I searched about use_route for controller specs and came to know, this has been removed without any replacement. How should this type specs be replaced?
Please take a look at this https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-rails/v/3-2/docs/controller-specs/engine-routes-for-controllers
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing the use_route option in functional tests are deprecated. Support for this option in the process method (and the related get, head, post, patch, put and delete helpers) will be removed in the next version without replacement. Functional tests are essentially unit tests for controllers and they should not require knowledge to how the application's routes are configured. Instead, you should explicitly pass the appropiate params to the process method. Previously the engines guide also contained an incorrect example that recommended using this option to test an engine's controllers within the dummy application. That recommendation was incorrect and has since been corrected. Instead, you should override the #routes variable in the test case with Foo::Engine.routes. See the updated engines guide for details.
A bit late to the party, but for our future googlers, have a look here: https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-rails/docs/routing-specs
Routing specs are marked by :type => :routing or if you have set
config.infer_spec_type_from_file_location! by placing them in spec/routing.
Simple apps with nothing but standard RESTful routes won't get much value from
routing specs, but they can provide significant value when used to specify
customized routes, like vanity links, slugs, etc.
expect(:get => "/articles/2012/11/when-to-use-routing-specs").to route_to(
:controller => "articles",
:month => "2012-11",
:slug => "when-to-use-routing-specs"
So you can just do your usual post :index, params: {}, format: :json and check if your routing works, e.g. when you have some customizations like get "/controller_name/ENV.fetch('TOKEN')", to: 'controller_name#my_action' as describe in above link.
Or you do request-specs, they support post 'https://lvh.me/my/fancy/url', params: {}.to_json
Note the difference in how to define that you expect json formatted params.
I am new to programming in general, someone referred me to railstutorial.org.
Specs: I am working on a cloud9 IDE, as suggested in the tutorial.
Information: I am on 1.3 of the rails tutorial, which is setting the root route.
The problem was initially my route did not effect the server launch (root page was still ruby default, not to 'application#hello'). Here are the files that the tutorial said to edit.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'application#hello'
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
def hello
render text: "Hello, world!"
There are a lot of comments that were defaulted into the files that I left out.
I have followed the instructions precisely. After I first had trouble, I thought I may have made an installation error, so I deleted my IDE and restarted, paying extreme attention to detail, especially versions.
I have tried $ rake routes, and my understanding it gives the message:
You don't have any routes defined!
That leads me to believe that the problem is the routes.rb file. I have tried changing the syntax to:
root to: 'application#hello'
I don't know a whole lot, such as how it would work using application, so I also tried:
root 'ApplicationController#hello'
root to: 'ApplicationController#hello'
These all result in the no routes defined message. I have no idea what is going on.
Thanks for any input or help!
You could try root 'application#hello' in your routes. Also, when starting out simple things like forgetting to save the file before trying things out on the browser can slip by; restarting the server takes care of a surprising number of foibles.
The rails documentation can also provide you a bit more information beyond the tutorial.
You probably want to move that action outside of the ApplicationController to another controller, but if you really insist, you can put this into your routes.rb:
get '/hello', to: 'application#hello', as: :hello
If you want the page to be the root, I would recommend creating a StaticPagesController and defining hello there, instead of putting it inside ApplicationController.
Here's what you can do:
Run rails g controller static_pages
Inside your StaticPagesController.rb, copy and paste your hello method that was inside ApplicationController.
Change the routes.rb to root 'static_pages#hello.
and you should have your desired result.
I've followed the same tutorial and I can say that the materials covered in the first two chapters are quite complicated at first if you are new to programming. It's only after you've done the entire tutorial that it will become clear to you how this routing thing (or any other details in these chapters for that matter) actually works.
However, since this idea of routing is very important, it's not a bad idea to understand how it works even if you are at an early stage in the tutorial.
The way you can create a route in rails is that you first specify a proper HTTP verb (GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE) with an appropriate path, the name of a controller, followed by a hash sign (#) and the name of an action defined in the controller.
Here controller is just a ruby class and an action a ruby method. (Since the basic principle of ruby on rails is "convention over configuration", it's important to get used to the terminology like controller, action, routing etc...)
When you say
get '/hello' => "application#hello"
(yes, you can use => in place of to:) as takeriho suggests, what happens is that a GET request to a URL of the type /hello(/ being "root path" as in www.example.com/(note the / at the end)) will get routed to the action, or method, named hello defined in a controller, or a class, named ApplicationController.
If you take a look at application_controller.rb, you can see that a method hello is defined within a class ApplicationController.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def hello
render text: "Hello, world!"
Now if you want to specify a root route, which is your original question, you can just do root followed by the name of a controller, a hash sign (#), and the name of a class. So the code
root "application#hello"
means that a request to a url of the form /, or a root_path as it's called in rails convention, will get routed to the action (or method) named hello defined in a controller (or a class) named ApplicationController. You could accomplish the same result by doing
get '/' => "application#hello", as: :root
(you can name a route by adding as: :custom_name) but rails is smart enough to know that the two are equivalent. The task is made easier by following the rails conventions.
If you are completely new to Rails, I highly suggest you check out the Rails courses in Pragmatic Studio before going through the Ruby on Rails Tutorial which, as the author suggests, is not for a complete beginner. This approach worked perfectly for me. The rails courses offered by Pragmatic Studio assumes you have no prior knowledge about programming, and explains the basics in a manner much clearer than I did in this answer.
Happy coding :)
We are updating our large web app and getting rid of our URL synonym system. For example, though we only use one model for 'advertiser', it is aliased to 'merchants' and 'sellers', using synonymous paths. Thus, /merchant/1 and /seller/1 use the same exact controller and action as advertiser/1.
We no longer need this functionality, but we do need for old URLs to correctly redirect users to the proper place (i.e. proper controller actions).
So far, I've tried:
1) reading http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html - This lead me to try the following suggestions
2) match '/merchants' => redirect('/advertisers') - this didn't seem to work at all, though the syntax seems correct.
3) iterating over resources (this produces a TON of routes and may cause insecurities):
ADVERTISER_SYNONOYMS = ['affiliates', 'sellers']
resources :advertisers, :path => a, :as => :advertiser
resources :other_controller do
member do
get :test
match :generate_test
We use nested resources in our routes.rb, so I'm struggling with getting these synonymns to be recognized all throughout more complex URLs. If anyone dealt with this problem or has a more elegant suggestion, I'd be most grateful.
There are many ways to handle this, including additional routes in routes.rb like you've tried, or rewrites at the webserver level such as Apache or Nginx.
One solution I like is the rack-rewrite gem; it keeps routes clean and the rules are plain ruby. It provides a set of methods for configuring rewrites and redirects. For your situation, I would want to use permanent redirects. Though I haven't tested it out myself, something like the following may work for you:
# Gemfile
gem 'rack-rewrite'
# application.rb
config.middleware.use(Rack::Rewrite) do
r301 %r{/merchant|seller/(\w+)}, '/advertiser/$1'
My app consists of two rails servers with mostly different concerns sitting behind a reverse proxy. Let's call them Server1 and Server2. Occasionally, Server1 needs to render a link to a url on Server2. Is there a good way to use Rails route helpers for this? Specifically in Rails 2? I came up with this:
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
# other routes omitted
map.with_options(:host => 'server2.example.com') do |add|
# create a named route for 'http://server2.example.com/thingies'
add.server2_thingies '/thingies', :controller => 'fake'
# create a named route for 'http://server2.example.com/thingies/combobulate'
add.enhance_server2_thingies '/thingies/combobulate', :controller => 'fake'
# create a named route for 'http://server2.example.com/mabobs/combobulate'
add.enhance_server2_mabobs '/mabobs/combobulate', :controller => 'fake'
# etc..
So then I can use server2_thingies_url and such in my views. This works, but it makes me feel like a bad person because there is no FakeController and I certainly have no intention of routing requests to it. I considered making helper methods and placing them in app/controllers/application_controller.rb, but a colleague made the argument that it is best to keep all route helpers in routes.rb, so things like rake routes will be accurate, for instance. Is there a better way?
I think I'd make a counter-argument to your colleague: if you're having to dirty up routes.rb with a "FakeController", then your rake routes is still not going to be accurate. In fact, I'd say that this is exactly the kind of thing that a helper was meant to help: it's taking logic that belongs purely in the view (link generation), and removing it from your view templates. Helpers are also easier to maintain and tweak.
Another advantage to the helper style is that if and when it's time to upgrade to Rails 3.x, the less hackish your routes.rb file is, the happier you will be - and that I can attest to from experience. :)
I'd just pass in :host to your foo_path or foo_url calls.
Seems cleaner than messing around with a FakeController
I'm working with some legacy code with the last version of rails 1. Upgrading to a later version of rails isn't possible and as such map.namespace is a private method in this version, otherwise I'd be using it.
I have several resources which I have nested into a submenu for simplicity. Their controllers are all within the folder of that submenu and all inherit that controller's namespace.
I'm having major issues with the sub elements. I have mapped the resources and applied a prefix to them in the form of
map.resources :subitem, :path_prefix => "/sub_menu"
but I'm having major issues with using RESTFul methods on these nested objects. The paths that I'm trying to use, say to delete an object simply do not work.
I'm refactoring this current code base so there's very little I can do, and there's very little I can find on rails 1 routes online. It's a bit of a finicky issue but maybe I've missed something simple about routes.
Do I simply need to manually write out every particular route I can use and then manually prefix it, or is there a simpler way?
My other routes work fine, I simply cannot use the
subitem_path(subitem) :method => :delete
function in my link to
So I figured out how to layout the routes appropriately so I could access the paths
Add to the above route the specified controller you're using and the routes will map accordingly
map.resources :subitem, :path_prefix => "/sub_menu, :controller => "submenu/subitem"
Hi I do not have any front end in my app. I am willing to release just a RESTful API which can be used by different clients. Any pointers how should I proceed towards testing it with cucumber? Every action in the controller generates XML feed only. Any pointers or suggestions?
The visit function of webrat accepts a http_method as a second parameter. You can also test your api like in the following cucumber rule:
When /^I restfully delete (?:|the )user "([^\"]*)"$/ do |login|
visit(path_to("user \"#{login}\" page"), :delete)
I think Webrat is more than what you need.
For XML feed testing, you don't need a browser simulator like Webrat which would load pages and analyse all the markup (links, forms etc.) when you really don't have any HTML pages.
You rather need something like Curl (http://curl.haxx.se) or Curb (on rubyforge, which are ruby bindings for Curl), or Patron (on rubyforge).
These libraries can make a request header as per your liking (e.g. setting Content-Type, choosing among GET PUT POST DELETE HEAD etc.) and obtain the response, and probably follow 302 redirections when needed.
The response returned, can be then turned into XML object, and XML parsers available for Ruby can be used to test the output. Also, you can write XMLMapping classes (on rubyforge) to convert XML output into Ruby objects and test their attributes etc. This is much cleaner, IMHO.
jayzes has shared his cucumber test steps examples using Rack::Test::Methods, JSONpath, Nokogiri etc to write test for json/xml API, you might want to refer and create more for your own steps.
Once you've set up your RESTful routes, you should be able to use Webrat to visit the different routes. You can then test that each route returns XML which meets your expectations.
Here's a blog post that describes how to test XML output in RSpec:
Testing XML output
Webrat is a headless browser, which simply means that you can simulate a browser without having to open a real browser like FireFox on your development machine. This means that you can simply type something like "visit 'users/'" into your defined steps and simulate a user accessing your application.
Finally the Pragmatic book on RSpec (still in beta), is a great resource on how to use Cucumber, Webrat and RSpec together and drive your application development with BDD.
I was trying to do that and got stuck in a major problem with restful_authentication (using AASM, one of the internal model of restful_auth it seems) and got to that solution to log in:
Given /^I am logged in with a new account$/ do
login = "test"
#current_user = User.new(
:login => login,
:password => 'generic',
:password_confirmation => 'generic',
:email => "#{login}#example.com",
:state => "active"
x = User.find_by_login(login)
x.state = "active"
visit "/login"
fill_in("login", :with => login)
fill_in("password", :with => 'generic')
response.body.should =~ /Logged in successfully/m
Modularize it for cleaner testing corpus, this is to demo the concept I found.