Which API end point can be used to get the Reports Overview data?
I need to have the following data :
New Tickets
Solved Tickets
Open Tickets
Unresolved Tickets
Recently updated tickets
6.Pending Tickets
Also, I would like to pull a leader board of agents by their solved ticket counts and to have an individual report for each agent which shows the above 6 metrics only for the agent.
The view preview count API can be used for your main ones. https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/core/views#preview-count
You can do a lot with the other view APIs, and if you don't want to create the view you use previews. Should you need more detail, your fallback is the /tickets.json endpoint to get all the data.
I'd like to list who attended a MS Teams meeting and for how long they attended so they can get credit for attending a training session.
I've looked at the Graph API v1 and beta versions. Meetings have an object called meetingParticipantInfo, but there's nothing that I've seen that would indicate if that participant actually attended the meeting. Is there a way to get this information, and ideally, how long the participant attended? Or is there another way to get this information through bots?
The (CDR's) Call Detail Records are probably the information your looking for as they should contain that information see https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Teams-Blog/Microsoft-Teams-launches-eDiscovery-for-Calling-and-Meetings/ba-p/210947 . I don't believe any of the Graph API's will surface that information but you can get the raw information from a Mailbox using EWS this is what I use https://dev.to/gscales/accessing-microsoft-teams-summary-records-cdr-s-for-calls-and-meetings-using-exchange-web-services-3581 . If you use a tool like mfcMapi https://github.com/stephenegriffin/mfcmapi/releases you can browse the Mailbox to see if a CDR is available and has the information you need without needing to write any code.
As of Feb 2020, Microsoft Graph API now includes microsoft.graph.callRecords (beta, preview).
If you call with session information expanded you can get startDateTime and endDateTime of each session which is the "time when the first user joined the session" and the "time when the last user left the session" respectively.
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/communications/callRecords/{id}?$expand=sessions($expand=segments)
Here's the documentation for the call record session fields.
You should vote for this feature : https://microsoftteams.uservoice.com/forums/555103-public/suggestions/33989875-view-or-export-a-list-of-users-who-attended-a-meet
Then you can try with this : https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams-blog/microsoft-teams-launches-ediscovery-for-calling-and-meetings/ba-p/210947
I try to develop an app calling the Graph API, so if I do success, I will share it ;-)
We are running visual studio team foundation server and today we are watching the number of active bugs on a dashboard. I would like to accompany this information with the number of new bugs added to the buglist each day.
I can't find any widget or anything in this area, is there anyone that have any idea how to track this?
You can easily create a cumulative flow chart that will show you the increase in tye number of bugs by day.
Create a query with the last 30 days of bugs by created date (#today-30). Then go to the Chart tab on the query and add a line chart. Tweek & pin it to your dasboard. Call it "30 day cumulative bug flow".
Another useful way to visualise this data would be to create a query for those bugs created in the last 24 hours, (#today-1) and pin it to your dashboard as a number. Call it "Incoming in last 24"
Unfortunately, there is no this kind of build-in feature.
You could use TFS Client API or REST API to query workitems and create the status report yourself.
Or you could set an optional reporting infrastructure. With this installed you can use the out of the box reports to do what you want:
Moreover, I also created an uservoice for you, TFS Admin will kindly review it, you could also vote up it to get more attention.
I'm new to fogbugz, so I may be making some incorrect assumptions. However, my understanding is that when a ticket is Closed, then the assigned To field becomes "Closed".
How can I search for all of the tickets for which I was the assigned person BEFORE it was closed?
I don't think there is any way to do this via UI / Dashboard, instead you have to use FOGBUGZ API & code to get the data you want. Use the API to get the tickets under milestone and then loop through to get the Assigned To / Developer . That's how we have been playing.
FogBugz XML API Development
FogBugz XML API version 8
I need to get a list of projects for currently logged in user. I found the decision of oppozite task here: JIRA SOAP API : get the list of users
Is there a way to do this through Jira API?
Do you mean which projects a user is allowed to see issues in? If so, you want to use
getPermissionSchemes to retrieve an array of RemotePermissionSchemes, then use getPermissionMappings on each of those to get the permissions that you want to see, e.g. View Issues (by id). The problem is you'd have to do this for all projects (can be cached) but then getting the roles for the user only works for the logged in user.
summary: I'd write my own SOAP method to do this
These are 2 questions:
Which users are currently logged in?
List of projects for a user?
For the first one, I found some entries in the JIRA issue tracker: Users currently logged on
The second one is easier, have a look at the API
Wondering if its possible (technically and licensing) to create a website for a Customer to view reports, report bugs, track progress of products we are creating for them (we are using VS2010 and TFS2010).
Cheers, Nick.
Hopefully one of the MSFT guys will weigh in here, but if I recall, providing access to "real-time" data via a web site is not allowed. Putting static data into a status report is allowed, I believe, as long as the person creating the data has a CAL.
There's an exception to the CAL requirement for creating work items and the subsequent view of those work items. This would allow non CAL-ed users to be able to submit things like bug reports.
From a technical standpoint-- yeah, it is not only possible, but relatively easy to do with the API.