I am trying to understand how PyTorch works and want to replicate a simple CNN training on CIFAR. The CNTK script gets to 0.76 accuracy after 168 seconds of training (10 epochs), which is similar to my MXNet script (0.75 accuracy after 153 seconds).
However, my PyTorch script is lagging behind a lot at 0.71 accuracy and 354 seconds. I appreciate I will get differences in accuracy due to stochastic weight initialisation, etc. However the difference across frameworks is much greater than difference within a framework, initialising randomly between runs.
The reasons I can think of:
MXNet and CNTK are initialized to xavier/glorot uniform; not sure how to do this in PyTorch and so perhaps the weights are initialised to 0
CNTK does gradient-clipping by default; not sure if PyTorch has the equivalent
Perhaps the bias is dropped in PyTorch by default
I use SGD with momentum; perhaps the PyTorch implementation of momentum is a bit different
I have tried specifying the weight initialisation, however it seems to have no big effect:
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 50, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
init.xavier_uniform(self.conv1.weight, gain=np.sqrt(2.0))
init.constant(self.conv1.bias, 0)
I try to answer your first two questions:
weight initialization: different kinds of layers have their own method, you can find the default weight initialization of all these layers in the following link: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/tree/master/torch/nn/modules
gradient-clipping: you might want to use torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm
In addition, I am curious why you don't use torchvision.transforms torch.utils.data.DataLoader and torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10 to load and preprocess your data?
There is a similar image classification tutorial of cifar for Pytorch
Hope this can help you.
I am training a unsupervised NN model and for some reason, after exactly one epoch (80 steps), model stops learning.
Do you have any idea why it might happen and what should I do to prevent it?
This is more info about my NN:
I have a deep NN that tries to solve an optimization problem. My loss function is customized and it is my objective function in the optimization problem.
So if my optimization problems is min f(x) ==> loss, now in my DNN loss = f(x). I have 64 input, 64 output, 3 layers in between :
self.l1 = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size)
self.relu1 = nn.LeakyReLU()
self.BN1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_size)
and last layer is:
self.l5 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
self.tan5 = nn.Tanh()
self.BN5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(output_size)
to scale my network.
with more layers and nodes(doubles: 8 layers each 200 nodes), I can get a little more progress toward lower error, but again after 100 steps training error becomes flat!
The symptom is that the training loss stops being improved relatively early. Suppose that your problem is learnable at all, there are many reasons for the for this behavior. Following are most relavant:
Improper preprocessing of input: Neural network prefers input with
zero mean. E.g., if the input is all positive, it will restrict the
weights to be updated in the same direction, which may not be
desirable (https://youtu.be/gYpoJMlgyXA).
Therefore, you may want to subtract the mean from all the images (e.g., subtract 127.5 from each of the 3 channels). Scaling to make unit standard deviation in each channel may also be helpful.
Generalization ability of the network: The network is not complicated
or deep enough for the task.
This is very easy to check. You can train the network on just a few
images (says from 3 to 10). The network should be able to overfit the
data and drives the loss to almost 0. If it is not the case, you may
have to add more layers such as using more than 1 Dense layer.
Another good idea is to used pre-trained weights (in applications of Keras documentation). You may adjust the Dense layers at the top to fit with your problem.
Improper weight initialization. Improper weight initialization can
prevent the network from converging (https://youtu.be/gYpoJMlgyXA,
the same video as before).
For the ReLU activation, you may want to use He initialization
instead of the default Glorot initialiation. I find that this may be
necessary sometimes but not always.
Lastly, you can use debugging tools for Keras such as keras-vis, keplr-io, deep-viz-keras. They are very useful to open the blackbox of convolutional networks.
I faced the same problem then I followed the following:
After going through a blog post, I managed to determine that my problem resulted from the encoding of my labels. Originally I had them as one-hot encodings which looked like [[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 0]] and in the blog post they were in the format [0 1 0 0 1]. Changing my labels to this and using binary crossentropy has gotten my model to work properly. Thanks to Ngoc Anh Huynh and rafaelvalle!
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn import svm
params_svm = {
'kernel' : ['linear','rbf','poly'],
'C' : [0.1,0.5,1,10,100],
'gamma' : [0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10]
svm_clf = svm.SVC()
estimator_svm = GridSearchCV(svm_clf,param_grid=params_svm,cv=4,verbose=1,scoring='accuracy')
data.shape is (891,9)
labels.shape is (891) both are numeric 2-D and 1-D arrays.
when I am using GridSearchCV with rbf it's giving the best parameter combination in just 2.7seconds..!
but when I make a list of kernel including any 'poly' or 'linear' separately or with 'rbf' it's taking too long to produce output, i.e. not giving output even after 15-20 minutes, which means I am doing something wrong. I am new to Machine Learning(supervised). I am not able to find any bug in the coding...I am not getting what's going wrong behind the scenes!
Can anyone explain this to me ,what i am doing wrong
No you are not doing anything wrong as per your code. There are many factors that come into play here
SVC is a complex classfier which requires computation of a distance between each pair of points in the dataset.
The complexity also varies with different kernel. I am not sure but i think it is O((no_of_samples)^2 * n_features) for rbf kernel, while it is O(n_samples*n_features) for linear kernel. So, it is not the case that just because rbf kernel works in 15 mins, then linear kernel will also work in similar time.
Also the time taken depends drastically on the dataset and the data patterns present in it. For e.g. an rbf kernel may converge quickly with say C = 0.5 but may take drastically more time for polynomial kernel to converge for the same value of C.
Also, without using the cache the running time increase a lot. In this answer, the author mentions it might increase to O(n_samples^3 *n_features).
Here is the offical documentation from sklearn about SVM complexity. See this section about practical tips on using SVM as well.
You can set verbose to True to see the progress of your classfier and how it is trained.
GridSearchCV goes to endless execution using SVC
Computational complexity of SVM
Official Documentation of SVM for scikit-learn
Hi i am solving a regression problem.My data set consists of 13 features and 550068 rows.I tried different different models and found that boosting algorithms(i.e xgboost,catboost,lightgbm) are performing well on that big data set.here is the code
import lightgbm as lgb
gbm = lgb.LGBMRegressor(objective='regression',num_leaves=100,learning_rate=0.2,n_estimators=1500)
gbm.fit(x_train, y_train,
eval_set=[(x_test, y_test)],
y_pred = gbm.predict(x_test, num_iteration=gbm.best_iteration_)
accuracy = round(gbm.score(x_train, y_train)*100,2)
mse = mean_squared_error(y_test,y_pred)
rmse = np.sqrt(mse)
import xgboost as xgb
boost_params = {'eval_metric': 'rmse'}
xgb0 = xgb.XGBRegressor(
accuracyxgboost = round(xgb0.score(x_train, y_train)*100,2)
predict_xgboost = xgb0.predict(x_test)
msexgboost = mean_squared_error(y_test,predict_xgboost)
rmsexgboost= np.sqrt(msexgboost)
from catboost import Pool, CatBoostRegressor
train_pool = Pool(x_train, y_train)
cbm0 = CatBoostRegressor(rsm=0.8, depth=7, learning_rate=0.1,
test_pool = Pool(x_test)
predict_cat = cbm0.predict(test_pool)
acc_cat = round(cbm0.score(x_train, y_train)*100,2)
msecat = mean_squared_error(y_test,predict_cat)
rmsecat = np.sqrt(msecat)
By using the above models i am getting rmse values about 2850.Now i want to improve my model performance by reducing root mean square error.How can i improve my model performance? As i am new to boosting algorithms,which parameters effect the models?And how can i do hyperparameter tuning for those algorithms(xgboost,catboost,lightgbm).I am using Windows10 os and intel i5 7th genration.
Out of those 3 tools that you have tried CatBoost provides an edge in categorical feature processing (it could be also faster, but I did not see a benchmark demonstrating it, and it seems to be not dominating on kaggle, so most likely it is not as quick as LightGBM, but I might be wrong in that hypothesis). So I would use it if I have many of those in my sample. The other two (LightGBM and XGBoost) provide very similar functionality and I would suggest to choose one of them and stick top it. At the moment it seems that LightGBM outperforms XGBoost in training time on CPU providing a very comparable precision of predictions. See for example GBM-perf beachmark on github or this in-depth analysis. If you have GPU's available, than in fact XGBoost seems to be preferable, judging on the benachmark above.
In general, you can improve your model performance in several ways:
train longer (if early stopping was not triggered, that means that there is still room for generalisation; if it was, then you can not improve further by training longer the chosen model with chosen hyper-parameters)
optimise hyper-parameters (see below)
choose a different model. There is no single silver bullet for all problems. Typically GBMs work very well on large samples of structured data, but for some classes of problems (e.g. linear dependence) it is hard for a GBM to learn how to generalise, as it might require very many splits. So it might be that for your problem a linear model, an SVM or something else will do better out of the box.
Since we narrowed down to 2 options, I can not advice on catboost hyper-parameter optimisation, as I have no hands-on experience with it yet. But for lightgbm tuning you can read this official lightgbm doc and these instructions in one of the issues. There are very many good examples of hyper parameter tuning for LightGBM. I can quickly dig out my kernel on kaggle: see here. I do not claim it to be perfect but that's something what is easy for me to find :)
If you are using Intel CPU, then try Intel XGBoost. Intel has powered several optimizations for XGBoost to accelerate gradient boosting models and improve its training and inference capabilities. Also, please check out the article, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/easy-introduction-xgboost-for-intel-architecture.html#gs.q4c6p6 on how to use XGBoost with Intel optimizations.
You can use either of lasso or ridge, these methods could improve the performance.
For hyper parameter tuning, you can use loops. iterate the values and check where you getting lowest RMSE values.
You can also try stacked ensemble techniques.
If you use R, use h20.ai package, It gives good result.
I would like to use the yolo architecture for object detection. Before training the network with my custom data, I followed these steps to train it on the Pascal VOC data: https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/
The instructions are very clear.
But after the final step
./darknet detector train cfg/voc.data cfg/yolo-voc.cfg darknet19_448.conv.23
darknet immediately stops training and announces that weights have been written to the backups/ directory.
At first I thought that the pretraining was simply too good and that the stopping criteria would be reached at once.
So I've used the ./darknet detect command with these weights on one of the test images data/dog. Nothing is found.
If I don't use any pretrained weights, the network does train.
I've edited cfg/yolo-voc.cfg to use
# Testing
# Training
Now the training process has been runnning for many hours and is keeping my gpu warm.
Is this the intended way to train darknet ?
How can I use pretrained weights correctly, without training just breaking off ?
Is there any setting to create checkpoints, or get an idea of the progress ?
Adding -clear 1 at the end of your training command will clear the stats of how many images this model has seen in previous training. Then you can fine-tune your model on new data(set).
You can find more info about the usage in the function signature
void train_detector(char *datacfg, char *cfgfile, char *weightfile, int *gpus, int ngpus, int clear)
at https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet/blob/b13f67bfdd87434e141af532cdb5dc1b8369aa3b/examples/detector.c
I doubt it that increasing the max number of iterations is a good idea, as the learning rates are usually associated with current # of iteration. We usually increase the max # of iterations, when we want to resume a previous training task that ended because of reaching the max # of iterations, but we believe that with more iterations, it will give better results.
FYI, when you have a small dataset, training on it from scratch or from a classification network may not be a great idea. You may still want to re-use the weights from a detection network trained on large dataset like Coco or ImageNet.
This is an old question so I hope you have your answer by now, but here is mine just in case it helps.
After working with darknet for about a month, I've run into most of the roadblocks that people have asked/posted about on forums. In your case, I'm pretty certain it's because the weights have been trained for the max number of batches already, and when the pre-trained weights were read in darknet assumed training was done.
Relevant personal experience: when I used one of the pretrained weights files, it started from iteration 40101 and ran until 40200 before cutting off.
I would stick to training from scratch if you have custom data, but if you want to try the pre-trained weights again, you might find that changing max batches in the cfg file helps.
Also if using AlexeyAB/darknet they might have a problem with -clear option,
in detector.c:
if (clear) *nets[k].seen = 0
should really be:
if (clear) {*nets[k].seen = 0;*nets[k].cur_iteration = 0;}
otherwise the training loop will exit immediately.
Modify OpenCV number in your darknet/Makefile to 0
here is the deal.
I am trying to make an SVM based POS tagger.
The feature vectors for the SVM was created with the help of format converters.
Now here is a screenshot of the training file that I am using.
I have 25 labels for various POS tags. when i use the java implementation or the command line tools for prediction i get the following results.
I have tried with all the kernels available but it gave more or less the same results.
This is happening even when the training file is used as the testing file.
please help me out here..!!
P.S. I cannot share more than two links. Thus here is a snippet of the model file
svm_type c_svc
kernel_type rbf
gamma 0.000548546
nr_class 25
total_sv 431
rho -0.929467 1.01073 1.0531 1.03472 1.01585 0.953263 1.03027 -0.921365 0.984535 1.02796 1.01266 1.03374 0.949463 0.977925 0.986551 -0.920912 0.940926 -0.955562 0.975386 -0.981959 -0.884042 0.0516955 -0.980884 -0.966095 0.995091 1.023 1.01489 1.00308 0.948314 1.01137 -0.845876 0.968034 1.0076 1.00064 1.01335 0.942633 0.965703 0.979212 -0.861236 0.935055 -0.91739 0.970223 -0.97103 0.0743777 0.970321 -0.971215 -0.931582 0.972377 0.958193 0.931253 0.825797 0.954894 -0.972884 -0.941726 0.945077 0.922366 0.953999 -1.00503 0.840985 0.882229 -0.961742 0.791631 -0.984971 0.855911 -0.991528 -0.951211 -0.962096 -0.99213 -0.99708 -0.957557 -0.308987 -0.455442 -0.94881 -0.995319 -0.974945 -0.964637 -0.902152 -0.955258 -1.05287 -1.00614 -0.
Just trained the SVM with svm type as c-SVC and kernel type as linear. Which gave a non-zero(although very poor) accuracy.
As mentioned by #Pedrom, parameter choice is absolutely crucial when training SVMs. I suggest you have a look at this practical guide. Also, 431 words is nowhere near enough to train a 25-class model. You will definitely need more data.
That said, 0% accuracy is indeed odd. Can you please show us the commands you are using to train and evaluate the model?