How do I output an equal sign (=) as the text content of a HTML tag in a slim template? - slim-lang

When writing a slim template, I can't get an equal sign (=) to show up in the output, for instance when I write
a.btn class=["btn-lg", "col-xs-2"] This works
I see the output
<a class="btn btn-lg col-xs-2">This works</a>
However, when I write
a.btn class=["btn-lg", "col-xs-2"] =
the output doesn't display the equal sign
<a class="btn btn-lg col-xs-2"></a>
Does anyone know how to get slim to output the equal sign as the text content of an HTML tag?

The equals sign tells Slim it's a Ruby call.
View more in Slim readme
So with = you are setting the content of your tag to what comes after = , in this case nothing (it's similar to setting it to nil).
You can have the equals sign as a string like this:
a.btn class=["btn-lg", "col-xs-2"] = "="
or this:
a.btn class=["btn-lg", "col-xs-2"]
| =


GREP InDesign: How can I replace a string with another string within one line?

I want to copy the name string into the href value and add a plus (several times, obviously, line by line). This is the text (I am just using InDesign because of 'easy' GREP support in this case):
<a href=””>Andreas Zedtwitz</a>
<a href=””>Angelika Arendt</a>
<a href=””>Anna-Lena Lotz</a>
<a href=””>Benjamin Köder</a>
<a href=””>Betty Rieckmann</a>
The href value is selected with (?<==)(\w+\+\w+)
The string is selected with (?<=>)(\w+ \w+)
How do I tell it to replace 2. with 1.?
PS: The letter case should as in 2. (UPdown UPdown)

Referencing variable inside template call - sightly

I'm trying to call a variable inside quotes inside a data-sly-template call. I would expect the output to include my string with the appropriate varible inside quotes. Below is the template and the string I'm using to call it:
<!-- template -->
<template data-sly-template.bnrButton="${ # style='String: button color class (default btn-primary)', classes='String: additional component button classes', text='String: button text (translation key)', defaultText='String: default button text (translation key)', link='String: link target for button (# is default)', fullWidth='Boolean: whether to display button in full width of container', noFollow='Boolean: if button should have a nofollow tag (no is def)', gaCategory='String: GA Category', gaEvent='String: GA Event', gaLabel='String: GA Label', gaAction='String: GA Action'}">
<a class="btn ${style || 'btn-primary'} hidden-print ${classes}${fullWidth ? ' btn-full-width' : ''}" role="button" href="${link || '#'}" rel="${noFollow ? 'nofollow' : ''}" onclick="${gaEvent # context = 'scriptString'}">${text || defaultText # i18n}</a>
<!-- call made to the template -->
<sly data-sly-call="${patterns.bnrButton # style='btn-secondary-light', classes='btn-sm', text=teaser.libraryButtonHeading, defaultText='View Library', link=teaser.myLibraryLink.href, fullWidth='true', newWindow='false', gaEvent='trackEvent('Test 1','Test 2','${teaser.teaserMessage}')'}"></sly>
If tried a number of combinations to get teaser.teaserMessage to print the authored message, but have been having issues because the patterns call is already inside quotes. I want to be able to pass a single string (called in the template call) to the template that includes all the information it needs for the onclick.
Thank you.
You can use data-sly-test.variable_name before the template call to store the value into a variable:
<sly data-sly-test.gaEvent="${'trackEvent('Test 1','Test 2','{0}')' # format=teaser.teaserMessage}"
data-sly-call="${patterns.bnrButton # ..., gaEvent=gaEvent }"></sly>

How can I make a conditional statement like "include?" method in Ruby on Angular ng-if

Sorry about the difficulty for me to make the title much clearer. I'll explain as much as I can.
I use Rails as the backend (API), and AngularJS as the frontend.
I got several article_ids that have been liked(thumb up) from articleCtrl, named $scope.article_has_liked (it's an array contains several article_ids, like [24,45,55] ), just like below, :
$scope.articles = data.articles
$scope.topic = data.topic
$scope.article_has_liked = data.article_has_liked
And I pass these article_ids ($scope.article_has_liked) to the show.html, in order to use "ng-if" to conduct a judgement, just like below:
<div ng-if="article_has_liked.include?(">
<button class="btn btn-link" ng-click="likeItOrNot(,">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span>
<div ng-if="article_has_liked.exclude?(">
<button class="btn btn-link" ng-click="likeItOrNot(,">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty"></span>
Here comes the problem !
I'd like to use .include? method in Ruby to determine if the is included by the article_ids that have been liked. If it is liked, I'll give it a solid star. But I found that the Angular seems not to accept the usage, and it returned the error just like below:
Error: Syntax Error: Token 'undefined' expected : at column NaN of the expression [article_has_liked.include?(] starting at [article_has_liked.include?(].
<!-- ngIf: article_has_liked.include?( -->
So I want to ask if there is any conditional statement which has similar meaning to .include? that I can use in AngularJS "ng-if", or there is any better way for me to conduct this judgement?
Thanks everyone for helping me this confusing question!
That is a JavaScript relating question, not AngularJS. But may that answer your question:
Often you will need to check whether an array contains a certain item. You can do this by using the indexOf() method. If the code does not find the item in the list, it returns a -1.
var article_has_liked = [24,45,55];
if(article_has_liked.indexOf(99) == -1){
alert("data not found");
Not sure but you can try something:
<div ng-if="article_has_liked.indexOf( != -1">
Note: This above condition is to check for include. If it include your in article_has_liked then only execute that block. If you want to check exclude then you can simply use == instead != I hope it works for you.
update to this one:
ng-if="article_has_liked.include?( value here"

Line Breaks not working in Textarea Output

line breaks or pharagraph not working in textarea output? for example i am using enter for pharagraph in textarea but not working in output? How can i do that?
$("#submit-code").click(function() {
}).next().click(function () {
.support-answer-textarea{width:100%;min-height:300px;margin:0 0 50px 0;padding:20px 50px;border-top:1px solid #deddd9;border-bottom:1px solid #deddd9;border-left:none;border-right:none;box-sizing:border-box;letter-spacing:-1px;}
<script src=""></script>
<textarea id="support-answer-textarea" class="support-answer-textarea" placeholder="Destek Konusunu Cevapla!"></textarea>
<button type="submit" id="submit-code" class="btn btn-success">Submit Your Code</button>
<div class="output"></div>
The best and easy way to fix line breaks on the output use these simple css:
.support-answer-textarea {
white-space: pre-wrap;
When you hit enter in a <textarea>, you're adding a new line character \n to the text which is considered a white space character in HTML. HTML generally converts the sequence of all white spaces to a single space. This means that if you enter a single or a dozen of whitespace characters (space, new line character or tab) in a row, the only effect in resulting HTML is just a single space.
Now the solution. You can substitute the new line character (\n) to <br> or <p> tag using replace() method.
$("#submit-code").click(function() {
$("div.output").html($(".support-answer-textarea").val().replace(/\n/g, "<br>"));
<script src=""></script>
<textarea id="support-answer-textarea" class="support-answer-textarea"></textarea>
<button type="submit" id="submit-code">Submit Your Code</button>
<div class="output"></div>
for me, I had a e.preventDefault() for only Enter keypress on a parent element, this prevents a new line from adding.
If you are capturing an input from a textarea, sending it via ajax (saving to database, e.g. mysql) and then want to display the result in a textarea (e.g. by echoing via php), use the following three steps in your JS:
#get value of textarea
var textarea_value = $('#id_of_your_textarea').val();
#replace line break with line break input
var textarea_with_break = textarea_value.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '
#url encode the value so that you can send it via ajax
var textarea_encoded = encodeURIComponent(textarea_with_break);
#now send via ajax
You can also perform all of the above in one line. I did it in three with separate variables for easier readability.
Hope it helps.
Posting this here as it took me about an hour to figure this out, fumbling together the solutions from the answers below (see for more details):
The .val() of a textarea doesn't take new lines into account
New line in text area
URL Encode a string in jQuery for an AJAX request

Mechanize not recognizing anchor tags via CSS selector methods

(Hope this isn't a breach of etiquette: I posted this on RailsForum, but I haven't been getting much response from there recently.)
Has anyone else had problems with Mechanize not recognizing anchor tags via CSS selectors?
The HTML looks like this (snippet with white space removed for clarity):
<td class='calendarCell' align='left'>
<p style="margin-bottom:15px; line-height:14px; text-align:left;">
<span class="sidenavHeadType">
Current Events</span><br />
<b><a href="
Clubs/banks_and_the_fed" class="a2">Banks and the Fed</a></b>
<br />
10:30am- 11:45am
I'm trying to collect the data from these events. Everything is working except getting the anchor within the <p>. There's clearly an <a> tag inside the <b>, and I'm going to need to follow that link to get further details on this event.
In my rake task, I have:".calendarCell,.calendarToday").each do |item|
day ="a").text"p").each do |e|
anchor ="a")
puts anchor
puts e.inner_html
What's interesting is that the"a") always returns the anchor. But the"a") returns nil. And when I do inner_html on the p element, it ignores the anchor entirely. Example output:
<span class="sidenavHeadType">
Photo Club</span><br><b>Indexing Slide Collections</b>
2:00pm- 3:00pm
However, when I run the same scrape directly with Nokogiri:
doc.css(".calendarCell,.calendarToday").each do |item|
day = item.at_css("a").text
item.css("p").each do |e|
link = e.at_css("a")[:href]
puts e.inner_html
It recognizes the inside the , and it will return the href, etc.
<span class="sidenavHeadType">
Bridge Party</span><br><b>Party Bridge</b>
7:00pm- 9:00pm
Mechanize is supposed to use Nokogiri, so I'm wondering if I have a bad version or if this affects others as well.
Thanks for any leads.
Never mind. False alarm. In my Nokogiri task, I was pointing to a local copy of the page that included the anchors. The live page required a login, so when I browsed to it, I could see the a tags. Adding the login to the rake task solved it.
