In my Jenkinsfile, I'm trying to add a environment variable to a file, however not able to do so - seems like some small syntax thing, however I've tried so many different variations.
So the parameter I want is "${params.Spec}", currently used like:
environment {
SPECTORUN = "${params.Spec}"
Then in my script block i'm trying:
sh "echo Run:\"${params.Spec}\" >> allure-results/"
Any help would be appreciated.
How to pass variables from Jenkinsfile to shell command
A bit new to Jenkins and inherited this project that already has a pipeline. I am trying to make some improvements to it, and part of that is adding variables, however I cannot seem to access those variables.
The Jenkinsfile looks something like this:
def pipelineName(String variable1) {
pipeline {
// some code
stage('Run shell command'){
steps {
sh '''
echo "${variable1}"
// some more code
pipelineName(variable1='Hello World')
However, when I run this I can see that echo ran but it doesn't actually print anything. I tried different combinations on the variable input, from removing the key to just having Hello World in there but it still did not work. What exactly can I do to have that String used in the shell command?
In my pipeline, I would like to source a file, setting environment variables like . ./ and keep them set for the rest of the pipeline.
I think this is not implemented given there's an issue opened for some years already
At the moment, I tested doing:
stage("Stage") {
steps {
sh ". ./ && env"
sh "env"
The 2 env output different values. I expect Jenkins to create a new shell every time. Is there an option to not invoke a new shell?.
With what I know, I see 3 possibilities:
Execute all my commands in one sh statement or wrap the execution in a script. The problem is that it makes debugging quite hard.
Source the file at each sh command.
Create a custom groovy function wrapping the call.
The 2 last solutions sound dirty, any suggestion is welcome.
Looks like we can follow environment directive feature to handle both global variable and also stage specific variables.
So in your instance if you define all variables from within Global scope, then printing will give desired result.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
myGlobVar = '2020'
stages {
stage('Example') {
environment {
myStgeSpecificVar = 2020.2
steps {
sh 'printenv'
I need to get GitVersion.exe variables in my Jenkins pipeline.
The GitVersion documentation gives a hint on how to do that. Essentially call gitversion /output buildserver.
This call does add the variables to the current step and they are lost once the step completes. I can show this call executes when combining a set command in the same bat execution. The second set shows the variables are gone from the environment.
bat 'nuget install GitVersion.CommandLine -OutputDirectory c:/packages -Version 3.6.5'
bat 'c:/packages/GitVersion.CommandLine.3.6.5/tools/GitVersion.exe /output buildserver && set'
bat 'set'
The documentation of GitVersion is aware of that and suggests to use EnvInject.
Installing the plugin and executing the same pipeline did not change the result. I read that the Plugin is not made for pipelines so that may have something to do with it.
Pipelines support a syntax for environment.
Following that syntax I can set static variables at the top of my pipeline like this:
environment {
ASuperVariable = 'MySuperVariable'
What I need is combining those calls so that I can add run time variables to the Jenkinsfile pupeline.
environment {
bat 'gitversion /output buildserver'
Now obviously the above call is not even syntax correct. Is there a way to mark a section so that the contained environment changes are available for other steps?
This is still unsolved. At the moment I need to create a batch script and pass the tool into it as an argument. Inside the batch I can call the tool to add to the environment of the batch script and use that wile the batch is running. A Multi line batch in the Jenkins file could be a solution if the process remains the same over all the multiple lines.
Not sure whether you would be able to use scripted pipeline or at least a script block inside declarative. It'd be quite easy doing so:
withEnv(['ASuperVariable=MySuperVariable']) {
echo env.ASuperVariable
Or when calling a windows cmd script:
node('win') {
withEnv(['ASuperVariable=MySuperVariable']) {
bat 'echo %ASuperVariable%'
I'm trying to migrate my project from jenkins 1 to jenkins 2.x using pipeline as code or Jenkinsfile.
But I don't see any option in snippet generator to generate environment injector plugin into a script in Jenkinsfile.
Anyone can help?
I'm assuming that you want to read properties from a specific file and inject them as environment variables?
If so, this is a solution:
Create the file that will contain the environment properties
You create some properties file called with following content:
Then, on your pipeline code, you've to add the following code in order to be able to read the file and inject read variables as environment variables:
node {
load "${WORKSPACE}\\" // assuming that props file is in
Jenkins Job's workspace
First line read and inject variable PROJECT_VERSION as environment variable
Second line is just to print read variable to make sure that everything worked seamlessly
Wanted to just comment on your question, but my lack of reputation is hindering me.
The list of supported steps is here:
In general, you can use other plugins by using their Java style invocation.
step([$class: 'classname', parametername: 'value'])
I used this example for read a properties file and use it in a pipeline stage:
file = readFile('params.txt')
file.eachLine{ line ->
echo env.MyVar1
echo env.MyVar2
echo env.MyVar3
sh"echo $MyVar1"
I'm trying to use DSL pipelines in Jenkins. I thought it'd be nice if I could use the project name as part of my script.
git credentialsId: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffffff',\
url: "${repo_root}/${JOB_NAME}.git"
I get the error:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: \
No such property: JOB_NAME for class: groovy.lang.Binding
I thought I followed these directions, and they mention JOB_NAME as one of the variables.
I decided to try:
sh 'env'
in my DSL, and this prints out:
JOB_NAME = foo-bar
which is what I expect.
Another blog mentions:
Usage of environment variables
We have two ways to get their value. The properties passed by -D= during the startup we could read as System.getProperty("key") thanks to the Groovy's strong relation with Java.
Reading normal environment variables in Java way is the System.getenv("VARIABLE")...
Let's try this:
println "JOB_NAME = " + System.getenv('JOB_NAME');
Now, I get:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'System' on null object
Null object? But, I can see that JOB_NAME is an environment variable!
How do I read in the $JOB_NAME into a DSL script in a Pipeline job. I am trying a Pipeline job, and when I get that working will make this a Multibranch Pipeline with a Jenkinsfile.
All environment variables are accessible using env, e.g. ${env.JOB_NAME}.
Okay this really vexed me for a while today. Ultimately, I was being done in by a couple of things:
Single-quoted strings in Groovy mean "don't evaluate variables," just like it does in bash
Using $ interpolation is completely unnecessary if you're just referencing the variable, so you can just do env.JOB_NAME.
This SO question proved to be the one that helped me crack the code: Jenkins Workflow Checkout Accessing BRANCH_NAME and GIT_COMMIT
Indeed just use ${env.JOB_NAME} to access a known variable.
However if you need to access environment variable where name is given by another variable (dynamic access), just use env["your-env-variable"].
I had the problem where I configured 3 environment variables (in Jenkins -> Administer -> Configure System -> Environment variables), let's name them ENV_VAR_1, ENV_VAR_2, ENV_VAR_3.
Now I want to dynamically access them, I can do as such :
def envVarName = "ENV_VAR_" + count // Suppose count is initialized in a loop somewhere above...
def value = env[envVarName] // Will be resolved to env["ENV_VAR_1"] depending on count value
My environment variables in Jenkins configuration look like this :
I had an issue with this not working. The globally set properties/environment variables were only available inside a node step. It's a bug in version 2.4 of Pipeline plugin. Upgrade to 2.5 if you face this issue and your global properties will be available anywhere in the script. I've posted this to the Jenkins wiki here with the test script I used.