Using Bootbox.js with Angular UI-Bootstrap - angular-ui-bootstrap

I would like to use the features of Bootbox.js with a project already using Angular UI-Bootstrap
Bootbox requires JQuery as a dependency, while UI-Bootstrap removed this dependency.
Is there a simple workaround, or a project similar to Bootbox that solves this issue?


Angular material doesn't work with adminlte UI that attached with ABP 5.6.0

Why angular material does not work with adminlte template I've imported all angular material component by app.module.ts but when I use mat-select it didn't work the design totally crashed such as below Screenshot :
My code is identical to this
another screen shoot
ASPNETZero use ngx-bootstrap rather than angular material, so ngx-bootstrap is already installed and you can use its components, you can find the components her

Can I use gsap, parallax.js in angular7

I'm new to angular Im planning to create a website with parallax.js and gsap tweenmax effects with angular7. I want to know where do I get some reference regarding with this
Angular works with most JavaScript libraries. An example on parallax.js in particular can be found here. The post uses parallax.js with angular 5, on angular 7 the angular-cli.json was renamed and remodelled to angular.json but the rest should be the same. For tweenmax, a tutorial can be found here.
You will notice, the process to include a third party library is always the same or pretty similiar:
Install the library through npm
Include the library either through the angular.json script section or through import in your project (depends on the packaging)

can i use boostrap template into my react native project

I want to design my page like this
It is possible to use this template for my project or do I have to design using a script?
What is the solution to design a login page?
You can't use bootstrap in a react-native project, react-native styling isn't css, you have to write your own style or use a react-native UI toolkit (e.g. react-native-elements, native-base) to help you on your design.

Use custom polymer elements in own project - How to do it right?

So I found this nice port of Chart.js as a polymer component on but I'm not able to use them in my polymer.dart project. I copied all the files from the library project into my project and fixed the paths but the elements are not showing up. I get
Uncaught ReferenceError: Polymer is not defined chart-bar.html:27(anonymous function) chart-bar.html:27
(+ same error for the other files from the library proj).
I have no bower.json in my project (but a pubspec.yaml) and I'm wondering if I need one because the library project got one in there?
So what is the right way to get those polymer elements into my project?
There is currently no straight-forward way to use Polymer.js polymer elements in a Polymer.dart project.
You can try to generate Dart wrappers using /
The code generation depends on proper JavaScript codedoc in the JS elements which is often incomplete but I have heard of people who were satisfied by the result (Dart core_elements/paper_elements are generated with this but there is also manual work involved).

Using Polymer core elements in Dart

Is there a way to use existing Polymer standard core elements , such as core-toolbar and core-menu, in Dart?
If you download the polymer project with bower you can find the javascript versions in /polymer/bower-components/.
core-toolbar, for instance, contains a core-toolbar.html and a metadata.html. These have <polymer-element> tags in them just like in Dart. Can these be adapted?
In the meantime, an official package has arrived:
And you can even have the paper elements of the material design:
I found this issues:
This is not the post I talked about in my comment.
The linked discussion in this issue could be the post I remembered
the TodoMVC is a Dart demo project ( that uses some Polymer.js polymer_elements
see source in lib-elements directory
As mentioned in my comment alternatively you could use the Dart port of polymer_elements and polymer_ui_elements
