Why can't I add packages with Paket? - f#

I followed the instructions in the answer by smoothdeveloper in How to use paket from command line and now I have all three Paket directories in my solution. However, I cannot add packages either from the command line or from VS 2017.
I tried to add XUnit from the command line. A line with nuget xunit appeared in the paket.dependencies file. But there is no xunit line in the paket.references file. If I add open XUnit or any variation (Intellisense does not show anything starting with xu) to my code in the editor I get a red squiggly line.
So I tried to add XUnit from the solution explorer. Right-clicking on something (I tried several places) I should get an Add package menu item. But no such item shows up.
I must have done something wrong, but I cannot figure it out. Any help?
(Also, perhaps related, if I click on the Download button in https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SteffenForkmann.PaketforVisualStudio nothing happens.)

There are two ways to add packages to individual projects from the command line with Paket using parameters for paket add (as documented in https://fsprojects.github.io/Paket/paket-add.html):
-p <path> (or --project <path>) to install into one specific project
-i (or --interactive) to be asked for each project in the solution whether to reference the package
FWIW, I also had no problems adding a package from the Visual Studio integration; you could try un- and reinstalling the extension, maybe there's some wrong configuration setting that can be fixed that way.


ROS setup.bash issue, how to copy ROS workspace correctly

I am new to ROS, now I am taking over one old ROS workspace which is really disordered, it is almost impossilbe for me to fix all compile errors in short time, so I created one new ROS workspace, then copy some related packages(folders) from old ROS workspace to my new workspace as a baseline. then I did below steps:
1, source /opt/ros/$version/setup.bash
2, then echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. --it is so good, only /opt/ros/$version some built-in packages are involved in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
3,in my new workspace/devel, run source setup.bash. --now something I am not sure/understand happens
after step #3, ROS_PACKAGE_PATH included ROS build-in pacakge, old workspace and my new workspace, and when I type 'catkin build $nodename' in my new workspace, some dependencies from old workspace involved
and still causing issue. my way of copying ROS node is OK or not? what is proper way to create my subset workspace. really appreciate
It is related to workspace overlaying. Here it goes an official reference: (http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials/workspace_overlaying)
Why does it happen?
The thing is that, as #JWCS mentioned, you might have the old workspace in your ~/.bashrc file at the moment you have compiled the new_workspace. (Check item 3 of the reference: Chaining catkin workspaces)
How to get rid of it?
Even if you remove it from ~/.bashrc it will keep appearing on $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, because you have compiled your new_workspace with the old_workspace on the $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.
The compilation process takes the current $ROS_PACKAEGE_PATH into account and "attach" it to the workspace you are compiling.
Go to your new_workspace: cd ~/new_workspace
Remove build and devel folders: rm -rf build devel
Source only the ROS installation folder: source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash
Check your $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, it will contain only the ROS distro installation path
Recompile your new workspace: catkin_make
Source your new workspace: source ~/new_workspace/devel/setup.bash
Check your $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, it will contain /opt/ros/<distro> + new_workspace
About ~/.bashrc
You can keep the old_workspace source, since you have the new_workspace source just after that. It will not consider the old anymore. But for the sake of simplicity and organization, I recommend you to keep in your .bashrc file only the workspaces you are working on.
Hope it can help you!
Two things to check. First of all, make sure that you're not sourcing the old repo in your ~/.bashrc. It's common practice to source /opt/ros/VERSION/setup.bash in the bashrc, and when you only have one workspace, to also source ~/MY_WS/devel/setup.bash.
Second, if you already sourced the old workspace, you should just close the terminal before sourcing the new one, otherwise the old one will show up.
As for your method, of cleaning up a workspace, that's a good method. I would start moving one package at a time from the old workspace to the new one, and building everything each time. If you look at the package CMakeLists.txt/package.xml, all the dependencies should be listed. Make sure, if they're from the old workspace, that you copy them over. That should reduce your problems. If there is a package that is truly broken, you'll be able to find and isolate it quickly.
As suggested by JWCS, the best thing you can do is to move one package at a time from the old workspace to the new workspace and recompile it every time, and verify if your CMakelist is the same as the old one.
As for the third step I will use catkin_make to compile the packages.

MSBuild builds solution but fails to build the project

I have F# project which I want to build with command line (to use that later in FAKE config).
The problem is that MSBuild fails to resolve assembly dependencies when I use it on the project file directly. While it goes fine when I use solution file with this single project included.
I really have run out of ideas. The solution file seems to not contain any critical information.
Another weird thing is that VSCode also fails to resolve one of those assemblies. I hope that when I fix MSBuild config I may be will able to see what's wrong with VSCode.
Command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\msbuild.exe" FSharpWeb1\FSharpWeb1.fsproj /t:rebuild
Error message:
C:\work\MNP\testMSBuild1\FSharpWebApi\FSharpWeb1\FSharpWeb1.fsproj(173,5): error MSB4062: The "MSBuild.ExtensionPack.FileSystem.File" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\work\MNP\testMSBuild1\FSharpWebApi\FSharpWeb1\*Undefined*\packages\MSBuild.Extension.Pack.1.3.0\tools\net40\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\work\MNP\testMSBuild1\FSharpWebApi\FSharpWeb1\*Undefined*\packages\MSBuild.Extension.Pack.1.3.0\tools\net40\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.dll' or one of its dependencies. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.Done Building Project "C:\work\MNP\testMSBuild1\FSharpWebApi\FSharpWeb1\FSharpWeb1.fsproj" (rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
I've pushed the minimal demo to github: https://github.com/alehro/testMSBuild.git
It's actually easy to reproduce independently. In VS 2015 Community edition create new project from F# Web Template named "Web Api 2.2" and then try to build it with MSBuild.
Another disturbing thing is that the minimal demo produces different errors from those I've seen yesterday. Also vscode complains on different items. If yesterday it could not resolve a couple of calls, now it complains on all of:
open System.Net.Http
open System.Web
open System.Web.Http
open System.Web.Routing
telling that neither of them is defined.
Reformatting my comments to a response now that it's verified it works:
Your FSharpWeb1.fsproj references MSBuild.ExtensionPack.FileSystem.File task from MSBuild.Extension.Pack, but the path specified in the <UsingTask> tag contains $(SolutionDir) property which is not defined when you run MSBuild outside of Visual Studio.
The error message you're getting shows that in the highlighted part of the path:
The "MSBuild.ExtensionPack.FileSystem.File" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\work\MNP\testMSBuild1\FSharpWebApi\FSharpWeb1\*Undefined*\packages\MSBuild.Extension.Pack.1.3.0\tools\net40\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.dll.
This can be remedied by conditionally setting the relative path when the property is not set by VS:
<SolutionDir Condition="$(SolutionDir) == '' Or $(SolutionDir) == '*Undefined*'">..\</SolutionDir>
(original response for this solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33782131/1659828)
One more thing I mentioned in the comments is that this solution assumes you already have the necessary dependencies downloaded in the packages folder. Visual Studio does that automatically by restoring NuGet packages before build, but when you build in another context, you have to make sure the packages are restored, otherwise the build will keep failing.

How do I install Rascal

Can someone tell me how to install Rascal?
The install instruction say - Eclipse Indigo for RCP/RAP - got it.
Then Install New Software and put in the repository address:
- done that
Check "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" - ok
Hit Next, and it complains can't find Jetty, so set up its repo, can't find some Http lib, and on it goes.
What I have done, after I temporarily gave up on Eclipse, is to compile using the Maven build.
This makes me think, is a dependency missing from the Developer Dependencies list? That being the 'rascal-master' project, which contains not much more than the top-level pom.xml file?
I downloaded that too, and tried to build. It did not work because Tycho could not resolve dependencies correctly, it ended up looking for pdb.values:0.0.0 instead of the correct version, I don't know how it managed to zero out the version.
I notice that there is a Jenkins build server, which presumably runs off the Maven poms? It might be an idea to update the Developer Dependencies page with an accurate list of what needs checked out to build from scratch with Maven. It should be as easy as check out some projects, then type 'mvn install' and it all works nicely. Perhaps that is already the case on the build server, but I can't get into the configurations to see how that works.
In the end I removed Tycho from the build, and found enough dependencies in the Maven central repo by hand to get it building, and just put in statements for each of them.
It really is a sad state of affairs the way that Eclipse disrespects the Maven repository, by creating their own and using their own format and tool; Tycho will not download stuff from Eclipse and put it in your local repository, from where you could use it in a more sane way.
The installation instructions seems to be outdated. I can confirm that Rascal will not install with Eclipse Indigo due to dependency errors. It works fine with Eclipse Juno for RCP/RAP.
Ouch, that's a painfull experience, it should not have been this hard, I will look into this.
As workaround: see Rascal Developer dependencies , if you install these dependencies by hand, it should work.
If you continue experiencing installation problems, leave a Github issue, since that is more suited for back and forward conversations.
To use Maven, you also need to insert the following into the pom.xml of rascal-master (replacing the old modules section if there is one):
Then run "mvn clean install" or "mvn clean install -DskipTests=true" from inside rascal-master.

NuGet Package Restore is not restoring packages on build

I am moving our source code from Vault to TFS, not bothering with the migration or anything, just pulling a get latest in vault and adding it to TFS.
The solution has got several projects, and each one has at least one NuGet package. I am trying to get Package Restore working again. It worked in Vault (but not the way it was supposed to). I was under a bit of a deadline, and it did not work at first, so I added a Pre-Build event to run nuget.exe against the packages.config for each project.
TFS build service complains about that, so I am trying to get it working "right".
I have set the option in Visual Studio Tools menu.
I have installed NuGetEnablePackageRestore and run the fix.
I have verified that the packages directory is is source control, but is empty.
I have verified that the project files each include the following:
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\nuget.targets" />
Building with Diagnostic level verbosity reveals that each project evaluates those properties, but the RestoreCommand in nuget.targets is never executed.
Any thoughts?
I have attempted to implement the solutions from these links:
nuget - package restore not working
NuGet Package Restore Not Working - I did post a question/comment on there asking for clarification...
Additionally, I have found that the RestoreCommand property is being evaluated during build. Diagnostic Verbosity shows:
RestoreCommand = (set EnableNuGetPackageRestore=true) && "C:\Source\Kiersted Direct And Related\Direct\Kiersted\.nuget\nuget.exe" install "packages.config" -source "#(PackageSource)" -o "C:\Source\Kiersted Direct And Related\Direct\Kiersted\packages"
I figured it out, and I found the answer here: MSBuild not running BuildDependsOn tasks from an imported project
The problem (after looking through the Diagnostic verbosity build output) was that the BuildDependsOn setting was getting un-set. My project files each had the import statement
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\nuget.targets" />
but that statement was at the beginning of the XML tree. Apparently the import for Microsoft.CSharp.targets can interfere with that import and thus the BuildDependsOn.
My solution was to move the nuget.targets import to below the Microsoft.CSharp.targets import. Now everything builds beautifully.
This answer needs to be considered with the others. In my case, Visual Studio decided not to add the packages.config automatically into Source Control. Hence the file did not make it's way through to the build server for consideration during Nuget restore.

Blackberry 5.0 - Add reference to a Java Library Project

It seems to me that what I'm trying to achieve is incredibly simple, yet is becoming incredibly painful.
I have ProjectA which is a BlackBerry Application project. I have ProjectB which is a Java library project. I want to refer to ProjectB from ProjectA. I can add a reference but when I run ProjectA, it doesn't work. I have source code for both the projects and both are compiled using Java compiler 1.4
I have tried multiple things but everything fails for some reason:
1. pre-verify.exe on ProjectB
It fails with an error "JAR file creation failed with error -1" I can see that the cod and jar files have been created but when add the jar file to ProjectA and run it, it doesn't work. Not sure if I need to add the .cod file.
2. Create new BlackBerry Library Project and reference it in ProjectA
I create a new project ProjectC and then add the jar of ProjectB to it. Then I add a reference to ProjectC in ProjectA. But I cant import classes from ProjectB
Pls suggest a way out.
I'm using Eclipse Plug-in and relying on Eclipse's build capabilities
Figured out answer myself. Publishing here in case someone stumbles upon this. Here are the steps:
Create your library and export as JAR (or download the 3rd party JAR)
Run preverify.exe on the JAR
preverify.exe -verbose -classpath "C:/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 5.0.0/lib/net_rim_api.jar" jarname.jar
If you are lucky, you won't run into any issues and you will be done. But I wasn't lucky enough. I got the below error
Error: No such file or directory. JAR file creation failed with error -1
There are two possible causes of this:
jar.exe is not added to your PATH. If so, add it (found in your JAVA
installation directory) to PATH
cvfm or -cfm option on jar.exe fails to execute. I'm not aware of the reason but the way to fix this is to use -cf option, point to the .class files but don't use the manifest file. here is an
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin\jar.exe" -cf "output\json-1.0.jar" tmp12996/
tmp12996 contains the preverified .class files.
You may run into different issues other than the one I've listed above.
Once jar is created from above step, make sure that it's structure is as you anticipate. One way to check is to rename the .jar to .zip, unzip it and then check it. If it is not as you need, you can change the structure and then repack it (I wouldn't do any major changes though)
Then add this newly built jar to your BlackBerry application as a reference i.e. add to Java Build Path in your eclipse and Check it in Order and Export window.
That's it! You are good to go! Run you app!
You may face error indicating that the module contains verification errors when you try to run in the simulator. One possible cause of this issue is that your library (the original JAR) contains APIs that are not compatible with J2ME or BB JRE. You may not get a compiler error when you build your library independently as it is compiled against Java 1.4 (or whatever your version is). Best to figure the issue out is to move all your code into your BB App project and then build it. That will tell you all the issues upfront. You make the changes as required and then move the code back to the library. If you don't have source code for the library you are using (like a 3rd party library), you may be out of luck! Also remember that there could be other issues than what I've hit upon and solved.
I'm documenting this at length as it has taken an awful amount of time for me to figure all this out; and to say the least, was most frustrating!
I found another solution. If you get error -1 while preverifying your JAR file, just run your library application once. Because if you don't run the application, the deliverables folder will be empty. Make sure this folder is not empty.
