Vaadin Desktop Notifications - vaadin

Is there any support for html5 browser 'desktop notifications' in Vaadin? I've looked for this and can't find anything specific.
I've tried something like this with no luck.
"if (window.webkitNotifications) {" +
"if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() == 0) { // 0 is PERMISSION_ALLOWED" +
" window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(" +
" 'icon.png', 'Notification Title', 'Notification content...');" +
" } else {\n" +
" window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission();" +
" } " +
"} else { " +
" console.log('no notifications')" +
Using vaadin 8

You tried with the old api, it hasn't been supported for many versions. The new api should work:
" if (!(\"Notification\" in window)) { " +
" alert(\"This browser does not support system notifications\"); " +
" } else if (Notification.permission === \"granted\") { " +
" new Notification(\"Hi there!\"); " +
" } else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') { " +
" Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { " +
" if (permission === \"granted\") { " +
" Notification(\"Hi there!\"); " +
" } " +
" }); " +
" } "
Can't say this is a good way to do it though.
There is a plugin for vaadin 7!addon/webnotifications you can adopt it to 8. Or create a JavaScript component or at at least a JavaScript function that will make using it easier.


Cannot resolve method error when trying to reproduce the code

I know it's been a while since this issue was resolved ( Simple calculator in java - using boolean to ask if user wants to continue ), but I wanted to recreate this, and when I tried to run it, I got error for all mathematical operators (add, minus, multiply or divide). Error says: "Cannot resolve method 'add'/'minus'/'multiply'/'divide'"
Maybe it would be easier if I add the actual code:
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Calculator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double numberOne;
double numberTwo;
double result;
String number1;
String number2;
String input;
boolean useCalculator = false;
while (!useCalculator) {
number1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "This is a calculator\nEnter first number");
numberOne = Double.parseDouble(number1);
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Choose from the following options:\n+\n-\n*\n/");
while (input == null || !(input.equals("+") || input.equals("*") || input.equals("/") || input.equals("-")))
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Thank you! What would you like to do?\nPlease choose from the following options:\n+\n-\n*\n/");
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "The operator" + input + "is invalid. Please choose a correct one");
number2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter second number");
numberTwo = Double.parseDouble(number2);
if (input != null && input.equals("+")) {
add(numberOne, numberTwo);
result = add(numberOne, numberTwo);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The result of " + numberOne + " " + input + " " + numberTwo + " is: " + result);
} else if (input != null && input.equals("-")) {
minus(numberOne, numberTwo);
result = minus(numberOne, numberTwo);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The result of " + numberOne + " " + input + " " + numberTwo + " is: " + result);
} else if (input != null && input.equals("*")) {
multiply(numberOne, numberTwo);
result = multiply(numberOne, numberTwo);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The result of " + numberOne + " " + input + " " + numberTwo + " is: " + result);
} else if (input != null && input.equals("/")) {
divide(numberOne, numberTwo);
result = divide(numberOne, numberTwo);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The result of " + numberOne + " " + input + " " + numberTwo + " is: " + result);
System.out.println("End of program.");
Any thoughts on how to fix this and run it without those errors?
Thanks in advance :)
It looks like GUI was running in the background, so when I minimized window, I was able to see the calculator and to run it normally.
Message that was displayed in console was reminder about old JDK, so everything is fine now.

Google Adwords Reporting HTTP POST request returns 400 response code

I am trying to use Google Adwords Reporting HTTP POST request to retrieve stats for a list of keywords that could exist under multiple Campaigns/Adgroups. This is the API documentation that I was referring to
Below is scala code that returns 400 error code. What am I doing wrong ? Or is there another way of retrieving data from KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT report type ?
val httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient()
val postRequest=new HttpPost("")
postRequest.addHeader("User-Agent", "curl, gzip")
postRequest.addHeader("Content-Type","multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------12d01fae60c7b559; charset=utf-8")
postRequest.addHeader("Authorization","Bearer 1/*************************************")
postRequest.addHeader("Parameters","__rdxml: <?xml version=\"1.0\" " +
"encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<reportDefinition>" +
" <selector>" +
" <fields>CampaignId</fields>" +
" <fields>AdGroupId</fields>" +
" <fields>Id</fields>" +
" <fields>Criteria</fields>" +
" <fields>CriteriaType</fields>" +
" <fields>Impressions</fields>" +
" <fields>Clicks</fields>" +
" <fields>Cost</fields>" +
" <predicates>" +
" <field>Status</field>" +
" <operator>NOT_IN</operator>" +
" <values>PAUSED</values>" +
" </predicates>" +
" </selector>" +
" <reportName>Criteria performance report #56bd904878715</reportName>" +
" <reportType>CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT</reportType>" +
" <dateRangeType>LAST_7_DAYS</dateRangeType>" +
" <downloadFormat>CSV</downloadFormat>" +
val httpResponse=httpClient.execute(postRequest)
Your report definition should go into the POST request's body encoded either as application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data—in your code you are adding it as a header called Parameters.

Twitter API link parser

I am having an issue and tried to do everything regarding this!! even HttpUtility.ParseQueryString won't help!
I am trying to parse twitter links coming from the API in the form of I need the fully resolved URL.
My code:
richTextBox1.Visible = true;
SearchOptions SO = new SearchOptions();
SO.GeoCode = richTextBox3.Text + "," + richTextBox2.Text + "mi";
TwitterResponse<TwitterSearchResultCollection> TweetSearchResult = TwitterSearch.Search(tokens, "#blogger", SO);
if (TweetSearchResult.Result != RequestResult.Success) richTextBox1.Text = "connection Error";
string a = null;
foreach (var tweet in TweetSearchResult.ResponseObject)
string b = tweet.User.Location.Contains(",") ? tweet.User.Location.Replace(",", "-") : tweet.User.Location;
a += string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}", tweet.CreatedDate, b, tweet.User.Id,
tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.User.Name, tweet.User.NumberOfFollowers, tweet.User.Website, Environment.NewLine);
richTextBox1.AppendText(" " + tweet.CreatedDate + "\n" + tweet.User.Location + "\n" + tweet.User.Id + "\n" + tweet.User.ScreenName + "\n" + tweet.User.Name + "\n" + tweet.User.NumberOfFollowers +
"\n" + tweet.User.Website + "\n" + tweet.Text + "\n\n\n");
links being represented by
any help? :)
In the API response, there is entities.urls which contains an array of url and expanded_url mappings. Check your library's documentation for equivalent.
Alternatively, if you inspect the response for links, you will find this:
<noscript><META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL="></noscript><title></title><script>window.opener = null; location.replace("http:\/\/")</script>
Parse it to get the url.
I managed to crack it.
What I did:
foreach (var tweet in TweetSearchResult.ResponseObject)
if(tweet.User.Website != null)
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(tweet.User.Website);
req.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
var resp = req.GetResponse();
string realUrl = resp.Headers["Location"];
string b = tweet.User.Location.Contains(",") ? tweet.User.Location.Replace(",", "-") : tweet.User.Location;
a += string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}", tweet.CreatedDate, b, tweet.User.Id,
tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.User.Name, tweet.User.NumberOfFollowers, realUrl, Environment.NewLine);
richTextBox1.AppendText(" " + tweet.CreatedDate + "\n" + tweet.User.Location + "\n" + tweet.User.Id + "\n" + tweet.User.ScreenName + "\n" + tweet.User.Name + "\n" + tweet.User.NumberOfFollowers +
"\n" + realUrl + "\n" + tweet.Text + "\n\n\n");
File.AppendAllText(#".\BloggerTable.csv", a, Encoding.UTF8);
Wrapped it inside a condition so no users without website will show and used a webrequest to get the link. stored the location inside the httprequest header for each and every tweet.

Highchart multiple lines in line graph with more points takes 30sec to Display

I am using highcharts in vaadin application . It works in a best manner for single line graph.
If i put 49 lines and each lines contain 2048 values . I have disabled the marker , shadow,
tooltip,animation . But still the graph takes 30 seconds to display in google chrome and more than 30 seconds in firefox. How to display in a fast manner .The code is given below
String s = "";
s+="chart = Highcharts.setOptions(Highcharts.theme);"+
" chart = new Highcharts.Chart({\n" +
" chart: {\n" +
" renderTo: 'container5',\n" +
" type: 'line',\n" +
" },\n" +
" title: {\n" +
" text: 'Intensity Graph'\n" +
" },\n" +
" xAxis: {\n" +
" min:0,\n"+
" max:2100,\n"+
" tickInterval:100,\n"+
" labels: {\n" +
" rotation: -45,\n" +
" align: 'right',\n" +
" style: {\n" +
" fontSize: '13px',\n" +
" fontFamily: 'Verdana, sans-serif'\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" },\n" +
" yAxis: {\n" +
" title:{\n" +
" text:''\n" +
" },"+
" min:0,\n"+
" max:255,\n"+
" tickInterval:20,\n"+
" },\n" +
"plotOptions: {\n" +
" series: {\n" +
" marker: {\n" +
" enabled: false,\n" +
" shadow : false,\n"+
" animation : false\n"+
" },"+
"color: '#00FF00',\n"+
" lineWidth: 0.1"+
" },"+
" },"+
" tooltip: {\n" +
" enabled: false\n" +
" },"+
" legend: {\n" +
" enabled: false\n" +
" },\n" +
// " tooltip: {\n" +
// " formatter: function() {\n" +
// " return '<b>'+ this.x +'</b><br/>'+\n" +
// " 'lux: '+ Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) +\n" +
// " ' px';\n" +
// " }\n" +
// " },\n" +
" series: [{\n" +
" name: 'Ejection Count',\n" +
" data: [" +
"],\n" +
" dataLabels: {\n" +
" enabled: true,\n" +
" rotation: -90,\n" +
" color: '#FFFFFF',\n" +
" align: 'right',\n" +
" x: -3,\n" +
" y: 10,\n" +
" formatter: function() {\n" +
" return this.y;\n" +
" },\n" +
" style: {\n" +
" fontSize: '13px',\n" +
" fontFamily: 'Verdana, sans-serif'\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }]\n" +
" });" +
" });");
long len = 2,kk1 = 0;
Highchart hc = new Highchart();
byte[] cor = new byte[4584];// I am adding this array content to the graph
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (long l = 0; l < len; l++)
sb.append(" this.chart.addSeries({\n" +
" data: [" );
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if(i == 0)
//2048 points
for (int j = 0,k = 276; k < 2324; j++,k++)
if(j == 2323)
sb.append(cor[k]) ;
sb.append((cor[k] +",");
" redraw :false,\n"+
" animation:false\n"+
"});") ;
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
catch (IOException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Highcharts are not so fast to display 100k points. For that purpose I advice to use Highstock, see example with 54k points: where charts are build within 0.2 sec. The main speed up in Highstock is dataGrouping.

How to use gettext placeholders?

I'm not a programmer, but I want to help translating a project written in vala ( using gettext. I encountered a problem when I had to rearrange parts of a sentence using placeholders.
public void show_retrieving_similars() {
if(hint != ViewWrapper.Hint.SIMILAR || == null)
errorBox.show_icon = false;
errorBox.setWarning("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">" + _("Loading similar songs") + "</span>\n\n" + _("BeatBox is loading songs similar to") + " <b>" +"&", "&") + "</b> by <b>" +"&", "&") + "</b> " + _("..."), null);;
similarsFetched = false;
What do I need to do?
I haven't used vala and I haven't tested this, it looks like you need to replace
errorBox.setWarning("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">" + _("Loading similar songs") + "</span>\n\n" + _("BeatBox is loading songs similar to") + " <b>" +"&", "&") + "</b> by <b>" +"&", "&") + "</b> " + _("..."), null);
string title ="&", "&");
string artist ="&", "&");
errorBox.setWarning(#"<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">Loading similar songs</span>\n\n BeatBox is loading songs similar to<b> $title </b>by<b> $artist </b>...", null);
