Responsive website images turn blurry on iPhone (iOS) - ios

I have built responsive website which works great on all devices except iOS.
On iOS devices, my background images get blurry.
Here is link to my website.
You can view it on iPhone and you will find blurry images. Is this something to do retina ready images?
Any solution will be really appreciated.

In Safari on iOS, there is a known limitation when displaying large PNG and GIF images. The issue is triggered by the overall number of pixels in the image, so even if an image is narrow, you can experience blurriness if the image is tall enough.
This affects both the iPad and iPhone and affects all models of device. However, the exact image size that triggers the issue varies from iPhone to iPad and between models. For example, if you’re creating an image for iPhone 6 Plus that is 1080px wide, then the image can be up to ~4800px tall before blurriness would occur.
If you use JPG instead of PNG or GIF, then you may see less blurriness since the limit is increased for JPG images. For PNG or GIF images, however, the only way to work around this issue at current is to reduce the dimensions of the image until they’re below the limit that causes the issue.
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Image looking blurry on non-retina iPad

I know I should have two versions of my image, one standarad and one #2x but my app downloads a vast amount of content which i need to optimise. Im looking at using just retina images in my downloaded content and then seeing if there is an objective c way to take a graphic half it and make it none retina. using a retina image on my non retina ipad looks blurry.
For images. You have to download separate images with your desired dimensions. For example Facebook timeline has separate image for user icon (e.g. 25x25). and For ever post having photo, a thumbnail is generated say it has dimensions (310x160). And then when a user clicks the image to view. It opens the original Image. Whatever dimensions it has. So, In your case. you have to download two images. One for your non retina and one for retina. You can use Flicker API's for that.
Note: You can skip this and continue with retina display because Non retina devices are rarely being used now. So, every one has retina device and app will work perfect with your existing scenario.

Large sizes in iOS Universal apps due to a million images

Ok, I have a universal app, which means it has to have an iPhone non-retina launch image, retina image, and iPhone 5+ size retina image. It also has to have non-retina iPad launch for portrait and landscape, retina for portrait and landscape, and then alternate versions as well with slight changes to dimensions. For example, on iPad I have to have a 768 x 1024 and a 768 x 1004. With 8 images required just for the iPad launch image, the file size of my app is huge, as each iPad launch image is between 1.5MB and 5MB. Any suggestions for how I can keep the size down, since it is only high due to large launch images?
Here is what I mean by all the images required for iPad. 8 images???
What you can do to reduce the size greatly is provide jpeg images instead of png. Yeah, I know, Apple asks for png, but you can submit an app with jpg images (I did this for my iPad app).
Use Preview to open the images. save them as JPEGs with a really low quality - or experiment with the quality setting. You will be amazed at how nice a really compressed JPG image can look.
Oh, your launch time might increase by a few milliseconds due to Apple translating the jpg to png during launch.
My experience was submitting when iOS5 was out, so its possible that not using PNG will be a blocker with iOS7. However, I even have a solution if that is needed. Do as I suggest - save the images as highly compressed jpg images first. Then convert THOSE images to pngs - the jpg compression done first should make it easier for png to compress the those images, reducing the size.
There are several PNG "crushers" - programs to reduce PNG size - that work great. Just make sure that you unselect the option to have Xcode "reduce the PNG sizes" - since it actually increases their size!

How important are non-retina images?

I'm releasing a new update for one of my apps and I was disappointed to see that it just barely surpasses 20MB estimated size (20MB is the point where it can no longer be downloaded over cell data).
My app contains a lot of images, so I could greatly reduce the size if I didn't have all those non-retina images. I know that there are some non-retina devices that will be running my app. So here are my questions:
How will a non-retina device react if I have an image with the #2x suffix but no non-retina image without it.
If I use a retina sized image without the #2x suffix and scale it down to the size I want to display it at programmatically and/or
through interface builder, will it still maintain full quality on
retina devices? Will the quality be worse on a non-retina device
than using an image I downscaled from the original using GIMP
How will a non-retina device react if I have an image with the #2x suffix but no non-retina i
image without it.
I use that approach on a couple of apps of mine and it works flawlessly. I am not able to detect any performance or visual issues on non-retina display devices (concretely, iPad 1/2 and mini).
I am not sure what can happen on older iOS version, since I only support iOS5+ on those apps.
If I use a retina sized image without the #2x suffix and scale it down to the size I want to display it at programmatically and/or through interface builder, will it still maintain full quality on retina devices? Will the quality be worse on a non-retina device than using an image I downscaled from the original using GIMP instead?
This comes down to how you set interpolation options while doing the scaling. See this other question for more details on how interpolation quality affects scaling down an image. In GIMP or Photoshop you also have control on the interpolation to be used for scaling, btw.
But in the end I don't think you need to go this way.
Most importantly, that bandwidth limit has been raised to 50MB.
If you only provide one image then you have one of two possibilities.
The image is a non-retina image. This will look fine on the non-retina. It will look identical on a retina device. But will look low quality next to a retina image.
The image is a retina image. On the retina device it will still load as a retina image. It will look fine. However, on the non-retina device it will have to scale down the image. This takes extra cycles of the CPU so could affect performance and it may not look how you want. It may shrink the image using a different method than you want and so may make the image look odd.
This is the same with or without a suffix.
The best solution is to create retina images and then use your editor of choice to create the standard versions. Nothing will stop you only providing one image but it may lead to a look and performance that you don't want.
On a side note. The size for downloading over cellular data was increased to 50MB.
Try these things using the simulator and find out for yourself.
I think the answer is that UIImage will ignore the #2x choice if you're relying on [UIImage imageNamed:#"without2xSuffix.png"] and not find anything, but I haven't tried it. Deliberately requesting the #2x file will work, but whether the image will be scaled, tiled, stretched or centered (or something else) is up to the place where it's used.
Note that the documentation says that unless you use the name without the #2x suffix and let iOS find the 2x version for you, it will set the scale of the image to 1.0 rather than 2.0, which complicates drawing. You'd have to load the image using imageWithData:scale: to fix this.

Reducing the artwork size for a universal iOS app [duplicate]

I am developing a cocos2d game. I need to make it universal. Problem is that I want to use minimun amount of images to keep the universal binary as small as possible. Is there any possibility that I can use same images I am using for iphone, retina and iPad somehow? If yes, how can I do that? What image size and quality should it be? Any suggestion?
Thanks and Best regards
As for suggestions: provide HD resolution images for Retina devices and iPad, provide SD resolution images for non-Retina devices. Don't think about an all-in-one solution - there isn't one that's acceptable.
Don't upscale SD images to HD resolution on Retina devices or iPad. It won't look any better.
Don't downscale HD images for non-Retina devices. Your textures will still use 4x the memory on devices that have half or even a quarter of the memory available. In addition, downscaling images is bad for performance because it has to be done by the CPU on older devices. While you could downscale the image and save the downscaled texture, it adds a lot more complexity to your code and will increase the loading time.
There's not a single right answer to this question. One way to do it is to create images that are larger than you need and then scale them down. If the images don't have a lot of fine detail, that should work pretty well. As an example, this is the reason that you submit a 512x512 pixel image of your app icon along with your app to the App Store. Apple never displays the image at that size, but uses it to create a variety of smaller sizes for display in the App Store.
Another approach is to use vector images, which you can draw perfectly at any size that you need. Unfortunately, the only vector format that I can think of that's supported in iOS is PDF.

iOS apps - why include both #2x and low-res images?

This has been bugging me for a while. I don't understand why one should include low-res images. If a 3GS, for example, can't find the low-res image, it just uses the #2x version anyway and displays it at it's native resolution. So why add to the filesize of your app by including all the half-res images?
Halley had it right. The system does not automatically downsample #2x images to non-retina size, and it shouldn't. The 3Gs does not have enough memory to load retina images. It will likely choke your app and cause it to exit with an out of memory error.
The problem gets even worse with the iPad 1. The iPad 1 has very low memory relative to it's screen size, and if you tried to make it load retina sized images, it would choke and die very quickly.
To scale an image the system has to load it at full size and do a complex scaling operation each time it draws it. It's the worst of all possible worlds - slower, 4x as much memory, and the images don't look as good.
In most cases, you can make an icon look better when created at the low-res resolution, instead of having the system scale it. If you don't care too much about how your icons look when scaled, then using the #2x version only is probably fine.
The other posters mentioned some excellent points, but here's one more for posterity: as mentioned several times in, a 2x image may be more detailed. In other words, the low-res image isn't simply a scaled-down version of the 2x image; the 2x image may contain details not present in the smaller image.
#2x filenames are intended for Retina Display enabled devices.
If you intend to use them for display on the iPhone 3GS make sure to properly test that they look as acceptable as the low-res image Apple wants you to use.
The reason being, is when images are scaled up if there is no #2x available, they can become pixelated and blurry, so you would prob think that making the original image twice as big would solve the problem.
But no, because the retina devices would still scale it up (in my experience) and non retina devices would display the image incorrectly.
It's got a lot to do with the quality standards Apple wants for the Apps on their app store
