Using Dask compute causes execution to hang - dask

This is a follow up question to a potential answer to one of my previous questions on using Dask computed to access one element in a large array .
Why does using Dask compute cause the execution to hang below?
Here's the working code snippet:
#Suppose you created a scheduler at the ip address of
from dask.distributed import Client
import dask.array as da
# client1
client1 = Client("")
x = da.ones(10000000, chunks=(100000,)) # 1e7 size array cut into 1e5 size chunks
x = x.persist()
# client2
client2 = Client("")
x = client2.get_dataset('x') #get the lazy collection x
result = x[0].compute() #code execution hangs here

persist behaves differently, depending on whether you have a distributed client active or not. In your case, you call it before making any client, with the result that the whole of the data is packed into the graph description. This behaviour is OK on the threaded scheduler, where memory is shared between workers, but when you publish, you are sending the whole thing to the scheduler, and apparently it is choking.
If you make client1 first, you will notice that persist happens very quickly (the scheduler is only getting pointers to the data in this case), and the publish-fetch cycle will work as expected.


Forcing Locality on Dask Dataframe Subsets

I'm trying to distribute a large Dask Dataframe across multiple machines for (later) distributed computations on the dataframe. I'm using dask-distributed for this.
All the dask-distributed examples/docs I see are populating the initial data load from a network resource (hdfs, s3, etc) and does not appear to extend the DAG optimization to the load portion (seems to assume that a network load is a necessary evil and just eats the initial cost.) This is underscored on the answer to another question: Does Dask communicate with HDFS to optimize for data locality?
However, I can see cases where we would want this. For example, if we have a sharded database + dask workers co-located on nodes of this DB, we would want to force records from only the local shard to be populated into the local dask workers. From the documentation/examples, network cris-cross seems like a necessarily assumed cost. Is it possible to force parts of a single dataframe to be obtained from specific workers?
The alternative, which I've tried, is to try and force each worker to run a function (iteratively submitted to each worker) where the function loads only the data local to that machine/shard. This works, and I have a bunch of optimally local dataframes with the same column schema -- however -- now I don't have a single dataframe but n dataframes. Is it possible to merge/fuse dataframes across multiple machines so there is a single dataframe reference, but portions have affinity (within reason, as decided by the task DAG) to specific machines?
You can produce dask "collections" such as a dataframe from futures and delayed objects, which inter-operate nicely with each other.
For each partition, where you know which machine should load it, you can produce a future as follows:
f = c.submit(make_part_function, args, workers={'my.worker.ip'})
where c is the dask client and the address is the machine you'd want to see it happen on. You can also give allow_other_workers=True is this is a preference rather than a requirement.
To make a dataframe, from a list of such futures, you could do
df = dd.from_delayed([dask.delayed(f) for f in futures])
and ideally provide a meta=, giving a description of the expected dataframe. Now, further operations on a given partition will prefer to be scheduled on the same worker which already holds the data.
I am also interested in having the capability to restrict computation to a specific node (and data localized to that node). I have tried to implement the above with a simple script (see below) but looking at the resulting data frame, results the error (from dask/dataframe/
ValueError: Metadata mismatch found in `from_delayed`.
Expected partition of type `DataFrame` but got `DataFrame`
from dask.distributed import Client
import dask.dataframe as dd
import dask
client = Client(address='<scheduler_ip>:8786')
filename_1 = ''
filename_2 = ''
future_1 = client.submit(dd.read_csv, filename_1, workers='w1')
future_2 = client.submit(dd.read_csv, filename_2, workers='w2')
# Returns: {'tcp://<w1_ip>:41942': ('read_csv-c08b231bb22718946756cf46b2e0f5a1',),
# 'tcp://<w2_ip>:41942': ('read_csv-e27881faa0f641e3550a8d28f8d0e11d',)}
df = dd.from_delayed([dask.delayed(f) for f in [future_1, future_2]])
# Returns: dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame
# Returns:
# ValueError: Metadata mismatch found in `from_delayed`.
# Expected partition of type `DataFrame` but got `DataFrame`
Note The dask environment has a two worker nodes (aliased to w1 and w2) a scheduler node and the script is running on an external host.
dask==1.2.2, distributed==1.28.1
It is odd to call many dask dataframe functions in parallel. Perhaps you meant to call many Pandas read_csv calls in parallel instead?
# future_1 = client.submit(dd.read_csv, filename_1, workers='w1')
# future_2 = client.submit(dd.read_csv, filename_2, workers='w2')
future_1 = client.submit(pandas.read_csv, filename_1, workers='w1')
future_2 = client.submit(pandas.read_csv, filename_2, workers='w2')
See for more information

Dask Distributed with Asynchronous Real-time Parallelism

I'm reading the documentation on dask.distributed and it looks like I could submit functions to the distributed cluster via client.submit().
I have an existing function some_func that is grabbing individual documents (say, a text file) asynchronously and I want to take the raw document and grab all words that don't contain a vowel and shove it back into a different database. This data processing step is blocking.
Assuming that there are several million documents and the distributed cluster only has 10 nodes with 1 process available (i.e., it can only process 10 documents at a time), how will dask.distributed handle the flow of the documents that it needs to process?
Here is some example code:
client = dask.distributed('tcp://')
def some_func():
doc = retrieve_next_document_asynchronously()
client.submit(get_vowelless_words, doc)
def get_vowelless_words(doc):
vowelless_words = process(doc)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in range(1000000):
Since the processing of a document is blocking and the cluster can only handle 10 documents simultaneously, what happens when 30 other documents are retrieved while the cluster is busy? I understand that client.submit() is asynchronous and it would return a concurrent future but what would happen in this case? Would it hold the document in memory until it 1/10 cores are available and potentially cause the machine to run out of memory after, say, if 1,000 documents are waiting.
What would the scheduler do in this case? FIFO? Should I somehow change the code so that it waits for a core to be available before retrieving the next document? How might that be accomplished?
To use Queues with dask, below is a modified example of using dask Queues with a distributed cluster (based on the documentation):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import distributed
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
client = distributed.Client('tcp://')
nprocs = len(client.ncores())
def increment(x):
return x+1
def double(x):
return 2*x
input_q = Queue(maxsize=nprocs)
remote_q = client.scatter(input_q)
remote_q.maxsize = nprocs
inc_q =, remote_q)
inc_q.maxsize = nprocs
double_q =, inc_q)
double_q.maxsize = nprocs
result_q = client.gather(double_q)
def load_data(q):
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
load_thread = Thread(target=load_data, args=(input_q,))
while True:
size = result_q.qsize()
item = result_q.get()
print(item, size)
In this case, we explicitly limit the maximum size of each queue to be equal to the number of distributed processes that are available. Otherwise, the while loop will overload the cluster. Of course, you can adjust the maxsize to be some multiple of the number of available processes as well. For simple functions like increment and double, I found that maxsize = 10*nprocs is still reasonable but this will surely be limited by the amount of time that it takes to run your custom function.
When you call submit all of the arguments are serialized and immediately sent to the scheduler. An alternative would be to both get documents and process them on the cluster (this assumes that documents are globally visible from all workers).
for fn in filenames:
doc = client.submit(retrieve_doc, fn)
process = client.submit(process_doc, doc)
If documents are only available on your client machine and you want to restrict flow then you might consider using dask Queues or the as_completed iterator.

Streamz with Dask Distributed

Based on the streamz documentation, one could leverage a dask distributed cluster in the following way:
from distributed import Client
client = Client('tcp://localhost:8786') # Connect to scheduler that has distributed workers
from streamz import Stream
source = Stream()
(source.scatter() # scatter local elements to cluster, creating a DaskStream
.map(increment) # map a function remotely
.buffer(5) # allow five futures to stay on the cluster at any time
.gather() # bring results back to local process
.sink(write)) # call write locally
for x in range(10):
Conceptually, it isn't clear why we don't have to pass the dask distributed client in as a parameter to instantiate Stream(). More specifically, how does Stream() know what scheduler to attach to?
What would you do if you had two schedulers that have workers on unrelated nodes like:
from distributed import Client
client_1 = Client('tcp://')
client_2 = Client('tcp://')
How does one create two streams for client_1 and client_2, respectively?
The basic rule in Dask is, if there is a distributed client defined, use it for any Dask computations. If there is more than one distributed client, use the most recently created on that is still alive.
Streamz does not explicitly let you choose which client to use when you .scatter(), it uses dask.distributed.default_client() to pick one. You may wish to raise an issue with them to allow a client= keyword. The workflow doesn't even fit a context-based approach. For now, if you wanted to have simultaneous multiple streamz working with data on different Dask clusters, you would probably have to manipulate the state of dask.distributed.client._global_clients.

Parallelization on cluster dask

I'm looking for the best way to parallelize on a cluster the following problem. I have several files
They are disjoints with respect to the key I want to use to groupby, that is if a set of keys is in file1.csv any of these keys has an item in any other files.
In one side I can just run
df = dd.read_csv("folder/*")
df.groupby("key").apply(f, meta=meta).compute(scheduler='processes')
But I'm wondering if there is a better/smarter way to do so in a sort of
delayed-groupby way.
Every filexxx.csv fits in memory on a node. Given that every node has n cores it will be ideal use all of them. For every single file I can use this hacky way
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
cores = mp.cpu_count() #Number of CPU cores on your system
partitions = cores #Define as many partitions as you want
def parallelize(data, func):
data_split = np.array_split(data, partitions)
pool = mp.Pool(cores)
data = pd.concat(, data_split))
return data
data = parallelize(data, f);
And, again, I'm not sure if there is an efficent dask way to do so.
you could use a Client (will run in multi process by default) and read your data with a certain blocksize. you can get the amount of workers (and number of cores per worker) with the ncores method and then calculate the optimal blocksize.
however according to the documantaion blocksize is by default "computed based on available physical memory and the number of cores."
so i think the best way to do it is a simple:
from distributed import Client
# if you run on a single machine just do: client = Client()
client = Client('cluster_scheduler_path')
ddf = dd.read_csv("folder/*")
EDIT: after that use map_partitions and do the gorupby for each partition:
# Note ddf is a dask dataframe and df is a pandas dataframe
new_ddf = ddf.map_partitions(lambda df: df.groupby("key").apply(f), meta=meta)
don't use compute because it will result in a single pandas.dataframe, instead use a dask output method to keep the entire process parallel and larger then ram compatible.

DASK - Stopping workers during execution causes completed tasks to be launched twice

I want to use dask to process some 5000 batch tasks that store their results in a relational database, and after they are all completed I want to run a final task that will query the databse and generate a result file (which will be stored in AWS S3)
So it's more or less like this:
from dask import bag, delayed
batches = bag.from_sequence(my_batches())
results =
graph = delayed(read_database_and_store_bundled_result_into_s3)(results)
client = Client('the_scheduler:8786')
And this works, but: Near the end of processing, many workers are idle and I would like to be able to turn them off (and save some money on AWS EC2), but if I do that, the scheduler will "forget" that those tasks were already completed and try to run them again on the remaining workers.
I understand that this is actually a feature, not a bug, as Dask is trying to keep track of all the results before starting read_database_and_store_bundled_result_into_s3, but: Is there any way that I can tell dask to just orchestrate the distributed processing graph and not worry about state management?
I recommend that you simply forget the futures after they complete. This solution uses the dask.distributed concurrent.futures interface rather than dask.bag. In particular it uses the as_completed iterator.
from dask.distributed import Client, as_completed
client = Client('the_scheduler:8786')
futures =, my_batches())
seq = as_completed(futures)
del futures # now only reference to the futures is within seq
for future in seq:
pass # let future be garbage collected
