how to combine two publisher in one in spring reactor - project-reactor

I have implemented a dummy reactive repository but I am struggling with the update method:
public Mono<User> updateUser(int id, Mono<User> updateMono) {
return //todo with getUser
public Mono<User> getUser(int id) {
return Mono.justOrEmpty(this.users.get(id));
From one hand I have incoming publisher Mono<User> updateMono, from the other hand I have another publisher during Mono.justOrEmpty(this.users.get(id)).
How to combine it together, make update, and give back just one publisher?
The only thing come to my mind is:
public Mono<User> updateUser(int id, Mono<User> updateMono) {
return getUser(id).doOnNext(user -> {
updateMono.subscribe(update -> {
users.put(id, new User(id, update.getName(), update.getAge()));
System.out.format("Updated user with id %d to %s%n", id, update);
Is it correct?

See the reference guide on finding the right operator
Notably, for Mono you have and, when, then (note this last one will become flatMap in 3.1.0, and flatmap will become flatMapMany)
doOnNext is more for side operations like logging or stats gathering. Subscribe inside subscribe is another bad form; generally you want flatMap or similar instead.

I have played Spring 5 Reactive Streams features in these days, and have written down some sample codes(not public via blog or twitter yet, I still need more practice on Reactor).
I have encountered the same problems and finally used a to update the existing item in MongoDB.
public Mono<ServerResponse> update(ServerRequest req) {
return Mono
(data) -> {
Post p = (Post) data[0];
Post p2 = (Post) data[1];
return p;
.flatMap(post ->
.flatMap(post -> ServerResponse.noContent().build());
Update: Another working version written in Kotlin.
fun update(req: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
return this.posts.findById(req.pathVariable("id"))
.map { it.t1.copy(title = it.t2.title, content = it.t2.content) }
.flatMap { }
.flatMap { noContent().build() }


How to log the below snap with filter without if else?

public Mono<Response> createSomething(PostRequest request, Option option, SiteId siteId) {
Predicate<DeliveryPromiseResponse> isSplitShipment = pudoDPEResponse -> pudoDPEResponse.getShipments().size() > 1;
return Mono.just(request)
.doFirst(() -> log.debug("Processing request for siteId :", request.getSiteId()))
.flatMap(shipRequest -> converter.apply(shipRequest, siteId))
.filter(dpeResponse -> {
if (isSplitShipment.test(dpeResponse)) {"Received Shipment response from DPE for siteId :", request.getSiteId());
return false;
return true;
Although there might be another ways to achieve this behavior, I would personally refactor in two steps:
1. Extract filtering to separate step:
.filter(dpeResponse -> !isSplitShipment.test(dpeResponse))
To improve readibility, I would personally extract it to method called something like isNotSplitShipment.
2. Extract side effect (logging) to doOnSuccess method:
.doOnSuccess(dpeResponse -> {
if (dpeResponse == null)"Received Shipment response from DPE for siteId :", request.getSiteId());
Of course, this one could be extracted to a separate method, as well.
All together, will look, as follows:
return Mono.just(request)
.doFirst(() -> log.debug("Processing request for siteId :", request.getSiteId()))
.flatMap(shipRequest -> converter.apply(shipRequest, siteId))
.filter(dpeResponse -> !isSplitShipment.test(dpeResponse))
.doOnSuccess(dpeResponse -> {
if (dpeResponse == null)"Received Shipment response from DPE for siteId :", request.getSiteId());
This way, we avoid mixing filtering with logging. Moreover, return false/true are not required anymore.
Nevertheless, it's worth mentioning here, that the doOnSuccess should be used cautiously. It should not invoke another Mono/Fluxes as it will not propagate errors to the main sequence.

How to get my object (Generator) from a Map<UUID, List<Generator>> with streams?

I've been wanting to check the location of my Generator and use streams to check if the location is valid.
The idea was as follows;
public Generator getGeneratorFromLocation(final Location location) {
for (List<Generator> generator : playerGeneratorMap.values()) {
for (Generator generator1 : generator) {
if (generator1.getGenLocation().equals(location)) {
return generator1;
return null;
I'm wanting to return a Generator from this using streams instead to try and learn more ways of doing it.
Current map:
public final Map<UUID, List<Generator>> playerGeneratorMap = new HashMap<>();
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use AtomicRef object to init a retVal and then assign the wanted Generator to it in the lambda expression because regular vars can't be assigned in lambdas, only final or effectivly final can be used inside arrow functions.
This function should solve the problem :)
public Generator getGeneratorFromLocation(final Location location) {
AtomicReference<Generator> retVal = new AtomicReference<>(null);
playerGeneratorMap.values().stream().forEach(generators -> {
generators.forEach(generator -> {
if (generator.getLocation().equals(location)) {
return retVal.get();
By the way, streams are unnecessary because you have Collection.forEach instead of Stream.forEach, streams are used for more 'exotic' types of iterations like, filter, anyMatch, allMatch, reduce and such functionalities, you can read about Streams API on Oracle's website,
I'll link in the docs for you for future usage, important for functional proggraming.

Read from multiple Pubsub subscriptions using ValueProvider

I have multiple subscriptions from Cloud PubSub to read based on certain prefix pattern using Apache Beam. I extend PTransform class and implement expand() method to read from multiple subscriptions and do Flatten transformation to the PCollectionList (multiple PCollection on from each subscription). I have a problem to pass subscription prefix as ValueProvider into the expand() method, since expand() is called on template creation time, not when launching the job. However, if I only use 1 subscription, I can pass ValueProvider into PubsubIO.readStrings().fromSubscription().
Here's some sample code.
public class MultiPubSubIO extends PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<PubsubMessage>> {
private ValueProvider<String> prefixPubsub;
public MultiPubSubIO(#Nullable String name, ValueProvider<String> prefixPubsub) {
this.prefixPubsub = prefixPubsub;
public PCollection<PubsubMessage> expand(PBegin input) {
List<String> myList = null;
try {
// prefixPubsub.get() will return error
myList = PubsubHelper.getAllSubscription("projectID", prefixPubsub.get());
} catch (Exception e) {
LogHelper.error(String.format("Error getting list of subscription : %s",e.toString()));
List<PCollection<PubsubMessage>> collectionList = new ArrayList<PCollection<PubsubMessage>>();
if(myList != null && !myList.isEmpty()){
for(String subs : myList){
PCollection<PubsubMessage> pCollection = input
.apply("ReadPubSub", PubsubIO.readMessagesWithAttributes().fromSubscription(this.prefixPubsub));
PCollection<PubsubMessage> pubsubMessagePCollection = PCollectionList.of(collectionList)
.apply("FlattenPcollections", Flatten.pCollections());
return pubsubMessagePCollection;
} else {
LogHelper.error(String.format("No subscription with prefix %s found", prefixPubsub));
return null;
public static MultiPubSubIO read(ValueProvider<String> prefixPubsub){
return new MultiPubSubIO(null, prefixPubsub);
So I'm thinking of how to use the same way to read from ValueProvider. Or am I missing something?
Searched links:
extract-value-from-valueprovider-in-apache-beam - Answer talked about using DoFn, while I need PTransform that receives PBegin.
Unfortunately this is not possible currently:
It is not possible for the value of a ValueProvider to affect transform expansion - at expansion time, it is unknown; by the time it is known, the pipeline shape is already fixed.
There is currently no transform like that can accept a PCollection of topic names. Eventually there will be (it is enabled by Splittable DoFn), but it will take a while - nobody is working on this currently.
You can use MultipleReadFromPubSub from apache beam io module
topic_1 = PubSubSourceDescriptor('projects/myproject/topics/a_topic')
topic_2 = PubSubSourceDescriptor(
subscription_1 = PubSubSourceDescriptor(
results = pipeline | MultipleReadFromPubSub(
[topic_1, topic_2, subscription_1])

Perform async action only when Option<> is Some

In a piece of code using language-ext library, I can perform an async action only when the Option<> intermediate result is actually filled:
async Task<Option<MyEntity>> FindEntityAsync(string entityId)
Option<MyEntity> entityOpt = await GetEntityAsync(entityId);
if (entityOpt.IsSome)
await DoSomethingAsync(entityOpt.First());
return entityOpt;
// Task<Option<MyEntity>> GetEntityAsync(string entityId) { ... }
// DoSomethingAsync could either be:
// Task DoSomethingAsync(MyEntity entity) { ... }
// or:
// Task<Unit> DoSomethingAsync(MyEntity entity)
I'm looking for a more idiomatic way (for such library) to achieve the same.
I tried the following but it does not work:
// look ma! No async/await here
Task<Option<MyEntity>> FindEntityAsync(string entityId)
Task<Option<MyEntity>> result =
from entity in GetEntityAsync(entityId)
from _ in DoSomethingAsync(entity).Map(Some)
select entity;
return result;
I experienced some LanguageExt.ValueIsNoneException when the Option<> is None.
Ideally I'd like to user an IterXxx type of operator in order to traverse the wrapped Option<MyEntity> only when there is something:
Task<Option<MyEntity>> FindEntityAsync(string entityId)
Task<Option<MyEntity>> result = GetEntityAsync(entityId);
result.IterXxxx(async entity => await DoSomethingAsync(entity));
return result;
but I cannot find any suitable signature working with an async action. Any hint?
There is special type OptionAsync<T> for combining two monads - Option and Async.
For more info please refer to github -

In ASP.Net Web API, how do I map multiple http query parameters to a single method parameter

We're using ASP.Net Web API to generate a feed and it includes the ability to do paging.
My boss says "let's also allow users to use 'paged', because that's what WP uses." In addition, we're also using pageIndex in some of our older feeds. So what I'd like to do is accept all three.
I'd like to do is be able to write a clean Web API method, such as
public Foo Get(int page = 1)
//do some stuff
return foo;
without cluttering the method with page 'plumbing'. So I tried creating an ActionFilter
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
object pageParam = new object(); //query["page"]
if (pageParam == null)
var altPageParam = GetPageParamUsingAlternateParams(actionContext);
if (altPageParam != null){}
//SetPageParam here
private object GetPageParamUsingAlternateParams(HttpActionContext actionContext)
object result = new object();
object pageIndexParam = new object(); //Query["pageIndex"]
object pagedParam = new object(); ////Query["paged"]
if (pagedParam != null)
result = pagedParam;
else if (pageIndexParam != null)
result = pageIndexParam;
return result;
I didn't finish. As I was looking for the best way to get the query params, I stumbled into a big mistake!
OnActionExecuting is executed after int page = 1. Sure, I could override it in an ActionFilter, but that would lead to confusion down the road. I really want to be able to do a simple flow through the URI query parameters that goes from
page -> paged -> pageIndex -> default value in method
I have found a lot of articles on custom binding to a an object. Also, I found articles about "parameter binding", however those dealt with FromUri and FromBody. I didn't find anything that I felt had a direct parallel to what I'm facing.
You could achieve what you want by defining 3 different GET method with parameters matched with the query segment of the Url like the code snippet below:
public class ProductsController : ApiController
//Matched api/products?page=1
public IHttpActionResult Get(int page)
return GetPagedData(page);
//Matched api/products?paged=1
public IHttpActionResult GetPaged(int paged)
return GetPagedData(paged);
//Matched api/products?pagIndex=1
public IHttpActionResult GetPageIndex(int pageIndex)
return GetPagedData(pageIndex);
//Do the real paging here
private IHttpActionResult GetPagedData(int page =1)
return Ok("Data Pages");
