iOS VoiceOver wait on element to finish reading before changing to next element - ios

I have a button that can toggle a label being shown:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var button: UIButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
button.accessibilityLabel = "You can tap this really long string that i'm testing"
label.accessibilityLabel = "This is a label"
#IBAction func buttonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
label.isHidden = !label.isHidden
if !label.isHidden {
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification, label)
When tapping the button, if the label is shown I activate the label to be read by VoiceOver. The problem is VoiceOver automatically starts reading the button's accessibilityLabel when the user taps the button. This results in VoiceOver reading half of the button's accessibilityLabel before swapping to reading the label's accessibilityLabel (e.g. "You can tap this really...This is a label").
Is there a way I can know when VoiceOver is done reading the button's accessibilityLabel and only then call UIAccessibilityPostNotification? Or is there a way to disable the button from being read again by VoiceOver when the user taps the button?
An example project can be seen here:

You can set the following attribute on the button, and it will no longer read out the button again when it's being clicked:
button.accessibilityTraits += UIAccessibilityTraitStartsMediaSession
This tells the system that the button initiates a multimedia event, and it shouldn't speak anything out when activated.
Reference documentation from Apple:
Use this trait to silence the audio output of an assistive app, such as VoiceOver, during a media session that you don't want to interrupt. For example, you might use this trait to silence VoiceOver speech while the user is recording audio.
In regards to waiting on elements to finish reading before moving to other elements: I only was able to find out how to wait for Announcements to finish, by subscribing to this notification: .UIAccessibilityAnnouncementDidFinish
That works fine when the system is done reading out announcements dispatched like this:
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityAnnouncementNotification, title)
However, i wasn't able to figure out how to wait on things like LayoutChanged and ScreenChanged to get finished reading. They do not dispatch the above announcement notification. If you can figure that out, please let me know.

Unfortunately, my gut (an eminently citable source) says you cannot, and should not, inspect and work around any speech generated by VoiceOver in response to user navigation or action. The user should not have to wait through the button label before hearing the outcome of activating the button. That said, you might reconsider using such a long button label and include extra information in the accessibilityHint, which is read after a delay, instead.

One possible approach is to split the content of the accessibilityLabel over a shorter accessibilityLabel and a longer accessibilityHint.
I assume that the reason for the long accessibilityLabel is that there is a need for providing extra information about the button action for users who can't see the screen.
Just like we prefer brief visible button labels so that seeing user can "see fast", voiceover users want to "hear fast", so it's a good idea to keep the accessibilityLabel brief, and have the salient words first, since reading the label is interrupted when the user moves on.
The hint will be read if focus stays long enough on the button.
Users can turn off spoken hints in the settings, so if it is crucial to impart the information every time the button is pressed, then this solution won't work. You would probably have to rely on announcements instead as FranticRock suggests, perhaps combined with a dispatch delay.
It would be interesting to know the use case, maybe that will lead to more ideas!


Xcode program: Text box that the user can interact with through touch

I am new to Xcode and Swift.
I want to create a text box for a video game that acts as the dialogue between the game and the user. for example I want the text box to say (character name) walked 10 paces or "Used 'detect evil' orc within 60'. "
I also want the ability for the user to pressure touch this chat text message which is sent from the computer and then do a series of actions. For example if a paladin detects evil maybe the next course of action would be to hide or prepare to fight. Any ideas on how to set this up? I have been trying to create this on Main.storyboard. Can I only achieve this through the ViewController or one of the delegates?
First of all, you can only achieve this by coding (by using Storyboards as your ally of course!)
If you want to have a text box that is "clickable", what first comes to mind is just a button, that have no background color, so it looks just like text.
Then you need to create a method inside of your ViewController, ideally something like:
#IBAction func dialogBoxTapped(_ sender: Any?) {
// your code goes here
And connect your button to this function by setting up a touchUpInside method in the Storyboard.

Voice over - resume dictation

I have a page where the elements are added to the view in below order:
title (Label)
close (Button)
back (Button)
next (Button)
The Voice Over dictation is set to start from the title, close, next, back, and then to the subviews of scrollview. It works as expected unless until I leave to another page and come back. Whenever this page is loaded again from another view, it starts dictating from title all over again, though the page's UI stays at where it was last left at.
The scrollview is set to scroll in horizontal direction and it has 10 subviews(questions) to mimic a pagination effect. On 4th and 9th pages, I have option to where it needs to present another controller A. When dismissing from the controller A, the Voice Over starts dictating from title instead of resuming from the last element active i.e the 4th page's question or its options. This is a mockup of the placement of UI elements where I have difficulty fixing Voice Over elements order.
horizontalScroller.accessibilityElements = [firstQuestion, secondQuestion, thirdQuestion, fourthQuestion, fifthQuestion, sixthQuestion, seventhQuestion, eigthQuestion, ninthQuestion, finalQuestion]
view.accessibilityElements = [titlelabelLabel, closebuttonButton, nextButton, backButton, horizontalScroller]
I assume it is because Voice Over is designed to start all over from the beginning each time it loads a page. But, in this case it would be quite confusing to a visually impaired user to go over same question, IMO. Any help in tweaking this to resume where it was last at, would be highly appreciated.
When your view appears you can check if VoiceOver is running with:
If VoiceOver is running, you can use the following to make VoiceOver move to targetView: .layoutChanged, argument: targetView)
And if that doesn’t work: .screenChanged, argument: targetView)
Edit: posting the notifications after a delay is needed in some cases.

make UIAccessibilityTrait adjustable ignore double-tap (like a button) swift

I have a custom control to increment and decrement values. Now that I've added support for voice over, I've stumbled upon a problem.
My customView has the accessibility trait .adjustable and I implemented the correct methods for increasing and decreasing the values.
However, the voice over user can also double tap on that view to activate it. The problem is, that this triggers a gesture which is irrelevant to voice over users.
Is there a way to prevent an adjustable accessibility view from being activated so that the element is only adjustable, not double-tappable like a button?
There are two important properties to know when a double-tap occurs:
In your case, you could just return true by overriding accessibilityActivate and if it's not enough, provide as well a CGPoint coordinate that triggers nothing (depends of your custom control and its neighborhood).
Otherwise, use the accessibilityElementIsFocused instance method to know wether you can trigger actions as this complete example shows up.
I ended up using UIAccessibility.isVoiceOverRunning to stop any tasks which would be triggered by a doubletap on that specific element.

Is it possible to assign an accessibility action to a UILabel?

In our current UI, next to certain labels, we have a help-tip button that when clicked, explains the details of what the label references. As such, VoiceOver identifies these two items as separate accessibility items.
However, when using accessibility, we're hoping we can just do everything in the label itself. This way when the label gets focused, the user will here 'Account value, $20 (the accessibilityLabel), double-tap for help (the accessibilityHint)'
However, unlike a button, a label doesn't have an action associated with it so I'm not sure how to wire up actually triggering the accessibility gesture indicating I want to do something.
Short of converting all of our labels over to buttons, is there any way to listen to the accessibility 'action' method on our labels?
My current work-around is to make only the Help-tip buttons accessible, then move all the relevant information to their accessibility properties, but that seems like code smell as it's easy for a developer to miss that when updating the code.
In your UILabel subclass, override accessibilityActivate() and implement whatever double-tapping should do:
override func accessibilityActivate() -> Bool {
// do things...
return true
If the action can fail, return false in those instances.
Have your tried adding a UITapGestureRecognizer to the Labels?
Something like :
let tapGesture: UITapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "tapResponse:")
tapGesture.numberOfTapsRequired = 1
sampleLabel.userInteractionEnabled = true
func tapResponse(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
Ok, this was easier than I thought. To make a UILabel respond to accessibility actions similar to how a button does, you simply implement a UITapGestureRecognizer. The Accessibility framework uses that just like any other UIView.
let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target:self, action:#selector(labelTapped))
testLabel.userInteractionEnabled = true
Once you do that, your label will respond to accessibility actions.
Group your label and your hint button as one unique accessible element.
Once done, you can use :
The accessibilityActivationPoint property to define the hint button to be triggered when the double tap occurs.
The accessibilityActivate method to indicate the action to be done when you double tap your new element.
According to your environment, I don't recommend to implement a custom action for such a simple use case... the two solutions above should do the job.
Absolutely! You can do this by using UIAccessibilityCustomActions on the accessibility element rather than using tap gesture recognizers. This is because accessibility operates differently than normal users and single tapping while the voice over focus lands somewhere will not give you the desired result as in the case of a normal use, nor will it permit you to execute multiple options on the same accessibility element.
At their recent WWDC, Apple put out an excellent video explaining how to add UIAccessibilityCustomActions to any kind of accessibility element. If you start this video 33 minutes in, you will be able to see how this is implemented.
Once in place, your Voice Over users will be able to scroll through the options and select the one that most suits his/her intentions, thereby permitting multiple actions to be accessible from the same UILabel.

iOS Accessibility - is there a way to tell when VoiceOver has changed focus?

I'd like to call a method every time a different element is focused while VoiceOver is active. I was hoping there would be some UIAccessibilityNotification for this, but I can't seem to find any.
Ultimately, my goal is to add an additional condition prior to reading the accessibility label. For example, as opposed to saying (by default) "If UIButton becomes focused: read label", I'd like to be able to say "When UIButton becomes focused AND UIButton's background color is blue: read label".
So my question is: how do I either add an additional condition prior to reading the label, or receive a notification when a new element becomes focused?
You can't explicitly tell when the user moves the VoiceOver cursor (just like you can't tell where a sighted user is looking).
For the behavior you want, you have two options:
Set the button's accessibilityLabel to an appropriate value whenever the other conditions change.
Subclass UIButton and override its accessibilityLabel getter method:
- (NSString *) accessibilityLabel {
return #"Hooray!";
} else {
return #"Womp womp";
If you need to disable an item entirely, rather than returning nil or a blank string, you should set its accessibilityElementsHidden property to YES.
You can use the UIAccessibilityFocus protocol to detect changes in focus by accessibility clients (including VoiceOver). Note that UIAccessibilityFocus is an informal protocol that each accessibility element must implement independently.
That said, for your use case, Aaron is right to suggest returning a different accessibilityLabel under each condition.
