Looking at the code of "Accuracy" layer, I see there is an option for a second output/"top" for this layer.
What does this second output produce?
Looking at accuracy_layer.hpp, where the number of outputs for the layer are defined, there's this comment:
// If there are two top blobs, then the second blob will contain
// accuracies per class.
So, the second "top" of the "Accuracy" layer simply reports per-class accuracies.
Just as a side note for layer Accuracy, the reported Accuracy is normalized by the number of "valid" predictions (same as using normalization: VALID for loss layers).
I recently found the "global_pooling" flag in the Pooling layer in caffe, however was unable to find sth about it in the documentation here (Layer Catalogue)
nor here (Pooling doxygen doc) .
Is there an easy forward examply explanation to this in comparison to the normal Pool-Layer behaviour?
With Global pooling reduces the dimensionality from 3D to 1D. Therefore Global pooling outputs 1 response for every feature map. This can be the maximum or the average or whatever other pooling operation you use.
It is often used at the end of the backend of a convolutional neural network to get a shape that works with dense layers. Therefore no flatten has to be applied.
Convolutions can work on any image input size (which is big enough). However, if you have a fully connected layer at the end, this layer needs a fixed input size. Hence the complete network needs a fixed image input size.
However, you can remove the fully connected layer and just work with convolutional layers. You can make a convolutional layer at the end which has the same number of filters as you have classes. But you want one value for each class which indicates the probability of that class. Hence you apply a pooling filter over the complete remaining feature map. This pooling is hence "global" as it always is as big as necessary. In contrast, usual pooling layers have a fixed size (e.g. of 2x2 or 3x3).
This is a general concept. You can also find global pooling in other libraries, e.g. Lasagne. If you want a good reference in literature, I recommend reading Network In Network.
We get only one value from entire feature map when we apply GP layer, in which kernel size is the h×w of the feature map. GP layers are used to reduce the spatial dimensions of a three-dimensional feature map. However, GP layers perform a more extreme type of dimensionality reduction, where a feature map with dimensions h×w×d is reduced in size to have dimensions 1×1×d. GP layers reduce each h×w feature map to a single number by simply taking the average of all hw values.
If you are looking for information regarding flags/parameters of caffe, it is best look them up in the comments of '$CAFFE_ROOT/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto'.
For 'global_pooling' parameter the comment says:
// If global_pooling then it will pool over the size of the bottom by doing
// kernel_h = bottom->height and kernel_w = bottom->width
For more information about caffe layers, see this help pages.
As per the documentation provided by Scikit learn
hidden_layer_sizes : tuple, length = n_layers - 2, default (100,)
I have little doubt.
In my code what I have configured is
MLPClassifier(algorithm='l-bfgs', alpha=1e-5, hidden_layer_sizes=(5, 2), random_state=1)
so what does 5 and 2 indicates?
What I understand is, 5 is the numbers of hidden layers, but then what is 2?
Ref - http://scikit-learn.org/dev/modules/generated/sklearn.neural_network.MLPClassifier.html#
From the link you provided, in parameter table, hidden_layer_sizes row:
The ith element represents the number of neurons in the ith hidden
Which means that you will have len(hidden_layer_sizes) hidden layers, and, each hidden layer i will have hidden_layer_sizes[i] neurons.
In your case, (5, 2) means:
1rst hidden layer has 5 neurons
2nd hidden layer has 2 neurons
So the number of hidden layers is implicitely set
Some details that I found online concerning the architecture and the units of the input, hidden and output layers in sklearn.
The number of input units will be the number of features
For multiclass classification the number of output units will be the number of labels
Try a single hidden layer, or if more than one then each hidden layer should have the same number of units
The more units in a hidden layer the better, try the same as the number of input features up to twice or even three or four times that
I have implemented a smile detection system based on deep learning. The bottom layer is the output of the system and has 10 output according to the amount of the person's smile.
I want to convert these ten output with a numeric output in the range of 1 to 10 with a regression layer.
How can I do this in caffe?
In order to convert the 10 outputs you have to a single one you need an "InnerProduct" layer with 10 inputs and a single output. To train this layer you also need to add a loss layer suitable for regression on top of the 10 output layer you already have.
Such loss layers can be, e.g., Euclidean loss layer or Ross Girshick's smooth L1 loss layer.
When dealing with muticlass classification, is it always that the number of nodes (which are vectors) in the input layer excluding bias is the same as the number of nodes in the output layer?
No. The input layer ingests the features. The output layer makes predictions for classes. The number of features and classes does not need to be the same; it also depends on how exactly you model the multiple classes output.
Lars Kotthoff is right. However, when you are using an artificial neural network to build an autoencoder, you will want to have the same number of input and output nodes, and you will want the output nodes to learn the values of the input nodes.
Usually number of input unites equals to number of features you are going use for training the NN classifier.
Size of the output layer equals to number of classes in the dataset. Further, if dataset has two classes only just one output unit is enough for discriminating these two classes.
The ANN output layer has a node for each class: if you have 3 classes, you use 3 nodes. The input layer (often called a feature vector) has a node for each feature used for prediction and usually an extra bias node. You usually need only 1 hidden layer, and discerning its ideal size tricky.
Having too many hidden layer nodes can result in overfitting and slow training. Having too few hidden layer nodes can result in underfitting (overgeneralizing).
Here are a few general guidelines (source) to start with:
The number of hidden neurons should be between the size of the input layer and the size of the output layer.
The number of hidden neurons should be 2/3 the size of the input layer, plus the size of the output layer.
The number of hidden neurons should be less than twice the size of the input layer.
If you have 3 classes and an input vector of 30 features, you can start with a hidden layer of around 23 nodes. Add and remove nodes from this layer during training to reduce your error, while testing against validation data to prevent overfitting.
For Example for 3-1-1 layer if the weights are initialized equally the MLP might not learn well. But why does this happen?
If you only have one neuron in the hidden layer, it doesn't matter. But, imagine a network with two neurons in the hidden layer. If they have the same weights for their input, than both neurons would always have the exact same activation, there is no additional information by having a second neuron. And in the backpropagation step, those weights would change by an equal amount. Hence, in every iteration, those hidden neurons have the same activation.
It looks like you have a typo in your question title. I'm guessing that you mean why should the weights of hidden layer be random. For the example network you indicate (3-1-1), it won't matter because you only have a single unit in the hidden layer. However, if you had multiple units in the hidden layer of a fully connected network (e.g., 3-2-1) you should randomize the weights because otherwise, all of the weights to the hidden layer will be updated identically. That is not what you want because each hidden layer unit would be producing the same hyperplane, which is no different than just having a single unit in that layer.