(bash) grep -i not making search case insensitive for input files - grep

I am trying to search inside a folder containing several files. The name of the files is written in upper case with a .sub extension in lower case:
I am searching a pattern trough those file using grep, however i would like to only use lower case letter for the input files.
In the man page for grep it is written:
-i, --ignore-case
Ignore case distinctions in both the PATTERN and the input files. (-i is specified by POSIX.)
So, if i understood properly:
grep -i subckt /schematics/aaa
grep -i subckt /schematics/AAA
Are supposed to both be able to search a pattern "subckt" in the file "aaa" regardless of its case (AAA or aaa) and if two files named aaa and AAA are present at the same time in the foler, i expect grep to search trough both of them.
However when i try my search with the 1st instruction (lower case) it does not work, giving me "no such file or directory" message.
When i try to search with the 2nd instruction (upper case) it works properly.
I obviously understood something wrong about how the -i option with grep, can anyone give me an answer regarding this matter?
Is it possible to be case insensitive with the input files when using grep?
My question was lacking details, even tough i have found the answer to my problem i will add the details in case someone else stumbles upon this:
I have one file that contains a list of each file name i want to grep. My list looks like this:
aaa capacitor C_0
bbb capacitor C_0
ccc resistor R_in
The grep is done inside a perl script, the perl script parses the list file and gets the name of each individual file name (aaa bbb ccc) inside a while loop.
However the name inside the list file is written in lower case whereas the name of the files i want to grep is written in upper case.
This is why i wanted to have the input file search to be case insensitive so that i could directly do a grep -i subck aaa and it would search inside the file 'AAA'
However, since the grep is launched from a perl script, and since it is apparently not possible to have grep behave like that, i used the uc() function of perl to convert aaa to AAA and do my grep with it. (see my answer below)

-i affects how the contents are searched, not the name of the files.
When the man page says "Ignore case distinctions in both the PATTERN and the input files." that really means that case is ignored in the pattern ( searching for AAA and aaa are equivalent) and the contents of the input files (a line would match if it includes "AAA" or "aaa" or even "AaA")
I think you want to either list all the filenames on the command line, or find a glob (i.e. wildcard) that matches all the filenames:
grep -i subckt *.sub
In Unix/Linux shells (bash, zsh, and so on) "*" is processed by the shell (bash) not the command (grep). The command receives the list of files and actually can't tell the difference between whether a user typed "grep foo *" and "grep foo file1 file2 file3" (if the directory includes those 3 files)

Please try the following command
find . -iname aaa.sub | grep -rn subckt
find with -iname option will list out files ignoring their case. In the above case find . -iname will list out both aaa.sub & AAA.sub. The output is piped to the grep command.

I have found a way to circumvent my problem by using the uc (upper case) function of perl to convert the input files for the grep function into upper case.
The grep command was launched from a perl script in the first place:
grep -i subckt /schematics/aaa
So, i just did that in my perl script:
grep -i subckt /schematics/$tmp
Now, the "aaa" name is just an example. In the perl script it is recovered from another parsed file that is written in lower case.
Thanks for the answers tough.

grep uses the filenames as they are listed on the command line. The -i option affects the contents of the files, not the names of the files.
You can use find to select filenames to be searched. The -iname option lets you match files ignoring case.
grep subckt $(find /schematics -iname aaa.sub -print)
If you have many filenames, or those filenames include spaces or other characters that would confuse the shell, the safe and secure way to do this is using the -print0 and -0 options:
find /schematics -iname aaa.sub -print0 | xargs -r -0 grep -i subckt


Find the count of a specific keyword in multiple files in a directory

Say I have a directory /home/ and within it I have 3 subdirectories /home/red/ /home/blue/ /home/green/
And each subdirectory contains a file each like
/home/red/file1 /home/blue/file2 /home/green/file3
Now I want to find how many times file1,file2, file3 contains the word "hello" within them.
For example,
/home/red/file1 - 23
/home/blue/file2 - 6
/home/green/file3 - 0
Now, going to the locations of file and running the grep command is actually very inefficient when this problem scales.
I have tried using this grep command from the /home/ directory
grep -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e 'pattern'
But this is just giving the occurrences rather than the count.
Is there any command through which I can get what I am looking for?
If the search term occurs at maximum once per line, you can use grep's -c option to report the count instead of the matching lines. So, the command will be grep -rc 'search' (add other options as needed).
If there can be more than one occurrence per line, I'd recommend using ripgrep. Note that rg recursively searches by default, so you can use something like rg -co 'search' from within the home directory (add other options as needed). Add --hidden if you need to search hidden files as well. Add --include-zero if you want to show files even if they didn't have any match.
Instead of grep you can use this find | gnu-awk solution:
cd /home
find {red/file1,blue/file2,green/file3} -type f -exec awk '
{c += gsub(/pattern/, "&")} ENDFILE {print FILENAME, "-", c; c=0}' {} +

How to grep a matching filename AND extension from pattern file to a text file?

Content of testfile.txt
Content of pattern.txt
Bash Command
grep -i -f pattern.txt testfile.txt
This is a working solution, but currently the $ in the pattern is manually added to each line and this edited pattern file is uploaded to users. I am trying to avoid the manual amendment.
Alternate solution to loop and read line by line, but required scripting skills or upload scripts to user environment.
Want to keep the original pattern files in an audited environment, users just login and run simple cut-n-paste commands.
Any one liner solution?
You can use sed to add $ to pattern.txt and then use grep, but you might run into issues due to regexp metacharacters like the . character. For example, abc.txt$ will also match abc1txt. And unless you take care of matching only the basename from the file path, abc.txt$ will also match /some/path/foobazabc.txt.
I'd suggest to use awk instead:
$ awk '!f{a[$0]; next} $NF in a' pattern.txt f=1 FS='/' testfile.txt
pattern.txt f=1 FS='/' testfile.txt here a flag f is set between the two files and field separator is also changed to / for the second file
!f{a[$0]; next} if flag f is not set (i.e. for the first file), build an array a with line contents as the key
$NF in a for the second file, if the last field matches a key in array a, print the line
Just noticed that you are also using -i option, so use this for case insensitive matching:
awk '!f{a[tolower($0)]; next} tolower($NF) in a'
Since pattern.txt contains only a single pattern, and you don't want to change it, since it is an audited file, you could do
grep -i -f "$(<pattern.txt)'$' testfile.txt
instead. Note that this would break, if the maintainer of the file one day decided to actually write there a terminating $.
IMO, it would make more sense to explain to the maintainer of pattern.txt that he is supposed to place there a simple regular expression, which is going to match your testfile. In this case s/he can decide whether the pattern really should match only the right edge or some inner part of the lines.
If pattern.txt contains more than one line, and you want to add the $ to each line, you can likewise do a
grep -i -f <(sed 's/$/$/' <pattern.txt) testfile.txt
As the '$' symbol indicates pattern end. The following script should work.
file_pattern='pattern.txt' # path to pattern file
file_test='testfile.txt' # path to test file
while IFS=$ read -r line
echo "$line"
grep -wn "$line" $file_test
done < "$file_pattern"
You can remove the IFS descriptor if the pattern file comes with leading/trailing spaces.
Also the grep option -w matches only whole word and -n provides with line number.

grep: Find all files containing the word `star`, but not the word `start`

I have a bunch of files: some contain the word star, some contain the word start, some contain both.
I'd like to grep for files that contain the word star, but not the word start.
How can this be accomplished using only grep?
grep has some options for inverting the matches at the line or file level. You want the latter option, with the -L switch. The following will print the names of all the files in a folder that don't contain the text start:
grep -LF start *
-F tells grep that start is a literal string and not a regex. It's optional here, but might speed things up a tiny bit.
You can use the resulting list to search for files that contain star:
grep -lF star $(grep -LF start *)
-l prints only the names of files containing a match, not any line-by-line or match-by-match details. If this is not exactly what you want, man grep is your friend.
This uses an additional shell construct to run the inverted match, but it technically doesn't call any additional programs that aren't grep.
Since you mention wanting to look through all the files starting with a given root folder, change -LF to -LFr. Replace * with your root folder if you don't want to change working directories.
-r tells grep to recurse into directories, and search every file it finds along the way.
With GNU grep for -w:
$ cat file
foo star bar
oof start rab
$ grep -w star *
foo star bar
or if you just want the names of the files containing star:
$ grep -lw star *
and to just find files to look in:
$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec grep -w 'star' {} \;
foo star bar

How to use grep to search only in a specific file types?

I have a lot of files and I want to find where is MYVAR.
I'm sure it's in one of .yml files but I can't find in the grep manual how to specify the filetype.
grep -rn --include=*.yml "MYVAR" your_directory
please note that grep is case sensitive by default (pass -i to tell to ignore case), and accepts Regular Expressions as well as strings.
You don't give grep a filetype, just a list of files. Your shell can expand a pattern to give grep the correct list of files, though:
$ grep MYVAR *.yml
If your .yml files aren't all in one directory, it may be easier to up the ante and use find:
$ find -name '*.yml' -exec grep MYVAR {} \+
This will find, from the current directory and recursively deeper, any files ending with .yml. It then substitutes that list of files into the pair of braces {}. The trailing \+ is just a special find delimiter to say the -exec switch has finished. The result is matching a list of files and handing them to grep.
If all your .yml files are in one directory, then cd to that directory, and then ...
grep MYWAR *.yml
If all your .yml files are in multiple directories, then cd to the top of those directories, and then ...
grep MYWAR `find . -name \*.yml`
If you don't know the top of those directories where your .yml files are located and want to search the whole system ...
grep MYWAR `find / -name \*.yml`
The last option may require root privileges to read through all directories.
The ` character above is the one that is located along with the ~ key on the keyboard.
find . -name \*.yml -exec grep -Hn MYVAR {} \;

grep in all directories

I have a directory named XYZ which has directories ABC, DEF, GHI inside it. I want to search for a pattern 'writeText' in all *.c in all directories (i.e XYZ, XYZ/ABC, XYZ/DEF and XYZ/GHI)
What grep command can I use?
Also if I want to search only in XYZ, XYZ/ABC, XYZ/GHI and not XYZ/DEF, what grep command can I use?
Thank you!
grep -R --include="*.c" --exclude-dir={DEF} writeFile /path/to/XYZ
-R means recursive, so it will go into subdirectories of the directory you're grepping through
--include="*.c" means "look for files ending in .c"
--exclude-dir={DEF} means "exclude directories named DEF. If you want to exclude multiple directories, do this: --exclude-dir={DEF,GBA,XYZ}
writeFile is the pattern you're grepping for
/path/to/XYZ is the path to the directory you want to grep through.
Note that these flags apply to GNU grep, might be different if you're using BSD/SysV/AIX grep. If you're using Linux/GNU grep utils you should be fine.
You can use the following command to answer at least the first part of your question.
find . -name *.c | xargs grep "writeText"
