Constrained Hough transform for line detection - image-processing

I need to detect straight lines (ridges) in an image where I known in advance their direction (to some tolerance).
I am using OpenCV and the HoughLines function.
Is there a way to limit the detection to those lines by
only using edges pixels that have a gradient direction quasi-perpendicular to the desired direction,
restricting the accumulation and search to a small range of angles.
I couldn't find such options in OpenCV 3.0
A typical image:


Finding ROI for a periodic repetative fringe pattern

I am trying to detect ROI for a fixed repetitive pattern in an image using opencv C++.
The ROI which I am trying to find - is shown with red boundary as shown in the pic:
I tried canny edge detection after blurring but it detects edge of the vertical/horizontal black and white lines. This is not something I am trying to detect.
What is the best approach to my problem?
Since you're starting with a binary image you could use
to get the contours for the individual strips. Since there are a couple of solitary pixels from noise you should then filter for size using
and merge the points of all contours meeting your size criteria into a combined contour. Then get the bounding box for the combined contour:

how to perform hough transformation for spesific angle range

I have been trying to detect and track vehicle in a video stream. Recently I decided to implement a hard-coded method which find out the shadow of a vehicle and detect entire vehicle with respect to tire position. At the end, I partially done with my implementation. Here is the video link of demonstration.
At the first step I used canny edge detector to subtract edge of the video frames.
Then I used hough transform funciton in opencv.
However this functions finds all the horizontal and vertical lines while I only interested in horizontal lines which are possibly shadow of the vehicle.
My question is how I can use hough line transform function where it only checks the lines which are in a spesific range of angle and within a spesific area. Is there any parameter that tresholds the angle ? Or should I implement the function by myself ?
Since you end up with a binary image after the Canny operation, it may be easiest to convolve the image with a simple horizontal Prewitt operator before applying the Hough transform:
1 1 1
0 0 0
-1 -1 -1
which will give you a map of the grayscale intensities of each pixel, with pixels along horizontal edge giving the strongest signal. The advantage of using only the horizontal operator is that vertical edges receive no amplification, horizontal edges receive maximum amplification, and any edge within 45° of horizontal should have a signal somewhere between the two. You can use the resulting image to decide which pixels from the Canny mask to keep when you apply the detect edges to the original image: If the Prewitt signal is above a certain threshold for a pixel, that pixel is assumed to be along a 'horizontal-enough' edge that gets kept, discard otherwise. I believe opencv has this feature, but it's trivial to implement if not.

Detecting incomplete rectangles (missing corners/ short endges) in OpenCV

I've been working off a variant of the opencv squares sample to detect rectangles. It's working fine for closed rectangles, but I was wondering what approaches I could take to detect rectangles that have openings ie missing corners, lines that are too short.
I perform some dilation, which closes small gaps but not these larger ones.
I considered using a convex hull or bounding rect to generate a contour for comparison but since the edges of the rectangle are disconnected, each would read as a separate contour.
I think the first step is to detect which lines are candidates for forming a complete rectangle, and then perform some sort of line extrapolation. This seems promising, but my rectangle edges won't lie perfectly horizontally or vertically.
I'm trying to detect the three leftmost rectangles in this image:
Perhaps this paper is of interest? Rectangle Detection based on a Windowed Hough Transform
Basically, take the hough line transform of the image. You will get maximums at the locations in (theta, rho) space which relate to the places where there are lines. The larger the value, the longer/straighter the line. Maybe do a threshold to only get the best lines. Then, we are trying to look for pairs of lines which are
1) parallel: the maximums occur at similar theta values
2) similar length: the values of the maximums are similar
3) orthogonal to another pair of lines: theta values are 90 degrees away from other pairs' theta values
There are some more details in the paper, such as doing the transform in a sliding window, and then using an error metric to consolidate multiple matches.

Finding a defective Corner[circled] from contours

I want to find the corners of a object & detect if there is a cut in the corner. The Real Image is so Big & it consist of lot of noise inside the Contour Area. So far I've tried...
1)find the contours
2)approximate the contour to find the approximate corners points
3)crop each corner image & compare it with cvMatchShapes() Rotated # Corners.
But the results was not accurate & i need some guidance.Here is the sample canny output image for which i wanna detect the Cut which is CIRCLED. Also in real Image I'm getting lot of noise in the canny output so Pls suggest me how to detect this shape defect at Corners.
![enter image description here][1]Regards, Balaji.R
after you do the step 3, you may want to do hausdorff distance. OpenCV function can be found here. I think hausdoff distance best suites your requirement. Find the distance between the corners and if the distance is more than a certain value, then it is defective. It can also take care of noise upto certain extent.

Find distorted rectangle in image (OpenCV)

I am looking for the right set of algorithms to solve this image processing problem:
I have a distorted binary image containing a distorted rectangle
I need to find a good approximation of the 4 corner points of this rectangle
I can calculate the contour using OpenCV, but as the image is distorted it will often contain more than 4 corner points.
Is there a good approximation algorithm (preferably using OpenCV operations) to find the rectangle corner points using the binary image or the contour description?
The image looks like this:
Use cvApproxPoly function to eliminate number of nodes of your contour, then filter out those contours that have too many nodes or have angles which much differ from 90 degrees. See also similar answer
little different answer, see
Look at the opencv function ApproxPoly. It approximates a polygon from a contour.
Try Harris Corner Detector. There is example in OpenCV package. You need to play with params for your image.
And see other OpenCV algorithms:
I would try generalised Hough Transform it is a bit slow but deals well with distorted/incomplete shapes.
This will work even if you start with some defects, i.e. your approxPolly call returns pent/hexagons. It will reduce any contour, transContours in example, to a quad, or whatever poly you wish.
vector<Point> cardPoly;// Quad storage
int PolyLines = 0;//PolyPoly counter ;)
double simplicity = 0.5;//Increment of adjustment, lower numbers may be more precise vs. high numbers being faster to cycle.
while(PolyLines != 4)//Adjust this
approxPolyDP(transContours, Poly, simplicity, true);
PolyLines = Poly.size();
simplicity += 0.5;
