Determining available runtime attributes for a UI element in Interface Builder - ios

I've been playing around with a button in my storyboard, and had a hard time getting a border around it, until I found a page where it showed how to add a User Defined Runtime Attribute. I was able to make the button look as I wanted, but I wanted to know if there was a way for me to view the list of available attributes for a particular Object.
Clicking the "+" to add a new attribute doesn't provide any kind of auto-complete to show the available ones, and looking through my project code doesn't seem to reveal anything either, not surprisingly. Is there somewhere I can find all of the available attributes for all/any Objects in Xcode? Searches here on SO and in general have not shown any useful results so far.

You can achieve the same thing from code, so just check the properties of UIButton (which is available in the documentation and with autocomplete) and you're good.
You also have to make sure you are checking the properties on an UIButton instance and not the class properties.

User defined runtime attribute is a list of key paths that NIB loading subsystem uses through unarchived process. After initialisation message -setValue:forKeyPath: will be send to your unarchiving object for each key path from this list. So available attributes are not more than set union of all methods with selector sort of -setAttribute: and ivars with "_attribute" or "attribute" name.
All that public attributes you may find at public headers or documentation.
There's also possible to set private attributes, but it's not good practice. For instance, you may find all ivars by breakpoint execution inside any method and look inside "self".


Finding Key-Value Coding Paths

Key-value coding paths are useful in UIKit. They often allow you to configure elements that aren't specified in the public API of a view, or in the Interface Builder inspector for that view.
For instance, you can configure the text color of UIDatePicker using textColor key path, but there doesn't seem to be a property or method exposing that configuration -- the only way to do it is through key-value coding.
Given that -- how can one as an iOS developer find key-value coding paths for elements? I found this particular example in a StackOverflow response, but how did they find it? I'd love to be able to inspect these classes and find their key-value coding paths myself, or at least have a good crowdsourced reference to all the KVC key paths that might be useful when I'm trying to customize a view.
You can use class-dump to view all properties on an Objective-C class, including private properties (properties with the _ underscore prefix)
But also yes as #rmaddy said, most of the time you won't want to modify private properties-- but it should be pretty safe if you are just reading and not writing. For example, NSUndoManager has a private property, _undoStack, which is super useful to read so you can see what is currently in your undo stack

Accessing hidden private class in Objective-C

How can I access an attribute that's been hidden via:
I'm trying to access UINavigationItemButtonView, but it seems sometime recent (iOS 7.1?) they've added the above into the header file. Recursively printing the window no longer reveals UINavigationItemButtonView in the view stack either.
So, given a UINavigationBar, how can I access a UINavigationItemButtonView that has been hidden via the above flag?
Printing all the subviews in UINavigationBar doesn't reveal it.
The attribute keyword is simply a message to the compiler, and has nothing to do with the runtime. Using ((visibility("xxx")) only serves to tell the compiler if the given declaration should be "visible" or usable by clients in some other package. visibility("hidden") just means that, despite the public declaration, make this thing invisible to external packages, so that they will not be able to use it. Compiling will fail if you attempt to use this class or method.
If you don't see this class being used in a recursive description, it is likely that this class is no longer used; it certainly isn't because of the attribute statement.
Since it's a private class, you shouldn't. Anything you do to bypass that restriction may result in your application failing the review process. Not to mention that, in general, accessing private and/or hidden API's, classes, instance variables, properties or whatever else it is, is a really good way to make sure your application breaks in the (not too distant) future.

What's the difference between setAccessibilityLabel and accessibilityIdentifier in ios?

I've been going through our code base and setting the accessibilityIdentifier property on all of our buttons and text fields so that I can access them using UIAutomation. While doing this, I came across some code that was already in place.
[_goodButton setAccessibilityLabel:#"off"];
I can't find any documentation on what the differences are between these two methods. It looks like they do the same thing. Does anyone know? I find it peculiar that this label is set to "off" as well.
There's definitely some confusion about these two properties. I myself fell into that very same trap, but research and experimentation with VoiceOver and UI Automation testing showed there is a clear difference.
This is the value that's read by VoiceOver to the end-user, or exposed through other accessibility tools. As such, this should be a localized string. It's best to keep this to a single word, if possible, describing what it is (i.e. 'Help', 'Play', 'New Note', etc.) It should also be capitalized, but not end in a period. This helps with VoiceOver's pronunciation.
Because this is end-user facing, as part of user-testing, a developer may change this to be more clear as needed. For instance, it may change from 'Play' to 'Read Comments'. Because of that, you wouldn't want this to be tied to automation testing as such a change would break any tests referring to the now-non-existent 'Play' label. That's where accessibilityIdentifier comes in.
While accessibilityLabel is end-user facing, accessibilityIdentifier in contrast is developer-facing only and is primarily used to identify an accessible element to UI automation and testing tools. As such, it should not be localized.
A developer should use a value that makes sense in the context of UI testing only, not to the end user. For instance, a button which displays a help topic can have the identifier 'HelpButton' as that's clear to what it's identifying but isn't something the end user would ever need to be exposed to.
Make it a habit to use this value! Doing so ensures your UI automation tests will never break due to localization or from changes to accessibilityLabel.
accessibilityHint (including for completeness)
accessibilityHint is for cases where the accessibilityLabel may not be clear enough on its own. Since accessibilityLabel should, if possible, be kept to a single word, accessibilityHint can provide additional context. However, if accessibilityLabel is expressive enough on its own, you should leave accessibilityHint blank.
If it is determined that accessibilityHint is required, keep this to a simple, short sentence fragment, capitalized and ending in a period. It should describe what it does, not tell you what to do (i.e. 'Plays the current track.' instead of 'Play the current track.' as the latter sounds like an instruction telling you what to you, not letting you know what will happen.)
How this is used is VoiceOver will first read the label, pause briefly, then it reads the hint (e.g. 'Play... Plays the current track.' If the user disables hints, it will of course just say 'Play')
Hope that helps!
Instead of using accessibilityLabel (see below) you should use accessibilityIdentifier.
This github issue explains the difference:
Given that accessibilityLabel is an outwardly-facing string that is actually used by accessibility screen readers (and should be localized to the device user's language), Apple now provides an alternate property (iOS 5+) that is specifically intended for UI Automation purposes
You check this one
Accessibility Label and Identifier Attributes
The label attribute and identifier attribute figure prominently in your script’s ability to access UI elements. It is important to understand how they are used.
Setting a meaningful value for the label attribute is optional, but recommended. You can set and view the label string in the Label text field in the Accessibility section of the Identity inspector in Interface Builder. This label is expected to be descriptive, but short, partly because assistive technologies such as Apple’s VoiceOver use it as the name of the associated UI element. In UI Automation, this label is returned by the label method. It is also returned by the name method as a default if the identifier attribute is not set. For details, see UIAccessibilityElement Class Reference.
The identifier attribute allows you to use more descriptive names for elements. It is optional, but it must be set for the script to perform either of these two operations:
Accessing a container view by name while also being able to access its children.
Accessing a UILabel view by name to obtain its displayed text (via its value attribute).
In UI Automation, the name method returns the value of this identifier attribute, if one is set. If it is not set, the name method returns the value of the label attribute.
Currently, you can set a value for the identifier attribute only programmatically, via the accessibilityIdentifier property. For details, see UIAccessibilityIdentification Protocol Reference.
AccessibilityLabel is the value that’s read by VoiceOver to the end-user. As such, this should be a localized string. The text should also be capitalized. Because this helps with VoiceOver’s pronunciation. accessibilityLabel is used for testing and Visual Impaired users.
AccessibilityIdentifier identifies an element via accessibility, but unlike accessibilityLabel, accessibilityIdentifier's purpose is purely to be used as an identifier for UI Automation tests. We use a value for testing process.

What widget constraints are valid for Grails domain classes?

Can you tell me the list of valid values for the widget constraint below (some-widget), e.g.:
static constraints = {
someField(widget: 'some-widget')
The documentation seems to be missing. Related, do you know of any plugins that can work directly with this constraint?
You can have a look there
It's an old list, but it's still valid, I think
From what I can tell, the widget property is only used for scaffolding and is referenced in the renderEditor.template. In that file, it appears that the widget property has some pretty narrow uses depending on the type of object you are scaffolding.
The good news, however, is that you can supply your own renderEditor.template file and edit it to work however you want. Just create a file at ${basedir}/src/templates/scaffolding/renderEditor.template and Grails will pick it up when you generate the views.
(See DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator for more information.)

Syntax Coloring without Presentation Reconciler

I would like to do coloring in Eclipse without using the presentation reconciler. Therefore, first, I need to figure out how to associate a TextPresentation object with either my editor or document, but I am having difficulty finding out how to link it either of those. Normally, the CreatePresentation in the IPResentationReconciler interface would give the style range to the textpresentation, and from there Eclipse would know what to do with that presentation object. Is there some way to use a TextPresentation object without the use of PresentationReconciler? It would be nice if I could do coloring without the use of reconciler. Thank you.
I finally figured out how to achieve the coloring without the use of Reconcilers.
I discovered that first I needed a way to obtain a reference to my SourceViewer object, as I am extending TextEditor. I also discovered that I could implement the TextListener interface and add my own listener to the SourceViewer object. One must be careful, however, as calling the getSourceViewer() method can result in null if not called at the appropriate spot. Originally, I overwrote the init(...) function in my editor class and made the getSourceViewer() call, but it still resulted in null. After doing a bit of research, I discovered that I could properly obtain a reference to the SourceViewer object by overriding the createPartControl method. I first call super.createPartControl(...) and then make a call to getSourceViewer(). After I obtained that reference, I used that with my listener class I created and was able to do the coloring myself with the setTextColor method the SourceViewer object has. Hope this helps others in the same situation.
