Override getter in grails domain class for relation version issues - grails

I have an existing application with the following domain classes/relations:
class Contact {
static hasMany = [phones: Phone]
I would like to modify the structure to allow for a delete flag to be set in the Phone class and then not have to modify existing calls to the getter for phones to get phones that have not had that delete flag set.
I have seen a post on this site detailing how to do this.
I have tried that approach(modifications showed below) but GORM is behaving oddly by incrementing the version when it shouldn't be. I'll hit the contact edit page and then when a version comparison is done on the server after submitting the form the version in the DB has incremented up about 5 or 6 times compared to the version value that was passed to the edit.gsp. I have also applied this pattern to two more relations so I'm thinking they are also causing the version to increment. I'm going to test with only one domain relation modification to see if I can find a pattern. Does anyone have any ideas as to the right way to do this or how to avoid version incrementing?
class Contact {
Set<Phone> phones
static hasMany = [phones: Phone]
Set<Phone> getPhones() {
phones.findAll { !it.deleted }

Not a direct answer to your question, but i use methods in my class, which instead of returning the actual domain instances, returns the detached criteria that callers can use, add new restrictions, and finally get the results.
​class Contact {
DetachedCriteria<Phone> phones() {
def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Phone).build {
eq "deleted", false
eq "contact", this
return criteria
The contact class will return a criteria with main restrictions added, and callers can add more restrictions if they have to.
List phones = contact.phones().list()
List phones = contact.phones().list {
eq "country", "xxx"
This gives callers more flexibility.


Grails/Gorm: how to filter a list of domain objects without affecting the database

Say we have something like the standard Book domain object and bookCategory object. In my controller I want to return a subset of list of books to the view. That subset is not achievable using a find query. When I try to filer the return object, it deletes relationships from the database!
I tried this:
class BookCategory{
String name
static hasMany = [books:Book]
class Book{
String title
def myController() {
def categories
categories = BookCategory.list()
def user = getCurrentUser()
categories.each { category ->
category.books.removeAll { book ->
!isBookBannedForThisUser(book.title, user)
[bookCategories: categories]
The problem is that it permanently removes these books from the categories for all users from the database!!!
I tried putting the method in a service and using a readonly transaction, but this did not help.
I assume that even if I copy all the categories and books into new list, they will still update the DB as they will still have the book IDs (which I need)
Saving to the database when you dont say save() is very dangerous. is there a way to disable this feature completely?
There is a fundamental flaw in your approach. Do not modify your domain instances if you don't intend to have the changes persisted. Doing so is going to cause you headaches.
Your domain model is suppose to be your system of record. Any changes to it are suppose to be persisted.
If you need to gather up data and manipulate it without having it reflected in your domain model then use a DTO (data transfer object) or similar pattern.
Simply calling .discard() will discard the changes you have made from being persisted when the session automatically flushes.
Instead of working against the framework, and disabling behavior, change your approach to be correct.

Referring to Related Record ID In Controller On Save()

I'm still new to Grails and GORM and I got stumped on this and wasn't able to figure out what I am doing wrong. The intent is to automatically relate the record to the logged in user through the Shiro plugin for Grails.
Class User { static hasMany = [stuff: Stuff] }
Class Stuff { static belongsTo = [user:User] }
Class StuffController {
def create = {
params.put('user', User.createCriteria().get{eq('username',SecurityUtils.subject.principal)}.id)
def stuffInstance = new Stuff(params)
I saw in the generate-views version of the create scaffold that the relevant field was referred to as name="user.id", but neither it nor variants (such as user_id) seems to work. The query to the Users domain returns the record id necessary, and params.put in this context seems to correctly append the params object with the new value when I render to a test page (so I'm guessing it's not immutable), but this is what I get from the save():
Property [user] of class [class org.stuffing.Stuff] cannot be null
I've even tried flipping it around and going the other way, with the same result:
.addToStuff(new Stuff(params))`
Anyone able to enlighten me on what I'm missing here?
Apparently I was being braindead; I was overriding the "create" method, but the default action is "save" in the _form.gsp template, so it wasn't executing that branch.
On the plus side, I did learn about dynamic finders via Burt below, so it wasn't a total wash.
Thanks for your time, guys!
Your code can be a lot cleaner - there's no reason to use createCriteria here. If you're searching by username, use a dynamic finder:
def stuffInstance = new Stuff(params)
def user = User.findByUsername(SecurityUtils.subject.principal)
stuffInstance.user = user
if (!stuffInstance.save()) {
// inspect stuffInstance.errors

Problems with deleting objects in Grails - slow, and still not really deleted

This is probably a rookie mistake, so forgive me in advance. I have searched high and low for a solution, but without result - so I thourght I'd add my first post here :-)
I have two domain classes, one called Domain and one called Page. As below code shows, the Domain has many Page(s).
class Domain {
static hasMany = [ pages : Page, ... ]
static mapping = {
pages lazy:true
class Page {
String identifier
static belongsTo = [ domain : Domain ]
static hasMany = [ ... ]
static constraints = {
identifier(blank:false, unique:'domain')
static mapping = {
domain lazy:true
My application has a long algorithm that amongst other things creates Pages on a Domain. If you run the algorithm with the same arguments as a previous run, it will start by deleting all pages created by the previous run before running the algorithm again.
I have two problems:
Problem #1
When I delete a specific Page from a Domain using:
def domain = page.domain
This causes Hibernate to fetch and load all pages of the domain, which ultimately fires several thousands queries (the domain has MANY pages). How am I improving perfomance on this? - Executing sql directly to delete the page make the database and hibernate get out of sync.
Problem #2
When I later create the page again:
def page = new Page(identifier:'...').save(failOnError:true)
I get the:
org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session
Any help is welcome - I am losing my mind here :-/
I would suggest to think about a small redesign of your classes.
First, remove the pages-collection from "Domain"
Class Domain {
// no pages here
And then put a simple reference to "Domain" in "Page"
Class Page {
String identifier
Domain domain
This makes the handling of your pages much easier.
I don't know if this is really an option for you because you have to make changes to your existing code, but it can save you a lot of trouble with your large collections. There is also a presentation by Burt Beckwith about this.
For a batch delete, see this post by the IntelliGrape
I had to fetch and store holidays stored in a remote system, and on each fetch delete the ones I had stored locally and this came up like this:
The * is where all the magic happen. Note that you can restrict the number of items to delete with the list() method.
On a batch, note that you can also use the following to perform a batch.
def session = sessionFactory.openSession()
def tx = session.beginTransaction()
for(holiday in holidays) {
def h = new Holiday(..)

grails validate method on domain object

I wrote a very simple test case and found that Grails does only a shallow validation when i call validate on a domain object. Is it possible for me to do a deep validation in grails? Can anybody help me?
class Person {
Address address
class Address {
String city
When i do new Address().validate() it returns false but when i do new Person(address: new Address()).validate it returns true.
While "deep validation" currently isn't documented for the validate() and save() methods, it will be in future (the document states that the documentation has been missing, while being relevant for the complete 1.3.x tree). The documentation on these methods' deepValidate parameter then will state:
#deepValidate# (optional) - Determines
whether associations of the domain
instance should also be validated,
i.e. whether validation cascades or
not. This is #true# by default - set
to #false# to disable cascading
Tests, however, show that "deep validation" is not performed in any of these cases:
one-to-one associations
one-to-many associations
associated objects assigned using the matching setter
associated objects assigned using the matching addTo*(..) method, e.g., person.addToAddresses(..)
using both the validate() and save() methods,
and also, using both methods with an explicit deepValidate: true parameter
Similar findings have been published at another place, categorizing the "non-behavior" as a "known issue". My own, comprehensive, test cases can be downloaded from here.
The solution, finally, is to manually invoke validation on the child object:
class Person {
Address primaryAddress
static hasMany = [secondaryAddresses: Address]
static constraints = {
primaryAddress validator: {
secondaryAddresses validator: {
it?.every { it?.validate() }

Grails efficient hasMany-Relationship in View

I'm saving contacts (email, mobile phone, ICQ, AIM etc.) for people like this:
class Person {
static hasMany = {
contacts: Contact
class Contact {
String code
ContactType type
class ContactType {
String name
In my view, I've written some Templates for displaying each contact with a select-box for the contact-type and a textfield for the code, spiced up with some JavaScript for adding and deleting.
My question is: Is there an easy and elegant way to update the data similar to personInstance.properties = params or do I have to read out all the fields, deleting removed, updating changed and adding new ones?
I was looking into this some time ago but never got to refactor our code which handles parameters the old-fashioned way.
According to http://www.grails.org/Controllers+-+Data+Binding you can do something like this
def person = new Person(params['person'])
def contact = new Contact(params['contact'])
def conctactType = new ContactType(params['contactType'])
as long as request params are properly namespaced
You would still have to find out how to handle one to many. Maybe someone who knows can chip in.
Came across this doc which describes how to handle one-to-many. It doesn't appear on the main grails site:
