How to validate an image in ranorex - ranorex

I am testing my software that is used to insert images by dragging and dropping just like in auto-cad .
So when I insert an image by dragging and dropping , I want to validate the image by comparing it with a stored image to check if the specific image is inserted or not.
Any suggestion will help.
Thanks in advance

Got the solution.
I have to make the element available in repository so that it can be used for validation.
After adding the element in the repository, the screenshot of that element will be available to compare with your searched image.


How to find the rise and fall of projections on a external contour in a binary image in Python?

I have a binary image and I am trying to eliminate the projections on it.
I have been able to do the background removal as you can see in Figure 2.
See the black stem in the first figure? I want to remove that, so that my final image looks like the one in figure 3. Any insights for this problem would be appreciated. Please find this image on imgur, as I am not permitted to post images in my questions yet.

Close an image with Gimp Script-Fu

Stoopid question time. How do you close an image in GIMP with Script-Fu?
Sort of the Pythonic version of this: (ignore changes and close)
// close the image WITHOUT saving
There's nothing in the Python Procedure Browser for "close"
(You title & tag "script-fu", which is Scheme/Lisp, but then mention Python..., so going for Python...)
The theory is that a script shouldn't interfere with the UI, so you can't close an image at random.
If your script loads an image, the image can be shown to the user using a display=gimp.Display(image) (this is a gimp.Display object). You can also add a display to an already loaded image the same way. Since you created the display, you know it, you own it and so you can close it with gimp.delete(display). When the last display of an image is closed, the image is quitted.
If you don't create the display, you can take advantage of the fact that the display IDs are created in sequence and that this sequence sort of matches the image ids so unless many images have been loaded without a display or many images have go many displays, the display ID and the image ID are close to each other.
And given an integer ID, you can recover the display using the "secret" gimp._id2display(id), so if there is a single image loaded, you can find its Display with something like
for displayID in range(1,image.ID+50):
if isinstance(display,gimp.Display):
if not display:
raise Exception('Display not found')
But this will misbehave if there is more than one image loaded, so beware.

Automating bucket fill actions on transparent layer in GIMP

Using GIMP, I am attempting to generate a large number of the same image but with different colors. In order to preserve the "shadowing", I am using the below steps. These steps get me exactly what I want in the end. The problem is, it's very tedious repeating them by hand over and over. There has to be a better way.
GIMP's batch scripting seems a little daunting, so I'm hoping to get some suggestions on how to automate this. Basically, what would be nice, is I'd like to essentially specify an array or list of colors...and then "automagically" perform the steps below to generate the output with the desired color.
Steps I'm doing by hand...
1.) Load a base PNG file that has an alpha channel.
2.) Add a new transparent layer.
3.) Activate the layer.
4.) Change mode to "multiply".
Then, for a range of different colors, I do the following...
5.) Select a foreground color.
6.) Apply bucket fill (fill similar colors, fill transparent areas, default threshold, fill by composite).
7.) Save the new PNG.
8.) Go to Step #5.
Here's kind of a cheesy representation of the effect I'm trying to achieve...
I'm also open to other non-GIMP suggestions as well.
Thanks for any and all help and suggestions.
I can offer you a nice Javascript example that do this.
there is a link there that actually do what you wand in JS - you can translate it to many other languages...

Image Manipulation/Processing

Google has this 1 whole png image.
They were able to separate it piece by piece and made it into this:
But when I tried looking at the source image, what I got was the whole image at the top.
What did they use to manipulate/cut the image and place it into the order above? (Well it doesn't have to be exactly what they used.)
Any ideas?
Google "sprites" that should get you all you need

Viewing Gigapixel Images

I am processing gigapixel images and want to display them.I have the subimages at different levels of the image pyramid.Now I need a viewer which can be used to show these images in the output? I looked at deep zoom and indeed my output is like the one wanted by it but I do not want to use deep zoom composer .I want to directly link the subsampled images that I create with the viewer.Is it possible to do so and if so how?
I'm not sure what you are doing, but maybe Nip2 can help?
If you have created your deepzoom image in .dzi format, this will help. Download the openseadragon folder from
Copy script from and give correct path of image directory and openseadragon folder and save it in .HTML to view the .dzi image from browser. You can write your own code to automatically link the image path and openseadragon js folder if you need. Hope this help.
