jenkins running under proxy -version 2.32.3 - jenkins

I am trying to setup the jenkins running under our corporate proxy as our servers dont have direct access to internet.
However, it failed to connnect to internet to update plugins through proxy server.
Error logs:
ntlm authentication scheme selected
Aug 04, 2017 8:14:44 AM INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector processProxyAuthChallenge
Failure authenticating with NTLM <any realm>#proxy-server:8080
The proxy setup as below:
Please advise>

i am able to solve this problem by upgrading to the latest version 2.60.2


TFS 2017 - Build Agent Connection Error - Failed to Connect

We have a 3 tier TFS environment: 1 application server, 1 build server and 1 DB Server. TFS 2017 is installed and configured. We are attempting to connect the Build server with the Application server using config.cmd but receive the following error:
PS D:\agent01> .\config.cmd
Enter server URL >
Enter authentication type (press enter for Integrated) >
Connecting to server ...
An error occurred while sending the request.
Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit
Firewall Settings:
Source: TFS Build Server
Destination: TFS Application Server
Ports: 443 and 8080
What other ports need to be allowed between servers?
Since you are using https as your public TFS url.
Please make sure you have created the Self Signed Certificate over TFS server and installed the same over build agent machine.
More details take a look at this similar issue here: TFS Build Agent Fails to Configure & Run with TFS2018 Self-Signed SSL Certificate
If you still have the same error after above actions, then please give a try with below steps which may help to narrow down the issue:
Make sure you add the user running the installation of agent, to the
pool and queue administrators
Try to use PAT if you are using username/passwoard
Temporarily turn off the firewall and try again
I reimported the wildcard certificate and I imported DigiCert High Assurance CA in Trusted Root on both TFS Build and Application server.

IntelliJ unable to connect to SonarQube Server running in Docker

I'm trying to connect to a SonarQube server running on my machine in a Docker.
I installed the SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ, when I create the new connection to the server, given the token to the plugin, it shows:
Failed to connect the server. Please check the configuration. Error:
Fail to request http://localhost:9000/api/system/status
this URL works in the browser, giving back
in the SonarLint log it says:
Caused by: Unexpected status line:
I just pulled the last sonarqube image from docker repository and run it with only the port forwarding option (-p 9000:9000)
My environment:
SonarQube server version: ;
Java: 1.8.0_181
Docker: (31259)
IntelliJ: Community 18.3.5
I found a workaround.
use the machine name instead localhost.

Jenkins and IBM Udeploy connection issue 503 error

Hi iam trying to integrate jenkins with Udeploy server.
When i test the connection using IBM UrbanCode Deploy Pipeline Plugin Configuration and the test connection option iam getting the below error
Error connecting to IBM UrbanCode Deploy: 503using URI:
I could confirm there is no issue with firewall. i am able to do a curl successfully to the url.
Iam not able to see anything in jenkins logs.
is there anyway i could check the logs of the plugin to see what is happening during connection?
Any help appreciated.
You might have an SSL issue. If using self-signed certs, try swapping the self signed certs. Note that Urbancode might be using the IBM JDK which has its own truststore, and you'll need to store the Jenkins certs there.

Jenkins failed in bower package fetch

Jenkins failed in running bower package with error
exit code of #128 fatal: unable to access
'': Failed to connect
to port 443: Timed out
It was working well before all the time. No package or version is changed but issue is replicating again & again. Server running jenkins is able to access "", no issue accessing site in https.
What is issue here?
Please help.
Turn out to be github changed something recently that broke this:
On February 22, 2018 19:00 UTC (11:00 am PST) GitHub discontinued
support for the cryptographically weak TLS 1.0 & 1.1 protocols and
only support connections with the TLS 1.2 protocol
See the GitHub Engineering blog post for more details about this change:
Upgrading git client for windows on which jenkins build happens is the solution for the issue

Chef Cookbooks: Installing Jenkins plugin with chef failing

I am trying to setup a Jenkins server using one of the Chef cookbooks from the supermarket. Unfortunately it is failing with the below error. The plugin recipe requires for the Global security configuration - "Enable CLI with remoting" to be enabled. Can anybody help me to enable it from a Chef recipe so that
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 -remoting
installs the plugin.
Here is the error log No X-Jenkins-CLI2-Port among [X-Jenkins, null, Server, X-Content-Type-Options, X-You-Are-In-Group-Disabled, X-Hudson, X-Permission-Implied-By, Date, X-Jenkins-Session, X-You-Are-Authenticated-As, X-Required-Permission, Set-Cookie, Expires, Content-Length, Content-Type]
at hudson.cli.CLI.getCliTcpPort(
at hudson.cli.CLI.<init>(
at hudson.cli.CLIConnectionFactory.connect(
at hudson.cli.CLI._main(
at hudson.cli.CLI.main(
Suppressed: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://localhost:8080/cli?remoting=true
at hudson.cli.FullDuplexHttpStream.<init>(
at hudson.cli.CLI.connectViaHttp(
at hudson.cli.CLI.<init>(
As per the official documentation, remoting option is disabled by default. you can enable it by going to Configure Global Security. I don't think by programatically we can't enable it. For more details use this official link. Remoting Connection Mode | official Jenkins
This is the solution they are providing for your problem. Hope this helps.
Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security and choose "Fixed" or "Random" under TCP port for JNLP agents.
You can enable the remoting option by writing a bit of Groovy that gets run when Jenkins starts, but a better option is to configure the proper authentication and use the ssh or http methods.
See also:
