why passing an argument to lua class method get nill - lua

I have a method that builds a Tree from a parent list pointer in lua.
In particular I have this lua table
parents = {2,3,13,5,12,7,11,9,10,11,12,13,14,0}
Along with two functions:
Function 1 (creates the node):
function create_node(parent, i, created, root)
if created[i] ~= nil then
-- print(parent)
-- Create a new node and set created[i]
local new_node = Tree()
new_node.idx = i
created[i] = new_node
-- If 'i' is root, change root pointer and return
if parent[i] == 0 then
root[1] = created[i] -- root[1] denotes root of the tree
-- If parent is not created, then create parent first
if created[parent[i]] == nil then
create_node(parent, parent[i], created, root )
-- Find parent pointer
local p = created[parent[i]]
print (p)
if #p.children <=2 then
Function 2 (creates the tree recursively):
I have stopped the loop at one to test the first path from leaf to root i.e 1-2-3-13-14
function read_postorder_parent_tree(parents)
n = #parents
-- Create and array created[] to keep track
-- of created nodes, initialize all entries as None
created = {}
root = {}
for i=1, 1 do
create_node(parents, i, created, root)
return root[1]
The create_note method uses the below Tree class:
local Tree = torch.class('Tree')
function Tree:__init()
self.parent = nil
self.num_children = 0
self.children = {}
function Tree:add_child(c)
c.parent = self
self.num_children = self.num_children + 1
self.children[self.num_children] = c
Everything works fine but when I call p.add_child(created[i]) the argument is nil why? (why c is nil?) I have already checked that created[i] and p are not nil. How can i solve this and/or why this happening?
This is the error that I get:
./Tree.lua:16: attempt to index local 'c' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
./Tree.lua:16: in function 'add_child'
main.lua:120: in function 'create_node'
main.lua:109: in function 'create_node'
main.lua:109: in function 'create_node'
main.lua:109: in function 'create_node'
main.lua:134: in function 'read_postorder_parent_tree'
main.lua:153: in function 'main'
main.lua:160: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'dofile'
...3rto/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:150: in main chunk
[C]: at 0x00405d50

If you define a function in an object-oriented way, you must also call it in the same way.
function Tree:add_child(c)
This declares a function in an object-oriented way using the colon operator. To help you understand what that means, it can be rewritten like this:
Tree.add_child = function(self, c)
As you can see, an implicit self parameter is created to reflect the object the function was called on. However, you call the function via the standard way:
Now you can see that what you really did was pass created[i] as self, not as c, which then of course happens to be nil. The standard way to call such a function is also via the colon operator:
This implicitly passes p as self to the actual function, and now p will contain the actual argument.


OOP Help - How do I get this code block to recognize one of its arguments?

I'm learning Lua and how to implement OOP. Trying out a test example of an object seems to return one of the argument of the object as 'null' despite being assigned one.
function Character(Name, Level, Class) --Constructor
return {GetName = T.GetName, GetLevel = T.GetLevel, GetClass = T.GetClass}
-- Snippets
Player = Character("Bob", 1, "Novice")
When I try printing Player.GetName() it returns null instead of Bob. Where have I gone wrong?
Here is the full code.
OOP in Lua takes a bit more than what you have done there, you will want to make use of metatables and upvalues.
-- How you could define your character structure.
local Character = {}
function Character.GetName(self)
return self.name
function Character.new(Name, Level, Class)
local _meta = {}
local _private = {}
_private.name = Name
_private.level = Level
_private.class = Class
_meta.__index = function(t, k) -- This allows access to _private
return rawget(_private, k) or rawget(Character, k)
_meta.__newindex = function(t, k, v) -- This prevents the value from being shaded
if rawget(_private, k) or rawget(Character, k) then
error("this field is protected")
rawset(t, k, v)
return setmetatable({}, _meta) --return an empty table with our meta methods implemented
This creates a local table _private when you create a new instance of a Character. That local table is an upvalue to the _meta.__index and it cannot be accessed outside the scope of the Character.new function. _private can be accessed when __index is called because it is an upvalue.
-- How to use the character structure
player = Character.new("Bob", 10, "Novice")
npc = Character.new("Alice", 11, "Novice")
I use player:GetName(), but in all honesty you can just do player.name as well.
Resources for more on this topic:

attempt to call method 'func' (a nil value)

No matter how I approach Lua, I run into this error all the time, so I must not understand something inherit to the language:
attempt to call method 'func' (a nil value)
I've seen the error here a few times as well but the problem doesn't seem clear to me.
Here's my module:
Actor = {
x = 0,
mt = {},
new = function()
local new_actor = {}
new_actor.x = Actor.x
new_actor.mt = Actor.mt
return new_actor
test = function(self, a, b)
print(a, b)
I'm using Löve.
require "game/actor"
local a = Actor:new() --works fine
function love.load()
a.x = 10
print(a.x) --output: 10
a:test(11, 12) --error: attempt to call method 'test' (a nil value)
I'm also not sure when it's appropriate to use the previous styling over this in a module.
Actor = {
x = 0
Actor.mt = {}
function Actor.new()
I'm honestly not sure what is more correct than the other but considering I run into a simple error either way, there's probably something I'm missing entirely?
It looks like you're trying to instance a kind of class made of metatables. You basically need to assign new_actor's metatable with Actor.mt. (Resuming the problem: when you're indexing new_actor you're not indexing Actor in this case)
setmetatable(new_actor, Actor.mt);
Even if the metatable is being added, it won't work until you put the meta "__index" event to index a table containing your class methods/values, in this case:
Actor.mt = {
__index = Actor
I'd suggest moving your class methods/values into a new table, like Actor.prototype, Actor.fn, etc... avoiding conflicts:
Actor.fn = {
test = function(self, a, b)
print(a, b)
Actor.mt = {
__index = Actor.fn
More about metatables in Lua 5.3 manual.

Weird "attempt call field "drawers"(a table value)" error

I was working on this project about a year ago. I came back to it and now it throws an error when I run it the error is "attempt call field "drawers"(a table value)".
This is where the drawers field is
local Renderer = {}
local num_of_layers = 2
local insert = table.insert
local remove = table.remove
function Renderer:create()
local render = {}
render.drawers = {}
for i = 0, num_of_layers do
render.drawers[i] = {}
function render:addRenderer(obj, layer)
local l = layer or 0
insert(self.drawers(l), i, obj)
return render
return Renderer
This is where it is being called
local tlm = {}
function tlm:load()
This is not correct:
insert(self.drawers(l), obj)
self.drawers is not a function but a table. therefor a function call like self.drawers(1) results in an error.
If you wanted to insert an element to the table self.drawers at index l using Luas standard functions you should call:
table.insert(self.drawers, i, obj)
If you want to replace the value at index l you can simply write self.drawers[l] = obj

Error: attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)

I am following a tutorial on Lua, specifically for making a gamemode in the game Garry's Mod. I've been looking at this for a while and I simply can't find what's wrong.
function ply:databaseFolders()
return "server/example/players/" .. self:ShortSteamID() .. "/" --ref. A
function ply:databasePath()
return self:databaseFolders() .. "database.txt" --ERROR line here, goes up
function ply:databaseExists()
local f = file.Exists(self.databasePath(), "DATA") --goes up here
return f
function ply:databaseCheck()
self.database = {}
local f = self:databaseExists() --goes up here
function GM:PlayerAuthed(ply, steamID, uniqueID)
ply:databaseCheck() --goes up here
print("Player: " .. ply:Nick() .. " has gotten authed.")
Summary of code: I want to create a database.txt file at the directory above.
Edit1: When all players leave the game, ref. A is reached, but no file created in directory.
When you are calling the function databasePath, you are not using the OOP syntax; and therefore self is not implicitly passed to the function. Henceforth, the error. Change the following:
function ply:databaseExists()
local f = file.Exists(self:databasePath(), "DATA")
-- notice the use of ---> : <--- here
return f

Can I extract stack values from a parent function in Lua?

My game engine pushes a value on to the lua stack as a parameter to a function and then invokes it using lua_pcall. The lua code will run and call additional lua functions. Eventually this lua code will invoke a C function. Is it possible for this function to retrieve the value that was originally pushed on to the stack?
Its like this:
<engine function A>
pushes parameter value X on to stack for lua
<lua func>
<lua func>
<lua func>
<engine function B>
can I extract the values X that was pushed by function A here?
Yes, with a combination of getinfo, getlocal and getupvalue you can get all that information (you can even change those values using set* functions).
Here is a fragment from MobDebug that returns stack information along with a table of locals and upvalues at each level. The variables at each level will be indexed in the same order they appear in the code (starting from parameters). For each get* function you can use their C equivalents (lua_getinfo, lua_getlocal, and lua_getupvalue), but the logic should be exactly the same.
local function stack(start)
local function vars(f)
local func = debug.getinfo(f, "f").func
local i = 1
local locals = {}
while true do
local name, value = debug.getlocal(f, i)
if not name then break end
if string.sub(name, 1, 1) ~= '(' then locals[name] = {value, tostring(value)} end
i = i + 1
i = 1
local ups = {}
while func and true do -- check for func as it may be nil for tail calls
local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
if not name then break end
ups[name] = {value, tostring(value)}
i = i + 1
return locals, ups
local stack = {}
for i = (start or 0), 100 do
local source = debug.getinfo(i, "Snl")
if not source then break end
table.insert(stack, {
{source.name, source.source, source.linedefined,
source.currentline, source.what, source.namewhat, source.short_src},
if source.what == 'main' then break end
return stack
