates that are already mapped to a flat surface. You could feed WGS84 Latitude directly into Y (and lon into X) to get a rough approximation though.
Here is the C# solution. Tested for 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270 and 315 angles.
Edit I replaced my previous ugly solution, by the C# translation of Wouter's solution:
public double GetAzimuth(LatLng destination)
var longitudinalDifference = destination.Lng - this.Lng;
var latitudinalDifference = destination.Lat - this.Lat;
var azimuth = (Math.PI * .5d) - Math.Atan(latitudinalDifference / longitudinalDifference);
if (longitudinalDifference > 0) return azimuth;
else if (longitudinalDifference < 0) return azimuth + Math.PI;
else if (latitudinalDifference < 0) return Math.PI;
return 0d;
public double GetDegreesAzimuth(LatLng destination)
return RadiansToDegreesConversionFactor * GetAzimuth(destination);
I found this link
given in the answer to
Lat/Lon + Distance + Heading --> Lat/Lon
This looks promising, especially the flat earth approximation given near the end.
This would work only for small differences. Otherwise you can't just "latitudinalDifference / longitudinalDifference".
I would recommend implementing a correction factor based on the longitude. I implemented a simular routine once to return all geocoded records within x miles of a specific spot and ran into simular issues. Unfortunately I don't have the code anymore, and can't seem to recall how I got to the correction number but you are on the right track.
Has anyone tested this? It does not return the correct answers
This function assumes that you're on a flat surface. With the small distances that you've mentioned this is all fine, but if you're going to be calculating the heading between cities all over the world you might want to look into something that takes the shape of the earth in count;
Your flat earth has little to do with this. The error, as you call it, is because you are calculating an initial azimuth from a point. Unless you are heading straight to a pole, you relationship to the pole will change with distance. Regardless, the above program does not return correct results.
