Feedback in NaiveBayes Text Classification - machine-learning

I am a newbie in machine Learning, i am building a complaint categorizer and i want to provide a feedback model so that it can improve over time
import numpy
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
classifier = MultinomialNB()
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
counts = vectorizer.fit_transform(value)
classifier.partial_fit(counts[:1], targets[:1],classes=numpy.unique(targets))
for c,t in zip(counts[1:],targets[1:]):
classifier.partial_fit(c, t.split())
value.append('dogs') #new value to train
targets.append('animal_department') #new target
vectorize = CountVectorizer()
counts = vectorize.fit_transform(value)
print counts
print targets
print vectorize.vocabulary_
####problem lies here
classifier.partial_fit(counts["""dont know the index of new value"""], targets[-1])
####problem lies here
Even if i somehow find the index of newly inserted value, it is giving the error
ValueError: Number of features 3 does not match previous data 2.
even thought i made it to insert one value at a time

I will try to answer the question from a general point of view. There are two sources of problem in the Naive Bayes (NB) approach described here:
Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem
Incremental training of NB
OOV problem: The simplest way to tackle the OOV problem is to decompose every word into character 3 grams. How many such 3-grams are possible? Assuming lower-casing there are only 26 possible ways to fill each place and hence the total number of possible character 3-grams is 26^3=17576, which is significantly lower than the number of possible English words that you're likely to see in text.
Hence, generally speaking, while training NB, a good idea is to use probabilities of character n-grams (n=3,4,5). This will drastically reduce the OOV problem.
Incremental training: For incremental training, given a new sentence decompose it into terms (character n-grams). Update the count of of each term for its corresponding observed class label. For example, if count(t,c) denotes how many times was the term t observed in class c, simply update the count if you see t in class 0 (or class 1) during incremental training. Updating the counts will update the maximum likelihood probability estimates as well.


How to verify if two text datasets are from different distribution?

I have two text datasets. Each dataset consists of multiple sequences and each sequence can have more than one sentence.
How do I measure if both datasets are from same distribution?
The purpose is to verify transfer learning from one distribution to another only if the difference between the distributions is statistically significant.
I am panning to use chi-square test but not sure if it will help for text data considering the high degrees of freedom.
Supppose I want to train a sentiment classification model. I train a model on IMDb dataset and evaluate on IMDb and Yelp datasets. I found that my model trained on IMDb still does well on Yelp. But the question is how different these datasets are?
Train Dataset :
Eval 1:
Eval 2:
How different are train and eval 1?
How different are train and eval 2?
Is the dissimilarity between train and eval 2 by chance ? What is the statistical significance and p value?
The question "are text A and text B coming from the same distribution?" is somehow poorly defined. For example, these two questions (1,2) can be viewed as generated from the same distribution (distribution of all questions on StackExchange) or from different distributions (distribution of two different subdomains of StackExchange). So it's not clear what is the property that you want to test.
Anyway, you can come up with any test statistic of your choice, approximate its distribution in case of "single source" by simulation, and calculate the p-value of your test.
As a toy example, let's take two small corpora: two random articles from English Wikipedia. I'll do it in Python
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
urls = [
texts = [BeautifulSoup(requests.get(u).text).find('div', {'class': 'mw-parser-output'}).text for u in urls]
Now I use a primitive tokenizer to count individual words in texts, and use root mean squared difference in word relative frequencies as my test statistic. You can use any other statistic, as long as you calculate it consistently.
import re
from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
TOKEN = re.compile(r'([^\W\d]+|\d+|[^\w\s])')
counters = [Counter(re.findall(TOKEN, t)) for t in texts]
print([sum(c.values()) for c in counters])
# [5068, 4053]: texts are of approximately the same size
def word_freq_rmse(c1, c2):
result = 0
vocab = set(c1.keys()).union(set(c2.keys()))
n1, n2 = sum(c1.values()), sum(c2.values())
n = len(vocab)
for word in vocab:
result += (c1[word]/n1 - c2[word]/n2)**2 / n
return result**0.5
# rmse is 0.001178, but is this a small or large difference?
I get a value of 0.001178, but I don't know whether it's a large difference. So I need to simulate the distribution of this test statistic under the null hypothesis: when both texts are from the same distribution. To simulate it, I merge two texts into one, and then split them randomly, and calculate my statistic when comparing these two random parts.
import random
tokens = [tok for t in texts for tok in re.findall(TOKEN, t)]
split = sum(counters[0].values())
distribution = []
for i in range(1000):
c1 = Counter(tokens[:split])
c2 = Counter(tokens[split:])
distribution.append(word_freq_rmse(c1, c2))
Now I can see how unusual is the value of my observed test statistic under the null hypothesis:
observed = word_freq_rmse(*counters)
p_value = sum(x >= observed for x in distribution) / len(distribution)
print(p_value) # it is 0.0
print(observed, max(distribution), sum(distribution) / len(distribution)) # 0.0011 0.0006 0.0004
We see that when texts are from the same distribution, my test statistic is on average 0.0004 and almost never exceeds 0.0006, so the value of 0.0011 is very unusual, and the null hypothesis that two my texts originate from the same distribution should be rejected.
I wrote an article which is similar to your problem but not exactly the same.
The problem that I was trying to solve is to check if a word has different (significant) distributions across categories or labels.
There are a few similarities between your problem and the one I had mentioned above.
You want to compare two sources of datasets, which can be taken as two different categories
Also, to compare the data sources, you will have to compare the words as sentences can't be directly compared
So, my proposed solution to this will be as:
Create words features across the two datasets using count-vectorizer and get top X words from each
Let's say you have total distinct words as N, now initialize count=0 and start to compare the distribution for each word and if the differences are significant increment the counter. Also, there could be cases where a word only exists in one of the datasets and that is a good new, by that I mean it shows that it is a distinguishing feature, so, for this also increment the count
Let's say the total count is n. Now, the lower is the n/N ratio, similar two texts are and vice-a-versa
Also, to verify this methodology - Split the data from a single source into two (random sampling) and run the above analysis, if the n/N ratio is closer to 0 which indicates that the two data sources are similar which also is the case.
Please let me know if this approach worked or not, also if you think there are any flaws in this, I would love to think and try evolving it.

Why doc2vec is giving different and un-reliable results?

I have a set of 20 small document which talks about a particular kind of issue (training data). Now i want to identify those docs out of 10K documents, which are talking about the same issue.
For the purpose i am using the doc2vec implementation:
from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec, TaggedDocument
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
# Tokenize_and_stem is creating the tokens and stemming and returning the list
# documents_prb store the list of 20 docs
tagged_data = [TaggedDocument(words=tokenize_and_stem(_d.lower()), tags=[str(i)]) for i, _d in enumerate(documents_prb)]
max_epochs = 20
vec_size = 20
alpha = 0.025
model = Doc2Vec(size=vec_size,
dm =1)
for epoch in range(max_epochs):
print('iteration {0}'.format(epoch))
# decrease the learning rate
model.alpha -= 0.0002
# fix the learning rate, no decay
model.min_alpha = model.alpha"d2v.model")
print("Model Saved")
model= Doc2Vec.load("d2v.model")
#to find the vector of a document which is not in training data
def doc2vec_score(s):
s_list = tokenize_and_stem(s)
v1 = model.infer_vector(s_list)
similar_doc = model.docvecs.most_similar([v1])
original_match = (X[int(similar_doc[0][0])])
score = similar_doc[0][1]
match = similar_doc[0][0]
return score,match
final_data = []
# df_ws is the list of 10K docs for which i want to find the similarity with above 20 docs
for index, row in df_ws.iterrows():
data = (doc2vec_score(row['processed_description']))
with open('file_cosine_d2v.csv','w',newline='') as out:
for row in final_data:
But, I am facing the strange issue, the results are highly un-reliable (Score is 0.9 even if there is not a slightest match) and score is changing with great margin every time. I am running the doc2vec_score function. Can someone please help me what is wrong here ?
First & foremost, try not using the anti-pattern of calling train multiple times in your own loop.
See this answer for more details: My Doc2Vec code, after many loops of training, isn't giving good results. What might be wrong?
If there's still a problem after that fix, edit your question to show the corrected code, and a more clear example of the output you consider unreliable.
For example, show the actual doc-IDs & scores, and explain why you think the probe document you're testing should be "not a slightest match" for any documents returned.
And note that if a document is truly nothing like the training documents, for example by using words that weren't in the training documents, it's not really possible for a Doc2Vec model to detect that. When it infers vectors for new documents, all unknown words are ignored. So you'll be left with a document using only known words, and it will return the best matches for that subset of your document's words.
More fundamentally, a Doc2Vec model is really only learning ways to contrast the documents that are in the universe demonstrated by the training set, by their words' cooccurrences. If presented with a document with either totally different words, or words whose frequencies/cooccurrences are totally unlike anything seen before, its output will be essentially random, without much meaningful relationship to other more-typical documents. (That'll be maybe-close, maybe-far, because in a way the training on the 'known universe' tends to fill the whole available space.)
So, you wouldn't want to use a Doc2Vec model trained only only positive examples of what you want to recognize, if you also want to recognize negative examples. Rather, include all kinds, then remember the subset that's relevant for certain in/out decisions – and use that subset for downstream comparisons, or multiple subsets to feed a more-formal classification or clustering algorithm.

Logistic Regression with Non-Integer feature value

Hi I was following the Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng.
I found that in regression problems, specially logistic regression they have used integer values for the features which could be plotted in a graph. But there are so many use cases where the feature values may not be integer.
Let's consider the follow example :
I want to build a model to predict if any particular person will take a leave today or not. From my historical data I may find the following features helpful to build the training set.
Name of the person, Day of the week, Number of Leaves left for him till now (which maybe a continuous decreasing variable), etc.
So here are the following questions based on above
How do I go about designing the training set for my logistic regression model.
In my training set, I find some variables are continuously decreasing (ex no of leaves left). Would that create any problem, because I know continuously increasing or decreasing variables are used in linear regression. Is that true ?
Any help is really appreciated. Thanks !
Well, there are a lot of missing information in your question, for example, it'll be very much clearer if you have provided all the features you have, but let me dare to throw some assumptions!
ML Modeling in classification always requires dealing with numerical inputs, and you can easily infer each of the unique input as an integer, especially the classes!
Now let me try to answer your questions:
How do I go about designing the training set for my logistic regression model.
How I see it, you have two options (not necessary both are practical, it's you who should decide according to the dataset you have and the problem), either you predict the probability of all employees in the company who will be off in a certain day according to the historical data you have (i.e. previous observations), in this case, each employee will represent a class (integer from 0 to the number of employees you want to include). Or you create a model for each employee, in this case the classes will be either off (i.e. Leave) or on (i.e. Present).
Example 1
I created a dataset example of 70 cases and 4 employees which looks like this:
Here each name is associated with the day and month they took as off with respect to how many Annual Leaves left for them!
The implementation (using Scikit-Learn) would be something like this (N.B date contains only day and month):
Now we can do something like this:
import math
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, RepeatedStratifiedKFold
# read dataset example
df = pd.read_csv('leaves_dataset.csv')
# assign unique integer to every employee (i.e. a class label)
mapping = {'Jack': 0, 'Oliver': 1, 'Ruby': 2, 'Emily': 3}
df.replace(mapping, inplace=True)
y = np.array(df[['Name']]).reshape(-1)
X = np.array(df[['Leaves Left', 'Day', 'Month']])
# create the model
parameters = {'penalty': ['l1', 'l2'], 'C': [0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10, 100, 1000]}
lr = LogisticRegression(random_state=0)
cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, n_repeats=2, random_state=0)
clf = GridSearchCV(lr, parameters, cv=cv), y)
# Example: probability of all employees who have 10 days left today
# warning: date must be same format
prob = clf.best_estimator_.predict_proba([[10, 9, 11]])
print({'Jack': prob[0,0], 'Oliver': prob[0,1], 'Ruby': prob[0,2], 'Emily': prob[0,3]})
{'Ruby': 0.27545, 'Oliver': 0.15032,
'Emily': 0.28201, 'Jack': 0.29219}
To make this relatively work you need a real big dataset!
Also this can be better than the second one if there are other informative features in the dataset (e.g. the health status of the employee at that day..etc).
The second option is to create a model for each employee, here the result would be more accurate and more reliable, however, it's almost a nightmare if you have too many employees!
For each employee, you collect all their leaves in the past years and concatenate them into one file, in this case you have to complete all days in the year, in other words: for every day that employee has never got it off, that day should be labeled as on (or numerically speaking 1) and for the days off they should be labeled as off (or numerically speaking 0).
Obviously, in this case, the classes will be 0 and 1 (i.e. on and off) for each employee's model!
For example, consider this dataset example for the particular employee Jack:
Example 2
Then you can do for example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, RepeatedStratifiedKFold
# read dataset example
df = pd.read_csv('leaves_dataset2.csv')
# assign unique integer to every on and off (i.e. a class label)
mapping = {'off': 0, 'on': 1}
df.replace(mapping, inplace=True)
y = np.array(df[['Type']]).reshape(-1)
X = np.array(df[['Leaves Left', 'Day', 'Month']])
# create the model
parameters = {'penalty': ['l1', 'l2'], 'C': [0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10, 100, 1000]}
lr = LogisticRegression(random_state=0)
cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, n_repeats=2, random_state=0)
clf = GridSearchCV(lr, parameters, cv=cv), y)
# Example: probability of the employee "Jack" who has 10 days left today
prob = clf.best_estimator_.predict_proba([[10, 9, 11]])
print({'Off': prob[0,0], 'On': prob[0,1]})
{'On': 0.33348, 'Off': 0.66651}
N.B in this case you have to create a dataset for each employee + training especial model + filling all the days the never taken in the past years as off!
In my training set, I find some variables are continuously decreasing (ex no of leaves left). Would that create any problem,
because I know continuously increasing or decreasing variables are
used in linear regression. Is that true ?
Well, there is nothing preventing you from using contentious values as features (e.g. number of leaves) in Logistic Regression; actually it doesn't make any difference if it's used in Linear or Logistic Regression but I believe you got confused between the features and the response:
The thing is, discrete values should be used in the response of Logistic Regression and Continuous values should be used in the response of the Linear Regression (a.k.a dependent variable or y).

How to use SelectFromModel in sklearn to find the positively informative features for a class

I think I understand that until recently people used the attribute coef_ to extract the most informative features from linear models in python's machine learning library sklearn. Now users get pointed to SelectFromModel instead. SelectFromModel allows to reduce the features based on a threshold. So something like the following code reduces the features down to those features which have an importance > 0.5. My question now: Is there any way to determine whether a feature is positivly or negatively discriminating for a class?
I have my data in a pandas dataframe called data, first column a list of filenames of text files, second column the label.
count_vect = CountVectorizer(input="filename", analyzer="word")
X_train_counts = count_vect.fit_transform(data["filenames"])
tf_transformer = TfidfTransformer(use_idf=True)
traindata = tf_transformer.fit_transform(X_train_counts)
print(traindata.shape) #report size of the training data
clf = LogisticRegression()
model = SelectFromModel(clf, threshold=0.5)
X_transform = model.fit_transform(traindata, data["labels"])
print("reduced features: ", X_transform.shape)
#get the names of all features
words = np.array(count_vect.get_feature_names())
#get the names of the important features using the boolean index from model
To my knowledge you need to stick back to the .coef_ method and see which coefficients are negative or positive. a negative coefficient obviously decreases the odds of that class to happen (so negative relationship), while a positive coefficient increases the odds the class to happen (so positive relationship).
However this method will not give you the significance, only the direction. You will need the SelectFromModel method to extract that.

How to decide numClasses parameter to be passed to Random Forest algorithm in SPark MLlib with pySpark

I am working on Classification using Random Forest algorithm in Spark have a sample dataset that looks like this:
Level1,Male,New York,New York,352.888890
Level1,Male,San Fransisco,California,495.8001345
Level2,Male,New York,New York,-495.8001345
Level3,Male,New York,New York,495.8
Level1,Female,San Fransisco,California,495.8001345
Here the last value in each row will serve as a label and rest serve as features. But I want to treat label as a category and not a number. So 165.22352099 will denote a category and so will -552.8234. For this I have encoded my features as well as label into categorical data. Now what I am having difficulty in is deciding what should I pass for numClasses parameter in Random Forest algorithm in Spark MlLib? I mean should it be equal to number of unique values in my label? My label has like 10000 unique values so if I put 10000 as value of numClasses then wouldn't it decrease the performance dramatically?
Here is the typical signature of building a model for Random Forest in MlLib:
model = RandomForest.trainClassifier(trainingData, numClasses=2, categoricalFeaturesInfo={},
numTrees=3, featureSubsetStrategy="auto",
impurity='gini', maxDepth=4, maxBins=32)
The confusion comes from the fact that you are doing something that you should not do. You problem is clearly a regression/ranking, not a classification. Why would you think about it as a classification? Try to answer these two questions:
Do you have at least 100 samples per each value (100,000 * 100 = 1,000,000)?
Is there completely no structure in the classes, so for example - are objects with value "200" not more similar to those with value "100" or "300" than to those with value "-1000" or "+2300"?
If at least one answer is no, then you should not treat this as a classification problem.
If for some weird reason you answered twice yes, then the answer is: "yes, you should encode each distinct value as a different class" thus leading to 10000 unique classes, which leads to:
extremely imbalanced classification (RF, without balancing meta-learner will nearly always fail in such scenario)
extreme number of classes (there are no models able to solve it, for sure RF will not solve it)
extremely small dimension of the problem- looking at as small is your number of features I would be surprised if you could predict from that binary classifiaction. As you can see how irregular are these values, you have 3 points which only diverge in first value and you get completely different results:
Level1,Male,New York,New York,352.888890
Level2,Male,New York,New York,-495.8001345
Level3,Male,New York,New York,495.8
So to sum up, with nearly 100% certainty this is not a classification problem, you should either:
regress on last value (keyword: reggresion)
build a ranking (keyword: learn to rank)
bucket your values to at most 10 different values and then - classify (keywords: imbalanced classification, sparse binary representation)
