Comparing two CGPoints for equality: returning not equal for two objects that output same point? - ios

According to this question, using == and != should let you check for equality between two CGPoint objects.
However, the code below fails to consider two CGPoint objects as equal even though they output the same value.
What is the right way to check equality among CGPoint objects?
let boardTilePos = boardLayer.convert(boardTile.position, from: boardTile.parent!)
let shapeTilePos = boardLayer.convert(tile.position, from: tile.parent!)
print("board tile pos: \(boardTilePos). active tile pos: \(shapeTilePos). true/false: \(shapeTilePos == boardTilePos)")
board tile pos: (175.0, 70.0). active tile pos: (175.0, 70.0). true/false: false

Unfortunately, what you see in the console is not what your real value is.
import UIKit
var x = CGPoint(x:175.0,y:70.0)
var y = CGPoint(x:175.0,y:70.00000000000001)
print("\(x.equalTo(y)), \(x == y),\(x),\(y)")
The problem is, the console only allows for 10-16 but in reality your CGFloat can go even lower than that because on 64bit architecture, CGFloat is Double.
This means you have to cast your CGPoint values to a Float if you want to get equality that will appear on the console, so you need to do something like:
if Float(boxA.x) == Float(boxB.x) && Float(boxA.y) == Float(boxB.y)
//We have equality
Now I like to take it one step further.
In most cases, we are using CGPoint to determine points on the scene. Rarely do we ever want to be dealing with 1/2 points, they make our lives just confusing.
So instead of Float, I like to cast to Int. This will guarantee if two points are lying on the same CGPoint in scene space
if Int(boxA.x) == Int(boxB.x) && Int(boxA.y) == Int(boxB.y)
//We have equality

I'm providing an alternate answer since I don't agree with Knight0fDragon's implementation. This is only if you want to deal with factions of a point. If you only care about points in whole numbers, see Knight0fDragon's answer.
You don't always have the luxury of logging points to the console, or seeing if you're trying to compare points that are the victim of floating point math, like comparing (175.0, 70.0) to (175.0, 70.00001) (which both log as (175.0, 70.0) in the console). Yes, truncating to Int is a great way of understanding why two points that appear to print to the console as equal aren't. But it's not a catch all solution one should use for comparing every point. Depending on what level of precision you need, you want to take the absolute value of the difference of both x and y for each point, and see if it is in an acceptable range of a delta you specify.
var boxA = CGPoint(x:175.0, y:70.0)
var boxB = CGPoint(x:175.0, y:70.00000000000001)
let delta: CGFloat = 0.01
if (fabs(boxA.x - boxB.x) < delta) &&
(fabs(boxA.y - boxB.y) < delta) {
// equal enough for our needs
The answer to the question "What is the right way to check equality among CGPoint objects?" really depends on the way you compare floating point numbers.

CGPoint provides its own comparison method: equalTo(_ point2: CGPoint)
Try this:


Find distance of location to route in Google Maps SDK

I´m developing an iPhone app, and I need some help with this case:
I need to check, if user leave google maps route (GMSPolyline) and if distance from user location to nearest point of route is more than 40 meters -- I need to rebuild route.
I can't find the right algorithm to detect if distance from user to route is more than 40 meters.
I've tried to use this method to find projection of user location (converted to CGPoint by CGPointMake) on route :
+ (CGPoint)projectionOfPoint:(CGPoint)origPoint toSegmentP1:(CGPoint)p1 p2:(CGPoint)p2 {
// for case line is parallel to x axis
if (p2.y == p1.y) {
return CGPointMake(origPoint.x, p1.y);
// for case line is parallel to y axis
} else if (p2.x == p1.x) {
return CGPointMake(p1.x, origPoint.y);
// line from segment
CGFloat kKoefLine1 = (p2.x - p1.x)/(p2.y - p1.y);
CGFloat bKoefLine1 = p1.y - kKoefLine1*p1.x;
// perpendicular line
CGFloat kKoefLine2 = -1/kKoefLine1;
CGFloat bKoefLine2 = origPoint.y - kKoefLine2*origPoint.x;
// cross point
CGFloat krossX = (bKoefLine2 - bKoefLine1)/(kKoefLine1 - kKoefLine2);
CGFloat krossY = kKoefLine2*krossX + bKoefLine2;
return CGPointMake(krossX, krossY);}
Then I calculate distance from returned projection (converted to CLLocation) and user location, but it doesn't works.
P.S.: I will be thankful if solution would be written on swift.
There is a GMSGeometryIsLocationOnPath function in the GMSGeometryUtils module in the Google Maps SDK.
You should be able to use that to calculate what you need.
Pseudocode (not tested):
let currentLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D = ...
let routePath: GMSPath = routePolyline.path
let geodesic = true
let tolerance: CLLocationDistance = 40
let within40Meters = GMSGeometryIsLocationOnPath(currentLocation, routePath, geodesic, tolerance)
for swift 5.0 and based on #Arthur answer I wrote follwoing function
func isInRoute(posLL: CLLocationCoordinate2D, path: GMSPath) -> Bool
let geodesic = true
let tolerance: CLLocationDistance = 40
let within40Meters = GMSGeometryIsLocationOnPathTolerance(posLL, path, geodesic, tolerance)
return within40Meters
While I don't recall much about the GMS SDK off the top of my head, before I give you an answer, I will say that nobody on here will write your code for you. That's your job and should be done on your time. You haven't given any background as to how far you've gotten in terms of calculating routes, whether or not you've figured out how to calculate distance at all, etc.
With that being said, routes on Google Maps are comprised of "legs", which denote a path to take before a turn is made in efforts to reach the end destination. By querying your "route" dictionary, you can extract an array of dictionaries where each element (which is a dictionary) contains metadata about a "leg". You can then loop through that array, go through each dictionary and extract the "distance" value, and sum them to a single "distance" var.
You can recalculate this as often as needed and use a conditional to check whether or not the leg distance sum is < 40M, else rebuild.
link to an article that should help (I didn't have the time to go through the entire thing for you, so do your due diligence and research) here.

How to generate a Random Floating point Number in range, Swift

I'm fairly new to Swift, only having used Python and Pascal before. I was wondering if anyone could help with generating a floating point number in range. I know that cannot be done straight up. So this is what I've created. However, it doesn't seem to work.
func location() {
// let DivisionConstant = UInt32(1000)
let randomIntHeight = arc4random_uniform(1000000) + 12340000
let randomIntWidth = arc4random_uniform(1000000) + 7500000
XRandomFloat = Float(randomIntHeight / UInt32(10000))
YRandomFloat = Float(randomIntWidth / UInt32(10000))
randomXFloat = CGFloat(XRandomFloat)
randomYFloat = CGFloat(YRandomFloat) = CGPointMake(randomXFloat, randomYFloat)
By the looks of it, when I run it, it is not dividing by the value of the DivisionConstant, so I commented this and replaced it with a raw value. However, self.Item still appears off screen. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
This division probably isn't what you intended:
XRandomFloat = Float(randomIntHeight / UInt32(10000))
This performs integer division (discarding any remainder) and then converts the result to Float. What you probably meant was:
XRandomFloat = Float(randomIntHeight) / Float(10000)
This is a floating point number with a granularity of approximately 1/10000.
Your initial code:
let randomIntHeight = arc4random_uniform(1000000) + 12340000
generates a random number between 12340000 and (12340000+1000000-1). Given your final scaling, that means a range of 1234 and 1333. This seems odd for your final goals. I assume you really meant just arc4random_uniform(12340000), but I may misunderstand your goal.
Given your comments, I think you've over-complicated this. The following should give you a random point on the screen, assuming you want an integral (i.e. non-fractional) point, which is almost always what you'd want:
let bounds = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
let x = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(bounds.width))
let y = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(bounds.height))
let randomPoint = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(x), y: CGFloat(y))
Your problem is that you're adding the the maximum value to your random value, so of course it's always going to be offscreen.
I'm not sure what numbers you're hoping to generate, but what you're getting are results like:
1317.0, 764.0
1237.0, 795.0
1320.0, 814.0
1275.0, 794.0
1314.0, 758.0
1300.0, 758.0
1260.0, 809.0
1279.0, 768.0
1315.0, 838.0
1284.0, 763.0
1273.0, 828.0
1263.0, 770.0
1252.0, 776.0
1255.0, 848.0
1277.0, 847.0
1236.0, 847.0
1320.0, 772.0
1268.0, 759.0
You're then using this as the center of a UI element. Unless it's very large, it's likely to be off-screen.

UIBezierPath Percent of Length at Point

I'm building an app that features some graphical manipulation. I'm storing shapes as UIBezierPaths, and I want to allow users to touch points along the line to create saved locations. Using the wonderful answer to this question, and more specifically, this project, I'm able to place a point on a line knowing the percentage of its length the point rests on. This is half of my problem.
I want a way to take a point on a path, and derive the percent of its length.
My math-fu is extremely weak. I've studied bezier curves but I simply don't have the math to understand it.
I would humbly submit that "go back and learn geometry and trigonometry" is a correct answer, but sadly one I don't have time for at present. What I need is a way to fill in this method:
- (CGFloat)percentOfLengthAtPoint:(CGPoint)point onPath:(UIBezierPath*)path
Any help appreciated!
I have working code that solves my problem. I'm not particularly proud of it; the overall technique is essentially a brute-force attack on a UIBezierPath, which is kind of funny if you think about it. (Please don't think about it).
As I mentioned, I have access to a method that allows me to get a point from a given percentage of a line. I have taken advantage of that power to find the closest percentage to the given point by running through 1000 percentage values. To wit:
Start with a CGPoint that represents where on the line the user touched.
let pointA = // the incoming CGPoint
Run through the 0-1 range in the thousands. This is the set of percentages we're going to brute-force and see if we have a match. For each, we run pointAtPercentOfLength, from the linked project above.
var pointArray:[[String:Any]] = []
for (var i:Int = 0; i <= 1000; i++) {
let value = CGFloat(round((CGFloat(i) / CGFloat(1000)) * 1000) / 1000)
let testPoint = path.pointAtPercentOfLength(value)
let pointB = CGPoint(x: floor(testPoint.x), y: floor(testPoint.y))
pointArray.append(["point" : pointB, "percent" : value])
That was the hard part. Now we take the returning values and calculate the distance between each point and the touched point. Closest one is our winner.
// sort the damned array by distance so we find the closest
var distanceArray:[[String:Any]] = []
for point in pointArray {
"distance" : self.distanceFrom(point["point"] as! CGPoint, point2: pointA),
"point" : point["point"],
"percent" : point["percent"] as! CGFloat
Here's the sorting function if you're interested:
func distanceFrom(point1:CGPoint, point2:CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
let xDist = (point2.x - point1.x);
let yDist = (point2.y - point1.y);
return sqrt((xDist * xDist) + (yDist * yDist));
Finally, I sort the array by the distance of the values, and pick out the winner as our closest percent.
let ordered = distanceArray.sort { return CGFloat($0["distance"] as! CGFloat) < CGFloat($1["distance"] as! CGFloat) }
ordered is a little dictionary that includes percent, the correct value for a percentage of a line's length.
This is not pretty code, I know. I know. But it gets the job done and doesn't appear to be computationally expensive.
As a postscript, I should point to what appears to be a proper resource for doing this. During my research I read this beautiful article by David Rönnqvist, which included an equation for calculating the percentage distance along a path:
start⋅(1-t)3 + 3⋅c1⋅t(1-t)2 + 3⋅c2⋅t2(1-t) + end⋅t3
I was just about to try implementing that before my final solution occurred to me. Math, man. I can't even brain it. But if you're more ambitious than I, and wish to override my 30 lines of code with a five-line alternative, everyone would appreciate it!
I think your approach is sound, but you could do this far more efficiently.
Instead of creating an two arrays of dicts (with a thousand elements each) and then sorting the array - just use a while loop to move from 0.0 to 1.0, calculate the distance to the touch point and keep track of the minimum distance.
For example:
var t:CGFloat = 0.0
let step:CGFloat = 0.001
var minDistance:CGFloat = -1.0
var minPoint:CGPoint = CGPointZero
var minT:CGFloat = -1;
while (t<1.0) {
let point = pointAtPercentOfLength(t)
let distance:CGFloat = self.distanceFrom(point, point2: pointA)
if (minDistance == -1.0 || distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance
minPoint = point
minT = t
t += step
print("minDistance: \(minDistance) minPoint: \(minPoint.x) \(minPoint.y) t\(minT)\n")

Getting direction that SCNNode is facing

I am getting lost in how nodespace coordinates and rotation are handled in scenekit.
How do I get the direction a node is facing after rotation so I can then apply force in that direction.
I assumed that a force along the -z axis applied to the node would always move it forward relative to the node however this is not the case.
I also couldn't get convertPosition:toNode to work. Variations on ship.convertPosition(SCNVector3(0,0,-0.1), toNode: ship.parentNode) made the node fly off at unpredictable directions and speeds.
What worked for me, was to grab the third row of the node's worldTransform matrix, which corresponds to it's z-forward axis:
func getZForward(node: SCNNode) -> SCNVector3 {
return SCNVector3(node.worldTransform.m31, node.worldTransform.m32, node.worldTransform.m33)
ship.position += getZForward(ship) * speed
// if node has a physics body, you might need to use the presentationNode, eg:
// getZForward(ship.presentationNode)
// though you probably don't want to be directly modifying the position of a node with a physics body
// overrides for SCNVector arithmetic
#if os(iOS)
typealias VecFloat = Float
#elseif os (OSX)
typealias VecFloat = CGFloat
func + (lhs: SCNVector3, rhs: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
return SCNVector3(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y, lhs.z + rhs.z)
func * (lhs: SCNVector3, rhs: VecFloat) -> SCNVector3 {
return SCNVector3(lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs, lhs.z * rhs)
func += (lhs: inout SCNVector3, rhs: SCNVector3) {
lhs = lhs + rhs
If the node has a physics body you might have to pass the node.presentationNode into the function.
When iOS 11/ High Sierra come out, there'll be less need for overriding SCNVector3, because all the SCNNode properties have simd equivalents, so as well as .position there's .simdPosition and so on, and there are a lot of common simd operations built in.
iOS 11 update
iOS 11 adds handy convenience functions for getting the orientation of a node. In this case the worldForward property is the one you want. Also, all of the properties on SCNNode that return SCNVector and matrix types now have versions that return simd types. Because simd already has overloads for the arithmetic operators, you no longer need to add sets of arithmetic overrides for the SCNVector and SCNMatrix types.
So we can get rid of out getZForward method above, and just have the line:
ship.simdPosition += ship.simdWorldFront * speed
The other handy set of methods that iOS 11 adds, are a set of convertVector methods, to complement the existing convertPosition methods. convertVector is the equivalent of multiplying the matrix by the vector with 0 in the w position, so that the translation of the matrix is ignored. These are the appropriate methods to use for converting things like normals, directions and so on from one node's space to another.
Because the accepted answer uses convertPosition, I believe it will only produce correct results for nodes whose translation is the 0,0,0 origin
Negative z is the "facing" direction of a node only in its own coordinate space (i.e. the one its children and geometry are positioned in). When you apply a force, you're working in the coordinate space containing the node.
So, if you want to apply a force in a node's forward direction, you'll need to convert a vector like {0,0,-1} from the node's space to its parent's using a method like convertPosition:toNode:.

Encoding CGPoint with NSCoder, with full precision

In my iOS app, I have a shape class, built with CGPoints. I save it to a file using encodeCGPoint:forKey. I read it back in. That all works.
However, the CGPoint values I read in are not exactly equal to the values I saved it. The low bits of the CGFloat values aren't stable. So CGPointEqualToPoint returns NO, which means my isEqual method returns NO. This causes me trouble and pain.
Obviously, serializing floats precisely has been a hassle since the beginning of time. But in this situation, what is the best approach? I can think of several:
write out the x and y values using encodeFloat instead of encodeCGPoint (would that help at all?)
multiply my x and y values by 256.0 before saving them (they're all going to be between -1 and 1, roughly, so this might help?)
write out the x and y values using encodeDouble instead of encodeCGPoint (still might round the lowest bit incorrectly?)
cast to NSUInteger and write them out using encodeInt32 (icky, but it would work, right?)
accept the loss of precision, and implement my isEqual method to use within-epsilon comparison rather than CGPointEqualToPoint (sigh)
EDIT-ADD: So the second half of the problem, which I was leaving out for simplicity, is that I have to implement the hash method for these shape objects.
Hashing floats is also a horrible pain (see " Good way to hash a float vector? "), and it turns out it more or less nullifies my question. The toolkit's encodeCGPoint method rounds its float values in an annoying way -- it's literally printing them to a string with the %g format -- so there's no way I can use it and still make hashing reliable.
Therefore, I'm forced to write my own encodePoint function. As long as I'm doing that, I might as well write one that encodes the value exactly. (Copy two 32-bit floats into a 64-bit integer field, and no, it's not portable, but this is iOS-only and I'm making that tradeoff.)
With reliable exact storage of CGPoints, I can go back to exact comparison and any old hash function I want. Tolerance ranges do nothing for me, so I'm just not using them for this application.
If I wanted hashing and tolerance comparisons, I'd be comparing values within a tolerance of N significant figures, not a fixed distance epsilon. (That is, I'd want 0.123456 to compare close to 0.123457, but I'd also want 1234.56 to compare close to 1234.57.) That would be stable against floating-point math errors, for both large and small values. I don't have sample code for that, but start with the frexpf() function and it shouldn't be too hard.
Directly comparing floating point numbers is usually not the right game plan. Try one of the many other options. The best solution for your problem is probably your last suggestion; I don't know why there's a "sigh" there, though. A double precision floating point number has about 16 decimal digits worth of precision - there's a very good chance that your program doesn't actually need that much precision.
Use the epsilon method, because the "low bits of the CGFloat values aren't stable" problem surfaces any time there's an implicit conversion between float and double (often in framework code. tgmath.h is useful for avoiding this in your own code.)
I use the following functions (the tolerance defaulting to 0.5 because that's useful in the common case for CGGeometry):
BOOL OTValueNearToValueWithTolerance(CGFloat v1, CGFloat v2, CGFloat tolerance)
return (fabs(v1 - v2) <= tolerance);
BOOL OTPointNearToPointWithTolerance(CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2, CGFloat tolerance)
return (OTValueNearToValueWithTolerance(p1.x, p2.x, tolerance) && OTValueNearToValueWithTolerance(p1.y, p2.y, tolerance));
BOOL OTSizeNearToSizeWithTolerance(CGSize s1, CGSize s2, CGFloat tolerance)
return (OTValueNearToValueWithTolerance(s1.width, s2.width, tolerance) && OTValueNearToValueWithTolerance(s1.height, s2.height, tolerance));
BOOL OTRectNearToRectWithTolerance(CGRect r1, CGRect r2, CGFloat tolerance)
return (OTPointNearToPointWithTolerance(r1.origin, r2.origin, tolerance) && OTSizeNearToSizeWithTolerance(r1.size, r2.size, tolerance));
BOOL OTValueNearToValue(CGFloat v1, CGFloat v2)
return OTValueNearToValueWithTolerance(v1, v2, 0.5);
BOOL OTPointNearToPoint(CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2)
return OTPointNearToPointWithTolerance(p1, p2, 0.5);
BOOL OTSizeNearToSize(CGSize s1, CGSize s2)
return OTSizeNearToSizeWithTolerance(s1, s2, 0.5);
BOOL OTRectNearToRect(CGRect r1, CGRect r2)
return OTRectNearToRectWithTolerance(r1, r2, 0.5);
BOOL OTPointNearToEdgeOfRect(CGPoint point, CGRect rect, CGFloat amount, CGRectEdge edge)
CGRect nearRect, otherRect;
CGRectDivide(rect, &nearRect, &otherRect, amount, edge);
return CGRectContainsPoint(nearRect, point);
