Update autoComplete JavaFx? - binding

I'm currently working on a JavaFX project.I'm using Autcomplete TextField of ControlFx .Each time i add new rows in database table, it should to update Autocomplete ,i did this but my problem is showing double Context-Menu ,we can say double autocompletes because i call method that create autocomplete each adding of new elements in table.
When i click a tab editBill i call this method :
public void showEditBill() {
if (!BillPane.getTabs().contains(EditBillTab)) {
SingleSelectionModel<Tab> selectionModel = BillPane.getSelectionModel();
/*it should remove the old autocomplete from textfield*/
pushBills(); //Call for cheking new items
pushBills method () :
public void pushBills() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
bills = new BillHeaderDao().FindAll();
for (int i = 0; i < bills.size(); i++) {
//How can i remove the old bind before bind again
autoCompletionBinding = TextFields.bindAutoCompletion(SearchBill, SuggestionProvider.create(list));
How i can remove the old autocomplete and bind new automplete?

Just in any case if you need to keep instance of AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding object, thus avoiding use of:
autoCompleteBinding = TextFields.bindingAutoCompletion(TextField,List);
, which will change the instance, we could go a little bit deeper and use this:
// let's suppose initially we have this possible values:
Set<String> autoCompletions = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C"));
SuggestionProvider<String> provider = SuggestionProvider.create(autoCompletions);
new AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding<>(textField, provider);
// and after some times, possible autoCompletions values has changed and now we have:
Set<String> filteredAutoCompletions = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("A", "B"));
So, through SuggestionProvider, we have "updated" auto completion values.
To avoid doubling of suggestions menu, don't use again (for the 2nd time):

In order to provide updates to the auto-complete suggestion list, retain a reference to the SuggestionProvider and update the suggestion provider instead:
TextField textField = new TextField();
SuggestionProvider suggestionProvider = SuggestionProvider.create(new ArrayList());
new AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding<>(textField, suggestionProvider);
When you want to update the suggestion list:
List<String> newSuggestions = new ArrayList();
//(add entries to list)

This will do the trick:
Instead of: TextFields.bindAutoCompletion(textField, list);
, try this:
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
Then create binding between your textField with the list through:
new AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding<>(textField, SuggestionProvider.create(strings));
So any changes, including removing, from the list, will be reflected in the autoCompletion of the textField;
And you will have dynamic filtering of suggestions, showed in pop-up, when user enter some text in textField;

I had the same problem some time ago I try to do as #MaxKing mentions, but it didnt work. I managed to give it a soluciĆ³n even though I don't think it's the right way.
// Dispose the old binding and recreate a new binding
autoCompleteBinding = TextFields.bindingAutoCompletion(TextField,List);
try this:
public void pushBills() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
bills = new BillHeaderDao().FindAll();
for (int i = 0; i < bills.size(); i++) {
autoCompletionBinding = TextFields.bindAutoCompletion(SearchBill, SuggestionProvider.create(list));


Listing WorkItem State Reasons programmatically

We have a customised TFS workflow, I want to be able to access the Reasons I can close a Bug (change the state from Active to Closed) from TFS so that we don't have to update our code every time we want to tweak our process.
This is what I have so far:
WorkItemType wiType = this.GetWorkItemStore().Projects[this.ProjectName].WorkItemTypes["Bug"];
var reason = wiType.FieldDefinitions["Reason"];
var state = wiType.FieldDefinitions["State"];
var filterList = new FieldFilterList();
FieldFilter filter = new FieldFilter(wiType.FieldDefinitions[CoreField.State], "Active");
var allowedReasons = reason.FilteredAllowedValues(filterList);
However I'm not getting any results. I'd like to get a list of all the reasons why I can close a bug (Not Reproduceable, Fixed etc)
There isn't any easy way to get the transition via API directly as I know since the API read the allowed values from database directly.
The alternative way would be export the workitemtype definition via WorkItemType.Export() method and then get the information from it. Vaccano's answer in this question provided the entire code sample you can use.
Edited to give an example of how I solved this using the above recommendation:
public static List<Transition> GetTransistions(this WorkItemType workItemType)
List<Transition> currentTransistions;
// See if this WorkItemType has already had it's transistions figured out.
_allTransistions.TryGetValue(workItemType, out currentTransistions);
if (currentTransistions != null)
return currentTransistions;
// Get this worktype type as xml
XmlDocument workItemTypeXml = workItemType.Export(false);
// Create a dictionary to allow us to look up the "to" state using a "from" state.
var newTransistions = new List<Transition>();
// get the transistions node.
XmlNodeList transitionsList = workItemTypeXml.GetElementsByTagName("TRANSITIONS");
// As there is only one transistions item we can just get the first
XmlNode transitions = transitionsList[0];
// Iterate all the transitions
foreach (XmlNode transition in transitions)
XmlElement defaultReasonNode = transition["REASONS"]["DEFAULTREASON"];
var defaultReason = defaultReasonNode.Attributes["value"].Value;
var otherReasons = new List<string>();
XmlNodeList otherReasonsNodes = transition["REASONS"].SelectNodes("REASON");
foreach (XmlNode reasonNode in otherReasonsNodes)
var reason = reasonNode.Attributes["value"].Value;
// save off the transistion
newTransistions.Add(new Transition
From = transition.Attributes["from"].Value,
To = transition.Attributes["to"].Value,
DefaultReason = defaultReason,
OtherReasons = otherReasons
// Save off this transition so we don't do it again if it is needed.
_allTransistions.Add(workItemType, newTransistions);
return newTransistions;

Vaadin Grid Row Index

In a vaadin table if we do
we get a column with the row index.
Is it possible to to the same with a vaadin grid?
So far I haven't seen such an option, but you should be able to fake it with a generated column. Please see below a naive implementation which should get you started (improvements and suggestions are more than welcome):
// our grid with a bean item container
Grid grid = new Grid();
BeanItemContainer<Person> container = new BeanItemContainer<>(Person.class);
// wrap the bean item container so we can generated a fake header column
GeneratedPropertyContainer wrappingContainer = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(container);
wrappingContainer.addGeneratedProperty("rowHeader", new PropertyValueGenerator<Long>() {
private long index = 0;
public Long getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
return index++;
public Class<Long> getType() {
return Long.class;
// assign the data source to the grid and set desired column order
grid.setColumnOrder("rowHeader", "name", "surname");
// tweak it a bit - definitely needs more tweaking
// freeze the fake header column to prevent it from scrolling horizontally
// add dummy data
for (int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++) {
container.addBean(new Person("person " + i, "surname " + i));
This will generate something similar to the image below:
There is a Grid Renderer that can be used to do this now. It is in the grid renderers add-on https://vaadin.com/directory/component/grid-renderers-collection-for-vaadin7. It is compatible with Vaadin 8 as well.
Here is how it could be used (there are a few different options for how to render the index).
grid.addColumn(value -> "", new RowIndexRenderer()).setCaption("Row index");
Worth to mention that I use the following with Vaadin 18 flow and works perfectly.
Ok, it took me more than a while to figure this out. I don't know why you need this, but if your purpose is to find which grid row was clicked, then you can get the index from the datasource of your control via the itemClick event of your listener.
In my case, my datasource is an SQLContainer, and I already had it available (see ds var) so I did it this way:
grid.addListener(new ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener() {
public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) {
Object itemId = event.getItemId();
int indexOfRow = ds.indexOfId(itemId);
You usually add a datasource to your control when you initialize it, via constructor or by setting the property. If you got you Grid from somewhere with an already-attached datasource, you can always get it with something like this:
SQLContainer ds = (SQLContainer)gred.getContainerDataSource();
I use this trick:
int i = 0;
grid.addComponentColumn(object -> {
return new Label("" + i);

How to sort records (with code) in a grouped ListGrid?

This is the scenario: I'm working with a listgrid that needs to be grouped, and also needs to have its records ordered within each group. I've already used the ListGrid.sort() and the ListGrid.sort(String, SortDirection) methods but none of them works properly.
This problem doesn't show up when the grid isn't grouped (it makes the sort perfectly); and when the sort (with the listgrid is grouped) is made by clicking the column header, works fine but I need to sort it by code (without user interaction) because the header sort option needs to be disabled (and context menu too).
I'm using SmartGWT 4.0
Here is the class I'm using:
public class Access extends ListGrid {
public Access() {
// setShowHeaderContextMenu(false);
// setCanSort(false);
ListGridField id = new ListGridField("id", "ID");
ListGridField user = new ListGridField("user", "User");
ListGridField access = new ListGridField("access", "Access");
setFields(id, user, access);
access.setGroupTitleRenderer(new GroupTitleRenderer() {
public String getGroupTitle(Object groupValue, GroupNode groupNode, ListGridField field, String fieldName,
ListGrid grid) {
return (String) groupValue + " - " + groupNode.getGroupMembers().length;
getField("access").setGroupValueFunction(new GroupValueFunction() {
public Object getGroupValue(Object value, ListGridRecord record, ListGridField field, String fieldName,
ListGrid grid) {
Boolean access = (Boolean) value;
if (access)
return "With access";
return "Without access";
ListGridRecord lgr1 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr1.setAttribute("id", 1);
lgr1.setAttribute("user", "ewgzx");
lgr1.setAttribute("access", true);
ListGridRecord lgr2 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr2.setAttribute("id", 2);
lgr2.setAttribute("user", "Bgfths");
lgr2.setAttribute("access", false);
ListGridRecord lgr3 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr3.setAttribute("id", 3);
lgr3.setAttribute("user", "utcvs");
lgr3.setAttribute("access", true);
ListGridRecord lgr4 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr4.setAttribute("id", 4);
lgr4.setAttribute("user", "gfdjxc");
lgr4.setAttribute("access", false);
ListGridRecord lgr5 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr5.setAttribute("id", 5);
lgr5.setAttribute("user", "763");
lgr5.setAttribute("access", true);
ListGridRecord lgr6 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr6.setAttribute("id", 6);
lgr6.setAttribute("user", "2");
lgr6.setAttribute("access", false);
ListGridRecord lgr7 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr7.setAttribute("id", 7);
lgr7.setAttribute("user", "35");
lgr7.setAttribute("access", false);
ListGridRecord lgr8 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr8.setAttribute("id", 8);
lgr8.setAttribute("user", "123");
lgr8.setAttribute("access", true);
ListGridRecord lgr9 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr9.setAttribute("id", 9);
lgr9.setAttribute("user", "2342");
lgr9.setAttribute("access", true);
ListGridRecord lgr10 = new ListGridRecord();
lgr10.setAttribute("id", 10);
lgr10.setAttribute("user", "aqwc");
lgr10.setAttribute("access", false);
setRecords(new ListGridRecord[] { lgr1, lgr2, lgr3, lgr4, lgr5, lgr6, lgr7, lgr8, lgr9, lgr10 });
sort("user", SortDirection.ASCENDING);
I have been having a similar issue. Disclaimer: if the "grouping data" message is not appearing when you group then the following solution may not help.
In my case the sorting of a grouped column was screwed because of the "grouping data" pop up.
Let me clarify.
The "grouping data" pop up appears when trying to group a ListGrid that is displaying more than 50 records.
It appears because the ListGrid, internally, is doing the grouping operation asynchronously to avoid the "script running slowly" message from the browser.
What I did was to set the grouping async threshold to a higher value. The risk of doing this is getting the "script running slowly" browser message, even though this is likely to happen only with IE8/9.
In the end , in the grid constructor, just add (I used 500 as a threshold):
setInitialSort(new SortSpecifier[] {new SortSpecifier("user", SortDirection.ASCENDING)}));
Also set the initial sort and the grouped column as shown above.
Hope this helps.
This is due to sort() being called before rendering the grid, and setRecords() complicates things further.
Initial rendering of the grid happens along with its parents when rootCanvas.draw() is called (in onModuleLoad or similar).
As setRecords() can be used to change data set in the grid anytime, it tries to redraw the grid regardless of whether its initial stage or not.
If in the real scenario, sort is triggered after UI initialization, it should work as given in following code sample.
Remove the sort() call at the end of the constructor.
final Access access = new Access();
Button button = new Button("Sort");
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// toggle sort direction, using two different ways to do it
SortSpecifier sortSpecifier = access.getSortSpecifier("user");
if (sortSpecifier == null || SortDirection.DESCENDING.equals(sortSpecifier.getSortDirection())) {
access.sort("user", SortDirection.ASCENDING);
} else {
access.setSort(new SortSpecifier[]{
new SortSpecifier("user", SortDirection.DESCENDING)
Check http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/showcase/#grid_multilevel_sort to see how to use listGrid.setInitialSort().
Having setRecords() in the constructor could lead to other initialization issues as well.
To have the grid grouped by and sorted on load, set an initial sort and a group by field as indicated below.
// along with other configuration methods, can not use after grid is drawn
SortSpecifier sortSpecifier = new SortSpecifier("user", SortDirection.ASCENDING);
setInitialSort(new SortSpecifier[]{sortSpecifier});
// use following instead of groupBy(), which is used to group the grid programmatically
// groupBy() causes a redraw
An overloaded ListGrid.setGroupByField(String... field) method is available to group by multiple fields.

ListGrid Duplicates created after adding records onload then dragging the same again

I have a View where I have Drag and Drop working between 2 ListGrid-s, and after dragging a few records I then save them to a POJO type object upon clicking a button "Save".
When I'm accessing again that view it calls a method loadGrid that pulls those values from the POJO and adds them back into the ListGrid that they were dragged to earlier, so they can see what they already have added previously, however when I drag and drop again it lets me add the same primary keys creating duplicates records in the ListGrid.
How can I make it so that it sees these records as the same? The primary key is the same, the types are the same, not sure what it could be...
I'm using transferSelectedData to add the new privileges to the assigned list grid and setPreventDuplicates(true).
ListGrid avPrivGrid = null;
ListGrid assPriv = null;
TransferImgButton but = null;
avPrivGrid = new ListGrid();
PrivilegesDataSource privDataSource = new PrivilegesDataSource();
ListGridField propUsername = new ListGridField("privName", "Available Priv");
assPriv = new ListGrid();
assPriv.setDuplicateDragMessage("Can not add duplicates!");
ListGridField propUserN = new ListGridField("privName", "Assigned Priv");
ListGridField propId = new ListGridField("privId");
assPriv.setFields(propId, propUserN);
but = new TransferImgButton(TransferImgButton.RIGHT);
but.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler()
public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
//Duplicate checking will happen automagially!
Check if the ID field set as the primary key in the Datasource.
I have the same problem and I have [IdField].setPrimaryKey(true);
Up to here, my conclusion is that whenever there is a databound list of records, the setDragDataAction(DragDataAction.MOVE) is not working. If it's not databound, it works.

Merge an Object that wen outside the datacontext

I have the following question:
It is easy to insert an oBject in database with a form.
Just create an object
link it to the fields in your from.
Post back to controller,
create a new datacontext and do datacontext.InsertOnSubmit(object)
public static void AddPage(string lang, Page page)
using (var db = new CardReaderDataContext())
page.Lang = lang;
page.URL = UrlHelper.CreateValidSeoUrl(page.Name, "-");
But if you want to update an object, it is a tedious job.
You do the same flow,
you get the object,
link it to your form,
post it, but THEN !!!
because it went outside your datacontext, you have to reload the object from the datacontext,
transfer all the variables and save it,
this is a little complex explained so I give an example:
To update an object that you modified in a form:
public static void Update(Page page)
using (var db = new CardReaderDataContext())
var _page = db.Pages.Where(p => p.Guid == page.Guid).Single();
_page.ModificationDate = DateTime.Now;
_page.Title = page.Title;
_page.Description = page.Description;
_page.Content = page.Content;
_page.Keywords = page.Keywords;
_page.Name = page.Name;
_page.WTLang = page.WTLang;
_page.WTSKU = page.WTSKU;
_page.WTTi = page.WTTi;
_page.WTUri = page.WTUri;
_page.URL = UrlHelper.CreateValidSeoUrl(page.Name, "-");
// _page.Order = GetMaxOrderByMenuGuid(page.MenuGuid);
I don't know if it is clear, if it isn't comment me, I will edit
I think you're looking for DataContext.Attach, but you can only use that with linqtosql objects that have been serialised/deserialised.
Have a read of the answer to this question -
"It's also not a good idea to even
attempt to fetch the old version. By
doing that you are in effect turning
off optimistic concurrency, so unless
you intended that this is a bad
approach. What you need to do is
round trip both the original state and
the current state of the object."
