Swagger query parameter template - swagger

I have on query parameter which is little bit complex and i have my own syntax to make that value. Its has more then one variable to make one complete string value.
Let suppose name of parameter is index which has row and column like to make this value 20:30
index = { row: 20, col:30 }
index2 = { row: 20, col:30, chr: 15 }
Now i wanted to make it as
Can someone tell me how can i define this in swagger ?
Thank you.

Make your swagger parameter a string and in your code behind handle the splitting into multiple variables...
I do exactly that here:
"parameters": [
"name": "location",
"in": "query",
"description": "SoFL= 26.16,-80.20",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
That location is (Latitude,Longitude) and I split it with a C# TypeConverter
...and the request looks like:
The code for that WebApi is here:


How to indicate that the response body is a List in Swagger UI docs using FastAPI?

I describe the structure of the outgoing JSON in the model class, however I cannot make the output as a list.
My model class:
class versions_info(BaseModel):
""" List of versions """
version : str = Field(..., title="Version",example="2.1.1")
url : str = Field(..., title="Url",example="https://ocpi.wedwe.ww/ocpi/2.1.1/")
And in the documentation I see:
However, I need it to be displayed as:
"version": "2.1.1",
"url": "https://www.server.com/ocpi/2.1.1/"
"version": "2.2",
"url": "https://www.server.com/ocpi/2.2/"
What am I doing wrong?
You can indicate that you're returning a List by wrapping the response_model you've defined in List[<model>].
So in your case it'd be:
#app.get('/foo', response_model=List[versions_info])

openapi, list of strings as query parameter

I'm defining a query parameter, with openapi 3.0.1, as follows
"name" : "sort",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Sorting criteria. Example: productCode,desc",
"required" : false,
"explode" : false,
"schema" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"type" : "string"
On swagger-ui 3.51.1 if I add two strings
they are serialized correctly (as a list of strings with 2 elements), but if I add only one string
it will get serialized incorrectly as a list of strings with 2 elements (parameter1 and asc).
I do not understand why the string is exploded! Any help is greatly appreciated.
In your example, the query parameter has no style defined, so it defaults to style: form. Non-exploded form style treats the comma , as a separator of array items. This results in ambiguity because the values of your array items also use commas as an inner separator.
Possible solutions involve changing your backend code and/or the OpenAPI parameter definition.
Adjust the backend code so that it splits the received sort string on every second comma rather than every comma.
Or, use another serialization method for the sort array, for example:
explode: true to send the exploded array:
style: pipeDelimited + explode: false to separate array items using | instead of commas:
Or, change sort to be an object/map instead of an array:
"name": "sort",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorting criteria. Example: productCode,desc",
"required": false,
"explode": false,
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["asc", "desc"]
In this case, your current query string format
unambiguously corresponds to:
"parameter1": "asc",
"parameter2": "desc"

Restassured: How Can we compare each element in Json array to one particular Same value in Java using Hemcrest Matchers, not using Foreach loop

Restassured: How Can we compare each element in Json array to one particular Same value in Java using Hemcrest Matchers, not using Foreach loop.
"id": 52352,
"name": "Great Apartments",
"floorplans": [
"id": 5342622,
"name": "THE STUDIO",
"fpCustomAmenities": [
"displaySequence": 2,
"amenityPartnerId": "gadasd",
"display": true,
"leased": true
"displaySequence": 13,
"amenityPartnerId": "sdfsfd",
"display": true,
"leased": true
"id": 4321020,
"name": "THE First Bed",
"fpCustomAmenities": [
"displaySequence": 4,
"amenityPartnerId": "gadasd",
"display": true,
"leased": true
"displaySequence": 15,
"amenityPartnerId": "hsfdsdf",
"display": true,
"leased": true
I want to compare that Leased=true for all the leased nodes at all the levels in the json response...
I have working code...
List<List<Boolean>> displayedvaluesfpStandardAmenities =
when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).
for (List<Boolean> displayedStandardList : displayedvaluesfpStandardAmenities) {
for (Boolean isDisplayedTrue : displayedStandardList) {
But the issue is I need the code to be in simple format using either Hemcrest Matchers or Restaussred Matchers and try simplistic way like Below, ( which is not working)
when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).
The error I am getting is
java.lang.AssertionError: 1 expectation failed.
JSON path floorplans.fpCustomAmenities.display doesn't match.
Expected: true
Actual: <[[true, true], [true, true]]>
So what I need is the that all thes 'display' nodes in the json response where ever it is need to compared with "true", so that my test can Pass.
I have an alternate solution like mentioned above, but All I need is working solution using matchers.
Assuming fpCustomAmenities arrays are not empty, you can use the following solution;
when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).then()
.body("floorplans.findAll { it }.fpCustomAmenities" + // 1st line
".findAll { it }.leased.each{ a -> println a }" + // 2nd line
".grep{ it.contains(false) }.size()", equalTo(0)); // 3rd line
Here from the 1st line, we return each object in fpCustomAmenities array.
From the 2nd line we get boolean value of leased in each fpCustomAmenities object to a boolean array ([true, true]).
Each boolean array is printed from .each{ a -> println a }. I added it only to explain the answer. It is not relevant to the solution.
From 3rd line we check whether, if there is a false in each boolean array. grep() will return only the arrays which has a false. And then we get the filtered array count. Then we check whether it is equal to 0.
Check groovy documentation for more details.
This solution does not use any Matchers. But this works.
String responseBody = when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).
Assert.assertFalse(responseBody.contains("\"leased\": false"));

dust js: aliasing an object not working

{#person alias=root}{alias.value}: {name}, {age}{/person}
"root": {value:"MR."},
"person": {
"name": "Larry",
"age": 45
Expected output:
MR. Larry, 45
Actual output:
: Larry, 45
I'm trying to alias an object like shown above. But its not working. Please have a look into this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/G86mu/1/.
If i replace {value:"MR."} with a string say "root":"Mr." and change my template to
{#person alias=root}{alias}: {name}, {age}{/person}
the output is as expected. Please let me know how do i alias an object
The reason this isn't working is because the context within Dust is not the same as the JSON you pass in to dust.render. Internally, Dust wraps your JSON so that it can include params, globals, and blocks in the context.
So, you are not adding alias to the current context, as you might assume. Instead, you are adding alias one level above your current context. Although the representation isn't exactly accurate, it should be helpful for explanation purposes:
// Incorrect:
"root": {
"value": "MR."
"person": {
// Current context
"alias": {
"value": "MR."
"name": "Larry",
"age": "45"
// (more) correct:
"root": {
"value": "MR."
"alias": {
"value": "MR."
"person": {
// Current context
"name": "Larry",
"age": "45"
When the context is viewed in this way, it makes sense why {#person alias=root}{alias.value}: {name}, {age}{/person} will not work. When using the dot-notation inside of a reference (as in {alias.value}, dust starts in the current context and goes down. Since there is no "alias" object inside of the current context, dust gives up, and you get an empty string.
However, if when you don't use the dot-notation, dust starts at the current context and searches up. The first time it finds a match, it will use that match. So, for your example, you could use the following to get your expected output.
{#person alias=root}{#alias}{value}{/alias}: {name}, {age}{/person}
Alternatively, if you could use:
{#person aliasVal=root.value}{aliasVal}: {name}, {age}{/person}

How to query FQL Stream by Attachment.Media.Type?

When I query the stream table, how do I use attachment.media.type in a WHERE clause? The type field that is the sibling to attachment is always null and I've read that it was deprecated so that is why I want to access the one inside of attachment.
The structure of the attachment field array is:
"attachment": {
"name": "My Title",
"media": [
"href": "http://www.stackoverflow.com",
"alt": "",
"type": "link",
"src": "http://somephotourlhere"
I'd want to do something like this (which does not work):
WHERE attachment.media["type"] = "link"
The attachment.media field is an array. To the best of my knowledge, FQL can't return values from inside an array.
If you want to find links you can use AND type = 80 in your FQL.
However, Posted photos also have a type = 80. To filter these out, add
AND type = 80 AND attachment.fb_object_type != 'photo'
AND type = 80 AND strlen(attachment.fb_object_type) < 1
to protect against future objects that may also return type = 80. For links, attachment.fb_object_type is undefined.
