Move a source code project within a collection in TFS 2015 - tfs

Is there a (not too difficult) way to do what is depicted in the following image when using TFS 2015?
Excerpt from Source Control explorer
We have a source code project, "Solvency", that we would like to move so that it becomes a child of "Corporate Systems". And, we want the history to be intact.

Source code can't be moved easily across team project boundaries. The most straightforward way is to just do a tip migration, where you take the current version of the source code and check it in manually.
If you need to maintain history, you'll have to look at migration tools. Depending on the complexity of the structure you have, you may be able to just use git-tf or git-tfs to convert the TFVC repo into a Git repo, then use the tool again to play back the changes in the Git repo into the target TFVC repo.


Migrating from TFS to VSTS with TFVC

My usecase:
Currently have TFS 2012 (on Prem)
Want to move to VSTS
Want to migrate only the SourceCode with history, don't need any workitems, etc.
1. What are the tools I can use?
2. Is it mandatory to upgrade to TFS 2018 first before migrating to VSTS
If you want to migrate the source code only then you have 3 options.
The MS recommended route is to upgrade to TFS 2018 and then use the Database import feature of VSTS. This is the only way to keep using TFVC and keep the full history in tact.
You could use OpsHub however this comes with limitations as it will "replay" the history so the changeset history will reflect the time of the migration rather than the time of the original check-in. Also if you have multiple team projects then you might need to pay for the tool.
If you only want the code and you are happy considering changing version control systems from TFVC to Git then this might be the simplest option. You could use Git-TFS essentially you would clone the TFS (TFVC) repository to a local Git repository. At this point you would have a full "copy" of version control including history and branches, but in Git instead of TFVC. You could then push this up to VSTS, the only "downside" is that you would now be using Git rather than TFVC, Git is good, but different so you will want to think about that.

git-tfs one checkin for multiple tfs projects

At my work, we have a number of separate TFS projects that are combined together to form our Visual Studio solutions. These separate TFS projects are maintained so that we can reuse code across multiple solutions. Admittedly, this was a bad idea, as now when we have to branch we must branch each TFS project individually (we even wrote an app to do this). We end up with a project structure that looks like this:
where [superproject] requires [dependency1] within the solution. We end up mapping all these projects to the same workspace.
I would like to use Git-TFS in order to use Git in my day-to-day development. So far, the best way I have found to do this is to have a "master" git repo with a submodule for each TFS project. This way I can branch, diff, etc by using git submodule foreach.
Unfortunately, our policy regarding checkins is to have one changeset for a task, even if the changeset spans multiple TFS projects. This is fine if all my changes are constrained to one TFS project (i.e. one git submodule), but when I have changes across multiple submodules for one task then I don't know what to do. My current plan is to shelve each individualy using git submodule foreach 'git-tfs shelve mytask_$name' and then pull each into my TFS workspace, checking in from there. That only works for whatever TFS branches I have already mapped, which defeats half the purpose of using Git in the first place.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem? Are there any solutions already out there, perhaps using the TFS command line & a script? If not, I suppose I will spend some time creating a pull request for git-tfs. I am open to using Git-TF if the problem is solved there.
Thank you all in advance.
I think there is an effort in this way here :
you could have a look and contribute ;)

Where can I get large sample TFS repositories?

I'm building a tool to integrate with TFS and it needs to properly parse TFS logs (from the tf.exe history command) and checkout different revisions (again using tf.exe). It works great on the test TFS server I have, but I want to test it on a broad range of large repositories to make sure my parsing works properly.
I'd hoped to use Codeplex to get access to TFS repositories, but it seems you only get TFS access to Codeplex projects if you're a project member.
Are there any collections of open source code hosted on public TFS servers? Are there any other publicly available servers I could use for testing?
I would suggest using svn2tfs and choose any relatively active project on SourceForge. There are plenty of projects on SF to choose from that use SVN and not CVS. You might even get a bonus out of it and help the svn2tfs project work out any kinks.
Since you mention tf history command, I assume you want to collect/parse logs on the project's (and its files) history of checkins.
So in addition to large repository, you also need a good amount of history, am I right? If yes, then here's your set of problems:
Most projects on codeplex use Mercurial, not TFS. So even if you get access, you cannot use TFS with them.
As you mentioned, they require you to a be a member for you to access the source.
Even if you get access or find a public server (unlikely), you still would need good amount of history.
If I'm correct in my assumptions so far, here's the easiest (bit tedious though) way out:
Go to any large projects's such as Nuget or Wix
Download any old revision (go back as far as you want the history for). You can download zipped src files without being a member.
In your test server, checkin the code (src) to create the baseline.
Download the next revision.
Checkout files in your server and overwrite them with the newer revision's files.
While checkin, use the history.txt (sample) to create checkin comments
Repeat this process few times.
Voila!! You now have a large repository with lot of history!
Hope this helps.
Have you tried some of the larger projects on Codeplex?
If you only need read access you should be able to play around with the various repositories.
I don't have a huge amount of tfs experience, but I would assume there are migration tools that let you ingest code repositories from other products (e.g svn or hit).
If so, you might want to find a svn/git repo for a sizable foss project, and try importing that.
"I'd hoped to use Codeplex to get access to TFS repositories, but it seems you only get TFS access to Codeplex projects if you're a project member."
This solution appears to be the general consensus amoung SO'rs. I've read some of the Codeplex TFS connection problem threads (you linked to below) and I hope the comments in this thread resolves the issue:
Connecting to Codeplex TFS as a Coordinator or Developer.
I'm wondering if you can use git-tfs project to import an existing Git project into TFS.
Download and install git-tfs
Create a new TFS project
Clone the TFS project to a Git project using git-tfs ("git tfs clone http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/some_project")
Import a existing Git project of your choice into your fresh new Git project (I don't know the command but I think it's possible).
Use git-tfs to checkin to TFS Server ("git tfs checkintool")
=> Do it makes sense ? And works ?
For more information:

How can I view the history on the trunk from my branch

View History on an file in a branch show only changes since the branch. I need to go back further -- like how created the file in the first place. I've also tried Sidekicks, and it doesn't seem to show history from before the branch either.
Short of hunting down the file in the trunk manually, is there a way to view a file's history from the time it was added to now following the path in the branch?
You can upgrade to TFS 2010 for this support natively. The 2010 upgrade is well worth the time for many reasons, this being one of them.
I've used an addon TFS follow branch history the UI is a bit clunky but will get you what you're looking for. It only shows the branched history for a file but won't recurse to all files in a directory.

How can I migrate TFS source from one team project to another?

We've decided to go with a different template for our team project and want to move all of source under that team project. We are not concerned with migrating work items, but we would like to keep the version history of the source files, if possible. I tried the TFS to TFS migration tool on code plex and it seems to only move the most recent version of each source file over.
We are on TFS 2008 and the team projects are on the same server.
EDIT: It looks like the move function may work. I've seen some concerns posted about whether or not this moves all the history for a given file.
If you do a move from within TFS, that should register as just another action to be saved in the history. Your other history should be kept intact, even when moving across projects.
