Stream web page from server to youtube live - youtube

I'm trying to find a package for Linux servers or an online service to stream a webpage with live content directly to Youtube Live.
It's pretty much like a screen cast made from your computer to Youtube Live (with a software) but from an online service or directly using your server.
Do you know any services or techniques to do that ?


Unity Chat application

i am currently working on a real-time chat app in Unity
and i found those platforms to work with,
Firebase : Can we send Videos efficiently ??
MatriX :
but i am not sure that we can send videos with MatriX ?
i wanted to know from your experience
what is the best way to make real-time chatting (support photos and videos sending) in Unity ?
thanks in advance
You need to find or create services where your clients can connect and:
upload files (photos, videos .etc) and get an public and downloadable URL.
send messages to other connected clients that apart from the string, also contain media metadata (.eg a list of file attachments which are actually URLs uploaded at service (1))
Now, if you cannot find a single service that supports those two then you could try to find two different ones.
here is an example of a chat console application in C#. It contains a web service and client library that is used by the console app. Instead of a console app, it could be used in a Unity app. It does not support file uploading but it can send messages between clients over web sockets.
If you were to create something yourself, instead of finding a 3rd party service, I would recommend node.js/express and for a server since its quite beginner friendly.
here is a C# client library that can listen to events from the server. It must be the same that is used in the console application I shared above.

Cloud-based automatic new youtube upload download to dropbox

Basically what I'm trying to achieve is:
-whenever a new video is posted on my channel, trigger a zap/ifttt to download it to dropbox in mp4 for backup purpose, added bonus - extract audio to mp3.
I want to do it automatically and on a free remote service, not my PC or VPS. I know it all this could easily be done locally, but I want an independent solution for a number of reasons.
The problem is, youtube api prohibits video download.
So far I have investigated web-based downloaders, but couldn't figure a way to automatically get a download link without visiting the website. cloudconvert doesn't support direct youtube download.
The closest thing I found is a web-fork of youtube-dl that allows it to run on owncloud, but I'm failing to find a free owncloud provider that allows user apps.
There should not be more than 3 short channel uploads a day, so performance and delays are not much of an issue, I'm happy to wait up to a day for the download to commence.
Any help much appreciated.
One step of the process is probably using offcloud, which can fetch your youtube video and store it on a cloud storage, such as google drive, ftp, etc. It has API

Service to host streaming videos for mobile access where urls are not trackable

I'm building an iOS app and Android app that will display a series of private videos. Someone will purchase the app for x amount and then have access to the videos through that app only.
I already know a couple of ways to do that part. But the real trick is hiding the video urls to traffic sniffers/etc. I don't want anyone to be able to detect the video urls, or at least the endpoint will reject a request without an auth token.
So I could build my own Node/Express server, incorporate wowza maybe with Amazon to store the files - but that is a lot of work.
So what is the simplest solution to stream my videos to mobile without people being able to load up the videos outside of the app?
It looks like you'll need to implement some sort of authentication system, so that even if they get the video url somehow, they will be unable to view it without the authentication key.
Your videos should be hosted in a directory on your server that is inaccessible from the web. Then use some sort of index page which takes a parameter for the video ID and does the authentication before serving up the video file contents.

Streaming video/audio from iOS device

I have read several posts here about live streaming video/audio from iOS device while user is recording. Unfortunately it seems that there is not any "good" solution.
I understand that I must have access to files while I am recording and then send files to server from which other users can watch my stream live (with a small time lag).
Working with iOS is not problem for me, I am more struggling with part where data should be handled to server and the whole processing on server.
I have several questions:
Saying just server is very vague, what "kind of" server it should be?
I understand that I must use some protocol to send data TO server and then to get data FROM server so user can watch live video, what protocol should I use?
I feel very lost with whole server side processing, what should be done with files that were sent to server?
All this seems to be very nontrivial is there any third party solution? For example what technology apps like Periscope, Ustream or Meerkat use to provide live stream feature for their users?
I would also really appreciate if possible answers would more than one word long for each question.
Please find my answers to your questions:
There is a class of software called "media servers". E.g. Wowza, Red5, Nimble Streamer, nginx-rtmp-module and a few others.
Most common protocols for sending data TO media server are RTMP and RTSP. Watching the video is done via several ones like RTMP (requires Flash installed), HLS (native for iOS, supported by Android 4+, working on some web-players), DASH (supported by some players).
No files needed, media server can process incoming live stream and handle connections from viewers.
Basically they use combination of mentioned technologies plus their own "know-how".

Can Weborb be used to do live video streaming from an iPhone through a media server?

I am new to multimedia and iOS programming and I came across Weborb while Googling, which provides RTMP library for iOS. It doesn't clearly mention that if it can be used to stream live video through a media server like Red5.
If any one have used this, please let me know that whether it can be used to stream live video from iPhone to a media server and where does it fit in the whole setup.
Does it act like a server itself between a media server and the iPhone application or does it also have its own media server?
I also want some links for tutorials which can help me start the real coding pertaining to RTMP streaming to a media server?
The short answer is yes, the RTMP library for iOS can be used with Red5, FMS, WebORB etc. The library is not the server itself, yet client. It establish the RTMP connection to the server and encodes stream before send it to the server.
As I remember the library distributive contains some example to demonstrate how streaming works. Unfortunately, the official site doesn't show any examples related to streaming, the available examples can be useful to start work with the library ( The documentation looks up to date -
