Xcode import my framework into a project - ios

I've created an objC dynamic framework and I'd like to add it as a dependency into an objC project.
I've read those guides and some SO answers but none of them works:
Basically what I do is open the host app and drag the framework project in it.
Then I drag the framework from the Products group of the framework project into the Embedded binaries section of the sample app.
What I see in the build phases is that I have:
In the target dependencies I can see the framework
In link binary with libraries I can see the framework
It has been added a new phase called Embed framework and my framework is there
If I try to import the framework module the compiler says
Module XXX not found
The only way to make it work seems to add in the framework search path of the build phases, the direct path to the product of the framework itself.
For what I understood it seems that somehow the path of the framework is not taken into account, but as far as I know in none of the guide is written to change it.
[NOTE]: no cocoapods or Carthage solution

Turns out that I had a wrong build settings in Per-configuration Build Products Path, instead of having it to point to build/debug-iphoneos it was pointing just to build .
Thus the process explained in the question works.
Hope this will help someone else.


Embedding XCFramework in application with project framework dependencies

I have an Xcode workspace which features a project with an iOS Application target, and another project with a Framework target. The framework target is dependent on another framework, which is integrated in the form of an xcframework:
Using regular OtherFramework.framework would require it to be linked to MyFramework and then embedded in MyApp even though MyApp doesn't require the framework itself. However when integrating with xcframework, this project then fails to build with a No such module 'OtherFramework' error.
Project settings:
MyFramework Project
MyApp Project
Removing OtherFramework.xcframework from the MyApp target fixes the build issue, but then causes library not loaded errors as the framework is not present in the application.
Demo project here: https://github.com/msaps/XCFramework-Link-Issue
How are you meant to link an xcframework in an application and link in a dependent framework?
pyckamil just posted this article which explains the issue in detail: Everything wrong with XCFrameworks.
It turns out Xcode has an optimisation for the ProcessXCFrameworkLibrary step which extracts the correct .framework from an .xcframework for the active build architecture. This is only run once which causes issues for additional targets that try to link the same framework.
This issue is resolved in Xcode 12.0
UPDATED - Resolved in Xcode 12.0
shinsuk came up with a reliable workaround that works by adding architecture-explicit framework search paths to ensure the correct .framework within an XCFramework is found.
Details can be found in the README.
Check build settings and defining the Framework Search Paths to a folder which contains the frameworks in question. If the frameworks are placed in your project directory, simply set the framework search path to $(SRCROOT) and set it to recursive.
check the response Getting error "No such module" using Xcode, but the framework is there
IMO, It seems not xcframework issue.
Check out this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59435627/2661407
Umbrella frameworks are not supported on iOS, watchOS, or tvOS.
OtherFramework.xcframework should be signed and embedded in your host app.
and add "#executable_path/Frameworks" setting into your MyFramework.framework > Build settings > Runpath Search Paths.
I had this issue as well after using xcframework instead of framework. So I changed my project structure:
The MyFramework Peoject embed OtherFramework.xcframework,Then make it exported using #_exported import OtherFramework in MyFramework Project. And the MyApp just link MyFramework but can both import/use MyFramework and OtherFramework.
BTW, It seems to custom the #rpath and manual codesign the OtherFramework.
I had an issue like that as well.
First, make sure if you have MyFramework.framework file within the same directory as MyApp.
Second, when building MyFramework.framework, make sure that OtherFramework.xcframework is as well in MyFramework's project directory.
And one more thing, check target SDK versions. They should be somewhere on the same level.
I had the same issue as you, and after seeing your pbxproj I think it can be solved the same way.
Change your framework search path to recursive (either through UI or manually editing the pbxproj "$(SRCROOT)/../Frameworks" => "$(SRCROOT)/../Frameworks/**"), like so: https://github.com/msaps/XCFramework-Link-Issue/pull/1/files

How to create SDK for iOS in Swift?

I have my own Xcode project which contains some controllers. I want to make its SDK, for use it in another application. In parent application it works as child. Parent app will share some data with my controller and my controller works on it and gives back some result. So kindly guide for me. Examples are - Payment Gateway SDK's. I am looking for the same.
I can see you add tag for swift. In Swift, static libraries are not supported, so you must exclusively use a framework (aka dynamic library) when linking an app to a library. Framework is similar to sdk.
Here are the steps:
1)Create the Framework using New > Project under IOS > Framework & Library, select Cocoa Touch Framework
2)To avoid the "ld: warning: directory not found for option..." goto Library Search Paths in Build Settings for your target and delete the paths.
3)You can't mix Objective-C with Swift so don't even consider adding the Swift-Header bridge file in your code.
4)There are some cases in swift where you need to import code from unexposed Frameworks. I've successfully used the module-map inside the framework to deal with these case.
5)I also select CLANG_ALLOW_NON_MODULAR_INCLUDES_IN_FRAMEWORK_MODULES = YES in the Build Settings to solve 'include of non-modular header inside framework module'. That seems to work
6)I make sure that the header file that gets generated is marked as Public (not Project). Click on the file and you'll see the selection in the inspector under 'Target Membership'
Also you can follow this tutorial. Since you have already created project.
Create a framework target, make all source code files a member of the new target, add the new target as target to the podfile. For everything else the tutorial should work. It should help you in understanding the steps.
Build framework

Adding a custom Framework to an Xcode project

I decided to try to make a Cocoa Touch Framework. Making it worked fine, but I am having trouble adding it to a project. After searching through a lot of SO posts and looking at Apple Forum threads I decided to try this from the Docs:
Add a framework bundle to a project in order to incorporate the
framework’s features into your product.
In the project navigator, select the project or group within a project
to which you want to add the framework.
Choose File > Add Files to “”.
Select the framework bundle, and click Add.
The frameworks you add this way are third-party-built bundles
containing the framework’s object code and runtime resources. See
related articles for information about linking to a framework without
adding it to the project.
After you add the framework, Xcode configures the targets in your
project to link them to the framework just added.
It still doesn't work. I am getting a No such module 'Scaffold' error for everything I try, I have checked spelling, but that is not it. Can someone explain how this works? I might just need clarification on how this is done.
Links I have looked at:
Create and import swift framework
Xcode error when I add a framework
Adding a framework to XCode 4
Xcode 5.1 compiler errors after adding a framework
Add a framework to an existing project without using cocoapods
What is the process for creating a Framework?
Hey I do not know if it is too late to answer this question, but due to the fact that I am facing same issues right know I would recommend you to check the Build Settings of the project where you import your framework
You should check the "Framework Search Path" and if the framework is at Swift and you import to an obj c project check YES to "Always embed swift standard libraries"
More or less the problem I think is in the Build Settings

Add a framework to an existing project without using cocoapods

I've got an existing project where i want to add the framework called CoreActionSheetPicker from
The problem is i cant seem to add the framework to my project? when i pull the framework over to my existing project none of the files below is added and when i try to import it says it does not exist
import CoreActionSheetPicker
I want to do this without cocoaPods. What is the steps in order to do such? i'm using swift. Do i first need to create a WorkSpace?
I've just cloned it, and it appears the project file is invalid. You can see this by trying to open it. You should raise the issue with the owner on GitHub, which is how you're supposed to ask questions about projects there. Then you will get feedback directly from the creator or at least someone else who knows about that project.
As for adding a project,
Download the source
Drag the .xcodeproj into your project within Xcode
Add the framework in Build Phases / link binary with libraries
Add it as a Build Phase / target dependency.
Note that at the moment, you should always builds 3rd part libraries with your swift project, and not just include the binary. See here about binary compatibility of frameworks:

Don't we need to link framework to XCode project anymore?

Base on this question
Why don't iOS framework dependencies need to be explicitly linked to a static library
I read the selected answer and still don't understand so I made an example project
Test Project on Github
In the test project, I remove all framework from Link Binary With Libraries and File navigation for both main project and the static library (including Foundation.framework and UIKit.framework too), basically, both project link to 0 frameworks.
Questions are
In static library, it's including MapKit/MapKit.h without referencing the Mapkit.framework to the project, why is its still working?
In main project, I remove UIKit.framework and Foundation.framework from the project, why is it still working?
Since it's working for now, will there be any issue later?
Thank you for your comment.
P.S. By working, I mean I can run on the simulator and I can archive the main project without any error.
Edit 25/07/2014
I tried with the real app that I'm working on, it's the same.
I highlight Foundation, UIKit, CoreData and 10 another frameworks in File Navigation, well, all of them.
Uncheck the target in Utilities Panel --> Target Membership
Build : Pass, Run : Pass
Every functionality of my app is still working as expected. I don't get this.
Check your project build settings. Underneath LLVM 5.1 — Language — Modules you should see the option 'Link Frameworks Automatically'. In your case it sounds like it's set to 'YES', the default.
In that case, instead of producing an error when you reference a class that the compiler doesn't know, it'll figure out which Framework contains that class and link it. In your code it'll be MKMapView or one of the other MapKit classes that triggers the linkage.
EDIT: from the relevant 'What's New?' document:
Auto Linking is enabled for frameworks imported by code modules. When
a source file includes a header from a framework that supports
modules, the compiler generates extra information in the object file
to automatically link in that framework. The result is that, in most
cases, you will not need to specify a separate list of the frameworks
to link with your target when you use a framework API that supports
Another way of looking at it is that the compiler is smart enough to mutate #import to #import when the framework has been built appropriately. All system frameworks have been.
To elaborate #Tommy's answer, a framework that supports modules satisfies the following 2 conditions:
Under Build Settings > Packaging
Define Modules is set to YES
Module Map File exists.
So, if you're certain that the framework you're using in your code modularizes like that, you can choose to not explicitly add it in the link phase as it will be automatically added as long as in the project file, under Apple Clang - Language - Modules, The option Link Frameworks Automatically is set to YES.
